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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.', 'common.captchaField' => 'Validation', 'common.captchaField.description' => 'Please enter the letters as they appear in the image above.', 'common.captchaField.badCaptcha' => 'The characters you entered did not match the characters in the image. Please check the characters and try again.', 'common.suggest' => 'Suggest', 'form.errorsOccurred' => 'Errors occurred processing this form', 'form.postRequired' => 'The form was not submitted properly.', 'form.saveToUpload' => 'Use Save to upload file.', 'form.contains' => 'contains', 'form.is' => 'is', 'form.required' => '(* Required)', 'form.submit' => 'Submit', 'form.send' => 'Send', 'form.resubmit' => 'Resubmit', 'form.formLanguage' => 'Form Language', 'form.formLanguage.description' => 'To enter the information below in additional languages, first select the language.', 'email.email' => 'Email', 'email.sender' => 'Sender', 'email.recipient' => 'Recipient', 'email.recipients' => 'Recipients', 'email.from' => 'From', 'email.to' => 'To', 'email.cc' => 'CC', 'email.bcc' => 'BCC', 'email.subject' => 'Subject', 'email.body' => 'Body', 'email.send' => 'Send', 'email.skip' => 'Skip Email', 'email.compose' => 'Send Email', 'email.compose.tooSoon' => 'You are attempting to send a message too recently after your last message was sent. Please wait before sending another message.', 'email.compose.tooManyRecipients' => 'The message you are attempting to send has too many recipients.', 'email.addToRecipient' => 'Add Recipient', 'email.addCcRecipient' => 'Add CC', 'email.addBccRecipient' => 'Add BCC', 'email.bccSender' => 'Send a copy of this message to my address ({$address})', 'email.invalid' => 'The email address {$email} is invalid.', 'email.multipart' => 'This is a multi-part message in MIME format.', 'email.attachments' => 'Attachments', 'email.addAttachment' => 'Add Attachment', 'locale.primary' => 'Primary locale', 'locale.supported' => 'Supported locales', 'common.error.databaseError' => 'A database error has occurred: {$error}', 'common.error.databaseErrorUnknown' => 'An unknown database connection error has occurred.', 'common.error.framesRequired' => 'This page requires frames. Click here for the non-frames version.', 'navigation.conferenceHelp' => 'Conference Help', 'navigation.home' => 'Home', 'navigation.about' => 'About', 'navigation.userHome' => 'User Home', 'navigation.login' => 'Log In', 'navigation.account' => 'Account', 'navigation.user' => 'User', 'navigation.archive' => 'Archive', 'navigation.current' => 'Current Conferences', 'navigation.search' => 'Search', 'navigation.otherConferences' => 'Other Conferences', 'navigation.browse' => 'Browse', 'navigation.browseByConference' => 'By Conference', 'navigation.browseByPresenter' => 'By Author', 'navigation.browseByTitle' => 'By Title', 'navigation.infoForPresenters' => 'For Authors', 'navigation.infoForReaders' => 'For Readers', 'navigation.infoForReviewers' => 'For Reviewers', 'navigation.infoForPresenters.long' => 'Information For Authors', 'navigation.infoForReaders.long' => 'Information For Readers', 'navigation.infoForReviewers.long' => 'Information For Reviewers', 'navigation.previousStep' => 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'submission.notes.addNewNote' => 'Add New Note', 'submission.notes.viewNotes' => 'View Notes', 'submission.notes.expandNotes' => 'Expand Notes', 'submission.notes.clearAllNotes' => 'Clear All Notes', 'submission.notes.noSubmissionNotes' => 'No Submission Notes', 'submission.notes.confirmDelete' => 'Remove This Submission Note?', 'submission.notes.editNote' => 'Edit Note', 'submission.notes.attachedFile' => 'File Attachment', 'submission.notes.confirmDeleteAll' => 'Remove All Submission Notes?', 'submission.notes.collapseNotes' => 'Collapse Notes', 'submission.notes.backToSubmissionNotes' => 'Back To Submission Notes', 'submission.notes.removeUploadedFile' => 'Remove Uploaded File', 'submission.notes.deleteNote' => 'Delete Note', 'submission.notes.updateNote' => 'Update Note', 'submission.notes.createNewNote' => 'Create New Note', 'conference.conferences' => 'Conferences', 'conference.conference' => 'Conference', 'schedConf.scheduledConferences' => 'Scheduled Conferences', 'schedConf.noScheduledConferences' => 'No Scheduled Conferences', 'schedConf.schedConf' => 'Scheduled Conference', 'schedConf.contents' => 'Conference Information', 'schedConf.overview' => 'Overview', 'schedConf.trackPolicies' => 'Track Policies', 'schedConf.schedule' => 'Conference Schedule', 'schedConf.program' => 'Program', 'schedConf.cfp' => 'Call for Papers', 'schedConf.discussion' => 'Discussion', 'schedConf.registration' => 'Registration', 'schedConf.accommodation' => 'Accommodation', 'schedConf.transportation' => 'Transportation', 'schedConf.supporters' => 'Organisers and Partners', 'schedConf.timeline' => 'Timeline', 'schedConf.links' => 'Related Links', 'schedConf.presentations' => 'Presentations and Authors', 'schedConf.presentations.short' => 'Presentations', 'schedConf.abstract' => 'Abstract', 'schedConf.submission' => 'Submission', 'schedConf.submissions' => 'Submissions', 'schedConf.cfp.title' => '{$schedConfAbbrev} Call for Papers', 'schedConf.overview.title' => '{$schedConfAbbrev} Overview', 'schedConf.presentations.title' => '{$schedConfAbbrev} Presentations and Authors', 'schedConf.program.title' => '{$schedConfAbbrev} Program', 'schedConf.accommodation.title' => '{$schedConfAbbrev} Accommodation', 'schedConf.transportation.title' => '{$schedConfAbbrev} Transportation', 'schedConf.trackPolicies.title' => '{$schedConfAbbrev} Track Policies', 'schedConf.registration.alreadyRegistered' => 'You are already registered for this conference, although payment has not yet been received. Please contact the principal contact in "About" if this is in error or you would like to change your registration.', 'schedConf.registration.alreadyRegisteredAndPaid' => 'You are already registered for this conference and your registration has been paid. Please contact the principal contact in "About" if this is in error or you would like to change your registration.', 'schedConf.registration.noPaymentMethodAvailable' => 'Your registration has been recorded. If applicable, you will be contacted regarding payment.', 'schedConf.registration.conferenceFees' => 'Conference Fees', 'schedConf.registration.type' => 'Registration Type', 'schedConf.registration.cost' => 'Cost', 'schedConf.registration.noneAvailable' => 'No registration types are available.', 'schedConf.registration.register' => 'Register', 'schedConf.registration.typeCloses' => '(Closes {$closingDate})', 'schedConf.registration.typeClosed' => '(Registration Closed {$closingDate})', 'schedConf.registration.typeFuture' => '(Registration Opening {$openingDate})', 'schedConf.registration.feeCode' => 'Fee Code', 'schedConf.registration.feeCode.description' => 'If you were given a secret code for registration, please enter it here and make sure you\'ve chosen the correct registration type above. Otherwise, leave the Fee Code field blank.', 'schedConf.registration.specialRequests' => 'Special Requests', 'schedConf.registration.specialRequests.description' => 'Please describe any special requirements or requests, such as dietary, access, etc.', 'schedConf.registration.account' => 'User Account', 'schedConf.registration.loggedInAs' => 'You are currently logged in. Verify the account information below is correct. If it is not, correct it using My Profile or log out to use another account.', 'schedConf.registration.createAccount.description' => 'You are not currently logged in. In order to register for this conference, you will need an account. If you already have one, click here to log in; otherwise, fill in the information below in order to create a new account.', 'user.userHome' => 'User Home', 'user.showAllConferences' => 'Show My Conferences', 'user.login' => 'Log In', 'user.profile' => 'Profile', 'user.createAccount' => 'Create', 'user.logIn' => 'Log In', 'user.logOut' => 'Log Out', 'user.username' => 'Username', 'user.password' => 'Password', 'user.sendPassword' => 'Confirmation', 'user.sendPassword.description' => 'Send me a confirmation email including my username and password', 'user.salutation' => 'Salutation', 'user.name' => 'Name', 'user.firstName' => 'First name', 'user.middleName' => 'Middle name', 'user.lastName' => 'Last name', 'user.initials' => 'Initials', 'user.initialsExample' => 'Joan Alice Smith = JAS', 'user.gender' => 'Gender', 'user.masculine' => 'M', 'user.feminine' => 'F', 'user.title' => 'Title', 'user.signature' => 'Signature', 'user.affiliation' => 'Affiliation', 'user.affiliations' => 'Affiliations', 'user.email' => 'Email', 'user.url' => 'URL', 'user.url.description' => 'This will appear as a hyperlinked URL at the bottom of the bio statement on the "About the author" pop-up and "Organizing team" page.', 'user.phone' => 'Phone', 'user.fax' => 'Fax', 'user.interests' => 'Reviewing interests', 'user.mailingAddress' => 'Mailing address', 'user.biography' => 'Bio statement', 'user.biography.description' => '(E.g., department and rank)', 'user.workingLanguages' => 'Working languages', 'user.dateRegistered' => 'Date Created', 'user.dateLastLogin' => 'Last login', 'user.createAccountForOtherConferences' => 'Create an Account for Other Conferences', 'user.roles' => 'Roles', 'user.changePassword' => 'Change Password', 'user.editMyProfile' => 'Edit My Profile', 'user.changeMyPassword' => 'Change My Password', 'user.myConferences' => 'My Conferences', 'user.myAccount' => 'My Account', 'user.role.siteAdmin' => 'Site Administrator', 'user.role.manager' => 'Conference Manager', 'user.role.director' => 'Director', 'user.role.trackDirector' => 'Track Director', 'user.role.reviewer' => 'Reviewer', 'user.role.presenter' => 'Author', 'user.role.reader' => 'Reader', 'user.role.siteAdmins' => 'Site Administrators', 'user.role.managers' => 'Conference Managers', 'user.role.directors' => 'Directors', 'user.role.trackDirectors' => 'Track Directors', 'user.role.reviewers' => 'Reviewers', 'user.role.presenters' => 'Authors', 'user.role.readers' => 'Readers', 'event.logType.paper' => 'Paper', 'event.logType.presenter' => 'Author', 'event.logType.director' => 'Director', 'event.logType.review' => 'Review', 'event.logType.conference' => 'Conference', 'event.eventLog' => 'Event Log', 'event.logLevel' => 'Level', 'event.logLevel.info' => 'Info', 'event.logLevel.notice' => 'Notice', 'event.logLevel.warning' => 'Warning', 'event.logLevel.error' => 'Error', 'event.general.defaultEvent' => 'Submission event', 'submission.event.general.abstractSubmitted' => 'Abstract submitted', 'submission.event.general.presentationSubmitted' => 'Presentation submitted', 'submission.event.general.metadataUpdated' => 'Submission metadata updated', 'submission.event.general.suppFileUpdated' => 'Submission file updated', 'submission.event.general.paperPublished' => 'Paper published', 'submission.event.presenter.presenterRevision' => 'Author revision submitted', 'submission.event.general.presenterRevision' => 'Author revision file updated', 'submission.event.director.directorAssigned' => 'Director assigned to submission', 'submission.event.director.directorUnassigned' => 'Director unassigned from submission', 'submission.event.director.directorDecision' => 'Director decision submitted', 'submission.event.director.directorFile' => 'Director file updated', 'submission.event.director.submissionArchived' => 'Submission sent to archive', 'submission.event.director.submissionRestored' => 'Submission restored from archive', 'submission.event.reviewer.reviewerAssigned' => 'Reviewer assigned to submission', 'submission.event.reviewer.reviewerUnassigned' => 'Reviewer unassigned from submission', 'submission.event.reviewer.reviewInitiated' => 'Review assignment initiated', 'submission.event.reviewer.reviewCancelled' => 'Review assignment cancelled', 'submission.event.reviewer.reviewReinitiated' => 'Review assignment reinitiated', 'submission.event.reviewer.reviewAccepted' => 'Review assignment accepted', 'submission.event.reviewer.reviewAcceptedByProxy' => 'Review assignment accepted by proxy', 'submission.event.reviewer.reviewDeclined' => 'Review assignment declined', 'submission.event.reviewer.reviewRevision' => 'Reviewer revisions file updated', 'submission.event.reviewer.reviewRecommendation' => 'Review recommendation file', 'submission.event.reviewer.reviewerRated' => 'Reviewer rating submitted', 'submission.event.reviewer.reviewDueDate' => 'Review due date modified', 'submission.event.reviewer.reviewResubmitted' => 'Review resubmitted', 'submission.event.reviewer.reviewFile' => 'Review file updated', 'conference.event.general.configuration' => 'Conference configuration changed', 'conference.event.general.deadline' => 'Conference deadline passed', 'reader.fullText' => 'Full Text:', 'reader.fullTextNotAvailable' => 'Conference papers are not currently available.', 'reader.accessDenied' => 'You are not currently permitted to view this paper. If you have an account for this conference website, you may need to log in to view content.', 'reader.fullTextRegistrationRequired' => 'Conference registration is required in order to view papers.', 'reader.fullTextAccountRequired' => 'An account with this site is required in order to view papers. Click here to create an account.', 'reader.fullTextRegistrantsOnlyUntil' => 'Open access for this conference will begin on {$date}.', 'reader.fullTextNotPostedYet' => 'Papers for this conference will be posted on {$date}.', 'comments.viewAllComments' => 'View all comments', 'comments.noComments' => 'No reader comments have been posted.', 'comments.anonymous' => 'Anonymous User', 'comments.anonymousNamed' => '"{$userName}"', 'comments.authenticated' => '{$userName}', 'comments.nReplies' => '({$num} Replies)', 'comments.oneReply' => '(1 Reply)', 'comments.readerComments' => 'Reader Comments', 'comments.inResponseTo' => 'In response to {$title}', 'comments.emailReply' => 'Email Reply', 'comments.postReply' => 'Post Reply', 'comments.delete' => 'Delete this comment', 'comments.replies' => 'Replies', 'comments.enterComment' => 'Enter Comment', 'comments.name' => 'Poster Name', 'comments.email' => 'Poster Email', 'comments.title' => 'Title', 'comments.body' => 'Body', 'comments.commentsOnPaper' => 'Comments On Paper', 'comments.commentsClosed' => 'Comments closed on {$closeCommentsDate}.', 'comments.postAnonymously' => 'Post this comment anonymously', 'comments.readMore' => 'Read more', 'comments.confirmDeleteChildren' => 'Deleting this comment will also delete any replies to it. Are you sure you wish to do this?', 'admin.siteAdmin' => 'Site Administration', 'admin.siteSettings' => 'Site Settings', 'admin.hostedConferences' => 'Hosted Conferences', 'admin.authSources' => 'Authentication Sources', 'admin.settings.siteTitle' => 'Site title', 'admin.settings.introduction' => 'Introduction', 'admin.settings.aboutDescription' => 'About the Site description', 'admin.settings.form.titleRequired' => 'A title is required.', 'admin.settings.conferenceRedirect' => 'Conference redirect', 'admin.settings.conferenceRedirectInstructions' => 'Requests to the main site will be redirected to this conference. This may be useful if the site is hosting only a single conference, for example.', 'admin.settings.noConferenceRedirect' => 'Do not redirect', 'admin.settings.contactName' => 'Name of principal contact', 'admin.settings.contactEmail' => 'Email of principal contact', 'admin.settings.minPasswordLength' => 'Minimum password length', 'admin.settings.siteStyleSheet' => 'Site style sheet', 'admin.settings.homeHeaderImageInvalid' => 'Invalid site logo image format. Accepted formats are .gif, .jpg, or .png.', 'admin.settings.siteStyleSheetInvalid' => 'Invalid site stylesheet format. Accepted format is .css.', 'admin.settings.form.contactNameRequired' => 'The name of the principal contact is required.', 'admin.settings.form.contactEmailRequired' => 'The email address of the principal contact is required.', 'admin.settings.form.minPasswordLengthRequired' => 'You must enter a minimum password length of at least 4 characters.', 'admin.settings.passwordCharacters' => 'characters', 'admin.settings.siteLanguage' => 'Site language', 'admin.settings.oaiRegistration' => 'Register Site for Indexing (Metadata Harvesting)', 'admin.settings.oaiRegistrationDescription' => 'To have the contents of all conferences hosted on this site indexed within a globally distributed system of research databases, register your site\'s URL with the Public Knowledge Project metadata harvester. This tool collects the metadata from each indexed item in this conference, enabling accurate and collective searching among the research sites that adhere to the Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting.

Click here and enter {$siteUrl} under Site URL, and {$oaiUrl} under Base URL for OAI Archive.

Note that the OAI interface can be disabled for this site by editing the OCS system configuration. Future versions of OCS will allow the OAI interface to be enabled or disabled for individual conferences within the site.', 'admin.siteManagement' => 'Site Management', 'admin.adminFunctions' => 'Administrative Functions', 'admin.expireSessions' => 'Expire User Sessions', 'admin.confirmExpireSessions' => 'Are you sure you want to expire all user sessions? All users who are currently logged into the system will be forced to log in again (yourself included).', 'admin.clearTemplateCache' => 'Clear Template Cache', 'admin.clearDataCache' => 'Clear Data Caches', 'admin.confirmClearTemplateCache' => 'Are you sure you want to clear the cache of compiled templates?', 'admin.systemInformation' => 'System Information', 'admin.languages.languageSettings' => 'Language Settings', 'admin.languages.installLanguages' => 'Manage Locales', 'admin.languages.primaryLocaleInstructions' => 'This will be the default language for the site and any hosted conferences.', 'admin.languages.supportedLocalesInstructions' => 'Select all locales to support on the site. The selected locales will be available for use by all conferences hosted on the site, and also appear in a language select menu to appear on each site page (which can be overridden on conference-specific pages). If multiple locales are not selected, the language toggle menu will not appear and extended language settings will not be available to conferences.', 'admin.languages.installedLocales' => 'Installed Locales', 'admin.languages.reload' => 'Reload Locale', 'admin.languages.confirmReload' => 'Are you sure you want to reload this locale? This will erase any existing locale-specific data such as customised email templates.', 'admin.languages.uninstall' => 'Uninstall Locale', 'admin.languages.confirmUninstall' => 'Are you sure you want to uninstall this locale? This may affect any hosted conferences currently using the locale.', 'admin.languages.installNewLocales' => 'Install New Locales', 'admin.languages.installNewLocalesInstructions' => 'Select any additional locales to install support for in this system. Locales must be installed before they can be used by hosted conferences. See the OCS documentation for information on adding support for new languages.', 'admin.languages.noLocalesAvailable' => 'No additional locales are available for installation.', 'admin.languages.installLocales' => 'Install', 'admin.auth.ocs' => 'OCS User Database', 'admin.auth.create' => 'Create authentication source', 'admin.auth.confirmDelete' => 'Are you sure you want to permanently delete this authentication source?', 'admin.auth.noneCreated' => 'No authentication sources have been defined.', 'admin.auth.enableSyncProfiles' => 'Enable user profile synchronisation (if supported by this authentication plug-in). User profile information will be automatically updated from the remote source when a user logs in, and profile changes (including password changes) made within OCS will be automatically updated on the remote source. If this option is not enabled OCS profile information will be kept separate from remote source profile information.', 'admin.auth.enableSyncPasswords' => 'Enable user password modification (if supported by this authentication plug-in). Enabling this option allows users to modify their password from within OCS and to use the OCS "lost password" feature to reset a forgotten password. These functions will be unavailable to users with this authentication source if this option is not enabled.', 'admin.auth.enableCreateUsers' => 'Enable user creation (if supported by this authentication plug-in). Users created within OCS with this authentication source will be automatically added to the remote authentication source if they do not already exist. Additionally, if this source is the default authentication source, OCS accounts created through user registration will also be added to the remote authentication source.', 'admin.auth.defaultSourceDescription' => 'Specifying a default authentication source other than OCS has the following effects: ', 'admin.systemVersion' => 'OCS Version', 'admin.systemConfiguration' => 'OCS Configuration', 'admin.serverInformation' => 'Server Information', 'admin.currentVersion' => 'Current version', 'admin.versionHistory' => 'Version history', 'admin.version' => 'Version', 'admin.versionMajor' => 'Major', 'admin.versionMinor' => 'Minor', 'admin.versionRevision' => 'Revision', 'admin.versionBuild' => 'Build', 'admin.dateInstalled' => 'Date installed', 'admin.systemConfigurationDescription' => 'OCS configuration settings from config.inc.php.', 'admin.serverInformationDescription' => 'Basic operating system and server software versions. Click on Extended PHP Information to view extended details of this server\'s PHP configuration.', 'admin.phpInfo' => 'Extended PHP Information', 'admin.server.platform' => 'OS platform', 'admin.server.phpVersion' => 'PHP version', 'admin.server.apacheVersion' => 'Apache version', 'admin.server.dbDriver' => 'Database driver', 'admin.server.dbVersion' => 'Database server version', 'admin.editSystemConfigInstructions' => 'Use this form to modify your system configuration (the config.inc.php file). Click Save to save your new configuration, or "Display" to simply display the updated configuration file and not modify your existing configuration.

