value pairs. * @param $schedConfId int The scheduled conference to fetch statistics for * @param $trackId int The track to query stats for (optional) * @param $dateStart date The submit date to search from; optional * @param $dateEnd date The submit date to search to; optional * @return array */ function getPaperStatistics($schedConfId, $trackIds = null, $dateStart = null, $dateEnd = null) { $params = array($schedConfId); if (!empty($trackIds)) { $trackSql = ' AND (a.track_id = ?'; $params[] = array_shift($trackIds); foreach ($trackIds as $trackId) { $trackSql .= ' OR a.track_id = ?'; $params[] = $trackId; } $trackSql .= ')'; } else $trackSql = ''; $sql = 'SELECT a.paper_id, a.date_submitted, pa.date_published, pa.pub_id, d.decision FROM papers a LEFT JOIN published_papers pa ON (a.paper_id = pa.paper_id) LEFT JOIN edit_decisions d ON (d.paper_id = a.paper_id) WHERE a.sched_conf_id = ?' . ($dateStart !== null ? ' AND a.date_submitted >= ' . $this->datetimeToDB($dateStart) : '') . ($dateEnd !== null ? ' AND a.date_submitted <= ' . $this->datetimeToDB($dateEnd) : '') . $trackSql . ' ORDER BY a.paper_id, d.date_decided DESC'; $result = &$this->retrieve($sql, $params); $returner = array( 'numSubmissions' => 0, 'numReviewedSubmissions' => 0, 'numPublishedSubmissions' => 0, 'submissionsAccept' => 0, 'submissionsDecline' => 0, 'submissionsRevise' => 0, 'submissionsAcceptPercent' => 0, 'submissionsDeclinePercent' => 0, 'submissionsRevisePercent' => 0, 'daysToPublication' => 0 ); // Track which papers we're including $paperIds = array(); $totalTimeToPublication = 0; $timeToPublicationCount = 0; while (!$result->EOF) { $row = $result->GetRowAssoc(false); // For each paper, pick the most recent director // decision only and ignore the rest. Depends on sort // order. FIXME -- there must be a better way of doing // this that's database independent. if (!in_array($row['paper_id'], $paperIds)) { $paperIds[] = $row['paper_id']; $returner['numSubmissions']++; if (!empty($row['pub_id'])) { $returner['numPublishedSubmissions']++; } if (!empty($row['date_submitted']) && !empty($row['date_published'])) { $timeSubmitted = strtotime($this->datetimeFromDB($row['date_submitted'])); $timePublished = strtotime($this->datetimeFromDB($row['date_published'])); if ($timePublished > $timeSubmitted) { $totalTimeToPublication += ($timePublished - $timeSubmitted); $timeToPublicationCount++; } } import('submission.common.Action'); switch ($row['decision']) { case SUBMISSION_DIRECTOR_DECISION_ACCEPT: $returner['submissionsAccept']++; $returner['numReviewedSubmissions']++; break; case SUBMISSION_DIRECTOR_DECISION_PENDING_REVISIONS: $returner['submissionsRevise']++; break; case SUBMISSION_DIRECTOR_DECISION_DECLINE: $returner['submissionsDecline']++; $returner['numReviewedSubmissions']++; break; } } $result->moveNext(); } $result->Close(); unset($result); // Calculate percentages where necessary if ($returner['numSubmissions'] != 0) { $returner['submissionsAcceptPercent'] = round($returner['submissionsAccept'] * 100 / $returner['numReviewedSubmissions']); $returner['submissionsDeclinePercent'] = round($returner['submissionsDecline'] * 100 / $returner['numReviewedSubmissions']); $returner['submissionsRevisePercent'] = round($returner['submissionsRevise'] * 100 / $returner['numReviewedSubmissions']); } if ($timeToPublicationCount != 0) { // Keep one sig fig $returner['daysToPublication'] = round($totalTimeToPublication / $timeToPublicationCount / 60 / 60 / 24); } return $returner; } /** * Get statistics about users in the system. * Returns