descriptor = $descriptor; $this->params = $params; $this->actions = array(); $this->sql = array(); $this->notes = array(); $this->wroteConfig = true; } } /** * Returns true iff this is an upgrade process. */ function isUpgrade() { die ('ABSTRACT CLASS'); } /** * Destroy / clean-up after the installer. */ function destroy() { if (isset($this->dataXMLParser)) { $this->dataXMLParser->destroy(); } HookRegistry::call('Installer::destroy', array(&$this)); } /** * Pre-installation. * @return boolean */ function preInstall() { if (!isset($this->dbconn)) { // Connect to the database. $conn = &DBConnection::getInstance(); $this->dbconn = &$conn->getDBConn(); if (!$conn->isConnected()) { $this->setError(INSTALLER_ERROR_DB, $this->dbconn->errorMsg()); return false; } } if (!isset($this->currentVersion)) { // Retrieve the currently installed version $versionDao = &DAORegistry::getDAO('VersionDAO'); $this->currentVersion = &$versionDao->getCurrentVersion(); } if (!isset($this->locale)) { $this->locale = Locale::getLocale(); } if (!isset($this->installedLocales)) { $this->installedLocales = array_keys(Locale::getAllLocales()); } if (!isset($this->dataXMLParser)) { $this->dataXMLParser = &new DBDataXMLParser(); $this->dataXMLParser->setDBConn($this->dbconn); } $result = true; HookRegistry::call('Installer::preInstall', array(&$this, &$result)); return $result; } /** * Installation. * @return boolean */ function execute() { // Ensure that the installation will not get interrupted if it takes // longer than max_execution_time (php.ini). Note that this does not // work under safe mode. @set_time_limit (0); if (!$this->preInstall()) { return false; } if (!$this->parseInstaller()) { return false; } if (!$this->executeInstaller()) { return false; } if (!$this->postInstall()) { return false; } return $this->updateVersion(); } /** * Post-installation. * @return boolean */ function postInstall() { $result = true; HookRegistry::call('Installer::postInstall', array(&$this, &$result)); return $result; } /** * Record message to installation log. * @var $message string */ function log($message) { if (isset($this->logger)) { call_user_func(array($this->logger, 'log'), $message); } } // // Main actions // /** * Parse the installation descriptor XML file. * @return boolean */ function parseInstaller() { // Read installation descriptor file $this->log(sprintf('load: %s', $this->descriptor)); $xmlParser = &new XMLParser(); $installTree = $xmlParser->parse(INSTALLER_DATA_DIR . '/' . $this->descriptor); if (!$installTree) { // Error reading installation file $xmlParser->destroy(); $this->setError(INSTALLER_ERROR_GENERAL, 'installer.installFileError'); return false; } $versionString = $installTree->getAttribute('version'); if (isset($versionString)) { $this->newVersion = &Version::fromString($versionString); $this->newVersion->setCurrent(1); } else { $this->newVersion = $this->currentVersion; } // Parse descriptor $this->parseInstallNodes($installTree); $xmlParser->destroy(); $result = $this->getErrorType() == 0; HookRegistry::call('Installer::parseInstaller', array(&$this, &$result)); return $result; } /** * Execute the installer actions. * @return boolean */ function executeInstaller() { $this->log(sprintf('version: %s', $this->newVersion->getVersionString())); foreach ($this->actions as $action) { if (!$this->executeAction($action)) { return false; } } $result = true; HookRegistry::call('Installer::executeInstaller', array(&$this, &$result)); return $result; } /** * Update the version number. * @return boolean */ function updateVersion() { if ($this->newVersion->compare($this->currentVersion) > 0) { if ($this->getParam('manualInstall')) { // FIXME Would be better to have a mode where $dbconn->execute() saves the query return $this->executeSQL(sprintf('INSERT INTO versions (major, minor, revision, build, date_installed, current) VALUES (%d, %d, %d, %d, NOW(), 1)', $this->newVersion->getMajor(), $this->newVersion->getMinor(), $this->newVersion->getRevision(), $this->newVersion->getBuild())); } else { $versionDao = &DAORegistry::getDAO('VersionDAO'); if (!$versionDao->insertVersion($this->newVersion)) { return false; } } } $result = true; HookRegistry::call('Installer::updateVersion', array(&$this, &$result)); return $result; } // // Installer Parsing // /** * Parse children nodes in the install descriptor. * @param $installTree XMLNode */ function parseInstallNodes(&$installTree) { foreach ($installTree->getChildren() as $node) { switch ($node->getName()) { case 'schema': case 'data': case 'code': case 'note': $this->addInstallAction($node); break; case 'upgrade': $minVersion = $node->getAttribute('minversion'); $maxVersion = $node->getAttribute('maxversion'); if ((!isset($minVersion) || $this->currentVersion->compare($minVersion) >= 0) && (!isset($maxVersion) || $this->currentVersion->compare($maxVersion) <= 0)) { $this->parseInstallNodes($node); } break; } } } /** * Add an installer action from the descriptor. * @param $node XMLNode */ function addInstallAction(&$node) { $fileName = $node->getAttribute('file'); if (!isset($fileName)) { $this->actions[] = array('type' => $node->getName(), 'file' => null, 'attr' => $node->getAttributes()); } else if (strstr($fileName, '{$installedLocale}')) { // Filename substitution for locales foreach ($this->installedLocales as $thisLocale) { $newFileName = str_replace('{$installedLocale}', $thisLocale, $fileName); $this->actions[] = array('type' => $node->getName(), 'file' => $newFileName, 'attr' => $node->getAttributes()); } } else { $newFileName = str_replace('{$locale}', $this->locale, $fileName); if (!file_exists(INSTALLER_DATA_DIR . '/'. $newFileName)) { // Use version from default locale if data file is not available in the selected locale $newFileName = str_replace('{$locale}', INSTALLER_DEFAULT_LOCALE, $fileName); } $this->actions[] = array('type' => $node->getName(), 'file' => $newFileName, 'attr' => $node->getAttributes()); } } // // Installer Execution // /** * Execute a single installer action. * @param $action array * @return boolean */ function executeAction($action) { switch ($action['type']) { case 'schema': $fileName = INSTALLER_DATA_DIR . '/'. $action['file']; $this->log(sprintf('schema: %s', $action['file'])); require_once('adodb/'); $schemaXMLParser = &new adoSchema($this->dbconn, $this->dbconn->charSet); $sql = $schemaXMLParser->parseSchema($fileName); $schemaXMLParser->destroy(); if ($sql) { return $this->executeSQL($sql); } else { $this->setError(INSTALLER_ERROR_DB, str_replace('{$file}', $fileName, Locale::translate('installer.installParseDBFileError'))); return false; } break; case 'data': $fileName = INSTALLER_DATA_DIR . '/'. $action['file']; $this->log(sprintf('data: %s', $action['file'])); $sql = $this->dataXMLParser->parseData($fileName); if ($sql) { return $this->executeSQL($sql); } else { $this->setError(INSTALLER_ERROR_DB, str_replace('{$file}', $fileName, Locale::translate('installer.installParseDBFileError'))); return false; } break; case 'code': $this->log(sprintf('code: %s %s::%s', isset($action['file']) ? $action['file'] : 'Installer', isset($action['attr']['class']) ? $action['attr']['class'] : 'Installer', $action['attr']['function'])); // FIXME Don't execute code with "manual install" ??? if (isset($action['file'])) { require_once($action['file']); } if (isset($action['attr']['class'])) { return call_user_func(array($action['attr']['class'], $action['attr']['function']), $this); } else { return call_user_func(array(&$this, $action['attr']['function'])); } break; case 'note': $this->log(sprintf('note: %s', $action['file'])); $this->notes[] = join('', file(INSTALLER_DOCS_DIR . '/' . $action['file'])); break; } return true; } /** * Execute an SQL statement. * @var $sql mixed * @return boolean */ function executeSQL($sql) { if (is_array($sql)) { foreach($sql as $stmt) { if (!$this->executeSQL($stmt)) { return false; } } } else { if ($this->getParam('manualInstall')) { $this->sql[] = $sql; } else { $this->dbconn->execute($sql); if ($this->dbconn->errorNo() != 0) { $this->setError(INSTALLER_ERROR_DB, $this->dbconn->errorMsg()); return false; } } } return true; } /** * Update the specified configuration parameters. * @param $configParams arrays * @return boolean */ function updateConfig($configParams) { // Update config file $configParser = &new ConfigParser(); if (!$configParser->updateConfig(Config::getConfigFileName(), $configParams)) { // Error reading config file $this->setError(INSTALLER_ERROR_GENERAL, 'installer.configFileError'); return false; } $this->configContents = $configParser->getFileContents(); if (!$configParser->writeConfig(Config::getConfigFileName())) { $this->wroteConfig = false; } return true; } // // Accessors // /** * Get the value of an installation parameter. * @param $name * @return mixed */ function getParam($name) { return isset($this->params[$name]) ? $this->params[$name] : null; } /** * Return currently installed version. * @return Version */ function &getCurrentVersion() { return $this->currentVersion; } /** * Return new version after installation. * @return Version */ function &getNewVersion() { return $this->newVersion; } /** * Get the set of SQL statements required to perform the install. * @return array */ function getSQL() { return $this->sql; } /** * Get the set of installation notes. * @return array */ function getNotes() { return $this->notes; } /** * Get the contents of the updated configuration file. * @return string */ function getConfigContents() { return $this->configContents; } /** * Check if installer was able to write out new config file. * @return boolean */ function wroteConfig() { return $this->wroteConfig; } /** * Return the error code. * Valid return values are: * - 0 = no error * - INSTALLER_ERROR_GENERAL = general installation error. * - INSTALLER_ERROR_DB = database installation error * @return int */ function getErrorType() { return isset($this->errorType) ? $this->errorType : 0; } /** * The error message, if an error has occurred. * In the case of a database error, an unlocalized string containing the error message is returned. * For any other error, a localization key for the error message is returned. * @return string */ function getErrorMsg() { return $this->errorMsg; } /** * Return the error message as a localized string. * @return string. */ function getErrorString() { switch ($this->getErrorType()) { case INSTALLER_ERROR_DB: return 'DB: ' . $this->getErrorMsg(); default: return Locale::translate($this->getErrorMsg()); } } /** * Set the error type and messgae. * @param $type int * @param $msg string */ function setError($type, $msg) { $this->errorType = $type; $this->errorMsg = $msg; } /** * Set the logger for this installer. * @var $logger Logger */ function setLogger(&$logger) { $this->logger = $logger; } } ?>