Warning: Modifying these settings can potentially leave your site in an inaccessible state (requiring your configuration file to be manually fixed). It is strongly recommended that you do not make any changes unless you know exactly what you are doing.', 'admin.saveSystemConfig' => 'Save Configuration', 'admin.displayNewSystemConfig' => 'Display New Configuration', 'admin.systemConfigFileReadError' => 'The configuration file config.inc.php does not exist, is not readable, or is invalid.', 'admin.overwriteConfigFileInstructions' => '


The system could not automatically overwrite the configuration file. To apply your configuration changes you must open config.inc.php in a suitable text editor and replace its contents with the contents of the text field below.

', 'admin.displayConfigFileInstructions' => 'The contents of your updated configuration are displayed below. To apply the configuration changes you must open config.inc.php in a suitable text editor and replace its contents with the contents of the text field below.', 'admin.configFileUpdatedInstructions' => 'Your configuration file has been successfully updated. Please note that if your site no longer functions correctly you may need to manually fix your configuration by editing config.inc.php directly.', 'admin.contentsOfConfigFile' => 'Contents of configuration file', 'admin.version.checkForUpdates' => 'Check for updates', 'admin.version.latest' => 'Latest version', 'admin.version.upToDate' => 'Your system is up-to-date', 'admin.version.updateAvailable' => 'An updated version is available', 'admin.version.downloadPackage' => 'Download', 'admin.version.downloadPatch' => 'Download Patch', 'admin.version.moreInfo' => 'More Information', 'admin.conferences.conferenceSettings' => 'Conference Settings', 'admin.conferences.noneCreated' => 'No conferences have been created.', 'admin.conferences.confirmDelete' => 'Are you sure you want to permanently delete this conference and all of its contents?', 'admin.conferences.create' => 'Create Conference', 'admin.conferences.createInstructions' => 'You will automatically be enrolled as the manager of this conference. After creating a new conference, enter it as a manager to continue with its setup and user enrollment.', 'admin.conferences.urlWillBe' => 'The conference\'s URL will be {$sampleUrl}', 'admin.conferences.form.titleRequired' => 'A title is required.', 'admin.conferences.form.pathRequired' => 'A path is required.', 'admin.conferences.form.pathAlphaNumeric' => 'The path can contain only alphanumeric characters, underscores, and hyphens, and must begin and end with an alphanumeric character.', 'admin.conferences.form.pathExists' => 'The selected path is already in use by another conference.', 'admin.conferences.enableConferenceInstructions' => 'Enable this conference to appear publicly on the site', 'admin.conferences.conferenceDescription' => 'Conference description', 'admin.conferences.conferenceDescriptionInstructions' => 'The conference description identifies the ongoing mission of this conference. It appears on the main conference page, as well as all of the conference\'s convention pages.', 'admin.conferences.importOCS1' => 'Import from OCS 1', 'admin.conferences.importOCS1.editMigratedConference' => 'Edit Migrated Conference', 'admin.conferences.importOCS1.conflict.desc' => 'Some user accounts had conflicting information. OCS 1.x allows multiple user accounts to share the same email address, while OCS 2.x does not. In the list below, the second account listed has had a temporary email account assigned to it. These should be corrected by hand, either by assigning a different email account, or by merging accounts.', 'admin.conferences.importOCS1.errors.desc' => 'The following errors were encountered when migrating from the OCS 1.x conference into OCS 2.x.', 'admin.conferences.importOCS1.conflict' => '{$firstUsername} ({$firstName}) and {$secondUsername} ({$secondName})', 'admin.conferences.importOCS1Instructions' => 'Consult the UPGRADE document distributed with OCS for detailed information on migrating data from OCS 1 to OCS 2. Note that this process will NOT create a completely configured OCS 2 conference; only certain items (e.g. papers) will be imported. All imported users will need to reset their passwords. It is strongly suggested that the Conference Director review all imported information before launching the conference website.', 'admin.conference.pathImportInstructions' => 'Existing conference path or path to create (e.g., "ocs").', 'admin.conference.importPath' => 'OCS 1 path', 'admin.conference.importPathInstructions' => 'Complete local filesystem path to the OCS 1 installation (e.g., "/var/www/ocs").', 'admin.conferences.importRegistrations' => 'Import registrations', 'admin.conferences.emailUsers' => 'Email created users with login information, including a random password', 'admin.conferences.transcode' => 'Transcode paper metadata from ISO8859-1', 'admin.conferences.form.importPathRequired' => 'The import path is required.', 'admin.conferences.importErrors' => 'Importing failed to complete successfully', 'manager.registrationManagement' => 'Registration Management', 'manager.scheduler.returnToSchedule' => 'Return to Schedule', 'manager.scheduler' => 'Scheduler', 'manager.scheduler.roomsAndEvents' => 'Rooms & Events', 'manager.scheduler.scheduling' => 'Scheduling', 'manager.scheduler.description' => '

Conference Managers may schedule presentations and special events for times and locations using the Scheduler. In the pages below, the Conference Manager can define locations (buildings and rooms) and blocks of time, and assign presentations and events to each.', 'manager.scheduler.buildingsAndRooms' => 'Buildings & Rooms', 'manager.scheduler.buildings' => 'Buildings', 'manager.scheduler.building' => 'Building', 'manager.scheduler.building.name' => 'Name', 'manager.scheduler.building.abbrev' => 'Abbreviation', 'manager.scheduler.building.description' => 'Description', 'manager.scheduler.building.form.nameRequired' => 'A building name is required.', 'manager.scheduler.building.form.abbrevRequired' => 'A building abbreviation is required.', 'manager.scheduler.building.confirmDelete' => 'Are you sure you wish to delete this building? There may be presentations scheduled to appear here.', 'manager.scheduler.building.saveAndCreateAnother' => 'Save and Create Another', 'manager.scheduler.building.noneCreated' => 'No buildings have been created.', 'manager.scheduler.building.create' => 'Create a new building', 'manager.scheduler.building.createBuilding' => 'Create Building', 'manager.scheduler.building.createBuildingShort' => 'Create', 'manager.scheduler.building.editBuilding' => 'Edit Building', 'manager.scheduler.building.editBuildingShort' => 'Edit', 'manager.scheduler.rooms' => 'Rooms', 'manager.scheduler.room' => 'Room', 'manager.scheduler.room.unassigned' => 'Unassigned', 'manager.scheduler.room.name' => 'Name', 'manager.scheduler.room.abbrev' => 'Abbreviation', 'manager.scheduler.room.description' => 'Description', 'manager.scheduler.room.form.nameRequired' => 'A room name is required.', 'manager.scheduler.room.form.abbrevRequired' => 'A room abbreviation is required.', 'manager.scheduler.room.form.buildingIdValid' => 'Each room must be associated with a valid building.', 'manager.scheduler.room.confirmDelete' => 'Are you sure you wish to delete this room? There may be presentations scheduled to appear here.', 'manager.scheduler.room.saveAndCreateAnother' => 'Save and Create Another', 'manager.scheduler.room.noneCreated' => 'No rooms have been created.', 'manager.scheduler.room.create' => 'Create a new room', 'manager.scheduler.room.createRoom' => 'Create room', 'manager.scheduler.room.createRoomShort' => 'Create', 'manager.scheduler.room.editRoom' => 'Edit Room', 'manager.scheduler.room.editRoomShort' => 'Edit', 'manager.scheduler.specialEvents' => 'Special Events', 'manager.scheduler.specialEvent.name' => 'Name', 'manager.scheduler.specialEvent.description' => 'Description', 'manager.scheduler.specialEvent.isMultiple' => 'This special event may occur several times during the conference (e.g. coffee breaks).', 'manager.scheduler.specialEvent.form.nameRequired' => 'A special event name is required.', 'manager.scheduler.specialEvent.confirmDelete' => 'Are you sure you wish to delete this special event?', 'manager.scheduler.specialEvent.saveAndCreateAnother' => 'Save and Create Another', 'manager.scheduler.specialEvent.noneCreated' => 'No special events have been created.', 'manager.scheduler.specialEvent.create' => 'Create a new special event', 'manager.scheduler.specialEvent.createSpecialEvent' => 'Create Special Event', 'manager.scheduler.specialEvent.createSpecialEventShort' => 'Create', 'manager.scheduler.specialEvent.editSpecialEvent' => 'Edit Special Event', 'manager.scheduler.specialEvent.editSpecialEventShort' => 'Edit', 'manager.scheduler.schedule' => 'Schedule Presentations & Events', 'manager.scheduler.createTimeBlocks' => 'Create Time Blocks', 'manager.scheduler.timeBlock.form.nameRequired' => 'A time block name is required.', 'manager.scheduler.timeBlock.noneCreated' => 'None Created', 'manager.scheduler.timeBlock.name' => 'Name', 'manager.scheduler.timeBlock.description' => 'Description', 'manager.scheduler.timeBlock.createTimeBlock' => 'Create Time Block', 'manager.scheduler.timeBlock.createTimeBlockShort' => 'Create', 'manager.scheduler.timeBlock.editTimeBlock' => 'Edit Time Block', 'manager.scheduler.timeBlock.editTimeBlockShort' => 'Edit', 'manager.scheduler.timeBlock.saveAndCreateAnother' => 'Save and Create Another', 'manager.scheduler.timeBlock.create' => 'Create Time Block', 'manager.scheduler.timeBlock.startTime' => 'Start Time', 'manager.scheduler.timeBlock.endTime' => 'End Time', 'manager.scheduler.timeBlock.timeOrderWrong' => 'The time block must end after it has begun.', 'manager.scheduler.timeBlock.duration' => 'Duration', 'manager.scheduler.timeBlock.firstSession' => 'First Session', 'manager.scheduler.timeBlock.coffeeBreak' => 'Coffee Break', 'manager.scheduler.timeBlock.secondSession' => 'Second Session', 'manager.scheduler.timeBlock.lunch' => 'Lunch', 'manager.scheduler.timeBlock.afternoonSession' => 'Afternoon Session', 'manager.scheduler.timeBlock.createNew' => 'Create New Time Block', 'manager.scheduler.timeBlocks' => 'Time Blocks', 'manager.scheduler.timeBlocks.description' => 'Conference presentations and special events are assigned to blocks of time using the Scheduler. Before assigning events and presentations to time blocks, use the form below to create a set of time blocks available for assignment. (These can be adjusted in finer detail once they have been created.)', 'manager.scheduler.timeBlocks.blockOverlap' => 'One or more time blocks overlap. Please ensure that all time blocks and their durations are properly chosen.', 'manager.scheduler.timeBlocks.blockNames' => 'One or more time blocks is missing a name in this conference\'s primary locale.', 'manager.scheduler.timeBlocks.startEndDatesOverlap' => 'The "From" date chosen is after the "Until" date. Please ensure that these dates are correct.', 'manager.scheduler.timeBlock.confirmDelete' => 'Are you sure you wish to delete this time block? There may be events or presentations scheduled against it.', 'manager.scheduler.schedule.description' => 'The following form allows Journal Managers to schedule presentations and special events. Drag and drop Special Events and accepted Papers into the appropriate Time Block to schedule them, or drag them outside of the table to leave them unscheduled. Click "Save" at the bottom of the page to complete the schedule. To change the available Time Blocks, choose the "Time Blocks" tab.', 'manager.scheduler.schedule.tidy' => 'Tidy', 'manager.scheduler.schedule.confirmLeave' => 'Are you sure you wish to leave the scheduler without saving? You will lose any unsaved changes.', 'manager.scheduler.schedule.unscheduledPresentations' => 'Unscheduled Presentations', 'manager.scheduler.schedule.unscheduledEvents' => 'Unscheduled Events', 'manager.payment.paymentSettings' => 'Payment Methods', 'manager.payment.paymentPluginInvalid' => 'You must choose a valid payment method.', 'manager.payment.form.description' => 'Enter the configuration details for the method of payment this conference website is able to accept.', 'manager.payment.form.method' => 'Conference Registration Payment Methods', 'payment.type.conferenceRegistration' => 'Conference Registration; {$schedConfTitle}; {$registrationTypeName}', 'manager.conferenceEventLog' => 'Event Log', 'conference.event.confirmClearLog' => 'Are you sure you want to clear the event log for this conference?', 'conference.event.confirmDeleteLogEntry' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this event log entry?', 'conference.event.deleteLogEntry' => 'Delete Log Entry', 'conference.event.backToEventLog' => 'Back to Event Log', 'conference.history.conferenceEventLog' => 'Event Log', 'conference.history.clearLog' => 'Clear Log', 'conference.history.noLogEntries' => 'No log entries.', 'manager.schedConfs' => 'Scheduled Conferences', 'manager.schedConfSetup' => 'Setup', 'manager.schedConfManagement' => 'Scheduled Conference Management', 'manager.schedConfs.schedulingAConference' => 'Scheduling a Conference', 'manager.schedConfs.noneCreated' => 'No events have been created.', 'manager.schedConfs.confirmDelete' => 'Are you sure you want to permanently delete this scheduled conference and all of its contents?', 'manager.schedConfs.scheduledConference' => 'Scheduled Conference', 'manager.schedConfs.create' => 'Create a Scheduled Conference', 'manager.schedConfs.form.createInstructions' => 'A scheduled instance of the conference is created by entering a title (for example, if it is an annual conference, the name of the conference plus the year) and a URL path. You will be made a Conference Director and can designate other Conference Directors, who are able to manage the details of this event, beginning with the scheduling of the conference in Conference Timeline.', 'manager.schedConfs.form.urlWillBe' => 'The event\'s URL will be {$sampleUrl}', 'manager.schedConfs.form.title' => 'Scheduled Conference Title', 'manager.schedConfs.form.acronym' => 'Acronym', 'manager.schedConfs.form.titleRequired' => 'A title is required.', 'manager.schedConfs.form.acronymRequired' => 'An acronym is required.', 'manager.schedConfs.form.pathRequired' => 'A path is required.', 'manager.schedConfs.form.pathExists' => 'The selected path is already in use in this conference.', 'manager.schedConfs.form.pathAlphaNumeric' => 'The path can contain only alphanumeric characters, underscores, and hyphens, and must begin and end with an alphanumeric character.', 'manager.program.form.description' => 'When the conference program is ready to be presented to users, upload it here or enter it as plain text.', 'manager.program.form.programFile' => 'Program File', 'manager.program.form.programFile.description' => 'If the program is available as a file, upload it here.', 'manager.program.form.programText' => 'Plain Text Program', 'manager.program.form.programText.description' => 'Enter a text-based version of your conference program here.', 'manager.accommodation.form.description' => 'Enter information about accommodation, transportation, and other related logistics here. Several files including information like directions and forms may also be uploaded.', 'manager.accommodation.form.accommodationFiles' => 'Files', 'manager.accommodation.form.accommodationFiles.description' => 'Use this section to upload one or more files for registrants and potential registrants, such as maps, forms, etc.', 'manager.accommodation.form.accommodationText' => 'Accommodation Description', 'manager.accommodation.form.accommodationText.description' => 'Enter text describing conference accommodations in the field below.', 'manager.transportation.form.description' => 'Enter information about transportation logistics here. Several files including information like directions and forms may also be uploaded.', 'manager.transportation.form.transportationFiles' => 'Files', 'manager.transportation.form.transportationFiles.description' => 'Use this section to upload one or more files for registrants and potential registrants, such as maps, forms, etc.', 'manager.transportation.form.transportationText' => 'Transportation Description', 'manager.transportation.form.transportationText.description' => 'Enter text describing conference transportation issues in the field below.', 'manager.conferenceSiteManagement' => 'Conference Site Management', 'manager.websiteManagement' => 'Website Management', 'manager.currentConferences' => 'Current Conferences', 'manager.emails' => 'Prepared Emails', 'manager.statistics' => 'Stats & Reports', 'manager.readingTools' => 'Reading Tools', 'manager.people' => 'People', 'manager.filesBrowser' => 'Files Browser', 'manager.groups' => 'Organizing Team', 'manager.managementPages' => 'General Management', 'manager.managementPages.description' => '

  1. Begin with Website Management to set up the conference website.
  2. Use Scheduled Conferences to establish a scheduled instance of the conference.
  3. Go to scheduled conference\'s Setup to post Call for Papers, Registration, etc. and use its Timeline to set dates for postings, submissions, etc.
', 'manager.program' => 'Program', 'manager.plugins' => 'System Plugins', 'manager.users' => 'Users', 'manager.roles' => 'Roles', 'manager.registrationTypes' => 'Registration Types', 'manager.registration' => 'Registration', 'manager.registrationPolicies' => 'Registration Policies', 'manager.accommodation' => 'Accommodation', 'manager.transportation' => 'Transportation', 'manager.announcements' => 'Announcements', 'manager.announcementTypes' => 'Announcement Types', 'manager.statistics.statistics' => 'Scheduled Conference Statistics', 'manager.statistics.statistics.description' => 'OCS calculates the following statistics for each scheduled conference. The "days to review" is calculated from date of submission (or designation of Review Version) to the initial Director Decision, while the "days to publish" is measured for accepted submissions from its original uploading to its publication.', 'manager.statistics.statistics.makePublic' => 'Check items to be made available to readers in About the Conference.', 'manager.statistics.statistics.selectTracks' => 'Select the tracks for calculating this conference\'s peer-reviewed statistics.', 'manager.statistics.statistics.itemsPublished' => 'Items Published:', 'manager.statistics.statistics.numSubmissions' => 'Total submissions:', 'manager.statistics.statistics.peerReviewed' => 'Peer reviewed:', 'manager.statistics.statistics.count.accept' => 'Accept (%):', 'manager.statistics.statistics.count.decline' => 'Decline (%):', 'manager.statistics.statistics.count.value' => '{$count} ({$percentage}%)', 'manager.statistics.statistics.reviewers' => 'Reviewers:', 'manager.statistics.statistics.reviewerCount' => 'No. Assigned:', 'manager.statistics.statistics.reviewsPerReviewer' => 'No. of Reviews:', 'manager.statistics.statistics.daysPerReview' => 'Days To Review:', 'manager.statistics.statistics.reviewerScore' => 'Director Score:', 'manager.statistics.statistics.daysToPublication' => 'Days To Publication:', 'manager.statistics.statistics.users' => 'Users:', 'manager.statistics.statistics.readers' => 'Readers:', 'manager.statistics.statistics.totalNewValue' => '{$numTotal} ({$numNew} new)', 'manager.statistics.statistics.registrations' => 'Registrations:', 'manager.statistics.statistics.note' => 'Note: Percentages for peer reviewed submissions may not add up to 100%, as items resubmitted are either accepted, declined, or still in process.', 'manager.statistics.reports' => 'Report Generator', 'manager.statistics.reports.description' => 'OCS generates reports that track the details associated with processing submissions to the conference from the perspective of submissions, directors, reviewers, and tracks, over a given period of time. Reports are generated in CSV format which requires a spreadsheet application to view.', 'manager.statistics.reports.dateFrom' => 'From', 'manager.statistics.reports.dateTo' => 'Until', 'manager.statistics.reports.reportType' => 'Type of report', 'manager.statistics.reports.type.conference' => 'Conference Report', 'manager.statistics.reports.type.schedConf' => 'Scheduled Conference Report', 'manager.statistics.reports.type.director' => 'Director Report', 'manager.statistics.reports.type.reviewer' => 'Reviewer Report', 'manager.statistics.reports.type.track' => 'Track Report', 'manager.statistics.reports.generate' => 'Generate Report', 'manager.statistics.reports.status' => 'Status (Accepted, declined, other)', 'manager.statistics.reports.dateDecided' => 'Date Decided', 'manager.statistics.reports.presenter' => 'Author #{$num}', 'manager.statistics.reports.affiliation' => 'Affiliation #{$num}', 'manager.statistics.reports.country' => 'Country #{$num}', 'manager.statistics.reports.reviewer' => 'Reviewer #{$num}', 'manager.statistics.reports.director' => 'Director #{$num}', 'manager.statistics.reports.score' => 'Score #{$num}', 'manager.statistics.reports.singleScore' => 'Score', 'manager.statistics.reports.recommendation' => 'Recommendation #{$num}', 'manager.statistics.reports.daysToDecision' => 'Days To Decision', 'manager.statistics.reports.daysToPublication' => 'Days To Publication', 'manager.plugins.description' => 'This page allows the Conference Manager to review and potentially configure the plugins that are currently installed. Plugins are divided into categories, according to their function. The categories are listed below, and within each category, its current set of plugins.', 'manager.plugins.pluginManagement' => 'Plugin Management', 'manager.plugins.sitePlugin' => 'This is a site-wide plugin. Only the Site Administrator may manage this plugin.', 'manager.plugins.action' => 'Action:', 'manager.plugins.disable' => 'Disable', 'manager.plugins.enable' => 'Enable', 'plugins.categories.generic' => 'Generic Plugins', 'plugins.categories.generic.description' => 'Generic plugins are used to extend Open Conference Systems in a variety of ways that are not supported by the other plugin categories.', 'plugins.categories.auth' => 'Authorisation Plugins', 'plugins.categories.auth.description' => 'Authorisation Plugins allow Open Conference Systems to delegate user authentication tasks to other systems, such as LDAP servers.', 'plugins.categories.importexport' => 'Import/Export Plugins', 'plugins.categories.importexport.description' => 'Import/Export Plugins can be used to transfer content to and from other systems.', 'plugins.categories.gateways' => 'Gateway Plugins', 'plugins.categories.gateways.description' => 'Gateway Plugins provide live data to external systems.', 'plugins.categories.paymethod' => 'Payment Plugins', 'plugins.categories.paymethod.description' => 'Payment Method plugins implement support for various ways of processing payments online.', 'plugins.categories.citationFormats' => 'Citation Format Plugins', 'plugins.categories.citationFormats.description' => 'Citation format plugins provide users with various formats in which to access paper citations.', 'plugins.categories.blocks' => 'Block Plugins', 'plugins.categories.blocks.description' => 'Block Plugins are pluggable UI components, such as the various sidebar tools.', 'plugins.categories.themes' => 'Theme Plugins', 'plugins.categories.themes.description' => 'Theme Plugins can be used to change the system\'s appearance.', 'manager.files.indexOfDir' => 'Index of {$dir}', 'manager.files.uploadedFiles' => 'Uploaded Files', 'manager.files.parentDir' => 'Parent Directory', 'manager.files.emptyDir' => 'No files were found in this directory.', 'manager.files.uploadFile' => 'Upload File', 'manager.files.createDir' => 'Create Directory', 'manager.files.confirmDelete' => 'Delete this file or directory? Note that a directory must be empty before it can be deleted.', 'manager.files.note' => 'Note: The Files Browser is an advanced feature that allows the files and directories associated with a conference to be viewed and manipulated directly.', 'manager.setup.conferenceTitle' => 'Conference Title', 'manager.setup.homepageImageInvalid' => 'Invalid homepage image format. Accepted formats are .gif, .jpg, or .png.', 'manager.setup.homeTitleImageInvalid' => 'Invalid homepage header title image format. Accepted formats are .gif, .jpg, or .png.', 'manager.setup.homeHeaderImageInvalid' => 'Invalid homepage header logo image format. Accepted formats are .gif, .jpg, or .png.', 'manager.setup.pageHeaderTitleImageInvalid' => 'Invalid page header title image format. Accepted formats are .gif, .jpg, or .png.', 'manager.setup.pageHeaderLogoImageInvalid' => 'Invalid page header logo image format. Accepted formats are .gif, .jpg, or .png.', 'manager.setup.conferenceStyleSheetInvalid' => 'Invalid conference stylesheet format. Accepted format is .css.', 'manager.setup.conferenceSetupUpdated' => 'Your conference setup has been updated.', 'manager.setup.selectOne' => 'Select one', 'manager.setup.finalStepSavedNotes' => '