a map of name => value pairs. * @param $schedConfId int The scheduled conference to fetch statistics for * @param $dateStart date optional * @param $dateEnd date optional * @return array */ function getUserStatistics($schedConfId, $dateStart = null, $dateEnd = null) { $roleDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('RoleDAO'); // Get count of total users for this scheduled conference $result = &$this->retrieve( 'SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT r.user_id) FROM roles r, users u WHERE r.user_id = u.user_id AND r.sched_conf_id = ?' . ($dateStart !== null ? ' AND u.date_registered >= ' . $this->datetimeToDB($dateStart) : '') . ($dateEnd !== null ? ' AND u.date_registered <= ' . $this->datetimeToDB($dateEnd) : ''), $schedConfId ); $returner = array( 'totalUsersCount' => $result->fields[0] ); $result->Close(); unset($result); // Get user counts for each role. $result = &$this->retrieve( 'SELECT r.role_id, COUNT(r.user_id) AS role_count FROM roles r LEFT JOIN users u ON (r.user_id = u.user_id) WHERE r.sched_conf_id = ?' . ($dateStart !== null ? ' AND u.date_registered >= ' . $this->datetimeToDB($dateStart) : '') . ($dateEnd !== null ? ' AND u.date_registered <= ' . $this->datetimeToDB($dateEnd) : '') . 'GROUP BY r.role_id', $schedConfId ); while (!$result->EOF) { $row = $result->GetRowAssoc(false); $returner[$roleDao->getRolePath($row['role_id'])] = $row['role_count']; $result->moveNext(); } $result->Close(); unset($result); return $returner; } /** * Get statistics about registrations. * @param $schedConfId int The scheduled conference to fetch statistics for * @param $dateStart date optional * @param $dateEnd date optional * @return array */ function getRegistrationStatistics($schedConfId, $dateStart = null, $dateEnd = null) { $result = &$this->retrieve( 'SELECT st.type_id, rts.setting_value AS type_name, COUNT(s.registration_id) AS type_count FROM registration_types st LEFT JOIN sched_confs sc ON (st.sched_conf_id = sc.sched_conf_id) LEFT JOIN conferences c ON (sc.conference_id = c.conference_id) LEFT JOIN registration_type_settings rts ON (rts.type_id = st.type_id AND rts.setting_name = ? AND rts.locale = c.primary_locale), registrations s WHERE st.sched_conf_id = ? AND s.type_id = st.type_id' . ($dateStart !== null ? ' AND st.opening_date >= ' . $this->datetimeToDB($dateStart) : '') . ($dateEnd !== null ? ' AND st.closing_date <= ' . $this->datetimeToDB($dateEnd) : '') . ' GROUP BY st.type_id, rts.setting_value', array('name', $schedConfId) ); $returner = array(); while (!$result->EOF) { $row = $result->getRowAssoc(false); $returner[$row['type_id']] = array( 'name' => $row['type_name'], 'count' => $row['type_count'] ); $result->moveNext(); } $result->Close(); unset($result); return $returner; } /** * Get statistics about issues in the system. * Returns a map of name => value pairs. * @param $schedConfId int The scheduled conference to fetch statistics for * @param $dateStart date The publish date to search from; optional * @param $dateEnd date The publish date to search to; optional * @return array */ function getIssueStatistics($schedConfId, $dateStart = null, $dateEnd = null) { $result = &$this->retrieve( 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS count, published FROM issues WHERE sched_conf_id = ?' . ($dateStart !== null ? ' AND date_published >= ' . $this->datetimeToDB($dateStart) : '') . ($dateEnd !== null ? ' AND date_published <= ' . $this->datetimeToDB($dateEnd) : '') . ' GROUP BY published', $schedConfId ); $returner = array( 'numPublishedIssues' => 0, 'numUnpublishedIssues' => 0 ); while (!