## Planet configuration file based on the 'fancy' Planet 2.0 example. # # This illustrates some of Planet's fancier features with example. # Every planet needs a [Planet] section [Planet] # name: Your planet's name # link: Link to the main page # owner_name: Your name # owner_email: Your e-mail address name = Planet OSGeo link = http://planet.osgeo.org owner_name = OSGeo Website Committee owner_email = info@osgeo.org # cache_directory: Where cached feeds are stored # log_level: One of DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR or CRITICAL # feed_timeout: number of seconds to wait for any given feed cache_directory = /tmp/planetosgeo log_level = DEBUG feed_timeout = 20 # output_theme: "theme" of the output # output_dir: Directory to place output files # items_per_page: How many items to put on each page output_theme = osgeo_v2 output_dir = /var/www/planet/ items_per_page = 40 # additional files to copy (note the wildcards!) bill_of_materials: heads/#{face} # Options placed in the [DEFAULT] section provide defaults for the feed # sections. Placing a default here means you only need to override the # special cases later. [DEFAULT] # Hackergotchi default size. # If we want to put a face alongside a feed, and it's this size, we # can omit these variables. facewidth = 80 faceheight = 80 face = head-osgeo.png # Any other section defines a feed to subscribe to. The section title # (in the []s) is the URI of the feed itself. A section can also be # have any of the following options: # # name: Name of the feed (defaults to the title found in the feed) # # Additionally any other option placed here will be available in # the template (prefixed with channel_ for the Items loop). We use # this trick to make the faces work -- this isn't something Planet # "natively" knows about. Look at fancy-examples/index.html.tmpl # for the flip-side of this. #[http://fwarmerdam.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss] [http://fwarmerdam.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default/-/osgeo] name = Frank Warmerdam face = head-fwarmerdam.jpg facewidth = 80 faceheight = 80 [http://blog.cleverelephant.ca/atom.xml] name = Paul Ramsey face = head-paul.jpg [http://dmorissette.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default/-/English] name = Daniel Morissette face = head-dmorissette.jpg facewidth = 80 faceheight = 80 # contact Daniel Morissette (dmorissette () mapgears () com) [https://www.mapgears.com/feed/] name = Mapgears link = https://www.mapgears.com/ face = head-mapgears.png facewidth = 80 faceheight = 58 [http://szekerest.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss] name = Tamas Szekeres face = head-tamas.jpg facewidth = 70 faceheight = 80 [http://www.ticheler.net/taxonomy/term/6/0/feed] name = Jeroen Ticheler face = head-jeroen.jpg facewidth = 60 faceheight = 85 # mloskot: removed due to Error 403 while updating feed (2011-12-19) #[http://mappinghacks.com/feed/] #name = Schuyler Erle, Rich Gibson and Jo Walsh [http://reprojected.com/atom.xml] name = Aaron Racicot face = head-aaron.jpg facewidth = 85 faceheight = 64 # contact Stefano Costa (steko@iosa.it) # updated: 2012-11-27 [https://steko.iosa.it/feed/] name = Stefano Costa face = head-steko.png facewidth = 55 faceheight = 80 [http://www.kralidis.ca/blog/feed/] name = Tom Kralidis face = head-tom.jpg facewidth = 80 faceheight = 89 [https://cholmes.wordpress.com/feed/] name = Chris Holmes face = head-chris.jpg facewidth = 80 faceheight = 92 [http://spatialgalaxy.net/feed/] name = Gary Sherman face = head-gary.gif facewidth = 78 faceheight = 92 [https://neteler.org/feed/] link = https://neteler.org name = Markus Neteler face = head-markus.png facewidth = 74 faceheight = 54 #[http://les-ejk.cz/?feed=atom] [http://les-ejk.cz/category/gisen/feed/] name = Jachym Cepicky face = head-jcepicky.jpg facewidth = 80 faceheight = 80 # jsanz updated # contact: cameron.shorter@gmail.com [http://www.cameronshorter.