:Author: Eike Hinderk Jürrens (e.h.juerrens@52north.org), Daniel Nüst (d.nuest@52north.org) :Reviewer: Cameron Shorter, LISAsoft :Version: osgeo-live6.0 :License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0) .. image:: ../../images/project_logos/logo_52North_160.png :alt: project logo :align: right :target: http://52north.org/sos 52°North SOS ================================================================================ Web Service ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The 52°North :doc:`Sensor Observation Service (SOS) <../standards/sos_overview>` supports reading of live and archived data captured by in-situ and remote sensors. A sensor may be a camera on a satellite or a water level meter in a stream. .. image:: ../../images/screenshots/1024x768/52n_sos_test_client_v1_0_0_GetCapabilities.png :scale: 60 % :alt: screenshot of 52°North SOS test client version 1.0.0 :align: right Features -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Implements the SOS 1.0.0 and 2.0.0 standards. * A browser based client provides test XML queries for all supported operations. OGC SOS 1.0.0 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ **Core SOS operations**: * GetCapabilities, for requesting a self-description of the service. * GetObservation, for requesting the pure sensor data encoded in Observations & Measurements (O&M). * DescribeSensor, for requesting meta information about the sensor itself, encoded in a Sensor Model Language (SensorML) instance document. **Transactional SOS operations**: * RegisterSensor, for signing up new sensors. * InsertObservation, for inserting new observations for registered sensors. **Additional SOS operations**: * GetResult, for facilitating periodically polling sensor data. * GetObservationById, for retrieving specific individual observations. * GetFeatureOfInterest, for requesting the GML encoded representation of the feature that is the target of the observation. * GetFeatureOfInterestTime, for determining the temporal availability of sensor data. OGC SOS 2.0.0 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * GetCapabilities, for requesting a self-description of the service. * GetObservation, for requesting the pure sensor data encoded in Observations & Measurements (O&M). * DescribeSensor, for requesting meta information about the sensor itself, encoded in a Sensor Model Language (SensorML) instance document. * GetFeatureOfInterest, for requesting the GML encoded representation of the feature that is the target of the observation. Within these requests the following filter operators are possible: * Spatial filter: BBOX, using a bounding box. * Temporal filter: During, with time period. * Temporal filter: TEquals, with time instant. Related Standards -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * :doc:`Sensor Observation Service (SOS) <../standards/sos_overview>` * :doc:`Geography Markup Language (GML) <../standards/gml_overview>` * :doc:`Sensor Model Language (SensorML) <../standards/sensorml_overview>` Details -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **Website:** http://52north.org/communities/sensorweb/sos **Licence:** GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2 **Software Version:** SOS |version-52nSOS| **Supported Platforms:** Windows, Linux, Mac **API Interfaces:** Java **Commercial Support:** http://52north.org/ **Community Support:** http://sensorweb.forum.52north.org/ **Community Website:** http://52north.org/communities/sensorweb/ Quickstart -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * :doc:`Quickstart documentation <../quickstart/52nSOS_quickstart>`