$result->EOF) { $row = $result->GetRowAssoc(false); if ($row['published']) { $returner['numPublishedIssues'] = $row['count']; } else { $returner['numUnpublishedIssues'] = $row['count']; } $result->moveNext(); } $result->Close(); unset($result); $returner['numIssues'] = $returner['numPublishedIssues'] + $returner['numUnpublishedIssues']; return $returner; } /** * Get statistics about reviewers in the system. * Returns a map of name => value pairs. * @param $schedConfId int The scheduled conference to fetch statistics for * @param $dateStart date The publish date to search from; optional * @param $dateEnd date The publish date to search to; optional * @return array */ function getReviewerStatistics($schedConfId, $trackIds, $dateStart = null, $dateEnd = null) { $params = array($schedConfId); if (!empty($trackIds)) { $trackSql = ' AND (a.track_id = ?'; $params[] = array_shift($trackIds); foreach ($trackIds as $trackId) { $trackSql .= ' OR a.track_id = ?'; $params[] = $trackId; } $trackSql .= ')'; } else $trackSql = ''; $sql = 'SELECT a.paper_id, af.date_uploaded AS date_rv_uploaded, r.review_id, u.date_registered, r.reviewer_id, r.quality AS quality, r.date_assigned, r.date_completed FROM papers a, paper_files af, review_assignments r LEFT JOIN users u ON (u.user_id = r.reviewer_id) WHERE a.sched_conf_id = ? AND r.paper_id = a.paper_id AND af.paper_id = a.paper_id AND af.file_id = a.review_file_id AND af.revision = 1' . ($dateStart !== null ? ' AND a.date_submitted >= ' . $this->datetimeToDB($dateStart) : '') . ($dateEnd !== null ? ' AND a.date_submitted <= ' . $this->datetimeToDB($dateEnd) : '') . $trackSql; $result = &$this->retrieve($sql, $params); $returner = array( 'reviewsCount' => 0, 'reviewerScore' => 0, 'daysPerReview' => 0, 'reviewerAddedCount' => 0, 'reviewerCount' => 0, 'reviewedSubmissionsCount' => 0 ); $scoredReviewsCount = 0; $totalScore = 0; $completedReviewsCount = 0; $totalElapsedTime = 0; $reviewerList = array(); $paperIds = array(); while (!$result->EOF) { $row = $result->GetRowAssoc(false); $returner['reviewsCount']++; if (!empty($row['quality'])) { $scoredReviewsCount++; $totalScore += $row['quality']; } $paperIds[] = $row['paper_id']; if (!empty($row['reviewer_id']) && !in_array($row['reviewer_id'], $reviewerList)) { $returner['reviewerCount']++; $dateRegistered = strtotime($this->datetimeFromDB($row['date_registered'])); if (($dateRegistered >= $dateStart || $dateStart === null) && ($dateRegistered <= $dateEnd || $dateEnd == null)) { $returner['reviewerAddedCount']++; } array_push($reviewerList, $row['reviewer_id']); } if (!empty($row['date_assigned']) && !empty($row['date_completed'])) { $timeReviewVersionUploaded = strtotime($this->datetimeFromDB($row['date_rv_uploaded'])); $timeCompleted = strtotime($this->datetimeFromDB($row['date_completed'])); if ($timeCompleted > $timeReviewVersionUploaded) { $completedReviewsCount++; $totalElapsedTime += ($timeCompleted - $timeReviewVersionUploaded); } } $result->moveNext(); } $result->Close(); unset($result); if ($scoredReviewsCount > 0) { // To one decimal place $returner['reviewerScore'] = round($totalScore * 10 / $scoredReviewsCount) / 10; } if ($completedReviewsCount > 0) { $seconds = $totalElapsedTime / $completedReviewsCount; $returner['daysPerReview'] = $seconds / 60 / 60 / 24; } $paperIds = array_unique($paperIds); $returner['reviewedSubmissionsCount'] = count($paperIds); return $returner; } function &getCountryDistribution($schedConfId, $locale = null) { if ($locale == null) $locale = Locale::getLocale(); $result = &$this->retrieve( 'SELECT DISTINCT AS country FROM users u, roles r WHERE r.sched_conf_id = ? AND r.user_id = u.user_id', $schedConfId ); $countries = array(); $countryDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('CountryDAO'); while (!