ScheduledTask(); } function sendReminder ($registration, $conference, $schedConf, $emailKey) { $userDao = &DAORegistry::getDAO('UserDAO'); $registrationTypeDao = &DAORegistry::getDAO('RegistrationTypeDAO'); $schedConfName = $schedConf->getSchedConfTitle(); $schedConfId = $schedConf->getSchedConfId(); $user = &$userDao->getUser($registration->getUserId()); if (!isset($user)) return false; $registrationType = &$registrationTypeDao->getRegistrationType($registration->getTypeId()); $registrationName = $schedConf->getSetting('registrationName', true); $registrationEmail = $schedConf->getSetting('registrationEmail', true); $registrationPhone = $schedConf->getSetting('registrationPhone', true); $registrationFax = $schedConf->getSetting('registrationFax', true); $registrationMailingAddress = $schedConf->getSetting('registrationMailingAddress', true); $registrationContactSignature = $registrationName; if ($registrationMailingAddress != '') { $registrationContactSignature .= "\n" . $registrationMailingAddress; } if ($registrationPhone != '') { $registrationContactSignature .= "\n" . Locale::Translate('') . ': ' . $registrationPhone; } if ($registrationFax != '') { $registrationContactSignature .= "\n" . Locale::Translate('user.fax') . ': ' . $registrationFax; } $registrationContactSignature .= "\n" . Locale::Translate('') . ': ' . $registrationEmail; $paramArray = array( 'registrantName' => $user->getFullName(), 'conferenceName' => $conferenceName, 'schedConfName' => $schedConfName, 'registrationType' => $registrationType->getSummaryString(), 'expiryDate' => $registration->getDateEnd(), 'username' => $user->getUsername(), 'registrationContactSignature' => $registrationContactSignature ); import('mail.MailTemplate'); $mail = &new MailTemplate($emailKey); $mail->setFrom($registrationEmail, $registrationName); $mail->addRecipient($user->getEmail(), $user->getFullName()); $mail->setSubject($mail->getSubject($conference->getPrimaryLocale())); $mail->setBody($mail->getBody($conference->getPrimaryLocale())); $mail->assignParams($paramArray); $mail->send(); } function sendSchedConfReminders ($conference, $schedConf, $curDate) { $curYear = $curDate['year']; $curMonth = $curDate['month']; $curDay = $curDate['day']; // Check if expiry notification before months is enabled if ($schedConf->getSetting('enableRegistrationExpiryReminderBeforeMonths', true)) { $beforeMonths = $schedConf->getSetting('numMonthsBeforeRegistrationExpiryReminder', true); $beforeYears = (int)floor($beforeMonths/12); $beforeMonths = (int)fmod($beforeMonths,12); $expiryYear = $curYear + $beforeYears + (int)floor(($curMonth+$beforeMonths)/12); $expiryMonth = (int)fmod($curMonth+$beforeMonths,12); $expiryDay = $curDay; // Retrieve all registration that match expiry date $registrationDao = &DAORegistry::getDAO('RegistrationDAO'); $dateEnd = $expiryYear . '-' . $expiryMonth . '-' . $expiryDay; $registration = &$registrationDao->getRegistrationByDateEnd($dateEnd, $schedConf->getSchedConfId()); while (!$registration->eof()) { $registration = &$registration->next(); $this->sendReminder($registration, $conference, $schedConf, 'REGISTRATION_BEFORE_EXPIRY'); } } // Check if expiry notification before weeks is enabled if ($schedConf->getSetting('enableRegistrationExpiryReminderBeforeWeeks', true)) { $beforeWeeks = $schedConf->getSetting('numWeeksBeforeRegistrationExpiryReminder', true); $beforeDays = $beforeWeeks * 7; $expiryMonth = $curMonth + (int)floor(($curDay+$beforeDays)/31); $expiryYear = $curYear + (int)floor($expiryMonth/12); $expiryDay = (int)fmod($curDay+$beforeDays,31); $expiryMonth = (int)fmod($expiryMonth,12); // Retrieve all registration that match expiry date $registrationDao = &DAORegistry::getDAO('RegistrationDAO'); $dateEnd = $expiryYear . '-' . $expiryMonth . '-' . $expiryDay; $registration = &$registrationDao->getRegistrationByDateEnd($dateEnd, $schedConf->getSchedConfId()); while (!