:Author: Pieter De Graef :Version: osgeo-live4.0 :License: Creative Commons .. _geomajas-quickstart: .. image:: ../../images/project_logos/logo-geomajas.png :width: 50px :height: 50px :alt: project logo :align: right :target: http://www.geomajas.org ******************* Geomajas Quickstart ******************* Getting Started =============== Geomajas is a development framework for creating GIS web applications. Therefore, what you see on this Live DVD is an example application built using the Geomajas technology. .. image:: ../../images/screenshots/1024x768/geomajas_1024x768_screen1.png :scale: 50% :alt: Geomajas Showcase :align: right * Go to the "Browser Clients" folder on the desktop. * Click on the desktop icon "Start Geomajas". This will launch the FireFox browser which will navigate to the correct location automatically. * On the left side you will see a list of short examples of what functionalities Geomajas supports out-of-the-box. Clicking on these will open the associated examples. * For each example, you will find a short description/explanation on the right side. It is recommended to read these as they will clarify each example. Creating new Geomajas applications ================================== In order to create a new Geomajas application, you will need `Maven `_ installed. Maven is a tool for building and managing any Java based project. Geomajas has defined a Maven archetype, that sets up a default application in a single command:: $ mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeCatalog=http://files.geomajas.org/archetype-catalog.xml Congratulations, you have now successfully created a new Geomajas application. You now have the choice to run it immediately, or open it in a development environment to start working on it. To run the application immediately, go into the application folder (where the pom.xml is), and execute the following Maven command:: $ mvn jetty:run This will compile the application, and run it in a jetty container. You can than reach the application at the following url: http://localhost:8080/ See the `Geomajas getting started `_ documentation guide for more details on creating Geomajas applications, or setting up a development environment. For general information see the `Geomajas homepage `_.