:Author: OSGeo Live :Version: osgeo-live4.0 :License: Creative Commons .. _udig_overview: .. image:: ../../images/project_logos/logo-uDig.png :scale: 30 :alt: udig logo :align: right :target: http://udig.refractions.net/ User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig) ========================================= Desktop GIS ~~~~~~~~~~~ .. image:: ../../images/screenshots/1024x768/udig-overview.png :scale: 50 :alt: udig workshop :align: right User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig) is an open source spatial data viewer/editor, with special emphasis on the OpenGIS standards for internet GIS, the Web Map Server (WMS) and Web Feature Server (WFS) standards. uDig is: * **User-friendly**, providing a familiar graphical environment for GIS users; * **Desktop located**, running natively on Windows, Mac OS/X and Linux; * **Internet oriented**, consuming standard and de facto geospatial web services; and, * **GIS ready**, providing the framework on which complex analytical capabilities can be built, and gradually subsuming those capabilities into the main application For developers uDig provides a common Java platform for building spatial applications with open source components. The website provides series of clear tutorials covering making a simple tool through to releasing your own custom application. Core Features ------------- * Desktop Client with Drag and Drop integration for File explorer and Web Browser * Integrate with your existing infrastructure: ArcSDE, Oracle, DB2 and more * Work with local files: Shapefile, jpeg, png, tiff and more. * Work with advanced spatial raster formats: ECW, MrSID, JPEG 2000 * Support for compliant Web Map Servers (GeoServer, MapServer tested) * Integrated Web experience with an embedded browser that recognises OGC web services and smoothly adds links to the onscreen map * Style Layer Descriptor control of rendering allowing you to publish your Map using the same settings in uDig as with popular Web Map Servers * Deep integration of standards allowing the application to swap between the appropriate service as required for display, interaction and editing * Printing and PDF Generation * For Developers * Java Application built using the GeoTools, JTS Topology Suite and GeoAPI * Industrial strength plug-in system provided by Eclipse Rich Client Platform * Use of native widgets Implemented Standards --------------------- * OGC Web Map Server (WMS) * OGC Web Feature Server (WFS) * OGC Web Feature Server Transactional (WFS-T) * OGC Simple Features for SQL (SFQL) * Web Map Server Cache (WMS-C) * OGC Style Layer Descriptor (SLD) Details ------- **Website:** http://udig.refractions.net/ **Licence:** GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) version 2 **Software Version:** 1.2.0 **Supported Platforms:** Windows, Linux, Mac **API Interfaces:** GeoAPI, GeoTools, ImageIO-Ext, Java Advanced Imaging, Eclipse Rich Client Platform, Eclipse Modelling Framework **Support:** http://udig.refractions.net/users/ **Developers:** http://udig.refractions.net/developers/ Quickstart ---------- * `Quickstart documentation <../quickstart/udig_quickstart.html>`_