:Author: Jan Drewnak (j.drewnak@52north.org) :Version: osgeo-live4.0 :License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0) .. image:: ../../images/project_logos/logo_52North_160.png :scale: 100 % :alt: 52°North - exploring horizons - logo :align: right :target: http://52north.org/security ******************************************************************************** 52°North WSS Quickstart ******************************************************************************** Getting Started ================================================================================ The 52°North WSS is a web service, that allows policy-based access to OGC Web Services acting as a proxy. For OSGeo-Live distribution, the 52°North WSS is already set up to protect an instance of each, WMS, WFS, WPS, and SOS. To get a list of protected services and test access to the WMS, follow these steps: 1) Go to :menuselection:`Geospatial --> Web Services --> 52North --> Start 52North WSS` to start the 52°North WSS or use this `direct link `_. 2) The 52°North WSS management interface will open in a browser window. 3) If necessary, authenticate as user/user. 4) Click *Manage WSS* to get a list of those services, that can be connected using the WSS. For each protected service, called *Enforcement Point*, the table contains the base links to the service by authentication method (*httpauth*, *saml*, *WSS*, ...). To request the capabilities of the WMS 5) Request http://localhost:8080/wss/service/wms_demis/httpauth?SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetCapabilities in a browser 6) Authenticate as ``alice``/``alice`` to get access with full permissions. or 7) Authenticate as ``bob``/``bob`` to access the service under limited permissions. Some layers are hidden and cannot be accessed. To further test the protected service, load http://localhost:8080/wss/service/wms_demis/httpauth as WMS into any desktop mapping client that supports HTTP Basic Authentication, e.g. :doc:`uDig <../overview/udig_overview>`, and use it as you would with any other WMS. Additional Information ================================================================================ Where are the users defined? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ``/var/lib/tomcat6/webapps/wss/WEB-INF/classes/users.xml`` Where are the permissions defined? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ``/var/lib/tomcat6/webapps/wss/WEB-INF/classes/permissions.xml`` Where do I get further information? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Visit the 52°North `User Guide `_