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default/-/osgeo?alt=rss] link = http://cameronshorter.blogspot.com name = Cameron Shorter face = head-cameron.png facewidth = 69 faceheight = 80 [http://lin-ear-th-inking.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default] name = Martin Davis face = head-martin.jpg facewidth = 72 faceheight = 99 #[http://geospatial.blogs.com/geospatial/atom.xml] #name = Geoff Zeiss #face = head-geoff.gif # mloskot: removed due to HTTP 404 error (2011-12-19) #[http://chris.narx.net/feed] #name = Chris Tweedie #[http://blog.mapforge.com.au/index.php/feed] #name = Tim Bowden [https://geomaticblog.net/index.xml] name = Geomatic Blog face = head-geomaticblog.png [https://sgillies.net/index.atom] name = Sean Gillies face = head-sean.png facewidth = 64 faceheight = 64 [http://feeds.feedburner.com/computinggisandarchaeologyintheuk] name = Jo Cook face = head-joanne.png facewidth = 80 faceheight = 80 # Updated 2020-09-21 [http://geoserver.org/feed.xml] name = GeoServer Team face = head-geoserver.png [https://blog.qgis.org/feed/] name = QGIS Blog face = head-qgis.png facewidth = 60 faceheight = 60 [http://quantum-gis.pl/feed.php?ns=blog] name = QGIS Polska link = http://www.quantum-gis.pl/ [http://zacster.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default/-/mapguide?alt=rss] name = Zac Spitzer face = head-zac.jpg facewidth = 80 faceheight = 80 [http://themapguyde.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default/-/OSGeo] name = Jackie Ng face = head-jackieng.jpg facewidth = 63 faceheight = 80 [https://gvsigmobileonopenmoko.wordpress.com/category/wonthurt/feed/] name = Juan Lucas Domínguez face = head-juanlucas.png facewidth = 80 faceheight = 80 [https://blog.gvsig.org/feed/] name = gvSIG Team face = head-gvsig.gif facewidth = 80 faceheight = 80 [http://fromtheinsidelookingin.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default] name = Mark Leslie face = head-mark.jpg facewidth = 80 faceheight = 80 [https://www.maptiler.com/news/feed/osgeo.xml] name = MapTiler face = head-maptiler.png facewidth = 80 faceheight = 80 [http://mapfishblog.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default] name = Cédric Moullet face = head-cedric.gif facewidth = 63 faceheight = 80 [http://feeds.feedburner.com/tantosgeo?format=xml] name = TANTO Team face = head-tanto.png facewidth = 80 faceheight = 80 [http://jgrasstechtips.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default/-/osgeo] name = Andrea Antonello face = head-andreaa.png facewidth = 80 faceheight = 80 [https://strk.kbt.io/blog/index.xml] name = Sandro Santilli face = head-sandro.jpg facewidth = 80 faceheight = 80 [http://geoext.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default] name = GeoExt Team face = head-geoext.png facewidth = 47 faceheight = 47 [http://edmarmoretti.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default] name = Edmar Moretti face = head-edmar.jpg facewidth = 80 faceheight = 60 # updated by jsanz on 2012-04-17 by # just request [https://justobjects.nl/index.xml] name = Just van den Broecke link = https://justobjects.nl face = head-just.jpg facewidth = 80 faceheight = 80 [http://www.fernandoquadro.com.br/html/category/gis/feed/] name = Fernando Quadro face = head-quadro.jpg facewidth = 60 faceheight = 60 [https://epsg4253.wordpress.com/tag/gfoss/feed/] name = Maning Sambale face = head-maning.jpg facewidth = 73 faceheight = 80 [https://vmx.cx/cgi-bin/blog/index.cgi/category/geo/feed/] name = Volker Mische face = head-volker.png facewidth = 80 faceheight = 80 # # deactivated as the feed is not working (jsanz - 12/02/29) # #[http://pipes.yahoo.com/pipes/pipe.run?_id=1908971aaa0516e2c065d0cdb11d9529&_render=rss] #name = Gwenael Bachelot #face = head-gwenael.jpg #facewidth = 54 #faceheight = 80 # deactivated due to HTTP 404 (mloskot 2003-02-16) #[http://media.baliz-geospatial.com/fr/categorie/open-source/feed] #name = BALIZ-MEDIA.com #face = head-baliz.gif #facewidth = 72 #faceheight = 72 [http://geotoolsnews.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default] name = GeoTools Team face = head-geotools.png facewidth = 80 faceheight = 73 [https://thinkwhere.wordpress.com/category/geo/feed/] name = Tim Waters face = head-twaters.jpg facewidth = 60 faceheight = 80 [http://udig-news.blogspot.com/rss.xml] name = uDig Team face = head-udig.png facewidth = 63 faceheight = 63 [https://www.geosolutionsgroup.com/category/blog/feed/] name = GeoSolutions face = head-geosolutions.png facewidth = 80 faceheight = 80 [https://emap.wordpress.com/category/osgeo/feed/] name = Chaipat Nengcomma face = head-chaipat.jpg facewidth = 55 faceheight = 80 #lang = thai [https://www.orfeo-toolbox.org/feed/] name = OTB Team face = head-otb.png facewidth = 80 faceheight = 80 [http://gis-lab.info/blog/category/opensource/feed/] name = Gis-Lab face = head-gislab.gif facewidth = 88 faceheight = 31 #lang = russian [http://openaddresses.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default] name = OpenAddresses face = head-openaddresses.jpg facewidth = 64 faceheight = 80 # mloskot: removed due to error 500 while updating feed (2011-12-19) #[http://blog.firstbasesolutions.com/category/open-source-geospatial/feed/] #name = First Base Solutions #face = head-fbs.jpg #facewidth = 80 #faceheight = 71 [http://geoscriptblog.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default] name = GeoScript Team face = head-geoscript.jpg facewidth = 22 faceheight = 80 [http://blog.sourcepole.com/categories/geo/atom.xml] name = SourcePole face = head-sourcepole.jpg facewidth = 80 faceheight = 80 [https://shentey.wordpress.com/category/osgeo/feed/] name = Bernhard Beschow link = http://shentey.wordpress.com [http://feeds.feedburner.com/geothought] name = Peter Batty [http://feeds.feedburner.com/geotux] name = Equipo Geotux link = http://geotux.tuxfamily.org [http://geomajas.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default] name = Pieter de Graef link = http://geomajas.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default # commented because of lack of feedback on 2012-09-12 #[http://www.webmapsolutions.com/category/open-source-web-and-mobile-maps/feed] #name = Matt Sheehan # contact: schneider@lat-lon.de # added: 2011-07-06 [https://simplefeatures.wordpress.com/feed/] name = Markus Schneider link = http://simplefeatures.wordpress.com/ face = head-schneider.jpg facewidth = 80 faceheight = 80 # contact: schmitz@lat-lon.de # added: 2011-07-07 [http://strangersgeospatial.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default] name = Andreas Schmitz link = http://strangersgeospatial.blogspot.com/ face = head-schmitz.png facewidth = 80 faceheight = 80 # contact: uli.mueller@geops.de # added: 2011-07-14 # updated 2012-07-31 [https://geops.ch/feed/rss.xml] name = geOps link = https://geops.ch/blog face = head-geops.png facewidth = 80 faceheight = 80 # deactivated due to internal server error (mloskot 2003-02-16) # contact: judemwenda@gmail.com # added: 2011-07-21 #[http://www.africangeogeek.com/feed/] #name = Jude Mwenda #link = http://www.africangeogeek.com/ #face = head-mwenda.jpg #facewidth = 80 #faceheight = 80 # contact: tylerickson@gmail.com # added: 2011-09-26 [http://tylerickson.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default] name = Tyler Erickson link = http://tylerickson.blogspot.com/ face = head-terickson.jpg facewidth = 80 faceheight = 80 # contact: jose.canalejo@csgis.de # added: 2011-11-03 [http://csgisblog.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default] name = CSGIS link = http://csgisblog.blogspot.com/ face = head-jcanalejo.png facewidth = 80 faceheight = 80 # contact: anita.graser.at@gmail.com # added: 2011-11-14 [https://anitagraser.com/feed/] name = Free and Open Source GIS Ramblings link = https://underdark.wordpress.com/ face = head-agraser.jpg facewidth = 80 faceheight = 80 # contact: even.rouault@mines-paris.org # added: 2011-12-05 [http://erouault.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default] name = Even Rouault link = http://erouault.blogspot.com/ face = head-evenr.png facewidth = 80 faceheight = 80 # contact: deep.sky.028@gmail.com # added: 2011-12-13 [http://deepsky28.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default] name = Florentina Musat link = http://deepsky28.blogspot.com/ face = head-fmusat.jpg facewidth = 80 faceheight = 80 # contact: jeroen.ticheler@geocat.net # added: 2012-01-12 [https://www.geocat.net/feed/] name = GeoCat link = https://www.geocat.net/blog/ face = head-geocat.png facewidth = 80 faceheight = 80 # contact: marti.pericay [at] geomatico.es # added: 2012/04/01 # updated: 2015/02/23 # updated: 2022-06-17 [https://geomatico.es/feed/] name = geomatico link = https://geomatico.es/comunidad/ face = head-geomatico.png facewidth = 80 faceheight = 80 # contact: dileomargherita@gmail.com # added: 2012/05/08 [http://geofemengineering.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default/-/OSGeo] name = Margherita Di Leo link = http://geofemengineering.blogspot.it/ face = head-madi.png facewidth = 80 faceheight = 80 # contact: Regina Obe, lr@pcorp.us [http://www.bostongis.com/blog/index.php?/feeds/] name = BostonGIS link = http://www.bostongis.com/blog # contact: Giovanni Manghi, giovanni.manghi@faunalia.pt [https://faunaliagis.wordpress.com/feed/] name = Faunalia link = https://faunaliagis.wordpress.com/ face = head-faunalia.png facewidth = 80 faceheight = 66 # contact: Jose Canalejo, jose.canalejo@csgis.de [http://gvsigce.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default] name = gvSIG CE link = http://gvsigce.blogspot.de/ face = head-gvsigce.png facewidth = 80 faceheight = 79 # contact: Contactname / Blogname: Juergen Weichand, juergen@weichand.de [https://www.weichand.de/tag/planet-osgeo/feed/] name = Juergen Weichand link = https://www.weichand.de/ face = head-jweichand.png facewidth = 80 faceheight = 80 # contact Marco Bernasocchi # added 2012-10-18 [https://www.opengis.ch/category/gis/feed/] name = Marco Bernasocchi link = http://opengis.ch face = head-mbernasocchi.jpg facewidth = 80 faceheight = 80 # contact Pierre Racine # added 2012-11-08 [http://geospatialelucubrations.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default] name = Pierre Racine link = http://geospatialelucubrations.blogspot.ca face = head-pracine.gif facewidth = 80 faceheight = 80 # contact Illya Kovalevskyy [http://kovalevskyy.tumblr.com/tagged/osgeo/rss] name = Illya Kovalevskyy link = http://kovalevskyy.tumblr.com face = head-ikovalevskyy.png facewidth = 80 faceheight = 80 # contact Joana Simoes # primary language: Portuguese [https://mgcotunl.wordpress.com/feed/] name = MGCOT link = https://mgcotunl.wordpress.com/ face = head-mgcot.png facewidth = 80 faceheight = 25 # contact: Johan Van de Wauw # language: English [http://blog.gisky.be/feeds/posts/default] name = gisky link = http://blog.gisky.be/ face = head-jvandewauw.jpg facewidth = 80 faceheight = 80 # contact name: Jérôme ROLLAND # language: French [http://ageoguy.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default] name = A GeoSpatial World link = http://ageoguy.blogspot.fr face = head-jrolland.jpg facewidth = 60 faceheight = 80 # contact name: Regina Obe [http://postgis.net/feed.xml] name = PostGIS Development link = http://postgis.net/blog face = head-postgis.png facewidth = 48 faceheight = 48 # contact: Tom Kralidis [http://pycsw.org/blog/feed.xml] name = pycsw Team link = http://pycsw.org/blog face = head-pycsw.png facewidth = 80 faceheight = 80 # contact: Nyall Dawson [http://nyalldawson.net/tag/osgeo/feed/] name = Nyall Dawson link = http://nyalldawson.net/ face = head-ndawson.jpg facewidth = 80 faceheight = 80 # contact: Ivan Mincik [https://www.how2map.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss] name = Jody Garnett face = head-jody.png facewidth = 80 faceheight = 80 # contact Pablo Sanxiao [https://www.qgis.es/post/index.xml] name = QGIS España link = https://www.qgis.es face = head-qgises.png # contact Adam Steer: adam [dot] steer at gmail [https://www.spatialised.net/feed/] name = Adam Steer link = https://www.spatialised.net/ face = head-spatialised.png # contact: peter.rushforth [at] gmail # added: 2022-09-22 [https://www.w3.org/community/maps4html/feed/] name = W3C Maps for HTML Community Group link = https://www.w3.org/community/maps4html/ face = head-maps4html.png # contact Emmanuel Belo: emmanuel.belo (at) camptocamp (dot) com [https://www.camptocamp.com/en/rss/geospatial-solutions] name = Camptocamp link = https://www.camptocamp.com/geospatial_solutions face = head-camptocamp.png # contact Marco Bernasocchi: marco [at] opengis [dot] ch [https://www.opengis.ch/feed/] name = OPENGIS.ch link = https://www.opengis.ch/blog/ face = head-opengisch.png # contact Ana Paula Mittendorfer administracion at kan _dot_ com _dot_ ar # added 2023-08-30 # Disabled until feed link is fixed [https://kan.com.ar/category/blog/feed/] name = KAN T&IT Blog link = https://kan.com.ar/category/blog/ face = head-kan.png # contact Sergio Acosta y Lara sergioayl [at gmail] # added 2023-08-30 [https://gvsigbatovi.wordpress.com/feed/] name = gvSIG Batoví link = https://gvsigbatovi.wordpress.com/ face = head-sergio-acosta.png # contact Sergio Acosta y Lara sergioayl [at gmail] # added 2023-10-04 [https://siglibreuruguay.wordpress.com/feed/] name = SIG Libre Uruguay link = https://siglibreuruguay.wordpress.com face = head-sergio-acosta.png # added 2023-10-04 [https://jorgesanz.net/categories/geo/index.xml] name = Jorge Sanz link = https://jorgesanz.net/categories/geo/ face = head-jsanz.png # added 2024-03-11 [https://mappery.org/feed/] name = Mappery link = https://mappery.org face = head-mappery.png # contact Adam J Stewart ajstewart426 [at gmail] # added 2024-04-04 [https://github.com/microsoft/torchgeo/releases.atom] name = TorchGeo link = https://github.com/microsoft/torchgeo/releases face = head-torchgeo.png # contact Jutta Bassfeld marketing [at] wheregroup.com [https://wheregroup.com/blog/rss-osgeo/] name = WhereGroup link = https://wheregroup.com/blog/ face = head-wheregroup.png # contact alex.f.neto [at gmail] [https://aneto.pt/posts/index.xml] name = Alexandre Neto link = https://aneto.pt face = head-aneto.jpg