Almost Done!

A conference has now been set up, which may entail a single scheduled conference, an annual conference, or a series of scheduled conferences, all of which can be managed from this conference site. In order to schedule a specific instance of this conference, go to Scheduled Conferences. You may access this page at any time via the Conference Manager\'s homepage.

You can return to these six pages at any time by following the links to "User Home > Conference Manager > Setup".

You can manage scheduled conferences through "User Home > Conference Manager > Setup"

', 'manager.setup.htmlSetupInstructions' => 'If using HTML in Setup text boxes (for font size, bold, color, etc.), note that "returns" in the text are automatically treated as <br>.', 'manager.setup.aboutConference' => 'About the Conference', 'manager.setup.additionalContent' => 'Additional Website Content', 'manager.setup.layout' => 'Website Headers, Footers, Lists and Navigation Bar', 'manager.setup.style' => 'Conference Style', 'manager.setup.loggingAndAuditing' => 'Logging and Auditing', 'manager.setup.indexing' => 'Conference Indexing', 'manager.setup.aboutConference.title' => 'Step 1. About the Conference', 'manager.setup.additionalContent.title' => 'Step 2. Additional Website Content', 'manager.setup.layout.title' => 'Step 3. Website Headers, Footers, Lists and Navigation Bar', 'manager.setup.style.title' => 'Step 4. Conference Style', 'manager.setup.loggingAndAuditing.title' => 'Step 5. Logging and Auditing', 'manager.setup.indexing.title' => 'Step 6. Conference Indexing', 'manager.setup.aboutConference.brief' => 'About', 'manager.setup.additionalContent.brief' => 'Additional Content', 'manager.setup.layout.brief' => 'Headers, Footers, etc.', 'manager.setup.style.brief' => 'Style', 'manager.setup.loggingAndAuditing.brief' => 'Logging & Auditing', 'manager.setup.indexing.brief' => 'Indexing', 'manager.setup.aboutConference.description' => 'Conference description, principal contact, copyright notice, etc.', 'manager.setup.additionalContent.description' => 'Homepage content, user information, and announcements', 'manager.setup.layout.description' => 'Titles and logos, headers, footers, etc.', 'manager.setup.style.description' => 'Cascading Style Sheet and theme for conference pages', 'manager.setup.loggingAndAuditing.description' => 'Email logs, event logs, etc.', 'manager.setup.indexing.description' => 'Search engines and metadata harvesting', 'manager.setup.stepsToConferenceSite' => 'Six Steps to a Conference Web Site', 'manager.setup.aboutConference.conferenceDescription' => 'Conference Description', 'manager.setup.aboutConference.conferenceDescription.description' => 'This description outlines the overall scope and focus of the conferences scheduled on this site.', 'manager.setup.aboutConference.principalContact' => 'Principal Contact for Conference Website', 'manager.setup.aboutConference.copyrightNotice' => 'Copyright Notice', 'manager.setup.aboutConference.copyrightNotice.description' => 'The Copyright Notice will also appear in the metadata accompanying posted conference materials and as a statement that authors need to agree to on submitting to the conference. The Public Knowledge Project recommends the use of a Creative Commons license, and provides a sample Copyright Notice below.', 'manager.setup.aboutConference.copyrightNoticeAgree' => 'Require authors to agree to Copyright Notice as part of the submission process.', 'manager.setup.aboutConference.postCreativeCommons' => 'Post the Creative Commons license logo on the conference website.', 'manager.setup.aboutConference.archiveAccessPolicy' => 'Archive Access Policy', 'manager.setup.aboutConference.archiveAccessPolicy.description' => 'The following settings control access to the conference archives. See section 2.4 for additional settings.', 'manager.setup.aboutConference.privacyStatement' => 'Privacy Statement', 'manager.setup.aboutConference.addItemtoAboutConference' => 'Add Item to Appear in "About the Conference"', 'manager.setup.aboutConference.aboutItemContent' => 'Content', 'manager.setup.aboutConference.addAboutItem' => 'Add About Item', 'manager.setup.aboutConference.restrictPaperAccess' => 'Visitors must create Reader accounts to view archived conference abstracts and presentations.', 'manager.setup.aboutConference.comments' => 'Reader Comments', 'manager.setup.aboutConference.comments.enable' => 'Permit commenting on archived presentations', 'manager.setup.aboutConference.comments.requireRegistration' => 'Only users with accounts can comment on archived presentations.', 'manager.setup.aboutConference.comments.allowAnonymous' => 'Anonymous commenting is permitted.', 'manager.setup.additionalContent.redirect' => 'Scheduled Conference Redirect', 'manager.setup.additionalContent.schedConfRedirect' => 'Redirect', 'manager.setup.additionalContent.redirect.noSchedConfRedirect' => 'Do not redirect', 'manager.setup.additionalContent.redirect.invalidSchedConf' => 'An invalid scheduled conference was chosen for redirects. Please check the chosen scheduled conference and try again.', 'manager.setup.additionalContent.redirect.description' => 'By selecting a Scheduled Conference below, it is possible to redirect users who visit the Conference page directly to that Scheduled Conference. This is useful if, for example, this Conference only contains a single Scheduled Conference.', 'manager.setup.additionalContent.homepage' => 'Homepage', 'manager.setup.additionalContent.homepageImage' => 'Homepage Image', 'manager.setup.additionalContent.homepageImage.description' => '', 'manager.setup.additionalContent.additionalContent' => 'Additional Content', 'manager.setup.additionalContent.additionalContent.description' => 'Add the following content, using text/HTML, which will appear below the homepage image, if one is uploaded.', 'manager.setup.additionalContent.information' => 'Information for Users', 'manager.setup.additionalContent.information.description' => 'Brief descriptions of the conference for prospective authors and readers are available in the "Information" section of the sidebar.', 'manager.setup.additionalContent.information.forReaders' => 'For Readers', 'manager.setup.additionalContent.information.forPresenters' => 'For Authors', 'manager.setup.additionalContent.announcements' => 'Announcements', 'manager.setup.additionalContent.announcementsDescription' => 'Announcements may be published to inform readers of conference news and events. Published announcements will appear on the Announcements page.', 'manager.setup.additionalContent.enableAnnouncements' => 'Enable Conference Managers to add conference announcements.', 'manager.setup.additionalContent.enableAnnouncementsHomepage1' => 'Display', 'manager.setup.additionalContent.enableAnnouncementsHomepage2' => 'of the most recent announcements on the conference homepage.', 'manager.setup.additionalContent.announcementsIntroduction' => 'Additional Information', 'manager.setup.additionalContent.announcementsIntroductionDescription' => 'Enter any additional information that should be displayed to readers on the Announcements page.', 'manager.setup.additionalContent.archiveAccess' => 'Access to Conference Presentations', 'manager.setup.additionalContent.archiveAccess.description' => 'The date for allowing access to presentations is set in Conference Timeline, while access to archived conferences is controlled by the Conference Manager in Conference Setup.', 'manager.setup.additionalContent.archiveAccess.open' => 'Provide open access to all visitors to the website.', 'manager.setup.additionalContent.archiveAccess.accountRequired' => 'Require visitors to sign up with the website.', 'manager.setup.additionalContent.archiveAccess.registrationRequired' => 'Require registration to attend the conference.', 'manager.setup.layout.homepageTitle' => 'Conference Homepage Title', 'manager.setup.layout.useTextTitle' => 'Title text', 'manager.setup.layout.useImageTitle' => 'Title image', 'manager.setup.layout.homepageHeader' => 'Conference Homepage Header', 'manager.setup.layout.homepageHeader.description' => 'A graphic version of the conference\'s title and logo (as a .gif, .jpg, or .png file) can be uploaded for the homepage, which will replace the text version that otherwise appears.', 'manager.setup.layout.conferenceTitle' => 'Conference Title', 'manager.setup.layout.conferenceLogo' => 'Conference Logo', 'manager.setup.layout.lists' => 'Lists', 'manager.setup.layout.lists.description' => 'Enter the maximum number of items (for example, submissions, users, or editing assignments) that appear on each page of a list, and the number of pages links to display on each page.', 'manager.setup.layout.itemsPerPage' => 'Items per page', 'manager.setup.layout.numPageLinks' => 'Page links', 'manager.setup.layout.useImageLogo' => 'Logo image', 'manager.setup.layout.noImageFileUploaded' => 'No image file uploaded.', 'manager.setup.layout.navigationBar' => 'Navigation Bar', 'manager.setup.layout.itemsDescription' => 'Navigation bar items can be added to the current set (Home, About, User Home, etc.) that appear at the top of the page.', 'manager.setup.layout.labelName' => 'Label name', 'manager.setup.layout.addNavItem' => 'Add Item', 'manager.setup.layout.navItemIsLiteral' => 'The label value is a literal string (e.g., "Conference Setup") rather than a localisation message key (e.g., "manager.setup")', 'manager.setup.layout.navItemIsAbsolute' => 'URL is an absolute URL (e.g., "http://www.example.com") rather than a path relative to the site (e.g., "/manager/setup")', 'manager.setup.layout.conferencePageHeader' => 'Website Header', 'manager.setup.layout.conferencePageHeader.description' => 'A graphic version of the conference\'s title and logo (.gif, .jpg, or .png file), possibly a smaller version of the one used on the homepage', 'manager.setup.layout.alternateHeader' => 'Alternate Header', 'manager.setup.layout.alternateHeaderDescription' => 'Instead of title and logo, an HTML version of the header can be inserted.', 'manager.setup.layout.conferencePageFooter' => 'Website Footer', 'manager.setup.layout.conferencePageFooterDescription' => 'This is the footer of your conference. To change or update the footer, paste the HTML code in the textbox below. Examples could be another navigation bar, a counter, etc. This footer will appear on every page.', 'manager.setup.style.conferenceTheme' => 'Conference Theme', 'manager.setup.style.conferenceStyleSheet.description' => 'By default conferences and the site use a common style sheet (located in the "styles" subdirectory of the site). The default style rules can be overridden by choosing a theme and/or uploading a conference-specific cascading style sheet.', 'manager.setup.style.useConferenceStyleSheet' => 'Conference style sheet', 'manager.setup.layout.leftSidebar' => 'Left Sidebar', 'manager.setup.layout.unselected' => 'Unselected', 'manager.setup.layout.rightSidebar' => 'Right Sidebar', 'manager.setup.loggingAndAuditing.pageDescription' => 'Maintain a log of the following actions and materials for all conferences.', 'manager.setup.loggingAndAuditing.submissionEventLogging' => 'Submission-related actions, recorded on submission\'s "History" page.', 'manager.setup.loggingAndAuditing.submissionEmailLogging' => 'Submission-related emails, recorded on submission\'s "History" page.', 'manager.setup.loggingAndAuditing.conferenceEventLogging' => 'Conference event logging.', 'manager.setup.indexing.searchEngineIndexing' => 'Search Engine Indexing', 'manager.setup.indexing.searchEngineIndexing.description' => 'To assist the users of search engines in discovering this conference, provide a brief description of the conference and relevant keywords (separated by semicolons).', 'manager.setup.indexing.customTags' => 'Custom tags', 'manager.setup.indexing.customTagsDescription' => 'Custom HTML header tags to be inserted in the header of every page (e.g., META tags).', 'manager.setup.indexing.registerConferenceForIndexing' => 'Register Conference for Indexing (Metadata Harvesting)', 'manager.setup.indexing.registerConferenceForIndexing.description' => 'To have the contents of this conference indexed within a globally distributed system of research databases, register your conference\'s URL with the Public Knowledge Project metadata harvester. This tool collects the metadata from each indexed item in this conference, enabling accurate and collective searching among the research sites that adhere to the Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting.

Note that if your site administrator has already registered this site with the PKP Harvester, your conference will be indexed automatically and you do not need to register your conference.