$result->EOF) { $row = $result->GetRowAssoc(false); array_push($countries, $countryDao->getCountry($row['country'], $locale)); $result->moveNext(); } $result->Close(); unset($result); return $countries; } /** * Generate a scheduled conference Report between the given dates (optional) * @param $schedConfId int The scheduled conference to report on * @param $dateStart string The start date * @param $dateEnd string The end date */ function &getSchedConfReport($schedConfId, $dateStart = null, $dateEnd = null) { $result = &$this->retrieve( 'SELECT a.paper_id, pa.pub_id AS pub_id, pa.date_published a.date_submitted AS date_submitted, a.status AS status FROM papers a LEFT JOIN tracks t ON (t.track_id = a.track_id) LEFT JOIN published_papers pa ON (a.paper_id = pa.paper_id) WHERE a.sched_conf_id = ? ' . ($dateStart !== null ? ' AND a.date_submitted >= ' . $this->datetimeToDB($dateStart) : '') . ($dateEnd !== null ? ' AND a.date_submitted <= ' . $this->datetimeToDB($dateEnd) : '') . ' ORDER BY a.date_submitted', $schedConfId ); import('schedConf.SchedConfReportIterator'); $report =& new SchedConfReportIterator($schedConfId, $result, $dateStart, $dateEnd, REPORT_TYPE_SCHED_CONF); return $report; } /** * Generate a Track Report between the given dates (optional) * @param $schedConfId int The scheduled conference to report on * @param $dateStart string The start date * @param $dateEnd string The end date */ function &getTrackReport($schedConfId, $dateStart = null, $dateEnd = null) { $result = &$this->retrieve( 'SELECT a.paper_id, pa.pub_id, pa.date_published, a.date_submitted, a.status FROM papers a LEFT JOIN tracks s ON (t.track_id = a.track_id) LEFT JOIN published_papers pa ON (a.paper_id = pa.paper_id) WHERE a.sched_conf_id = ?' . ($dateStart !== null ? ' AND a.date_submitted >= ' . $this->datetimeToDB($dateStart) : '') . ($dateEnd !== null ? ' AND a.date_submitted <= ' . $this->datetimeToDB($dateEnd) : '') . ' ORDER BY t.title, a.date_submitted', $schedConfId ); import('schedConf.SchedConfReportIterator'); $report =& new SchedConfReportIterator($schedConfId, $result, $dateStart, $dateEnd, REPORT_TYPE_TRACK); return $report; } /** * Generate a Reviewer Report between the given dates (optional) * @param $schedConfId int The scheduled conference to report on * @param $dateStart string The start date * @param $dateEnd string The end date */ function &getReviewerReport($schedConfId, $dateStart = null, $dateEnd = null) { $result = &$this->retrieve( 'SELECT ra.reviewer_id, ra.quality, a.paper_id, pa.pub_id, pa.date_published, a.date_submitted, a.status FROM review_assignments ra, papers a LEFT JOIN tracks t ON (t.track_id = a.track_id) LEFT JOIN published_papers pa ON (a.paper_id = pa.paper_id) WHERE a.sched_conf_id = ? AND ra.paper_id = a.paper_id ' . ($dateStart !== null ? ' AND a.date_submitted >= ' . $this->datetimeToDB($dateStart) : '') . ($dateEnd !