• Geopublisher and AtlasStyler 1.3

    The Geopublishing software consists of the Geopublsiher atlas creation software and the AtlasStyler SLD creator.

    Geopublisher is an atlas authoring system which allows easy publication of geo-data, documents, images, videos, and statistics in form of digital multimedia atlases. These atlases can be understood as minimal, pre-configured end-user GIS which offer selected functionality only where its meaningful. Geopublisher provides tools for quality assurance and multilingual meta-data management. No in-depth knowledge of HTML, SLD or XML is required to create an atlas. Atlases can be directly published on CD, DVD, memory stick, external hard-drive or the Internet. The software is platform-independent and Open-Source.

    AtlasStyler is a user-friendly application to style geodata. The resulting styles can be saved to XML files that follow the OGC SLD/SE standard 1.0. The created SLD files are compatibel with GeoServer, uDig, Geotools-based applications and all other programs that use the OGC SLD standard.