Click here and enter {$siteUrl} under Site URL, and {$oaiUrl} under Base URL for OAI Archive.', 'manager.schedConfSetup.stepsToSchedConf' => 'These steps are designed to set up a scheduled instance of the conference. Once a conference is set up, it is copied to the next instance of the conference, and can be edited by the conference directors.', 'manager.schedConfSetup.schedConfSetup' => 'Scheduled Conference Setup', 'manager.schedConfSetup.details' => 'Details', 'manager.schedConfSetup.submissions' => 'Submissions', 'manager.schedConfSetup.review' => 'Review', 'manager.schedConfSetup.details.pageDescription' => 'Description, location, contacts, email identification, and sponsors.', 'manager.schedConfSetup.submissions.pageDescription' => 'Submission process and types, call for papers, guidelines, indexing, and identification.', 'manager.schedConfSetup.review.pageDescription' => 'Review policies, guidelines, and access.', 'manager.schedConfSetup.details.title' => 'Step 1. Details', 'manager.schedConfSetup.submissions.title' => 'Step 2. Submissions', 'manager.schedConfSetup.review.title' => 'Step 3. Review Process', 'manager.schedConfSetup.details.description' => 'Scheduled Conference Description', 'manager.schedConfSetup.details.introduction.description' => 'A brief description of the conference that can be used to publicise the event.', 'manager.schedConfSetup.details.overview.description' => 'An overview of the theme, scope, and focus.', 'manager.schedConfSetup.details.location' => 'Scheduled Conference Location', 'manager.schedConfSetup.details.location.nameOf' => 'Name of Location', 'manager.schedConfSetup.details.location.city' => 'City', 'manager.schedConfSetup.details.principalContact' => 'Principal Contact for Scheduled Conference', 'manager.schedConfSetup.details.technicalSupportContact' => 'Technical Support Contact', 'manager.schedConfSetup.details.technicalSupportContact.description' => 'This person will be listed on the scheduled conference\'s Contact page for the use of authors and reviewers, and should have experience working through the system from the perspective of all of its roles. As this conference system requires very little technical support, this should be seen as a part-time assignment. There may be occasions, for example, when authors and reviewers have difficulties with the instructions or file formats, or there\'s a need to ensure that the conference is regularly backed up on the server.', 'manager.schedConfSetup.details.emails' => 'Email Identification', 'manager.schedConfSetup.details.emailSignature' => 'Signature', 'manager.schedConfSetup.details.emailSignature.description' => 'The prepared emails that are sent by the system on behalf of the conference will have the following signature added to the end. The body of the prepared emails are available for editing under Conference Management.', 'manager.schedConfSetup.details.emailBounceAddress' => 'Bounce Address', 'manager.schedConfSetup.details.emailBounceAddress.description' => 'Any undeliverable emails will result in an error message to this address.', 'manager.schedConfSetup.details.emailBounceAddressDisabled' => 'Note: To activate this option, the site administrator must enable the allow_envelope_sender option in the OCS configuration file. Additional server configuration may be required to support this functionality (which may not be possible on all servers), as indicated in the OCS documentation.', 'manager.schedConfSetup.details.sponsors' => 'Sponsoring Organisations', 'manager.schedConfSetup.details.sponsors.description' => 'The name of the organisations (e.g., scholarly associations, university department, etc.) sponsoring the conference, to appear on the conference homepage and may be accompanied by a note of acknowledgement.', 'manager.schedConfSetup.details.addSponsor' => 'Add Sponsoring Organisation', 'manager.schedConfSetup.details.institution' => 'Institution', 'manager.schedConfSetup.details.contributors' => 'Sources of Support', 'manager.schedConfSetup.details.contributors.description' => 'Additional agencies or organisations that provide financial or in-kind support for the conference will appear on the conference homepage and may be accompanied by a note of acknowledgement.', 'manager.schedConfSetup.details.contributor' => 'Contributor', 'manager.schedConfSetup.details.addContributor' => 'Add Contributor', 'manager.schedConfSetup.details.note' => 'Note', 'manager.schedConfSetup.details.contactNameRequired' => 'The primary contact name is required.', 'manager.schedConfSetup.details.contactEmailRequired' => 'The primary contact email is required.', 'manager.schedConfSetup.details.supportNameRequired' => 'The support name is required.', 'manager.schedConfSetup.details.supportEmailRequired' => 'The support email is required.', 'manager.schedConfSetup.submissions.submissionProcess' => 'Submission Process', 'manager.schedConfSetup.submissions.description' => 'Authors can submit abstracts (short descriptions of the proposed presentation) and/or longer proposals (e.g., papers, PowerPoint slides, etc.) for a scheduled conference. The submissions can be for a single presentation (with one or more authors) and/or for a multiple presentation session, submitted by the session organiser. In addition, authors can include supplementary files (e.g., data sets, source materials, related paper) with their abstracts and/or presentations.', 'manager.schedConfSetup.submissions.submissionMaterials' => 'Submission Materials', 'manager.schedConfSetup.submissions.abstractsAlone' => 'Abstract', 'manager.schedConfSetup.submissions.presentationsAlone' => 'Full proposal', 'manager.schedConfSetup.submissions.bothTogether' => 'Abstract and proposal together', 'manager.schedConfSetup.submissions.bothSequential' => 'Abstract followed by presentation', 'manager.schedConfSetup.submissions.typeOfSubmission' => 'Type of Submission', 'manager.schedConfSetup.submissions.allowIndividualSubmissions' => 'Enable individual presentations, submitted by authors', 'manager.schedConfSetup.submissions.allowPanelSubmissions' => 'Enable multiple-presentation sessions, submitted by panel organisers', 'manager.schedConfSetup.submissions.suppFiles' => 'Supplementary Materials', 'manager.schedConfSetup.submissions.acceptSupplementaryReviewMaterials' => 'Supplementary files can be submitted with abstracts and presentations.', 'manager.schedConfSetup.submissions.submissionLayout' => 'Submission Layout', 'manager.schedConfSetup.submissions.submissionLayout.toggle' => 'Enable layout (PDF, HTML, etc.) by director of submission materials', 'manager.schedConfSetup.notifications' => 'Submission Notification', 'manager.schedConfSetup.submissions.notifications.description' => 'Copies of acknowledgement email to submitter should go to the following:', 'manager.schedConfSetup.submissions.notifications.copyPrimaryContact' => 'The conference’s primary contact.', 'manager.schedConfSetup.submissions.notifications.copySpecifiedAddress' => 'This email address', 'manager.schedConfSetup.submissions.notifications.submissionAckDisabled' => 'Note: The submission acknowledgement email is currently disabled. To use this feature, enable the SUBMISSION_ACK email in Prepared Emails.', 'manager.schedConfSetup.submissions.callForPapers' => 'Call for Papers (CFP)', 'manager.schedConfSetup.submissions.cfpMessage' => 'CFP message', 'manager.schedConfSetup.submissions.cfpMessageDescription' => 'This information is displayed in the "call-for-papers" link on this conference\'s home page.', 'manager.schedConfSetup.submissions.presenterGuidelines' => 'Author Guidelines', 'manager.schedConfSetup.submissions.presenterGuidelinesDescription' => 'Set out for authors bibliographic and formatting standards for submitting materials to the conference, possibly with examples. If supplementary files are permitted, suggest types (e.g., data-sets, research instruments, etc.) which authors should be encouraged to upload to enhance readers\' engagement with their work.', 'manager.schedConfSetup.submissions.preparationChecklist' => 'Submission Preparation Checklist', 'manager.schedConfSetup.submissions.preparationChecklist.description' => 'On making a submission to the conference, authors are required to check off items on the Submission Preparation Checklist. The checklist also appears in the Author Guidelines. The list below can be edited. All items on the list must be checked by the author before submission will be accepted.', 'manager.schedConfSetup.submissions.addChecklistItem' => 'Add Checklist Item', 'manager.schedConfSetup.submissions.forPresentersToIndexTheirWork' => 'Submission Indexing', 'manager.schedConfSetup.submissions.forPresentersToIndexTheirWorkDescription' => 'OCS adheres to the Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting, which is the emerging standard for providing well-indexed access to electronic research resources on a global scale. Authors will use a similar template to provide metadata for their submission. The Conference Manager should select the categories for indexing and present authors with relevant examples to assist them in indexing their work, separating terms with a semi-colon (e.g., term1; term2). The entries should be introduced as examples by using "E.g.," or "For example,".', 'manager.schedConfSetup.submissions.discipline' => 'Academic Discipline and Sub-Disciplines', 'manager.schedConfSetup.submissions.disciplineDescription' => 'Useful when conference crosses disciplinary boundaries and/or authors submit multidisciplinary items.', 'manager.schedConfSetup.submissions.disciplineProvideExamples' => 'Provide examples of relevant academic disciplines for this conference', 'manager.schedConfSetup.submissions.disciplineExamples' => '(E.g., History; Education; Sociology; Psychology; Cultural Studies; Law)', 'manager.schedConfSetup.submissions.subjectClassification' => 'Subject Classification', 'manager.schedConfSetup.submissions.subjectClassificationDescription' => '[Conference will use a subject classification system available on the web.
Title of classification system', 'manager.schedConfSetup.submissions.subjectClassificationExamples' => '(E.g., Mathematics Subject Classification; Library of Congress Classification)', 'manager.schedConfSetup.submissions.subjectKeywordTopic' => 'Keywords', 'manager.schedConfSetup.submissions.subjectProvideExamples' => 'Provide examples of keywords or topics as a guide for authors', 'manager.schedConfSetup.submissions.subjectExamples' => '(E.g., Photosynthesis; Black Holes; Four-Color Map Problem; Bayesian Theory)', 'manager.schedConfSetup.submissions.coverage' => 'Coverage', 'manager.schedConfSetup.submissions.coverageDescription' => 'Refers to geo-spatial location, chronological or historical coverage, and/or characteristics of research sample.', 'manager.schedConfSetup.submissions.coverageGeoProvideExamples' => 'Provide examples of relevant geo-spatial or geographical terms for this field', 'manager.schedConfSetup.submissions.coverageGeoExamples' => '(E.g., Iberian Peninsula; Stratosphere; Boreal Forest; etc.)', 'manager.schedConfSetup.submissions.coverageChronProvideExamples' => 'Provide examples of relevant chronological or historical terms for this field', 'manager.schedConfSetup.submissions.coverageChronExamples' => '(E.g., European Renaissance; Jurassic Period; Third Trimester; etc.)', 'manager.schedConfSetup.submissions.coverageResearchSampleProvideExamples' => 'Provide examples of research sample characteristics for this field', 'manager.schedConfSetup.submissions.coverageResearchSampleExamples' => '(E.g., Age; Gender; Ethnicity; etc.)', 'manager.schedConfSetup.submissions.typeMethodApproach' => 'Type (Method/Approach)', 'manager.schedConfSetup.submissions.typeProvideExamples' => 'Provide examples of relevant research types, methods, and approaches for this field', 'manager.schedConfSetup.submissions.typeExamples' => '(E.g., Historical Inquiry; Quasi-Experimental; Literary Analysis; Survey/Interview)', 'manager.schedConfSetup.submissions.publicIdentifier' => 'Identification of Conference Content', 'manager.schedConfSetup.submissions.uniqueIdentifierDescription' => 'Papers can be tagged with an identification number or string, if the conference is using an item registration system such as the Digital Object Identifier System (DOI).', 'manager.schedConfSetup.submissions.enablePublicPaperId' => 'Identifiers will be added to accepted presentations.', 'manager.schedConfSetup.submissions.enablePublicSuppFileId' => 'Identifiers will be added to supplemental files with accepted presentations.', 'manager.schedConfSetup.review.reviewPolicy' => 'Review Policy', 'manager.schedConfSetup.review.reviewDescription' => 'Outline the conference\'s review policy and processes for readers and authors, including the number of reviewers typically used in reviewing a submission, the criteria by which reviewers are asked to judge submissions, typical time taken to conduct the reviews, and the principles for recruiting reviewers. This will appear in About the Conference.', 'manager.schedConfSetup.review.peerReview' => 'Peer Review', 'manager.schedConfSetup.review.reviewGuidelinesDescription' => 'The Review Guidelines provide reviewers with criteria for judging a submission\'s suitability for acceptance to the conference, as well as any special instructions for preparing an effective and helpful review.', 'manager.schedConfSetup.review.numWeeksPerReview1' => 'Allow reviewers', 'manager.schedConfSetup.review.numWeeksPerReview2' => 'weeks to review submissions.', 'manager.schedConfSetup.review.restrictReviewerFileAccess' => 'Reviewers will have access to the submission file only after agreeing to review it.', 'manager.schedConfSetup.review.reviewerAccessKeysEnabled' => 'Enable one-click reviewer access.', 'manager.schedConfSetup.review.reviewerAccessKeysEnabled.description' => 'Note: With this option, in which reviewers do not need to log in to the site, directors are not able for security reasons to modify email addresses or add CCs or BCCs prior to sending request to reviewers.', 'manager.schedConfSetup.review.reviewerReminders' => 'Reviewer Reminders', 'manager.schedConfSetup.review.automatedReminders' => 'Automated email reminders are sent to reviewers', 'manager.schedConfSetup.review.remindForInvite1' => 'Who have not responded to a review request within', 'manager.schedConfSetup.review.remindForInvite2' => 'days.', 'manager.schedConfSetup.review.remindForSubmit1' => 'Who have not submitted a review within', 'manager.schedConfSetup.review.remindForSubmit2' => 'days after its due date.', 'manager.schedConfSetup.review.automatedRemindersDisabled' => 'Note: To activate these options, the site administrator must enable the scheduled_tasks option in the OCS configuration file. Additional server configuration may be required to support this functionality (which may not be possible on all servers), as indicated in the OCS documentation.', 'manager.schedConfSetup.review.onQuality' => 'Directors are able to rate reviewers on a five-point scale.', 'manager.schedConfSetup.review.directorDecision' => 'Director Decision', 'manager.schedConfSetup.review.notifyAllPresentersOnDecision' => 'When using the Notify Author email, include the email addresses of all co-authors for multiple-author submissions, and not just the submitting user.', 'manager.languages.languageInstructions' => 'OCS can be made available to users in any of several supported languages. As well, OCS can operate as a partially multilingual system, providing users with an ability to toggle between languages on each page, and allowing certain data to be entered in several additional languages.

If a language supported by OCS is not listed below, ask your site administrator to install the language from the site administration interface. For instructions on adding support for new languages, please consult the OCS documentation.', 'manager.languages.primaryLocaleInstructions' => 'This will be the default language for the conference site.', 'manager.languages.supportedLocalesInstructions' => 'Select all locales to support on the site via a language select menu to appear on each page. The menu will only appear if more than one locale is selected.', 'manager.languages.alternateLocaleInstructions' => 'This system optionally allows certain critical information to be entered in several additional languages. To use this feature, select alternate locales and choose from the options listed below.', 'manager.languages.noneAvailable' => 'Sorry, no additional languages are available. Contact your site administrator if you wish to use additional languages with this conference.', 'manager.tracks.noneCreated' => 'No tracks have been created.', 'manager.tracks.confirmDelete' => 'Are you sure you want to permanently delete this track?', 'manager.tracks.create' => 'Create Track', 'manager.tracks.directors' => 'Track directors', 'manager.tracks.unassigned' => 'Available Track Directors', 'manager.tracks.assigned' => 'This Track\'s Directors', 'manager.tracks.assignDirector' => 'Assign Director', 'manager.tracks.unassignDirector' => 'Un-assign Director', 'manager.tracks.form.titleRequired' => 'A title is required for the track.', 'manager.tracks.form.abbrevRequired' => 'An abbreviated title is required for the track', 'manager.tracks.trackDirectorInstructions' => 'Select from among the available Track Directors and "Assign Director" to this track.', 'manager.tracks.submissionsToThisTrack' => 'Submissions made to this conference track', 'manager.tracks.submissionNotReviewed' => 'Indicate that track is not peer-reviewed', 'manager.tracks.peerReviewed' => 'Peer Reviewed', 'manager.tracks.directorRestriction' => 'Items can only be submitted by Directors and Track Directors.', 'manager.tracks.hideAbout' => 'Omit this track from Track Policies', 'manager.tracks.readingTools' => 'Reading Tools', 'manager.tracks.indexed' => 'Indexed', 'manager.tracks.open' => 'Open Submissions', 'manager.tracks.policy' => 'Track Policy', 'manager.tracks.identifyType' => 'Describe submissions to this conference track as', 'manager.tracks.identifyTypeExamples' => '(For example, "Peer-reviewed abstract", "Non-refereed paper", "Invited presentation", etc.)', 'manager.timeline' => 'Conference Timeline', 'manager.timeline.conferenceTimeline' => 'Conference Timeline', 'manager.timeline.overrideDates' => 'Override error message(s)', 'manager.timeline.description' => 'The dates recorded here will be utilised for this scheduled conference, and can be posted on the website by checking "Conference timeline" at the bottom of the page.', 'manager.timeline.conference' => 'Conference', 'manager.timeline.schedConfStartsOn' => 'First day of conference', 'manager.timeline.schedConfEndsOn' => 'Last day of conference', 'manager.timeline.website' => 'Website', 'manager.timeline.schedConfAppearsOn' => 'Go Live (as a Current Conference)', 'manager.timeline.schedConfArchivedOn' => 'Move to Conference Archive', 'manager.timeline.submissions' => 'Submissions', 'manager.timeline.openRegPresenter' => 'Author registration opened', 'manager.timeline.closeRegPresenter' => 'Author registration closed', 'manager.timeline.showCFP' => 'Call for Papers posted', 'manager.timeline.submissionsOpen' => 'Submissions accepted', 'manager.timeline.submissionsClosed' => 'Submissions closed', 'manager.timeline.reviews' => 'Reviews', 'manager.timeline.openRegReviewer' => 'Reviewer registration opened', 'manager.timeline.closeRegReviewer' => 'Reviewer registration closed', 'manager.timeline.closeReviewProcess' => 'Review process closed', 'manager.timeline.websitePosting' => 'Website Posting', 'manager.timeline.postPresentations' => 'Accepted abstracts/presentations', 'manager.timeline.postAbstracts' => 'Accepted abstracts', 'manager.timeline.postTimeline' => 'Conference timeline (included in Conference Information)', 'manager.timeline.postSchedule' => 'Schedule', 'manager.timeline.postPapers' => 'Accepted papers', 'manager.timeline.delayOpenAccess' => 'Delay open access until', 'manager.timeline.closeComments' => 'Close comments (activate Reading Tools)', 'manager.timeline.closeComments.plain' => 'Close comments', 'manager.timeline.form.conferenceEndDateBeforeConferenceStart' => 'The conference end date must come after the conference start date.', 'manager.timeline.form.siteEndDateBeforeConferenceStart' => 'The conference site cannot be moved to the archive before the conference start date.', 'manager.timeline.form.conferenceStartDateBeforeSubmissionsClose' => 'The conference cannot start before submissions are closed.', 'manager.timeline.form.siteEndDateBeforeSiteStart' => 'The website "Go Live" date must come before the "Move to Conference Archive" date.', 'manager.timeline.form.conferenceStartBeforeSiteStart' => 'The website "Go Live" date must come before the conference start date.', 'manager.timeline.form.siteEndBeforeLastDay' => 'The "Move to Conference Archive" date must come after the last day of the conference.', 'manager.timeline.form.regPresenterCloseDateBeforeRegPresenterOpenDate' => 'The author registration open date must come before the author registration close date.', 'manager.timeline.form.regReviewerCloseDateBeforeRegReviewerOpenDate' => 'The reviewer registration open date must come before the reviewer registration close date.', 'manager.timeline.form.submissionsCloseBeforeCFP' => 'The Call for Papers must be posted before submissions close.', 'manager.importExport' => 'Import/Export Data', 'manager.importExport.noPlugins' => 'There are no import/export plugins currently installed.', 'manager.groups.editTitle' => 'Edit Title', 'manager.groups.createTitle' => 'Create Title', 'manager.groups.title' => 'Title', 'manager.groups.confirmDelete' => 'Are you sure you wish to delete this group?', 'manager.groups.noneCreated' => 'No organizing team positions have been created.', 'manager.groups.create' => 'Create Organizing Team Title', 'manager.groups.form.groupTitleRequired' => 'A group title is required.', 'manager.groups.enableBoard.description' => 'For the Organizing Team in About the Conference:', 'manager.groups.enableBoard' => 'The Conference Manager will create organizing team titles, and add the appropriate people under each title.', 'manager.groups.disableBoard' => 'The system will generate a list of people under their assigned roles (Conference Director, Reviewer, etc.)', 'manager.groups.membership' => 'Membership', 'manager.groups.membership.confirmDelete' => 'Are you sure you wish to delete this group membership?', 'manager.groups.membership.noneCreated' => 'This group has no members.', 'manager.groups.membership.addMember' => 'Add Member', 'manager.groups.membership.noUsers' => 'No users were found.', 'manager.people.allUsers' => 'All Users', 'manager.people.allEnrolledUsers' => 'All Enrolled Users', 'manager.people.allSiteUsers' => 'Enroll a User from this Site in this Conference', 'manager.people.mustChooseRole' => 'Please select a role at the top of the page before clicking "Enroll User".', 'manager.people.allConferences' => 'All Conferences', 'manager.people.editUser' => 'Edit User', 'manager.people.enrollExistingUser' => 'Enroll Existing User', 'manager.people.createUser' => 'Create New User', 'manager.people.mergeUsers' => 'Merge Users', 'manager.people.mergeUser' => 'Merge User', 'manager.people.enroll' => 'Enroll User', 'manager.people.enrollment' => 'Enrollment', 'manager.people.unenroll' => 'Unenroll', 'manager.people.confirmUnenroll' => 'Unenroll this user?', 'manager.people.mergeUsers.from.description' => 'Select a user to merge into another account. The account you select here will be deleted and any submissions, editing assignments, etc. will be attributed to another account.', 'manager.people.mergeUsers.into.description' => 'Select a user to whom to attribute the previous user\'s presentations, editing assignments, etc.', 'manager.people.mergeUsers.confirm' => 'Are you sure you wish to merge the account with the username "{$oldUsername}" into the account with the username "{$newUsername}"? The account with the username "{$oldUsername}" will not exist afterwards. This action is not reversible.', 'manager.people.confirmRemove' => 'Remove this user from this conference? This action will unenroll the user from all roles within this conference.', 'manager.people.confirmDisable' => 'Disable this user? This will prevent the user from logging into the system. You may optionally provide the user with a reason for disabling their account.', 'manager.people.noneEnrolled' => 'No enrolled users.', 'manager.people.enrollSelected' => 'Enroll Selected Users', 'manager.people.noMatchingUsers' => 'No matching users.', 'manager.people.saveAndCreateAnotherUser' => 'Save and Create Another', 'manager.people.userCreatedSuccessfully' => 'User created successfully.', 'manager.people.authSource' => 'Authentication source', 'manager.people.enrollUserAs' => 'Enroll user as', 'manager.people.doNotEnroll' => 'With no role', 'manager.people.enrollUserAsDescription' => 'Users can be assigned to, or removed from, a role at any point.', 'manager.people.invalidUser' => 'Sorry, the requested user does not exist.', 'manager.people.noAdministrativeRights' => 'Sorry, you do not have administrative rights over this user. This may be because: This task must be performed by a site administrator.', 'manager.people.createUserGeneratePassword' => 'Generate a random password.', 'manager.people.createUserSendNotify' => 'Send the user a welcome email containing their username and password.', 'manager.people.mustProvideName' => 'Please provide at least a last name for the user first.', 'manager.people.userMustChangePassword' => 'Require the user to change their password the next time they log in.', 'manager.people.disable' => 'Disable', 'manager.people.enable' => 'Enable', 'manager.people.remove' => 'Remove', 'manager.people.emailUsers' => 'Email Users', 'manager.people.emailUsers.emailSelectedUsers' => 'Email selected users', 'manager.people.emailUsers.emailUsersEnrolledAs' => 'Email users enrolled as', 'manager.people.emailUsers.selectUsers' => 'Select the users you would like to email by checking the boxes beside their names', 'manager.people.emailUsers.selectLocale' => 'Select a locale', 'manager.people.editProfile' => 'Edit Profile', 'manager.people.signInAsUser' => 'Log In as User', 'manager.people.signInAs' => 'Log In As', 'manager.people.syncUsers' => 'Synchronise User Enrollment', 'manager.people.syncUserDescription' => 'Enrollment synchronisation will enroll all users enrolled in the specified role in the specified conference into the same role in this conference. This function allows a common set of users (e.g., Reviewers) to be synchronised between conferences.', 'manager.people.enrollSync' => 'Sync Enrollment', 'manager.people.enrollSyncRole' => 'Synchronise role', 'manager.people.enrollSyncConference' => 'With conference', 'manager.emails.emailKey' => 'Email Key', 'manager.emails.emailKeyExists' => 'An email with the given key already exists. Email keys must be unique.', 'manager.emails.emailTemplate' => 'Email Template', 'manager.emails.emailTemplates' => 'Email Templates', 'manager.emails.enabled' => 'Enable this email template', 'manager.emails.enable' => 'Enable', 'manager.emails.disable' => 'Disable', 'manager.emails.reset' => 'Reset', 'manager.emails.createEmail' => 'Create Email', 'manager.emails.editEmail' => 'Edit Email', 'manager.emails.confirmDelete' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this email template?', 'manager.emails.confirmReset' => 'Are you sure you want to reset this email template to its default values?', 'manager.emails.resetToDefault' => 'Reset To Default', 'manager.emails.resetAll' => 'Reset All Templates', 'manager.emails.confirmResetAll' => 'Are you sure you want to reset all email templates in this conference? You will lose any customisations you have made.', 'manager.emails.form.subjectRequired' => 'A subject is required for the email.', 'manager.emails.form.bodyRequired' => 'A body is required for the email.', 'manager.emails.editTestExample' => 'Edit Email Test Example', 'manager.registrationPolicies.registrationContact' => 'Registration Manager', 'manager.registrationPolicies.registrationContactDescription' => 'The contact listed under Registrations in About the Conference.', 'manager.registrationPolicies.registrationAdditionalInformation' => 'Registration Information', 'manager.registrationPolicies.registrationAdditionalInformationDescription' => 'The Registration Types and fee structure will be automatically placed under Registrations on the About the Conference page, along with the name and contact information for the Registration Manager. Additional information about registration, such as methods of payment or support for registrants in developing countries, can be added here.', 'manager.registrationPolicies.htmlInstructions' => 'HTML can be used in textarea (for font size, color, etc.), with "returns" treated as <br>; HTML editor works with Firefox browsers.', 'manager.registrationPolicies.openAccessOptions' => 'Open Access Options For Registration Conferences', 'manager.registrationPolicies.openAccessOptionsDescription' => 'Registration conferences can provide "delayed open access" and/or "author self-archiving" (which increase readership and citation of content). The selected policies will appear in About the Conference.', 'manager.registrationPolicies.delayedOpenAccess' => 'Delayed Open Access', 'manager.registrationPolicies.openAccessNotificationDescription' => 'Users with Reader accounts will have the option of receiving the contents by email when a conference becomes open access.', 'manager.registrationPolicies.delayedOpenAccessPolicyDescription' => 'The following statement will be posted in About the Conference under Delayed Open Access.', 'manager.registrationPolicies.openAccessNotificationDisabled' => 'Note: To activate this option, the site administrator must enable the scheduled_tasks option in the OCS configuration file. Additional server configuration may be required to support this functionality (which may not be possible on all servers), as indicated in the OCS documentation.', 'manager.registrationPolicies.presenterSelfArchive' => 'Author Self-Archiving Policy', 'manager.registrationPolicies.presenterSelfArchiveDescription' => 'The following policy will be included in About the Conference.', 'manager.registrationPolicies.registrationPoliciesSaved' => 'Your registration policy settings have been updated.', 'manager.registrationPolicies.expiryReminders' => 'Registration Expiry Reminders', 'manager.registrationPolicies.expiryRemindersDescription' => 'Automated email reminders (available for editing by Conference Managers in OCS\'s Prepared Emails) can be sent to registrants both before and after a registration has expired.', 'manager.registrationPolicies.expiryRemindersDisabled' => 'Note: To activate these options, the site administrator must enable the scheduled_tasks option in the OCS configuration file. Additional server configuration may be required to support this functionality (which may not be possible on all servers), as indicated in the OCS documentation.', 'manager.registrationPolicies.expiryReminderBeforeMonths1' => 'Notify registrants by email', 'manager.registrationPolicies.expiryReminderBeforeMonths2' => 'month(s) before registration expiry.', 'manager.registrationPolicies.expiryReminderBeforeWeeks1' => 'Notify registrants by email', 'manager.registrationPolicies.expiryReminderBeforeWeeks2' => 'week(s) before registration expiry.', 'manager.registrationPolicies.expiryReminderAfterMonths1' => 'Notify registrants by email', 'manager.registrationPolicies.expiryReminderAfterMonths2' => 'month(s) after registration expiry.', 'manager.registrationPolicies.expiryReminderAfterWeeks1' => 'Notify registrants by email', 'manager.registrationPolicies.expiryReminderAfterWeeks2' => 'week(s) after registration expiry.', 'manager.registrationPolicies.registrationContactEmailValid' => 'Please enter a valid email.', 'manager.registrationPolicies.enableRegistrationExpiryReminderBeforeMonthsValid' => 'Please use the checkbox provided.', 'manager.registrationPolicies.numMonthsBeforeRegistrationExpiryReminderValid' => 'Please select a valid value for the number of months before registration expiry.', 'manager.registrationPolicies.numWeeksBeforeRegistrationExpiryReminderValid' => 'Please select a valid value for the number of weeks before registration expiry.', 'manager.registrationPolicies.numMonthsAfterRegistrationExpiryReminderValid' => 'Please select a valid value for the number of months after registration expiry.', 'manager.registrationPolicies.numWeeksAfterRegistrationExpiryReminderValid' => 'Please select a valid value for the number of weeks after registration expiry.', 'manager.registrationTypes.createTitle' => 'Create', 'manager.registrationTypes.create' => 'Create New Registration Type', 'manager.registrationTypes.confirmDelete' => 'Warning! All registrations with this registration type will also be deleted. Are you sure you want to continue and delete this registration type?', 'manager.registrationTypes.noneCreated' => 'No registration types have been created.', 'manager.registrationTypes.name' => 'Registration type', 'manager.registrationTypes.cost' => 'Cost', 'manager.registrationTypes.currency' => 'Currency', 'manager.registrationTypes.openDate' => 'Available From', 'manager.registrationTypes.closeDate' => 'Available Until', 'manager.registrationTypes.expiryDate' => 'Access Expires', 'manager.registrationTypes.registrationTypeCreatedSuccessfully' => 'Registration type created successfully.', 'manager.registrationTypes.editTitle' => 'Edit', 'manager.registrationTypes.edit' => 'Edit Registration Type', 'manager.registrationTypes.year' => 'year', 'manager.registrationTypes.years' => 'years', 'manager.registrationTypes.month' => 'month', 'manager.registrationTypes.months' => 'months', 'manager.registrationTypes.form.typeNameRequired' => 'A registration type name is required.', 'manager.registrationTypes.form.typeNameExists' => 'A registration type with this name already exists.', 'manager.registrationTypes.form.costRequired' => 'A cost is required.', 'manager.registrationTypes.form.costNumeric' => 'The cost must be a positive, numeric value.', 'manager.registrationTypes.form.currencyRequired' => 'A currency is required.', 'manager.registrationTypes.form.currencyValid' => 'Please select a valid currency.', 'manager.registrationTypes.form.accessRequired' => 'A registration access type is required.', 'manager.registrationTypes.form.accessValid' => 'Please select a valid registration access type.', 'manager.registrationTypes.form.institutionalValid' => 'Please use the checkbox provided.', 'manager.registrationTypes.form.membershipValid' => 'Please use the checkbox provided.', 'manager.registrationTypes.form.notPublicValid' => 'Please use the checkbox provided.', 'manager.registrationTypes.form.typeName' => 'Name', 'manager.registrationTypes.form.description' => 'Description', 'manager.registrationTypes.form.cost' => 'Cost', 'manager.registrationTypes.form.costInstructions' => 'Enter a numeric value (e.g., 40 or 40.00). Do not include any other text (e.g., $).', 'manager.registrationTypes.form.code' => 'Code', 'manager.registrationTypes.form.code.instructions' => 'Enter a code (e.g., 1234) if registration in this type is to be restricted to those who have been issued the code to use when registering (such as invited presenters who can register at no charge).', 'manager.registrationTypes.form.currency' => 'Currency', 'manager.registrationTypes.form.openDate' => 'Opens for Registration', 'manager.registrationTypes.form.closeDate' => 'Closes for Registration', 'manager.registrationTypes.form.expiryDate' => 'Expiry date for access to conference\'s online content', 'manager.registrationTypes.form.access' => 'Access', 'manager.registrationTypes.form.institutional' => 'Registrants can be validated via domain or IP authentication.', 'manager.registrationTypes.form.membership' => 'Registrants must be members of a designated organisation.', 'manager.registrationTypes.form.notPublic' => 'Do not make this registration type publicly available.', 'manager.registrationTypes.form.saveAndCreateAnotherType' => 'Save and Create Another', 'manager.registrationTypes.form.closeBeforeOpen' => 'The open date for this registration type must come before the close date.', 'manager.registrationTypes.access' => 'Access', 'manager.registrationTypes.access.online' => 'Online', 'manager.registrationTypes.access.physical' => 'Physical', 'manager.registrationTypes.access.both' => 'Online and Physical', 'manager.registration.createTitle' => 'Create', 'manager.registration.create' => 'Create New Registration', 'manager.registration.select' => 'Enroll Registrant', 'manager.registration.selectRegistrant' => 'Select Registrant', 'manager.registration.selectRegistrant.desc' => 'Registration access privileges are automatically granted to the conference\'s Conference Directors, Directors, and Track Directors.', 'manager.registration.enroll' => 'Enroll', 'manager.registration.confirmDelete' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this registration?', 'manager.registration.noneCreated' => 'No registrations have been created.', 'manager.registration.user' => 'User', 'manager.registration.registrationType' => 'Registration Type', 'manager.registration.dateRegistered' => 'Registered', 'manager.registration.datePaid' => 'Paid', 'manager.registration.ipRange' => 'IP Range', 'manager.registration.registrationCreatedSuccessfully' => 'Registration created successfully.', 'manager.registration.editTitle' => 'Edit', 'manager.registration.edit' => 'Edit Registration', 'manager.registration.form.userIdRequired' => 'A user is required.', 'manager.registration.form.userIdValid' => 'Please select a valid user.', 'manager.registration.form.registrationExists' => 'This user already has a registration for this conference.', 'manager.registration.form.typeIdRequired' => 'A registration type is required.', 'manager.registration.form.typeIdValid' => 'Please select a valid registration type.', 'manager.registration.form.feeCodeValid' => 'Please double-check the fee code and try again.', 'manager.registration.form.membershipRequired' => 'The selected registration type requires membership information.', 'manager.registration.form.domainIPRangeRequired' => 'The selected registration type requires a domain and/or an IP range for registration authentication.', 'manager.registration.form.domainValid' => 'Please enter a valid domain.', 'manager.registration.form.ipRangeValid' => 'Please enter a valid IP range.', 'manager.registration.form.notifyEmailValid' => 'Please use the checkbox provided.', 'manager.registration.form.registrationContactRequired' => 'In order to send the user a notification email, the registration contact name and email address must be specified in the Conference Setup.', 'manager.registration.form.userId' => 'User', 'manager.registration.form.typeId' => 'Registration type', 'manager.registration.form.membership' => 'Membership', 'manager.registration.form.membershipInstructions' => 'Enter membership information if the registration type requires that registrants belong to an association or organisation.', 'manager.registration.form.domain' => 'Domain', 'manager.registration.form.domainInstructions' => 'Enter a domain if the registration type is for institutions. If a domain is entered here, the IP range is optional. Valid values are domain names (e.g. lib.sfu.ca).', 'manager.registration.form.ipRange' => 'IP range', 'manager.registration.form.ipRangeInstructions' => 'Enter an IP range if the registration type is for institutions. If an IP range is entered here, the domain is optional. Valid values include an IP (e.g., a CIDR IP range (e.g., an IP range (e.g. -, an IP range with \'*\' (e.g. 142.58.103.*), or any combination of these separated by a \';\' (e.g. 142.58.103.* - 142.58.107.* ; ; 142.58.106.*)', 'manager.registration.form.specialRequests' => 'Special Requests', 'manager.registration.form.payment' => 'Payment Received', 'manager.registration.form.payment.description' => 'Please check when payment is received for this user, and record the date.', 'manager.registration.form.specialRequestsInstructions' => 'Please use this space to include any special requests or requirements for this registration (e.g. dietary restrictions, or disabilities.)', 'manager.registration.form.notifyEmail' => 'Send the user an email with their username and registration details.', 'manager.registration.form.saveAndCreateAnother' => 'Save and Create Another', 'manager.announcementTypes.edit' => 'Edit Announcement Type', 'manager.announcementTypes.editTitle' => 'Edit', 'manager.announcementTypes.create' => 'Create Announcement Type', 'manager.announcementTypes.createTitle' => 'Create', 'manager.announcementTypes.form.typeNameRequired' => 'An announcement type name is required.', 'manager.announcementTypes.form.typeNameExists' => 'An announcement type with this name already exists.', 'manager.announcementTypes.form.typeName' => 'Name', 'manager.announcementTypes.form.saveAndCreateAnother' => 'Save and Create Another', 'manager.announcementTypes.typeName' => 'Announcement Type', 'manager.announcementTypes.confirmDelete' => 'Warning! All announcements with this announcement type will also be deleted. Are you sure you want to continue and delete this announcement type?', 'manager.announcementTypes.noneCreated' => 'No announcement types have been created.', 'manager.announcements.type' => 'Type', 'manager.announcements.schedConf' => 'Scheduled Conference', 'manager.announcements.dateExpire' => 'Expiry', 'manager.announcements.title' => 'Title', 'manager.announcements.confirmDelete' => 'Are you sure you want to permanently delete this announcement?', 'manager.announcements.noneCreated' => 'No announcements have been created.', 'manager.announcements.createTitle' => 'Create', 'manager.announcements.create' => 'Create New Announcement', 'manager.announcements.editTitle' => 'Edit', 'manager.announcements.edit' => 'Edit Announcement', 'manager.announcements.form.typeId' => 'Type', 'manager.announcements.form.schedConfId' => 'Scheduled Conference', 'manager.announcements.form.title' => 'Title', 'manager.announcements.form.descriptionShort' => 'Short Description', 'manager.announcements.form.descriptionShortInstructions' => 'A brief description to appear along with the announcement title.', 'manager.announcements.form.description' => 'Description', 'manager.announcements.form.descriptionInstructions' => 'The full text of the announcement.', 'manager.announcements.form.dateExpire' => 'Expiry Date', 'manager.announcements.form.dateExpireInstructions' => 'The announcement will be displayed to readers until this date. Leave blank if the announcement should be displayed indefinitely.', 'manager.announcements.form.saveAndCreateAnother' => 'Save and Create Another', 'manager.announcements.form.typeIdValid' => 'Please select a valid announcement type.', 'manager.announcements.form.titleRequired' => 'An announcement title is required.', 'manager.announcements.form.descriptionShortRequired' => 'A short announcement description is required.', 'manager.announcements.form.descriptionRequired' => 'An announcement description is required.', 'manager.announcements.form.dateExpireValid' => 'Please select a valid announcement expiry date.', 'manager.announcements.form.dateExpireYearIncompleteDate' => 'Please select a month and/or day in addition to the expiry date year.', 'manager.announcements.form.dateExpireMonthIncompleteDate' => 'Please select a year and/or day in addition to the expiry date month.', 'manager.announcements.form.dateExpireDayIncompleteDate' => 'Please select a year and/or month in addition to the expiry date day.', 'director.home' => 'Director Home', 'director.submissionQueue' => 'Submission Queue', 'director.submissionArchive' => 'Submission Archive', 'director.allTracks' => 'All Tracks', 'director.submissionQueue.noSubmissions' => 'No submissions in the queue.', 'director.submissionQueue.saveChanges' => 'Save changes to queued submissions?', 'director.submissionArchive.noSubmissions' => 'No submissions in the archive.', 'director.submissionArchive.saveChanges' => 'Save changes to archived submissions? Submissions marked for deletion will be permanently deleted from the system.', 'director.submissionArchive.confirmDelete' => 'Are you sure you want to permanently delete this submission?', 'director.submissionReview.confirmDecision' => 'Are you sure you wish to record this decision?', 'director.submissionReview.confirmToLayout' => 'Has the author been notified of this decision? If not, press Cancel and use the Notify Author tool before moving this submission to layout.', 'director.submissionReview.confirmToArchive' => 'Has the author been notified of this decision? If not, press Cancel and use the Notify Author tool before moving this submission to the Archive.', 'director.submissionReview.notes' => 'Due indicates number of weeks remaining until the review\'s due date or (-) weeks that it is overdue. It is filled in when a reviewer accepts the request to review.', 'director.notifyUsers' => 'Notify Users', 'director.notifyUsers.allUsers' => 'Send this message to all users associated with this conference ({$count} users)', 'director.notifyUsers.interestedUsers' => 'Send this message to the users associated with this conference who have indicated that they wish to receive updates ({$count} users)', 'director.notifyUsers.includeToc' => 'Include the presentations for this conference:', 'director.navigation.management' => 'Management', 'director.paper.sendToArchive' => 'Archive this submission', 'director.paper.designateReviewVersion' => 'Designate the original file as the Review Version', 'director.paper.uploadReviewVersion' => 'Upload a revised file to serve as the Review Version', 'director.paper.uploadDirectorVersion' => 'Upload Director Version', 'director.paper.stageDisabled' => 'It\'s not yet possible to perform this review. Either the abstract review is not yet complete, or the author has not yet provided a paper for review.', 'director.paper.showSuppFile' => 'Present file to reviewers', 'director.paper.clear' => 'Clear', 'director.paper.clearReviewer' => 'Clear reviewer', 'director.paper.changeTrack' => 'Change Track', 'director.paper.setDueDate' => 'Set Due Date', 'director.paper.addReviewer' => 'Add Reviewer', 'director.paper.toReviewer' => 'To Reviewer', 'director.paper.notifyReviewer' => 'Notify Reviewer', 'director.paper.initiateReview' => 'Initiate Review', 'director.paper.cancelReview' => 'Cancel Review Request', 'director.paper.clearReview' => 'Clear Reviewer', 'director.paper.enterRecommendation' => 'Enter Recommendation', 'director.paper.enterReviewerRecommendation' => 'Enter Reviewer Recommendation', 'director.paper.recommendation' => 'Recommendation', 'director.paper.selectReviewer' => 'Select Reviewer', 'director.paper.selectReviewerNotes' => 'Name links to reviewer\'s profile.
Ratings is out of 5 (Excellent).
Weeks refers to average period of time to complete a review.
Latest is date of most recently accepted review.
Active is how many reviews are currently being considered or underway.', 'director.paper.replaceReviewer' => 'Replace Reviewer', 'director.paper.directorToEnter' => 'Director to enter recommendation/comments for reviewer', 'director.paper.uploadReviewForReviewer' => 'Upload review', 'director.paper.peerReviewOptions' => 'Peer Review Options', 'director.paper.decision' => 'Decision', 'director.paper.recordDecision' => 'Record Decision', 'director.paper.cannotRecord' => 'Cannot record a decision; a track director not yet recorded or no review file has been uploaded.', 'director.paper.cannotRecordYet' => 'Before a decision can be recorded, a submission must be assigned to a Track Director. The Review Version becomes, by default, the Director Version.', 'director.paper.cannotRecordTooLate' => 'The submission has already completed this review stage. You can no longer change this decision.', 'director.paper.designateDueDate' => 'Designate a Due Date', 'director.paper.designateDueDateDescription' => 'To change the due date for this Reviewer, enter another date or delete the date and enter the number of weeks until the review is due.', 'director.paper.todaysDate' => 'Today\'s Date', 'director.paper.requestedByDate' => 'Requested By Date', 'director.paper.dueDateFormat' => 'Format: YYYY-MM-DD', 'director.paper.numberOfWeeks' => 'Number of Weeks', 'director.paper.showPresenter' => 'Let author view file', 'director.paper.rateReviewer' => 'Rate Reviewer', 'director.paper.reviewerRating.veryGood' => '5 High', 'director.paper.reviewerRating.good' => '4', 'director.paper.reviewerRating.average' => '3 Average', 'director.paper.reviewerRating.poor' => '2', 'director.paper.reviewerRating.veryPoor' => '1 Low', 'director.paper.quality' => 'Rating', 'director.paper.comments' => 'Comments', 'director.paper.commentsRequired' => 'The comments field is required.', 'director.paper.archiveSubmission' => 'Archive Submission', 'director.paper.restoreToQueue' => 'Restore to Active List', 'director.paper.assignTrackDirector' => 'Add Track Director', 'director.paper.assignDirector' => 'Add Director', 'director.paper.selectDirector' => 'Select {$roleName}', 'director.paper.selectDecision' => 'Select decision', 'director.paper.decision.invitePresentation' => 'Invite Presentation', 'director.paper.decision.accept' => 'Accept Submission', 'director.paper.decision.pendingRevisions' => 'Revisions Required', 'director.paper.decision.decline' => 'Decline Submission', 'director.paper.moveToLayout' => 'Move to Layout', 'director.paper.createGalley' => 'This file is ready for publication.', 'director.paper.completeReview' => 'Mark review as completed', 'director.paper.scheduleSubmission' => 'Send', 'director.submissions.showBy' => 'Show By', 'director.submissions.submitMMDD' => 'Submit MM-DD', 'director.submissions.activeAssignments' => 'Active Assignments', 'director.submissions.invite' => 'Invite', 'director.submissions.accept' => 'Accept', 'director.submissions.noSubmissions' => 'No Submissions', 'director.submissions.lastAssigned' => 'Latest', 'director.submissions.averageTime' => 'Weeks', 'director.submissions.lastCompleted' => 'Last Complete', 'trackDirector.presenter.confirmRenotify' => 'Notifying this author again will restart their assignment. Are you sure you wish to do this?', 'trackDirector.regrets.breadcrumb' => 'Regrets', 'trackDirector.regrets.title' => '#{$paperId} Reviewer Regrets & Cancellations', 'trackDirector.regrets' => 'Regrets', 'trackDirector.regrets.link' => 'View Regrets, Cancels', 'trackDirector.regrets.reviewStage' => 'Peer Review, Stage {$stage}', 'trackDirector.regrets.decisionStage' => 'Director Decision, Stage {$stage}', 'trackDirector.regrets.regretsAndCancels' => 'Reviewer Regrets & Cancellations', 'trackDirector.regrets.regret' => 'Regret', 'trackDirector.regrets.result' => 'Result', 'trackDirector.review.enrollReviewer' => 'Enroll Existing User As Reviewer', 'trackDirector.review.createReviewer' => 'Create New Reviewer', 'reviewer.completedReviews' => 'Done', 'reviewer.averageQuality' => 'Rating', 'reviewer.paper.fileToBeReviewed' => 'File to be reviewed', 'reviewer.paper.notifyTheDirector' => 'Notify The Director', 'reviewer.paper.canDoReview' => 'Will do the review', 'reviewer.paper.cannotDoReview' => 'Unable to do the review', 'reviewer.paper.restrictedFileAccess' => 'The submission can only be viewed if the review is undertaken.', 'reviewer.paper.submissionDirector' => 'Submission Director', 'reviewer.paper.reviewerCommentsDescription' => 'Type or paste in review comments here', 'reviewer.paper.directorToEnter' => 'Director To Enter', 'reviewer.paper.sendReminder' => 'Send Reminder', 'reviewer.paper.automatic' => '(Auto)', 'reviewer.paper.selectRecommendation' => 'Select a recommendation and submit the review to complete the process. You must enter a review or upload a file before selecting a recommendation.', 'reviewer.paper.recommendation' => 'Recommendation', 'reviewer.paper.submitReview' => 'Submit Review To Director', 'reviewer.paper.reviewerComments' => 'Comments', 'reviewer.paper.uploadedFile' => 'Uploaded files', 'reviewer.paper.reviewersAnnotatedVersion' => 'Version uploaded by reviewer', 'reviewer.paper.reviewersAnnotatedVersionDescription' => '(If you want to annotate the file, for the director, save on your hard drive and use Browse/Upload.)', 'reviewer.paper.schedule.request' => 'Director\'s Request', 'reviewer.paper.schedule.response' => 'Your Response', 'reviewer.paper.schedule.submitted' => 'Review Submitted', 'reviewer.paper.schedule.due' => 'Review Due', 'reviewer.paper.decision.accept' => 'Accept Submission', 'reviewer.paper.decision.pendingRevisions' => 'Revisions Required', 'reviewer.paper.decision.resubmitElsewhere' => 'Submit Elsewhere', 'reviewer.paper.decision.decline' => 'Decline Submission', 'reviewer.paper.decision.seeComments' => 'See Comments', 'reviewer.paper.schedule' => 'Schedule', 'reviewer.paper.submissionToBeReviewed' => 'Submission To Be Reviewed', 'reviewer.paper.reviewSchedule' => 'Review Schedule', 'reviewer.paper.reviewSteps' => 'Review Steps', 'reviewer.paper.reviewerGuidelines' => 'Reviewer Guidelines', 'reviewer.paper.notifyEditorA' => 'Notify the submission\'s director', 'reviewer.paper.notifyEditorB' => 'as to whether you will undertake the review.', 'reviewer.paper.consultGuidelines' => 'If you are going to do the review, consult Reviewer Guidelines below.', 'reviewer.paper.downloadSubmissionAbstractOnly' => 'Review the abstract provided with the submission.', 'reviewer.paper.downloadSubmissionSubmission' => 'Review the submission.', 'reviewer.paper.enterReviewA' => 'Click on icon to enter (or paste) your review of this submission.', 'reviewer.paper.uploadFile' => 'In addition, you can upload files for the director and/or author to consult.', 'reviewer.paper.mustSelectDecision' => 'No recommendation was selected. You must choose a recommendation to submit.', 'reviewer.paper.confirmDecision' => 'Once you have recorded a decision you will no longer be able to make changes to this review. Are you sure you wish to continue?', 'reviewer.paper.ensuringBlindReview' => 'Ensuring a Blind Review', 'presenter.submit' => 'New Submission', 'presenter.track' => 'Active Submissions', 'presenter.submit.startHere' => 'Start here to submit a paper to this conference.', 'presenter.submit.startHereLink' => 'Step one of the submission process', 'presenter.submit.step1' => 'Step 1. Starting the Submission', 'presenter.submit.step2' => 'Step 2. Entering the Submission\'s Metadata', 'presenter.submit.step3' => 'Step 3. Uploading the Submission', 'presenter.submit.step4' => 'Step 4. Uploading Supplementary Files', 'presenter.submit.step4a' => 'Step 4a. Add a Supplementary File', 'presenter.submit.step5' => 'Step 5. Confirming the Submission', 'presenter.submit.step5SkipSupp' => 'Step 4. Confirming the Submission', 'presenter.submit.start' => '1. Start', 'presenter.submit.metadata' => '2. Enter Metadata', 'presenter.submit.upload' => '3. Upload Submission', 'presenter.submit.supplementaryFiles' => '4. Upload Supplementary Files', 'presenter.submit.confirmation' => '5. Confirmation', 'presenter.submit.confirmationSkipSupp' => '4. Confirmation', 'presenter.submit.cancelSubmission' => 'You can complete this submission at a later date by selecting Active Submissions from the Author home.', 'presenter.submit.notAcceptingYet' => 'This conference has not yet started accepting submissions.', 'presenter.submit.submissionDeadlinePassed' => 'Submissions for this conference were closed on {$closedDate}.', 'presenter.submissions.confirmDelete' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this incomplete submission?', 'presenter.submissions.viewStatus' => 'View Status', 'presenter.submissions.noSubmissions' => 'No submissions.', 'presenter.submit.howToSubmit' => 'Authors submit items to this conference through this web site in a multi-step process for uploading the relevant information (some conferences allow the author to upload, as well, supplementary files, such as research data and instruments). If difficulties are encountered in this process, contact {$supportName} by email or phone {$supportPhone} for assistance.', 'presenter.submit.conferenceTrack' => 'Conference Track', 'presenter.submit.conferenceTrackDescription' => 'Select the appropriate track for this submission (see Track Policies).', 'presenter.submit.selectTrack' => 'Please select a track...', 'presenter.submit.submissionChecklist' => 'Submission Checklist', 'presenter.submit.submissionChecklistDescription' => 'Indicate that this submission is ready to be considered by this conference by checking off the following (comments to the director can be added below).', 'presenter.submit.verifyChecklist' => 'You must make sure all items in the submission checklist are satisfied before continuing.', 'presenter.submit.copyrightNoticeAgree' => 'The authors agree to the terms of this Copyright Notice, which will apply to this submission if and when it is published by this conference (comments to the director can be added below).', 'presenter.submit.copyrightNoticeAgreeRequired' => 'You must agree to the terms of the Copyright Notice before continuing.', 'presenter.submit.commentsForDirector' => 'Comments for Conference Director', 'presenter.submit.comments' => 'Enter text (optional)', 'presenter.submit.form.trackRequired' => 'Please select an appropriate conference track for this submission.', 'presenter.submit.form.abstractRequired' => 'Please enter an abstract for your submission.', 'presenter.submit.metadataDescription' => 'This conference gathers metadata about each submission, according to the standards set by the Open Archives Initiative, which is the emerging online standard for identifying research resources. This enables collective and accurate searching across OAI databases, increasing the likelihood that readers will find submissions such as this one. Directors may insist that metadata be provided before initiating the editorial process.', 'presenter.submit.privacyStatement' => 'Conference\'s Privacy Statement', 'presenter.submit.presentersDescription' => 'For submissions with more than one author, order authors as they are to appear on citation.', 'presenter.submit.reorderPresenterName' => 'Reorder author\'s name', 'presenter.submit.reorderInstructions' => 'Use arrows to change the order in which the authors\' names are to appear with the submission.', 'presenter.submit.selectPrincipalContact' => 'Principal contact for editorial correspondence.', 'presenter.submit.addPresenter' => 'Add Author', 'presenter.submit.deletePresenter' => 'Delete Author', 'presenter.submit.submissionIndexingDescription' => 'Provide one or more terms that describe the submission\'s content. Separate terms with a semi-colon (term1; term2; term3).', 'presenter.submit.submissionSupportingAgencies' => 'Supporting Agencies', 'presenter.submit.submissionSupportingAgenciesDescription' => 'Identify agencies that provided funding or support for the work presented in this submission.', 'presenter.submit.agencies' => 'Agencies', 'presenter.submit.subjectClassInstructions' => 'Use the hyperlinked classification system to select classification terms and, if appropriate, numbers.', 'presenter.submit.languageInstructions' => 'English=en; French=fr; Spanish=es. Additional codes.', 'presenter.submit.form.presenterRequired' => 'At least one author is required.', 'presenter.submit.form.presenterRequiredFields' => 'The first name, last name, and email address of each author is required.', 'presenter.submit.form.titleRequired' => 'Please enter the title of your paper.', 'presenter.submit.uploadInstructions' => 'To upload a paper to this conference, complete the following steps.
  1. On this page, click Browse (or Choose File) which opens a Choose File window for locating the file on the hard drive of your computer.
  2. Locate the file you wish to submit and highlight it.
  3. Click Open on the Choose File window, which places the name of the file on this page.
  4. Click Upload on this page, which uploads the file from the computer to the conference\'s web site and renames it following the conference\'s conventions.
  5. Once the submission is uploaded, click Save and Continue at the bottom of this page.
The file can be viewed by clicking on the file name. A new or revised file can be uploaded, deleting the one that currently appears. Additional files can be added using Supplementary Files (next step). If you have difficulties uploading the submission, contact {$supportName} by email or phone {$supportPhone} for assistance.', 'presenter.submit.submissionFile' => 'Submission File', 'presenter.submit.uploadSubmissionFile' => 'Upload submission file', 'presenter.submit.replaceSubmissionFile' => 'Replace submission file', 'presenter.submit.noSubmissionFile' => 'No submission file uploaded.', 'presenter.submit.noSubmissionConfirm' => 'Are you sure you wish to continue without uploading a submission file?', 'presenter.submit.supplementaryFilesInstructions' => 'This optional step in the submission process allows authors to add files to the submission which improve the contribution which the submission makes. Supplementary Files might include (a) research instruments, (b) data sets, which comply with the terms of the study\'s research ethics review, (c) sources that otherwise would be unavailable to readers, or (d) figures or tables that cannot be integrated into the text itself. These files are also indexed by the author, identifying their relation to the submission, as well as their ownership. Supplementary Files can be uploaded in any file format and will be made available to readers in their original format. They can be shared with peer reviewers, if they do not compromise the blind review.', 'presenter.submit.noSupplementaryFiles' => 'No supplementary files have been added to this submission.', 'presenter.submit.backToSupplementaryFiles' => 'Back to Supplementary Files', 'presenter.submit.confirmDeleteSuppFile' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this supplementary file?', 'presenter.submit.uploadSuppFile' => 'Upload supplementary file', 'presenter.submit.addSupplementaryFile' => 'Add a Supplementary File', 'presenter.submit.editSupplementaryFile' => 'Edit a Supplementary File', 'presenter.submit.supplementaryFileData' => 'Supplementary File Metadata', 'presenter.submit.supplementaryFileDataDescription' => 'To index this supplementary material, provide the following metadata for the uploaded supplementary file.', 'presenter.submit.supplementaryFileUpload' => 'Supplementary File', 'presenter.submit.suppFile.createrOrOwner' => 'Creator (or owner) of file', 'presenter.submit.suppFile.researchInstrument' => 'Research Instrument', 'presenter.submit.suppFile.researchMaterials' => 'Research Materials', 'presenter.submit.suppFile.researchResults' => 'Research Results', 'presenter.submit.suppFile.transcripts' => 'Transcripts', 'presenter.submit.suppFile.dataAnalysis' => 'Data Analysis', 'presenter.submit.suppFile.dataSet' => 'Data Set', 'presenter.submit.suppFile.sourceText' => 'Source Text', 'presenter.submit.suppFile.briefDescription' => 'Brief description', 'presenter.submit.suppFile.contributorOrSponsor' => 'Contributor or sponsoring agency', 'presenter.submit.suppFile.availableToPeers' => 'Present file to reviewers (without metadata), as it will not compromise blind review.', 'presenter.submit.suppFile.publisherDescription' => 'Use only with formally published materials.', 'presenter.submit.suppFile.dateDescription' => 'Date when data was collected or instrument created.', 'presenter.submit.suppFile.sourceDescription' => 'Name of study or other point of origin.', 'presenter.submit.suppFile.specifyOtherType' => 'Specify other', 'presenter.submit.suppFile.noFile' => 'No file uploaded.', 'presenter.submit.suppFile.form.titleRequired' => 'Please enter the title of this supplementary file.', 'presenter.submit.suppFile.form.subjectRequired' => 'Please enter a subject.', 'presenter.submit.suppFile.form.descriptionRequired' => 'Please enter a description.', 'presenter.suppFile.suppFilePublicIdentificationExists' => 'Public supplemental file identification already exists.', 'presenter.suppFile.publicSuppFileIdentifier' => 'Public supplemental file identifier', 'submission.submissionFiles' => 'Submission Files', 'presenter.submit.addSubmissionFile' => 'Add a Supplementary File', 'presenter.submit.submissionFileUpload' => 'Supplementary File', 'presenter.submit.confirmationDescription' => 'With the previous four steps of the submission process completed, click Finish Submission to submit your manuscript to {$conferenceTitle}. You will receive an acknowledgement by email and will be able to view your submission\'s progress through the editorial process by logging in to the conference web site. Thank you for submitting your work to {$conferenceTitle}.', 'presenter.submit.noFiles' => 'No files have been attached to this submission.', 'presenter.submit.filesSummary' => 'File Summary', 'presenter.submit.finishSubmission' => 'Finish Submission', 'presenter.submit.submissionComplete' => 'Submission complete. Thank you for submitting your work to {$conferenceTitle}.', 'presenter.submit.expedite' => 'If this submission is in a format that is ready to be published, without further review or editing work, it can be sent directly to the Proceedings page by Clicking here. (Note: Only conference directors have this option for their submissions.)', 'presenter.paper.uploadPresenterVersion' => 'Upload Author Version', 'submission.layout.layoutVersion' => 'Layout Version', 'submission.layout.layoutFile' => 'Layout File', 'submission.layout.galleys' => 'Galleys', 'submission.layout.newGalley' => 'Create New Galley', 'submission.layout.initialGalleyCreation' => 'Initial Galley Creation', 'submission.layout.supplementaryFiles' => 'Supplementary File Review', 'submission.layout.galleyLabelRequired' => 'A galley label is required.', 'submission.layout.galleyLocaleRequired' => 'A galley locale is required.', 'submission.layout.galleyLanguageRequired' => 'A galley language is required.', 'submission.layout.confirmDeleteGalley' => 'Are you sure you want to permanently delete this galley?', 'submission.layout.newSupplementaryFile' => 'Upload New Supplementary File', 'submission.layout.confirmDeleteSupplementaryFile' => 'Are you sure you want to permanently delete this supplementary file?', 'submission.layout.editGalley' => 'Edit a Layout Galley', 'submission.layout.addGalley' => 'Add a Layout Galley', 'submission.layout.galleyFileData' => 'Galley File Information', 'submission.layout.galleyLabel' => 'Label', 'submission.layout.galleyLabelInstructions' => 'The galley label is used to identify the item\'s file format (e.g. HTML, PDF, etc.).', 'submission.layout.galleyHTMLData' => 'HTML Galley Files', 'submission.layout.galleyStylesheet' => 'Stylesheet File', 'submission.layout.noStyleFile' => 'No stylesheet file has been added to this galley.', 'submission.layout.deleteGalleyStylesheet' => 'Delete this stylesheet.', 'submission.layout.galleyImages' => 'Images', 'submission.layout.galleyNoImages' => 'No images have been added to this galley.', 'submission.layout.confirmDeleteGalleyImage' => 'Are you sure you want to remove this image from the galley?', 'submission.layout.galleyStyle' => 'Style', 'submission.layout.viewingGalley' => 'Viewing Submission Galley', 'submission.layout.galleyFormat' => 'Galley Format', 'submission.layout.viewProof' => 'View Proof', 'submission.history.submissionEventLog' => 'Event Log', 'submission.history.submissionEmailLog' => 'Email Log', 'submission.history.submissionNotes' => 'Submission Notes', 'submission.history.noLogEntries' => 'No log entries.', 'submission.history.recentLogEntries' => 'Recent Entries', 'submission.history.viewLog' => 'View Log', 'submission.history.clearLog' => 'Clear Log', 'submission.event.confirmClearLog' => 'Are you sure you want to clear the event log for this submission?', 'submission.event.confirmDeleteLogEntry' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this event log entry?', 'submission.event.deleteLogEntry' => 'Delete Log Entry', 'submission.event.backToEventLog' => 'Back to Event Log', 'submission.email.confirmClearLog' => 'Are you sure you want to clear the email log for this submission?', 'submission.email.confirmDeleteLogEntry' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this email log entry?', 'submission.email.deleteLogEntry' => 'Delete Log Entry', 'submission.email.backToEmailLog' => 'Back to Email Log', 'submission.comments.comments' => 'Comments', 'submission.comments.review' => 'Review', 'submission.comments.directorPresenterCorrespondence' => 'Director/Author Correspondence', 'submission.comments.corrections' => 'Corrections', 'submission.comments.noComments' => 'No Comments', 'submission.comments.noReviews' => 'No Reviews', 'submission.comments.subject' => 'Subject', 'submission.comments.viewableDescription' => 'These comments can be shared with the author.
(After saving, further comments can be added.)', 'submission.comments.canShareWithPresenter' => 'For author and director', 'submission.comments.cannotShareWithPresenter' => 'For director', 'submission.comments.addComment' => 'Add Comment', 'submission.comments.editComment' => 'Edit Comment', 'submission.comments.confirmDelete' => 'Are you sure you would like to delete this comment?', 'submission.comments.importPeerReviews' => 'Import Peer Reviews', 'submission.comments.blindCcReviewers' => 'After sending, present a blind carbon copy of editorial decision for emailing to reviewers.', 'submission.comments.importPeerReviews.reviewerLetter' => 'Reviewer {$reviewerLetter}:', 'submission.comments.forPresenterDirector' => 'For author and director', 'submission.comments.forDirector' => 'For director', 'submission.comments.sendDecisionToReviewers' => 'Send Reviewers editorial decision', 'submission.comments.saveAndEmailPresenter' => 'Save and Email Author', 'submission.comments.saveAndEmailDirector' => 'Save and Email Director', 'user.login.loginError' => 'Invalid username or password. Please try again.', 'user.login.accountDisabled' => 'Your account has been disabled. Please contact the administrator for more information.', 'user.login.accountDisabledWithReason' => 'Your account has been disabled for the following reason: {$reason}', 'user.login.accountNotValidated' => 'Your email address has not been validated. Please check your email and follow the provided instructions. If you have not received an email, you may need to contact the site administrator for assistance.', 'user.login.activate' => 'Activate Account', 'user.login.activated' => 'Thank you for activating your account. You may now log in using the credentials you supplied when you created your account.', 'user.login.rememberUsernameAndPassword' => 'Remember my username and password', 'user.login.createAccount' => 'Not a user? Create an account with this site', 'user.login.forgotPassword' => 'Forgot your password?', 'user.login.resetPassword' => 'Reset Password', 'user.login.resetPasswordInstructions' => 'For security reasons, this system emails a reset password to registered users, rather than recalling the current password.

Enter your email address below to reset your password. A confirmation will be sent to this email address.', 'user.login.lostPassword.invalidUser' => 'No user exists with the specified email address.', 'user.login.lostPassword.confirmationSent' => 'A confirmation has been sent to your email address. Please follow the instructions in the email to reset your password.', 'user.login.lostPassword.invalidHash' => 'Sorry, the link you clicked on has expired or is not valid. Please try resetting your password again.', 'user.login.lostPassword.passwordSent' => 'A new password has been sent to your email address. You may now login to the site with your new password.', 'user.login.changePasswordInstructions' => 'You must choose a new password before you can log in to this site.

Please enter your username and your current and new passwords below to change the password for your account.', 'user.login.registeredEmail' => 'Registered user\'s email', 'presenter.submit.presenterSubmitLoginMessage' => 'A user account is required to submit materials to this conference. This allows our directors to track your submissions and contact you when the status of your submission changes, or if additional information is required from you.', 'user.profile.editProfile' => 'Edit Profile', 'user.profile.form.firstNameRequired' => 'A first name is required.', 'user.profile.form.lastNameRequired' => 'A last name is required.', 'user.profile.form.emailRequired' => 'A valid email address is required.', 'user.profile.form.usernameRequired' => 'A username is required.', 'user.profile.form.passwordRequired' => 'A password is required.', 'user.profile.leavePasswordBlank' => 'Leave the password fields blank to keep the current password.', 'user.profile.oldPassword' => 'Current password', 'user.profile.newPassword' => 'New password', 'user.profile.repeatNewPassword' => 'Repeat new password', 'user.profile.changePasswordInstructions' => 'Enter your current and new passwords below to change the password for your account.', 'user.profile.form.oldPasswordInvalid' => 'The current password you entered was incorrect.', 'user.profile.form.newPasswordRequired' => 'You must enter your new password.', 'user.profile.form.publishedNotifications' => 'Email notifications for new content', 'user.profile.form.openAccessNotifications' => 'Email notifications for open access', 'user.account.repeatPassword' => 'Repeat password', 'user.account.form.usernameExists' => 'The selected username is already in use by another user.', 'user.account.form.usernameAlphaNumeric' => 'The username can contain only alphanumeric characters, underscores, and hyphens, and must begin and end with an alphanumeric character.', 'user.account.form.emailExists' => 'The selected email address is already in use by another user.', 'user.account.form.passwordsDoNotMatch' => 'The passwords do not match.', 'user.account.selectConference' => 'Select an conference to create an account with', 'user.account.noConferences' => 'There are no conferences you may create an account for on this site.', 'user.account.selectSchedConf' => 'Select a scheduled conference to create an account with', 'user.account.noSchedConfs' => 'There are no scheduled conferences you may create an account with on this site.', 'user.account.createAs' => 'Create account as', 'user.account.privacyStatement' => 'Privacy Statement', 'user.account.completeForm' => 'Fill in this form to create an account with this conference.', 'user.account.hasAccount' => 'Click here if you already have an account with this or another conference on this site.', 'user.account.hasNoAccount' => 'Click here if you do not already have an account with this or another conference on this site.', 'user.account.loginToRegister' => 'Enter your existing username and password to create an account with this conference.', 'user.account.createAccountDisabled' => 'This conference is currently not accepting new users.', 'user.account.usernameRestriction' => 'The username must contain only lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens/underscores.', 'user.account.passwordLengthRestriction' => 'The password must be at least {$length} characters.', 'user.account.form.passwordLengthTooShort' => 'The password you entered is not long enough.', 'user.account.readerDescription' => 'Notified by email on publication of presentations.', 'user.account.openAccessNotificationDescription' => 'Notified by email when a conference is made open access.', 'user.account.presenterDescription' => 'Able to submit items to the conference.', 'user.account.reviewerDescriptionNoInterests' => 'Willing to conduct peer review of submissions to the conference.', 'user.account.reviewerDescription' => 'Willing to conduct peer review of submissions to the conference. Identify reviewing interests (substantive areas and research methods).', 'user.account.presenterRegistrationMessage' => 'Although you have a user account on this site, you are not currently a author in this conference.', 'search.browsePresenterIndex' => 'Browse Author Index', 'search.searchFor' => 'Search papers for', 'search.inField' => 'In', 'search.allFields' => 'All', 'search.presenter' => 'Authors', 'search.title' => 'Title', 'search.abstract' => 'Abstract', 'search.fullText' => 'Full Text', 'search.indexTerms' => 'Index terms', 'search.withinConference' => 'Within', 'search.allConferences' => 'All Conferences', 'search.searchAllCategories' => 'Search all categories for', 'search.searchCategories' => 'Search categories', 'search.date' => 'Date', 'search.dateFrom' => 'From', 'search.dateTo' => 'Until', 'search.discipline' => 'Discipline(s)', 'search.subject' => 'Keyword(s)', 'search.typeMethodApproach' => 'Type (method/approach)', 'search.coverage' => 'Coverage', 'search.matchAll' => 'Match all categories', 'search.presenterIndex' => 'Browse Author Index', 'search.titleIndex' => 'Browse Title Index', 'search.presenterDetails' => 'Author Details', 'search.searchResults' => 'Search Results', 'search.reviseSearch' => 'Revise Search', 'search.noResults' => 'No Results', 'search.noKeywordError' => 'You must enter at least one search keyword.', 'search.syntaxInstructions' => 'Search tips: ', 'search.operator.not' => 'not', 'search.operator.and' => 'and', 'search.operator.or' => 'or', 'paper.pdf.title' => 'Portable Document Format (PDF)', 'paper.pdf.note' => 'The PDF file you selected should load here, if your Web browser has a PDF reader plug-in installed (for example, a recent version of Adobe Acrobat Reader). Alternatively, the PDF file will download to your computer, where it can also be opened using a PDF reader. If you would like more information about how to print, save, and work with PDFs, Highwire Press provides a helpful Frequently Asked Questions about PDFs.

If the file does not download automatically, click here.', 'paper.nonpdf.title' => 'Paper Download', 'paper.nonpdf.note' => 'The file you selected should begin downloading automatically. If it does not, click the link below. Note that this file may require a special viewer or plugin to view.

If the file does not download automatically, click here.', 'site.conferencesHosted' => 'Conferences hosted on this site', 'site.conferenceView' => 'View Conference', 'site.conferenceAccount' => 'Account', 'site.schedConfView' => 'View Conference Details', 'site.schedConfCurrent' => 'Current Scheduled Conference', 'conference.currentConferences' => 'Current Conferences', 'conference.noCurrentConferences' => 'No conferences are currently active. Please check the archives for past scheduled conferences.', 'conference.archive' => 'Conference Archives', 'schedConf.proposalSubmission' => 'Proposal Submission', 'schedConf.cfp.submitHere' => 'Start here to submit a proposal to this conference.', 'presentations.notPermitted' => 'You do not yet have access to this conference\'s presentations.', 'presentations.trackEmpty' => 'No papers are available in this track.', 'presentations.schedConfEmpty' => 'This conference\'s presentations are not yet available or no matching presentations were found.', 'schedConf.program.programFileInstructions' => 'The program for this conference is available via the following link.', 'schedConf.program.viewProgramFile' => 'View the program', 'about.aboutSite' => 'About the Site', 'about.contact' => 'Contact', 'about.contact.principalContact' => 'Principal Contact', 'about.contact.supportContact' => 'Support Contact', 'about.contact.phone' => 'Phone', 'about.contact.fax' => 'Fax', 'about.contact.email' => 'Email', 'about.statistics' => 'Statistics', 'about.conferenceContact' => 'Conference Contact', 'about.aboutTheConference' => 'About the Conference', 'about.organizingTeam' => 'Organizing Team', 'about.editorialPolicies' => 'Editorial Policies', 'about.submissions' => 'Submissions', 'about.sponsors' => 'Sponsors', 'about.contributors' => 'Sources of Support', 'about.onlineSubmissions' => 'Online Submissions', 'about.onlineSubmissions.haveAccount' => 'Already have a Username/Password for {$conferenceTitle}?', 'about.onlineSubmissions.login' => 'Go to Login', 'about.onlineSubmissions.needAccount' => 'Need a Username/Password?', 'about.onlineSubmissions.registration' => 'Go to Registration', 'about.onlineSubmissions.registrationRequired' => 'Registration and login are required to submit items online and to check the status of current submissions.', 'about.presenterGuidelines' => 'Author Guidelines', 'about.submissionPreparationChecklist' => 'Submission Preparation Checklist', 'about.copyrightNotice' => 'Copyright Notice', 'about.privacyStatement' => 'Privacy Statement', 'about.peerReviewProcess' => 'Peer Review Process', 'about.openAccessPolicy' => 'Open Access Policy', 'about.archiveAccessPolicy' => 'Archive Access Policy', 'about.delayedOpenAccess' => 'Delayed Open Access', 'about.delayedOpenAccessDescription' => 'The contents of this conference will be available in an open access format {$delayedOpenAccessDuration} month(s) after the scheduled conference is released to participants.', 'about.presenterSelfArchive' => 'Author Self-Archiving', 'about.archiving' => 'Archiving', 'about.registration' => 'Registration', 'about.registrationContact' => 'Registration Contact', 'about.availableRegistrationTypes' => 'Registration Types', 'about.siteMap' => 'Site Map', 'about.aboutThisPublishingSystem' => 'About this Conference System', 'about.currentConferences' => 'Current Conferences', 'about.people' => 'People', 'about.policies' => 'Policies', 'about.other' => 'Other', 'about.aboutOCSConference' => 'This conference uses Open Conference Systems {$ocsVersion}, which is open source conference management software developed, supported, and freely distributed by the Public Knowledge Project under the GNU General Public License.', 'about.aboutOCSSite' => 'This site uses Open Conference Systems {$ocsVersion}, which is open source conference management software developed, supported, and freely distributed by the Public Knowledge Project under the GNU General Public License.', 'announcement.announcements' => 'Announcements', 'announcement.announcementsHome' => 'Announcements', 'announcement.moreAnnouncements' => 'More Announcements...', 'announcement.view' => 'View Announcement', 'announcement.viewLink' => 'More...', 'announcement.noneExist' => 'No announcements have been published.', 'help.help' => 'Help', 'help.ocsHelp' => 'Open Conference Systems Help', 'help.ocsHelpAbbrev' => 'OCS Help', 'help.toc' => 'Table of Contents', 'help.searchResults' => 'Search Results', 'help.searchResultsFor' => 'Results for', 'help.matchesFound' => '{$matches} matches found', 'help.noMatchingTopics' => 'No matching help topics were found.', 'help.helpIndex' => 'Help Index', 'help.contents' => 'Contents', 'help.upALevel' => 'Up a Level', 'help.relatedTopics' => 'Related Topics', 'help.search' => 'Search Help', 'help.searchFor' => 'Search help topics for', 'installer.ocsInstallation' => 'OCS Installation', 'installer.ocsUpgrade' => 'OCS Upgrade', 'installer.installationInstructions' => '

OCS Version {$version}

Thank you for downloading the Public Knowledge Project\'s Open Conference Systems. Before proceeding, please read the README file included with this software. For more information about the Public Knowledge Project and its software projects, please visit the PKP web site. If you have bug reports or technical support inquiries about Open Conference Systems, see the support forum or visit PKP\'s online bug reporting system. Although the support forum is the preferred method of contact, you can also email the team at pkp-support@sfu.ca.


If you are upgrading an existing installation of OCS 2.x, click here to proceed.

Recommended system requirements

As PKP does not have the resources to test every possible combination of software versions and platforms, no guarantee of correct operation or support is implied.

Changes to these settings can be made after installation by editing the file config.inc.php in the base OCS directory, or using the site administration web interface.

Supported database systems

OCS has currently only been tested on MySQL and PostgreSQL, although other database management systems supported by ADOdb may work (in full or partially). Compatibility reports and/or code patches for alternative DBMSs can be sent to the OCS team.

Pre-Installation Steps

1. The following files and directories (and their contents) must be made writable:

2. A directory to store uploaded files must be created and made writable (see "File Settings" below).

Manual installation

Select Manual Install to display the SQL statements necessary to create the OCS database schema and initial data so that database installation can be performed manually. This option is useful when debugging installation problems, particularly on unsupported platforms. Note that this installation method will not attempt to create the database or any tables, although the configuration file will still be written with the supplied database settings.

', 'installer.installationWrongPhp' => '
WARNING: Your current version of PHP does not meet the minimum requirements for installation. It is recommended to upgrade to a more recent release of PHP.', 'installer.upgradeInstructions' => '

OCS Version {$version}

Thank you for downloading the Public Knowledge Project\'s Open Conference Systems. Before proceeding, please read the README and UPGRADE files included with this software. For more information about the Public Knowledge Project and its software projects, please visit the PKP web site. If you have bug reports or technical support inquiries about Open Conference Systems, see the support forum or visit PKP\'s online bug reporting system. Although the support forum is the preferred method of contact, you can also email the team at pkp-support@sfu.ca.

It is strongly recommended that you back up your database, files directory, and OCS installation directory before proceeding.

If you are running in PHP Safe Mode, please ensure that the max_execution_time directive in your php.ini configuration file is set to a high limit. If this or any other time limit (e.g. Apache\'s "Timeout" directive) is reached and the upgrade process is interrupted, manual intervention will be required.

', 'installer.localeSettings' => 'Locale Settings', 'installer.localeSettingsInstructions' => 'For complete Unicode (UTF-8) support, select UTF-8 for all character set settings. Note that this support currently requires a MySQL >= 4.1.1 or PostgreSQL >= 7.1 database server. Please also note that full Unicode support requires PHP >= 4.3.0 compiled with support for the mbstring library (enabled by default in most recent PHP installations). You may experience problems using extended character sets if your server does not meet these requirements.

Your server currently supports mbstring: {$supportsMBString}', 'installer.localeInstructions' => 'The primary language to use for this system. Please consult the OCS documentation if you are interested in support for languages not listed here.', 'installer.additionalLocales' => 'Additional locales', 'installer.additionalLocalesInstructions' => 'Select any additional languages to support in this system. These languages will be available for use by conferences hosted on the site. Additional languages can also be installed at any time from the site administration interface.', 'installer.clientCharset' => 'Client character set', 'installer.clientCharsetInstructions' => 'The encoding to use for data sent to and received from browsers.', 'installer.connectionCharset' => 'Connection character set', 'installer.connectionCharsetInstructions' => 'The encoding to use for data sent to and received from the database. This should be the same as the client character set. Note that this capability is only supported with MySQL >= 4.1.1 or PostgreSQL >= 7.1. Select "Not applicable" if your database server does not meet these requirements.', 'installer.databaseCharset' => 'Database character set', 'installer.databaseCharsetInstructions' => 'The encoding to use for data stored in the database. Note that this capability is only supported with MySQL >= 4.1.1 or PostgreSQL >= 7.1. Select "Not applicable" if your database server does not meet these requirements.', 'installer.locale' => 'Locale', 'installer.fileSettings' => 'File Settings', 'installer.filesDir' => 'Directory for uploads', 'installer.filesDirInstructions' => 'Enter full pathname to an existing directory where uploaded files are to be kept. This directory should not be directly web-accessible. Please ensure that this directory exists and is writable prior to installation. Windows path names should use forward slashes, e.g. "C:/myconference/files".', 'installer.securitySettings' => 'Security Settings', 'installer.encryption' => 'Password encryption algorithm', 'installer.encryptionInstructions' => 'SHA1 is recommended if your system supports it (requires PHP >= 4.3.0).', 'installer.administratorAccount' => 'Administrator Account', 'installer.administratorAccountInstructions' => 'This user account will become the site administrator and have complete access to the system. Additional user accounts can be created after installation.', 'installer.databaseSettings' => 'Database Settings', 'installer.databaseSettingsInstructions' => 'OCS requires access to a SQL database to store its data. See the system requirements above for a list of supported databases. In the fields below, provide the settings to be used to connect to the database.', 'installer.databaseDriver' => 'Database driver', 'installer.databaseHost' => 'Host', 'installer.databaseUsername' => 'Username', 'installer.databasePassword' => 'Password', 'installer.databaseName' => 'Database name', 'installer.databaseDriverInstructions' => 'Database drivers listed in brackets do not appear to have the required PHP extension loaded and installation will likely fail if selected.
Any unsupported database drivers listed above are listed solely for academic purposes and are unlikely to work.', 'installer.databaseHostInstructions' => 'Leave the hostname blank to connect using domain sockets instead of over TCP/IP. This is not necessary with MySQL, which will automatically use sockets if "localhost" is entered, but is required with some other database servers such as PostgreSQL.', 'installer.createDatabase' => 'Create new database', 'installer.createDatabaseInstructions' => 'To use this option your database system must support remote database creation and your user account must have the appropriate permissions to create new databases. If installation fails with this option selected, manually create the database on your server and run the installer again with this option disabled.', 'installer.miscSettings' => 'Miscellaneous Settings', 'installer.oaiRepositoryId' => 'OAI repository identifier', 'installer.oaiRepositoryIdInstructions' => 'A unique identifier used to identify metadata records indexed from this site using the Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting.', 'installer.installOCS' => 'Install Open Conference Systems', 'installer.upgradeOCS' => 'Upgrade Open Conference Systems', 'installer.manualInstall' => 'Manual Install', 'installer.manualUpgrade' => 'Manual Upgrade', 'installer.form.localeRequired' => 'A locale must be selected.', 'installer.form.clientCharsetRequired' => 'A client character set must be selected.', 'installer.form.filesDirRequired' => 'The directory to be used for storing uploaded files is required.', 'installer.form.encryptionRequired' => 'The algorithm to use for encrypting user passwords must be selected.', 'installer.form.databaseDriverRequired' => 'A database driver must be selected.', 'installer.form.databaseNameRequired' => 'The database name is required.', 'installer.form.usernameRequired' => 'A username for the administrator account is required.', 'installer.form.passwordRequired' => 'A password for the administrator account is required.', 'installer.form.usernameAlphaNumeric' => 'The administrator username can contain only alphanumeric characters, underscores, and hyphens, and must begin and end with an alphanumeric character.', 'installer.form.passwordsDoNotMatch' => 'The administrator passwords do not match.', 'installer.form.emailRequired' => 'A valid email address for the administrator account is required.', 'installer.form.separateMultiple' => 'Separate multiple values with commas', 'installer.installErrorsOccurred' => 'Errors occurred during installation', 'installer.installFilesDirError' => 'The directory specified for uploaded files does not exist or is not writable.', 'installer.publicFilesDirError' => 'The public files directory does not exist or is not writable.', 'installer.installFileError' => 'The installation file dbscripts/xml/install.xml does not exist or is not readable.', 'installer.installParseDBFileError' => 'Error parsing the database installation file {$file}.', 'installer.configFileError' => 'The configuration file config.inc.php does not exist or is not readable.', 'installer.reinstallAfterDatabaseError' => 'Warning: If installation failed part way through database installation you may need to drop your OCS database or database tables before attempting to reinstall the database.', 'installer.overwriteConfigFileInstructions' => '


The installer could not automatically overwrite the configuration file. Before attempting to use the system, please open config.inc.php in a suitable text editor and replace its contents with the contents of the text field below.

', 'installer.contentsOfConfigFile' => 'Contents of configuration file', 'installer.manualSQLInstructions' => '

Manual installation

The SQL statements to create the OCS database schema and initial data are displayed below. Note that the system will be unusable until these statements have been executed manually. You will also have to manually configure the config.inc.php configuration file.

', 'installer.installerSQLStatements' => 'SQL statements for installation', 'installer.installationComplete' => '

Installation of OCS has completed successfully.

To begin using the system, login with the username and password entered on the previous page.

If you wish to receive news and updates, please register at http://pkp.sfu.ca/ocs/register. If you have questions or comments, please visit the support forum.

', 'installer.upgradeComplete' => '

Upgrade of OCS to version {$version} has completed successfully.

Don\'t forget to set the "installed" setting in your config.inc.php configuration file back to On.

If you haven\'t already registered and wish to receive news and updates, please register at http://pkp.sfu.ca/ocs/register. If you have questions or comments, please visit the support forum.

