1 Check all URLs. Some really mess things up and need to be properly escaped. 2 Start of inputted files should be \begin{article} \title{blah} \author{him} \maketitle \section{Abstract}.. ** The point being, don't immediately put \begin{abstract} after \maketitle for some reason. 3 Biblio and natbib errors can often be fixed by ensuring \usepackage[numbers]{natbib} is defined, in our case it's added to tex_support/OSGeomisc.sty 3.1 If you get biblio date errors, add to preamble of main doc: \bibpunct{(}{)}{,}{a}{,}{,} - but remove it if you need the following 3.2 Related to 3 above, the warning l.353 ...and\NAT@force@numbers{}\NAT@force@numbers can be ignored, but hopefully #3 above fixes this! 4. Getting this unclear error? ! LaTeX Error: Something's wrong--perhaps a missing \item. Check that you don't have >1 \address{} section in your document! 5. Getting errors about the "_" character? You need to escape weird symbols like \ or _ or & by preceeding with an escape forward slash, like: \\ or \_ or \&. You don't need to if the character is inside a url{} section. 6. Hyperlink in page numbers of footer are annoying. In main doc changes \pageref{LastPage} to \pageref*{LastPage} - solved that!