To create a debian package based on the debian-folder, you need to download the data sets: * Geohazard Risk Contour Map: unknown * Geological Provinces: unknown * Political Areas & Boundaries: * Railway Network: * Australia's River Basins 1997: * Road Network: * Cities: unknown Create a directoy "osgeo-data-oz-0.1" and put each of them (unpacked) into a sub folder: * Geohazard Risk Contour Map into "31763" * Geological Provinces into "61326" * Political Areas & Boundaries into "61303" * Railway Network into "61305" * Australia's River Basins 1997 into "42343" * Road Network into "61306" * Cities into "61304" * pack the "osgeo-data-oz-0.1"-folder as "osgeo-data-oz-0.1.tar.gz * copy this debian folder into the directory you just created * change into "osgeo-data-oz-0.1" and run "dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot"