Sponsorzy OSGeo-Live ================================================================================ .. image:: ../images/logos/lisasoftlogo.jpg :alt: LISAsoft :target: http://lisasoft.com Firma LISAsoft zapewnia zasoby i kadry do zebrania oprogramowania i pakowania OSGeo-Live DVD. .. image:: ../images/logos/ucd_ice_logo.png :alt: Information Center for the Environment at the University of California, Davis :target: http://ice.ucdavis.edu Information Center for the Environment at the University of California, Davis zapewnia techniczne zasoby oraz programistyczne wsparcie projektu OSGeo-Live. .. image:: ../images/logos/OSDM_stacked.png :alt: The Australian Government's Office of Spatial Data Management :target: http://www.osdm.gov.au The Australian Government's Office of Spatial Data Management zasponsorowało firmie LISAsoft opracowanie zebranych materiałów na temat oprogramowania, aby powstały wysokiej jakości, jednolite opisy. .. include :: sponsors_osgeo.rst Współpracownicy ================================================================================ .. include :: ../contributors.rst Tłumacze ================================================================================ .. include :: ../translators.rst