:Author: OSGeo-Live :Author: Pirmin Kalberer :Version: osgeo-live5.0 :License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0) .. image:: ../../images/project_logos/logo-TinyOWS.png :scale: 100 % :alt: project logo :align: right :target: http://mapserver.org/trunk/tinyows/ ******************************************************************************** TinyOWS Quickstart ******************************************************************************** TinyOWS is a high performance, Transactional Web Feature Service (WFS-T) which is light weight and easy to deploy, using a CGI or FastCGI interface and using :doc:`PostGIS <../overview/postgis_overview>` for data storage. This Quick Start describes how to: * display a WFS layer in QGIS * edit a WFS layer using WFS-T in QGIS Display a WFS layer with QGIS ================================================================================ #. Click :menuselection:`Desktop --> Desktop GIS --> Quantum GIS`. #. Click :menuselection:`Layer --> Add PostGIS Layer...`. * We display the original PostGIS layer first #. Press :guilabel:`New`. #. Fill in **pgrouting** as Connection name and Database #. Press :guilabel:`OK`. #. Press :guilabel:`Connect`. #. Select **ways** in the table list #. Press :guilabel:`Add`. #. Zoom in #. Select :menuselection:`Plugins -> Manage Plugins -> WFS Plugin -> OK` * Enable the WFS Layer plugin. #. Click :menuselection:`Layer --> Add WFS Layer...`. * Now we add a WFS layer based on the same table #. Press :guilabel:`New`. #. Fill in **tinyows** as name **http://localhost/cgi-bin/tinyows** as URL #. Press :guilabel:`OK`. #. Press :guilabel:`Connect`. #. Select **ows:ways** in the layer list #. Check :guilabel:`Only request features overlapping the current view extent`. #. Press :guilabel:`OK`. * WFS layer is now displayed: .. image:: ../../images/screenshots/800x600/tinyows_wfs_layer.png :scale: 80 % Edit data with WFS-T ================================================================================ #. Click :menuselection:`Layer --> Toggle Editing`. #. Click :menuselection:`Edit --> Node Tool`. #. Move a vertex (cross) to another position #. Click :menuselection:`Layer --> Save edits`. #. Hide layer unchecking **tows:ways** in the layer list * You should see the edited way in an other color, coming directly from PostGIS. What Next? ================================================================================ To learn more about TinyOWS, a starting point is the `TinyOWS Documentation`_ on the MapServer homepage. .. _`TinyOWS Documentation`: http://mapserver.org/trunk/tinyows/