== null ? ' AND a.date_submitted <= ' . $this->datetimeToDB($dateEnd) : '') . ' ORDER BY ra.reviewer_id, a.date_submitted', $schedConfId ); import('schedConf.SchedConfReportIterator'); $report =& new SchedConfReportIterator($schedConfId, $result, $dateStart, $dateEnd, REPORT_TYPE_REVIEWER); return $report; } /** * Generate a Director Report between the given dates (optional) * @param $schedConfId int The scheduled conference to report on * @param $dateStart string The start date * @param $dateEnd string The end date */ function &getDirectorReport($schedConfId, $dateStart = null, $dateEnd = null) { $result = &$this->retrieve( 'SELECT ee.director_id, a.paper_id, pa.pub_id, pa.date_published, a.date_submitted, a.status FROM papers a LEFT JOIN edit_assignments ee ON (ee.paper_id = a.paper_id) LEFT JOIN tracks t ON (t.track_id = a.track_id) LEFT JOIN published_papers pa ON (a.paper_id = pa.paper_id) WHERE a.sched_conf_id = ? ' . ($dateStart !== null ? ' AND a.date_submitted >= ' . $this->datetimeToDB($dateStart) : '') . ($dateEnd !== null ? ' AND a.date_submitted <= ' . $this->datetimeToDB($dateEnd) : '') . ' ORDER BY ee.director_id, a.date_submitted', $schedConfId ); import('schedConf.schedConfReportIterator'); $report =& new SchedConfReportIterator($schedConfId, $result, $dateStart, $dateEnd, REPORT_TYPE_DIRECTOR); return $report; } /** * Determine, within a given scheduled conference and date range (optional), * the maximum number of presenters that a single submission has. * @param $schedConfId int * @param $dateStart string * @param $dateEnd string */ function getMaxPresenterCount($schedConfId, $dateStart, $dateEnd) { $result =& $this->retrieve( 'SELECT COUNT(aa.presenter_id) FROM papers a, paper_presenters aa WHERE a.sched_conf_id = ? AND aa.paper_id = a.paper_id ' . ($dateStart !== null ? ' AND a.date_submitted >= ' . $this->datetimeToDB($dateStart) : '') . ($dateEnd !== null ? ' AND a.date_submitted <= ' . $this->datetimeToDB($dateEnd) : '') . ' GROUP BY a.paper_id', $schedConfId ); $max = null; while (!$result->EOF) { if ($max === null || $max < $result->fields[0]) { $max = $result->fields[0]; } $result->moveNext(); } $result->Close(); unset($result); return $max; } /** * Determine, within a given scheduled conference and date range (optional), * the maximum number of reviewers that a single submission has. * @param $schedConfId int * @param $dateStart string * @param $dateEnd string */ function getMaxReviewerCount($schedConfId, $dateStart, $dateEnd) { $result = &$this->retrieve( 'SELECT COUNT(r.review_id) FROM papers a, review_assignments r WHERE a.sched_conf_id = ? AND r.paper_id = a.paper_id ' . ($dateStart !== null ? ' AND a.date_submitted >= ' . $this->datetimeToDB($dateStart) : '') . ($dateEnd !== null ? ' AND a.date_submitted <= ' . $this->datetimeToDB($dateEnd) : '') . ' GROUP BY r.paper_id', $schedConfId ); $max = null; while (!$result->EOF) { if ($max === null || $max < $result->fields[0]) { $max = $result->fields[0]; } $result->moveNext(); } $result->Close(); unset($result); return $max; } /** * Determine, within a given scheduled conference and date range (optional), * the maximum number of directors that a single submission has. * @param $schedConfId int * @param $dateStart string * @param $dateEnd string */ function getMaxDirectorCount($schedConfId, $dateStart, $dateEnd) { $result = &$this->retrieve( 'SELECT COUNT(e.director_id) FROM papers a, edit_assignments e WHERE a.sched_conf_id = ? AND e.paper_id = a.paper_id ' . ($dateStart !== null ? ' AND a.date_submitted >= ' . $this->datetimeToDB($dateStart) : '') . ($dateEnd !== null ? ' AND a.date_submitted <= ' . $this->datetimeToDB($dateEnd) : '') . ' GROUP BY e.paper_id', $schedConfId ); $max = null; while (!$result->EOF) { if ($max === null || $max < $result->fields[0]) { $max = $result->fields[0]; } $result->moveNext(); } $result->Close(); unset($result); return $max; } } ?>