', 'installer.skipFilesDir' => 'Do not create required subdirectories (only useful for a manual installation)', 'installer.releaseNotes' => 'Release Notes', 'installer.checkYes' => 'Yes', 'installer.checkNo' => 'NO', 'log.default.abstractPeriodExpired' => 'The abstract submission window for incomplete paper {$paperId} has expired. Paper moved to graveyard.', 'log.default.paperPeriodExpired' => 'The paper submission window for incomplete paper {$paperId} has expired. Paper moved to graveyard.', 'log.presenter.abstractSubmitted' => '{$presenterName} has entered a submission abstract, ID {$submissionId}.', 'log.presenter.presentationSubmitted' => '{$presenterName} has uploaded a presentation, ID {$submissionId}.', 'log.presenter.documentRevised' => '{$presenterName} has revised paper {$paperId}. The new file ID is {$fileId}.', 'log.review.reviewerAssigned' => '{$reviewerName} has been assigned to review submission {$paperId} for review stage {$stage}.', 'log.review.reviewerUnassigned' => '{$reviewerName} has been unassigned from reviewing submission {$paperId} for review stage {$stage}.', 'log.review.reviewInitiated' => 'The stage {$stage} review by {$reviewerName} for submission {$paperId} has been initiated.', 'log.review.reviewReinitiated' => 'The stage {$stage} review by {$reviewerName} for submission {$paperId} has been reinitiated.', 'log.review.reviewCancelled' => 'The stage {$stage} review by {$reviewerName} for submission {$paperId} has been cancelled.', 'log.review.reviewCleared' => 'The stage {$stage} review by {$reviewerName} for submission {$paperId} has been cleared.', 'log.review.reviewerRated' => '{$reviewerName} has been rated for the stage {$stage} review of submission {$paperId}.', 'log.review.reviewDueDateSet' => 'The due date for the stage {$stage} review of submission {$paperId} by {$reviewerName} has been set to {$dueDate}.', 'log.review.reviewRecommendationSet' => 'The recommendation for the stage {$stage} review of submission {$paperId} by {$reviewerName} has been set.', 'log.review.reviewRecommendationSetByProxy' => 'The recommendation for the stage {$stage} review of submission {$paperId} has been set by the director, {$directorName}, on behalf of the reviewer, {$reviewerName}.', 'log.review.resubmit' => 'The submission {$paperId} has been resubmitted for review.', 'log.review.reviewDeclined' => '{$reviewerName} has declined the stage {$stage} review for submission {$paperId}.', 'log.review.reviewAccepted' => '{$reviewerName} has accepted the stage {$stage} review for submission {$paperId}.', 'log.review.reviewAcceptedByProxy' => '{$userName} has accepted the stage {$stage} review for submission {$paperId} on behalf of {$reviewerName}.', 'log.review.reviewFileByProxy' => 'The Director, {$userName}, has uploaded a review file for stage {$stage} of submission {$paperId} on behalf of the reviewer, {$reviewerName}.', 'log.review.reviewerFile' => 'A reviewer file has been uploaded.', 'log.director.decision' => 'A director decision ({$decision}) for paper {$paperId} was recorded by {$directorName}.', 'log.director.publish' => 'The paper was published.', 'log.director.metadataModified' => 'The metadata for this paper was modified by {$directorName}.', 'log.director.directorFile' => 'A director version of the submission file has been uploaded.', 'log.director.archived' => 'The submission {$paperId} has been archived.', 'log.director.restored' => 'The submission {$paperId} has been restored to the queue.', 'log.director.directorAssigned' => '{$directorName} has been assigned as director to submission {$paperId}.', 'log.director.submissionExpedited' => '{$directorName} has expedited the editing process for paper {$paperId}.', 'log.layout.layoutFileSet' => '{$directorName} has set the layout version for submission {$paperId}.', 'log.deadline.submissionDeadlinePassed' => 'Submission deadline expired.', 'log.deadline.presentationsReleasedToParticipants' => 'Presentations have been released to participants.', 'log.deadline.presentationsReleasedToPublic' => 'Presentations have been released to the public.', 'log.timeline.publicationStateChanged' => 'The publication state has been changed from {$oldPublicationState} to {$newPublicationState}.', 'log.timeline.submissionStateChanged' => 'The submission state has been changed from {$oldSubmissionState} to {$newSubmissionState}.', 'log.timeline.startDateChanged' => 'The conference start date changed from {$oldStartDate} to {$newStartDate}.', 'log.timeline.endDateChanged' => 'The conference end date changed from {$oldEndDate} to {$newEndDate}.', 'log.timeline.regReviewerOpenDateChanged' => 'The author registration open date changed from {$oldRegReviewerOpenDate} to {$newRegReviewerOpenDate}.', 'log.timeline.regReviewerCloseDateChanged' => 'The author registration close date changed from {$oldRegReviewerCloseDate} to {$newRegReviewerCloseDate}.', 'log.timeline.regPresenterOpenDateChanged' => 'The author registration open date changed from {$oldRegPresenterOpenDate} to {$newRegPresenterOpenDate}.', 'log.timeline.regPresenterCloseDateChanged' => 'The author registration close date changed from {$oldRegPresenterCloseDate} to {$newRegPresenterCloseDate}.', 'log.timeline.showCFPDateChanged' => 'The CFP display date changed from {$oldShowCFPDate} to {$newShowCFPDate}.', 'log.timeline.submissionsOpenDateChanged' => 'The submission open date changed from {$oldSubmissionsOpenDate} to {$newSubmissionsOpenDate}', 'log.timeline.submissionsCloseDateChanged' => 'The submission close date changed from {$oldSubmissionsCloseDate} to {$newSubmissionsCloseDate}', 'log.timeline.postAbstractsDateChanged' => 'The abstract post date changed from {$oldPostAbstractsDate} to {$newPostAbstractsDate}.', 'log.timeline.postAbstractsChanged' => 'The "post abstracts" setting was changed from {$oldPostAbstracts} to {$newPostAbstracts}.', 'log.timeline.postScheduleDateChanged' => 'The post schedule date changed from {$oldPostScheduleDate} to {$newPostScheduleDate}.', 'log.timeline.postScheduleChanged' => 'The "post schedule" setting was changed from {$oldPostSchedule} to {$newPostSchedule}.', 'log.timeline.postPapersDateChanged' => 'The post papers date changed from {$oldPostPapersDate} to {$newPostPapersDate}.', 'log.timeline.postPapersChanged' => 'The "post papers" setting was changed from {$oldPostPapers} to {$newPostPapers}.', 'log.timeline.delayOpenAccessDateChanged' => 'The open access date changed from {$oldDelayOpenAccessDate} to {$newDelayOpenAccessDate}.', 'log.timeline.delayOpenAccessChanged' => 'The delayed open access setting was changed from {$oldDelayOpenAccess} to {$newDelayOpenAccess}.', 'log.timeline.closeCommentsDateChanged' => 'The comments close date changed from {$oldCloseCommentsDate} to {$newCloseCommentsDate}.', 'log.timeline.closeCommentsChanged' => 'The close comments setting was changed from {$oldCloseComments} to {$newCloseComments}.', 'rt.readingTools' => 'Reading Tools', 'rt.admin.status' => 'Status', 'rt.admin.configuration' => 'Configuration', 'rt.admin.management' => 'Management', 'rt.admin.settings' => 'Reading Tool Settings', 'rt.admin.readingToolsEnabled' => 'Reading tools', 'rt.admin.selectedVersion' => 'Related items', 'rt.admin.rtEnable' => 'To enable Reading Tools, select options and choose field for related items, enter Settings.', 'rt.admin.settings.description' => 'The reading tools appear in a frame beside published items in the tracks of the conference that have been designated for indexing. The reading tools consist of a set of optional tools related to the published item, listed below, and a set of tools that provide access to related items, organised by field and discipline.', 'rt.admin.settings.enableReadingTools' => 'Enable Reading Tools for designated tracks of conference.', 'rt.admin.settings.abstract' => 'Abstract (presents the item\'s abstract).', 'rt.admin.settings.relatedItems' => 'Related Items Field', 'rt.admin.options' => 'Optional Tools', 'rt.admin.settings.disableRelatedItems' => 'Disable Related Items', 'rt.admin.settings.captureCite' => 'How to cite item (provides bibliographic detail for item).', 'rt.admin.settings.viewMetadata' => 'Indexing metadata (displays item\'s indexing metadata provided by author and system).', 'rt.admin.settings.supplementaryFiles' => 'Supplementary files (displays list of files author included with submission).', 'rt.admin.settings.printerFriendly' => 'Print version (Leads to a printer-friendly version of an item).', 'rt.admin.settings.presenterBio' => 'About the author (displays the bio statements entered by the author).', 'rt.admin.settings.defineTerms' => 'Look up terms (enables readers to double-click on any word in an item and send the word to a dictionary).', 'rt.admin.settings.addComment' => 'Add comment (enables readers to post comments, which Conference Directors can delete. Reader Comments must be enabled in Setup, step 2).', 'rt.admin.settings.emailPresenter' => 'Email the author (leads to an email template with author\'s email).', 'rt.admin.settings.emailOthers' => 'Notify a colleague (leads to an email template with link to item).', 'rt.admin.versions.restoreVersions' => 'Restore Versions to Defaults', 'rt.admin.versions.createVersion' => 'Create Version', 'rt.admin.versions.confirmRestore' => 'Are you sure you wish to irreversibly restore all versions to their defaults? If so, you will need to choose an active Version on the Settings page.', 'rt.admin.versions.confirmDelete' => 'Are you sure you wish to delete this Version and all associated Contexts and Searches?', 'rt.admin.versions.edit.editVersion' => 'Edit Version', 'rt.admin.versions.metadata' => 'Metadata', 'rt.admin.versions.export' => 'Export', 'rt.admin.versions.importVersion' => 'Import Version', 'rt.admin.contexts.edit.editContext' => 'Edit Context', 'rt.admin.contexts.createContext' => 'Create Context', 'rt.admin.contexts.confirmDelete' => 'Are you sure you wish to delete this Context and all associated Searches?', 'rt.admin.contexts.metadata' => 'Metadata', 'rt.admin.contexts.options' => 'Options', 'rt.admin.contexts.options.citedBy' => 'Use author names as default search terms and describe the context as a search for citations to the paper.', 'rt.admin.contexts.options.authorTerms' => 'Use author names as default search terms to enable users to find other works by the authors for this item (e.g., for an "Other Works" context)', 'rt.admin.contexts.options.geoTerms' => 'Use geographical indexing data as default search terms.', 'rt.admin.contexts.options.defineTerms' => 'Use the word highlighted by the reader as default search term or be left blank if none has been selected for this item (e.g., for a "Definition of terms" context). The "Definition of terms" option must be enabled in the RST Settings to allow double-clicking on words to open this context.', 'rt.admin.searches.edit.editSearch' => 'Edit Search', 'rt.admin.searches.confirmDelete' => 'Are you sure you wish to delete this Search?', 'rt.admin.searches.createSearch' => 'Create Search', 'rt.admin.validateUrls' => 'Validate URLs for Reading Tools', 'rt.admin.validateUrls.description' => 'Possibly invalid URLs for search sites are displayed below.
You should manually verify any URLs marked as invalid, as this test is not 100% accurate.
Validation may fail on search URLs that require posted form data.', 'rt.admin.validateUrls.validate' => 'Validate', 'rt.admin.validateUrls.urlIsInvalid' => '{$url} is not valid.', 'rt.admin.validateUrls.ok' => 'OK', 'rt.admin.validateUrls.complete' => 'Validation complete.', 'rt.version' => 'Version', 'rt.versions' => 'Versions', 'rt.version.title' => 'Title', 'rt.version.locale' => 'Locale', 'rt.version.key' => 'Key', 'rt.version.description' => 'Description', 'rt.context' => 'Context', 'rt.contexts' => 'Contexts', 'rt.context.title' => 'Title', 'rt.context.abbrev' => 'Abbrev', 'rt.context.description' => 'Description', 'rt.context.order' => 'Order', 'rt.search' => 'Search', 'rt.searches' => 'Searches', 'rt.search.title' => 'Title', 'rt.search.url' => 'URL', 'rt.search.order' => 'Order', 'rt.search.description' => 'Description', 'rt.search.searchUrl' => 'Search URL', 'rt.search.searchPost' => 'Post data', 'rt.search.suggest' => 'Suggest a source', 'rt.presenterBio' => 'About the author', 'rt.viewMetadata' => 'Indexing metadata', 'rt.metadata.dublinCore' => 'Dublin Core', 'rt.metadata.pkpItem' => 'PKP Metadata Items', 'rt.metadata.forThisDocument' => 'Metadata for this Document', 'rt.metadata.dublinCore.title' => 'Title', 'rt.metadata.dublinCore.primaryPresenter' => 'Creator', 'rt.metadata.dublinCore.subject' => 'Subject', 'rt.metadata.dublinCore.description' => 'Description', 'rt.metadata.dublinCore.publisher' => 'Publisher', 'rt.metadata.dublinCore.contributor' => 'Contributor', 'rt.metadata.dublinCore.date' => 'Date', 'rt.metadata.dublinCore.type' => 'Type', 'rt.metadata.dublinCore.format' => 'Format', 'rt.metadata.dublinCore.identifier' => 'Identifier', 'rt.metadata.dublinCore.source' => 'Source', 'rt.metadata.dublinCore.language' => 'Language', 'rt.metadata.dublinCore.relation' => 'Relation', 'rt.metadata.dublinCore.coverage' => 'Coverage', 'rt.metadata.dublinCore.rights' => 'Rights', 'rt.metadata.pkp.title' => 'Title of document', 'rt.metadata.pkp.primaryPresenter' => 'Author\'s name, affiliation, country', 'rt.metadata.pkp.discipline' => 'Discipline(s)', 'rt.metadata.pkp.subject' => 'Keyword(s)', 'rt.metadata.pkp.subjectClass' => 'Subject classification', 'rt.metadata.pkp.abstract' => 'Abstract', 'rt.metadata.pkp.publisher' => 'Organizing agency, location', 'rt.metadata.pkp.sponsors' => 'Sponsor(s)', 'rt.metadata.pkp.date' => '(YYYY-MM-DD)', 'rt.metadata.pkp.type' => 'Type', 'rt.metadata.pkp.genre' => 'Status & genre', 'rt.metadata.pkp.peerReviewed' => 'Peer-reviewed Paper', 'rt.metadata.pkp.format' => 'File format', 'rt.metadata.pkp.uri' => 'Universal Resource Indicator', 'rt.metadata.pkp.source' => 'Journal/conference title; vol., no. (year)', 'rt.metadata.pkp.language' => 'English=en', 'rt.metadata.pkp.suppFiles' => 'Supp. Files', 'rt.metadata.pkp.coverage' => 'Geo-spatial location, chronological period, research sample (gender, age, etc.)', 'rt.metadata.pkp.copyright' => 'Copyright and permissions', 'rt.suppFiles' => 'Supplementary files', 'rt.suppFiles.viewMetadata' => 'Indexing metadata', 'rt.suppFiles.download' => 'Download', 'rt.captureCite' => 'How to cite item', 'rt.captureCite.format' => 'Citation Format', 'rt.captureCite.online' => 'Online', 'rt.reviewPolicy' => 'Review policy', 'rt.printVersion' => 'Print version', 'rt.lookUp' => 'Look up terms', 'rt.colleague' => 'Notify colleague', 'rt.addComment' => 'Add comment', 'rt.emailPresenter' => 'Email the author', 'rt.beNotifiedWhen' => 'Be notified when...', 'rt.relatedItems' => 'Related items', 'rt.thisConference' => 'Search conference', 'rt.email.sent' => 'Your message has been sent.', 'rt.comments.commentsClosed' => '† Comments closed on {$closeCommentsDate}', 'rt.email.needLogin' => '* Requires registration', 'rt.context.searchTerms' => 'Search Terms', 'rt.context.termToDefine' => 'Word to define', 'rt.context.searchDescription' => 'The search terms have been selected by the author(s). They can be altered or deleted by the reader, as two or three short, precise terms or phrases produced the best Boolean (AND) searches. To learn more about the resources searched, click on ABOUT. These resources have been selected for their relevance and open (free) access to all or part of their contents.', 'rt.context.defineTermsDescription' => 'If the item is a HTML file (rather than a PDF), double clicking on any word in the text will make it appear in the Word-to-Define box. Otherwise, words can be typed or pasted in the box. To learn more about the resource searched, click on ABOUT. These resources have been selected because of their relevance and their open (free) access to all or part of their contents.', 'rt.context.authorTermsDescription' => 'For items with more than one author, leave all names checked to search for similarly co-presented work, or search one at a time by checking only a single name. To learn more about the resource searched, click on ABOUT. These resources have been selected because of their relevance and their open (free) access to all or part of their contents.', 'rt.context.citesContextDescription' => 'If the paper is indexed in Google Scholar, it may be accompanied by a "Cited by X" link, which leads to a list of works that cite it. As well, Google Scholar will list all items quoting the title and author. To access online resources that are only available through your research library, you may be able to go to Scholar Preferences in Google Scholar and activate the Library Links for your institution.', 'rt.context.and' => 'AND', 'icon.view.alt' => 'View', 'icon.checked.alt' => 'Checked', 'icon.unchecked.alt' => 'Unchecked', 'icon.comment.alt' => 'Comment', 'icon.edit.alt' => 'Edit', 'icon.delete.alt' => 'Delete', 'icon.letter.alt' => 'Letter', 'icon.mail.alt' => 'Mail', 'icon.info.alt' => 'Info', 'icon.folder.alt' => 'Folder', 'icon.small.alt' => 'Small', 'icon.medium.alt' => 'Medium', 'icon.large.alt' => 'Large', 'debug.executionTime' => 'Page generated in', 'debug.databaseQueries' => 'Number of database queries', 'debug.notes' => 'Notes:', 'debug.notes.localeLoad' => 'Loaded locale file "{$localeFile}" from XML', 'debug.notes.localeListLoad' => 'Loaded locale list "{$localeList}" from XML', 'debug.notes.missingLocaleKey' => 'Missing locale key "{$key}".', 'default.conferenceSettings.copyrightNotice' => 'Authors who submit to this conference agree to the following terms:
a) Authors retain copyright over their work, while allowing the conference to place this unpublished work under a Creative Commons Attribution License, which allows others to freely access, use, and share the work, with an acknowledgement of the work\'s authorship and its initial presentation at this conference.
b) Authors are able to waive the terms of the CC license and enter into separate, additional contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution and subsequent publication of this work (e.g., publish a revised version in a journal, post it to an institutional repository or publish it in a book), with an acknowledgement of its initial presentation at this conference.
c) In addition, authors are encouraged to post and share their work online (e.g., in institutional repositories or on their website) at any point before and after the conference.', 'default.schedConfSettings.checklist.notPreviouslyPublished' => 'The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another conference for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Director).', 'default.schedConfSettings.checklist.fileFormat' => 'The submission file is in Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.', 'default.schedConfSettings.checklist.addressesLinked' => 'All URL addresses in the text (e.g., http://pkp.sfu.ca) are activated and ready to click.', 'default.schedConfSettings.checklist.submissionAppearance' => 'The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.', 'default.schedConfSettings.checklist.anonymous' => 'If submitting to a peer-reviewed track of the conference, authors\' names are removed from submission, with "Author" and year used in the bibliography and footnotes, instead of authors\' name, paper title, etc.', 'default.schedConfSettings.checklist.personalInformationRemoved' => 'If submitting to peer review, all Microsoft Office documents (including Supplementary Files) have been saved by going to File and selecting Save As; clicking Tools (or Options in a Mac); clicking Security; selecting "Remove personal information from file properties on save"; clicking Save.', 'default.conferenceSettings.privacyStatement' => 'The names and email addresses entered in this conference site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this conference and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.', 'default.conferenceSettings.presenterSelfArchivePolicy' => 'Authors are permitted to post their papers on personal or institutional websites prior to and after publication by this conference (while providing the bibliographic details of that publication).', 'default.conferenceSettings.emailSignature' => '________________________________________________________________________ {$conferenceName} {$conferenceUrl}', 'default.conferenceSettings.forReaders' => 'We encourage readers to sign up for notification of papers posted for this conference. We recommend that you review the About the Conference page for the conference\'s policies, and visit the Conference Homepage to find out what conferences are coming up.', 'default.conferenceSettings.forPresenters' => 'Interested in submitting to this conference? We recommend that you review the About the Conference page for the conference\'s policies, and visit the Conference Homepage to find out what conferences are coming up.', 'default.conferenceSettings.lockssLicense' => 'This conference utilises the LOCKSS system to create a distributed archiving system among participating libraries and permits those libraries to create permanent archives of the conference for purposes of preservation and restoration. More...', 'default.schedConfSettings.emailSignature' => '________________________________________________________________________ {$conferenceName} {$schedConfName} {$schedConfUrl}', 'default.schedConfSettings.checklist.bibliographicRequirements' => 'The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Conference.', 'default.schedConfSettings.forReaders' => 'We encourage readers to sign up for notification of papers posted for this conference. Use the Account link at the top of the homepage for the conference. This list allows the conference to claim a certain level of support or readership. See the conference\'s Privacy Statement which assures readers that their name and email address will not be used for other purposes.', 'default.schedConfSettings.forPresenters' => 'Interested in submitting to this conference? We recommend that you review the About the Conference page for the conference\'s track policies, as well as the Author Guidelines. Authors need to create an account with the conference prior to submitting, or if an account already exists, can simply log in and begin the submission process.', ); ?>