Welcome to the Arramagong Live DVD

Arramagong is a self-contained live DVD, based on XUbuntu, that allows you to try a wide variety of open source geospatial software without installing anything. This DVD is composed entirely of free software, allowing it to be freely distributed, duplicated and passed around without concern for licensing issues.
This live DVD provides effective tools for a range of geospatial use cases, including storage, publishing, viewing, analysis and manipulation of data. It also contains sample datasets and standard software products, including Apache Web Server, Apache Tomcat Application Server, Sun Java, PostgreSQL and PGAdmin.
You can use the DVD without the need to install anything. Simply reboot your machine with the DVD in the tray. During the boot process you will first be asked to choose your preferred language. In the boot menu that appears after the language selection choose "Try Arramagong without any change to your computer". The DVD will then start Linux and you will be able to trial all the applications and services directly from the DVD.
Most of the Live DVD applications can be installed on Windows as well. Arramagong comes with Windows installers for these applications in the win folder of the DVD.
ServicesClient ApplicationsDataWindows InstallerCredits
PostGIS is an extension library to the PostgreSQL object-relational database that adds support for geographic objects and functions. PostGIS is installed in PostgreSQL 8.3, in the template_postgis, test and australia databases. These databases can be accessed directly using the psql command within a terminal window, or through PGAdmin by clicking on the pgadmin 3 desktop icon. They can also be accessed via the various desktop client applications, using the username/password combination of demo/demo.
GeoServer is a web server that provides access to both raster and vector data and rendering services for a wide variety of data sources and provides a broad range of interfaces, including WFS/WMS. The GeoServer administration page is loaded by clicking on the Geoserver desktop icon. Under the Demo option on the admin page there are two options of interest. Sample Requests provides a form with XML sample responses that can be altered and sent to the server. The XML responses are displayed when returned. Map Preview provides an OpenLayers based map interface to allow exploration of the data served by GeoServer.
UMN MapServer is a development environment for building spatially-enabled Internet applications, including WFS/WMS based services. The UMN MapServer CGI binary and binary utilities are installed. A sample CGI application can be loaded by clicking on the Mapserver desktop icon. Two sample mapfiles are provided in the /home/ubuntu/mapserver/ directory.
GRASS is a Geographic Information System (GIS) used for geospatial data management and analysis, image processing, graphics/maps production, spatial modeling, and visualization. The GRASS GUI is available by clicking the GRASS Gis desktop icon.
gvSIG is a tool oriented to manage geographic information. It is characterized by a user-friendly interface, with a quick access to the most usual raster and vector formats. In the same view it includes local as well as remote data through a WMS, WCS or WFS source. gvSIG is available by clicking the gvSIG desktop icon.
Quantum GIS (QGIS) is a user friendly Open Source Geographic Information System (GIS) that runs on Linux, Unix, Mac OSX, and Windows. QGIS supports vector, raster, and database formats. QGIS is available by clicking on the QGIS desktop icon.
The goal of uDig is to provide a complete Java solution for desktop GIS data access, editing, and viewing. uDig is available by clicking on the uDig desktop icon.
Openlayers is a browser based toolkit for building map based web sites and is bundled with Geoserver. The GeoServer administration page is loaded by clicking on the Geoserver desktop icon. Under the Demo option on the admin page select Map Preview to see an OpenLayers based map interface which allows exploration of the data served by GeoServer.
Located in the directory, /usr/local/share/qgis_sample_data, the Alaska Dataset is a free dataset including raster and vector data for the state of Alaska, as well as boundary polygons for neighbouring countries. The Alaskan state boundary is also available in the PostGIS database test.
Located in the directory, /usr/local/share/datagrass/spearfish60, The spearfish demo is provided in GRASS compatible formats.
Stored in the PostGIS-enabled database, australia, the Australian Dataset consists of low-scale vector data for Australian roads, rails and rivers, as well as political boundary shapes Australia and surrounding areas. This data is Copyright of the Commonwealth of Australia and is provided under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 Australia licence.
Blue Marble
Located in the directory, /usr/local/share/bluemarble, the spectacular "blue marble" image is the most detailed true-color image of the entire Earth 2002 had to offer.
FWTools is a set of Open Source GIS binaries for Windows. The kits are intended to be easy for end users to install and get going with. FWTools includes OpenEV, GDAL, MapServer, PROJ.4 and OGDI as well as some supporting components.
GeoNetwork OpenSource is a standards based, Free and Open Source catalog application to manage spatially referenced resources through the web. It provides powerful metadata editing and search functions as well as an embedded interactive web map viewer.
GeoServer is a web server that provides access to both raster and vector data and rendering services for a wide variety of data sources and provides a broad range of interfaces, including WFS/WMS. The GeoServer administration page is loaded by clicking on the Geoserver desktop icon. Under the Demo option on the admin page there are two options of interest. Sample Requests provides a form with XML sample responses that can be altered and sent to the server. The XML responses are displayed when returned. Map Preview provides an OpenLayers based map interface to allow exploration of the data served by GeoServer.
gvSIG is a tool oriented to manage geographic information. It is characterized by a user-friendly interface, with a quick access to the most usual raster and vector formats. In the same view it includes local as well as remote data through a WMS, WCS or WFS source.
UMN MapServer is a development environment for building spatially-enabled Internet applications, including WFS/WMS based services. The UMN MapServer CGI binary and binary utilities are installed. A sample CGI application can be loaded by clicking on the Mapserver desktop icon. Two sample mapfiles are provided in the /home/demo/mapserver/ directory.
Quantum GIS (QGIS) is a user friendly Open Source Geographic Information System (GIS) that runs on Linux, Unix, Mac OSX, and Windows. QGIS supports vector, raster, and database formats. QGIS is available by clicking on the QGIS desktop icon.
The goal of uDig is to provide a complete Java solution for desktop GIS data access, editing, and viewing. uDig is available by clicking on the uDig desktop icon.
GRASS is a Geographic Information System (GIS) used for geospatial data management and analysis, image processing, graphics/maps production, spatial modeling, and visualization. The GRASS GUI is available by clicking the GRASS GIS desktop icon.
LISAsoft build Geospatial solutions enhanced with Open Standards and Open Source. LISAsoft coordinated and contributed to the production, packaging and testing of the Arramagong Live DVD.
The Cooperative Research Centre for Spatial Information (CRC-SI) is a proud sponsor of the Arramagong project, providing vital funding for the production and distribution of the DVD.
The Open Source Geospatial Foundation, and members of the Open Source Geospatial communities have been instrumental in the creation of the Arramagong project, contributing advice, testing, infrastructure and distribution manpower to ensure the success of the Live DVD.