$registration->eof()) { $registration = &$registration->next(); $this->sendReminder($registration, $conference, $schedConf, 'REGISTRATION_BEFORE_EXPIRY'); } } // Check if expiry notification after months is enabled if ($schedConf->getSetting('enableRegistrationExpiryReminderAfterMonths')) { $afterMonths = $schedConf->getSetting('numMonthsAfterRegistrationExpiryReminder', true); $afterYears = (int)floor($afterMonths/12); $afterMonths = (int)fmod($afterMonths,12); if (($curMonth - $afterMonths) <= 0) { $afterYears++; $expiryMonth = 12 + ($curMonth - $afterMonths); } else { $expiryMonth = $curMonth - $afterMonths; } $expiryYear = $curYear - $afterYears; $expiryDay = $curDay; // Retrieve all registration that match expiry date $registrationDao = &DAORegistry::getDAO('RegistrationDAO'); $dateEnd = $expiryYear . '-' . $expiryMonth . '-' . $expiryDay; $registration = &$registrationDao->getRegistrationByDateEnd($dateEnd, $schedConf->getSchedConfId()); while (!$registration->eof()) { $registration = &$registration->next(); // Ensure that user does not have another, valid registration if (!$registrationDao->isValidRegistrationByUser($registration->getUserId(), $schedConf->getSchedConfId())) { $this->sendReminder($registration, $conference, $schedConf, 'REGISTRATION_AFTER_EXPIRY_LAST'); } } } // Check if expiry notification after weeks is enabled if ($schedConf->getSetting('enableRegistrationExpiryReminderAfterWeeks', true)) { $afterWeeks = $schedConf->getSetting('numWeeksAfterRegistrationExpiryReminder', true); $afterDays = $afterWeeks * 7; if (($curDay - $afterDays) <= 0) { $afterMonths = 1; $expiryDay = 31 + ($curDay - $afterDays); } else { $afterMonths = 0; $expiryDay = $curDay - $afterDays; } if (($curMonth - $afterMonths) == 0) { $afterYears = 1; $expiryMonth = 12; } else { $afterYears = 0; $expiryMonth = $curMonth - $afterMonths; } $expiryYear = $curYear - $afterYears; // Retrieve all registration that match expiry date $registrationDao = &DAORegistry::getDAO('RegistrationDAO'); $dateEnd = $expiryYear . '-' . $expiryMonth . '-' . $expiryDay; $registration = &$registrationDao->getRegistrationByDateEnd($dateEnd, $schedConf->getSchedConfId()); while (!$registration->eof()) { $registration = &$registration->next(); // Ensure that user does not have another, valid registration if (!$registrationDao->isValidRegistrationByUser($registration->getUserId(), $schedConf->getSchedConfId())) { $this->sendReminder($registration, $conference, $schedConf, 'REGISTRATION_AFTER_EXPIRY'); } } } } function execute() { $schedConfDao = &DAORegistry::getDAO('SchedConfDAO'); $conferenceDao = &DAORegistry::getDAO('ConferenceDAO'); $schedConfs = &$schedConfDao->getEnabledSchedConfs(); $conference = null; $todayDate = array( 'year' => date('Y'), 'month' => date('n'), 'day' => date('j') ); while (!$schedConfs->eof()) { $schedConf = &$schedConfs->next(); if(!$conference || $schedConf->getConferenceId() != $conference->getConferenceId()) { $conference = &$conferenceDao->getConference($schedConf->getConferenceId()); } // Send reminders based on current date $this->sendSchedConfReminders($schedConf, $conference, $todayDate); unset($schedConf); } // If it is the first day of a month but previous month had only // 30 days then simulate 31st day for expiry dates that end on // that day. $shortMonths = array(2,4,6,8,10,12); if (($todayDate['day'] == 1) && in_array(($todayDate['month'] - 1), $shortMonths)) { $curDate['day'] = 31; $curDate['month'] = $todayDate['month'] - 1; if ($curDate['month'] == 12) { $curDate['year'] = $todayDate['year'] - 1; } else { $curDate['year'] = $todayDate['year']; } $schedConfs = &$schedConfDao->getEnabledSchedConfs(); while (!$schedConfs->eof()) { $schedConf = &$schedConfs->next(); if(!$conference || $schedConf->getConferenceId() != $conference->getConferenceId()) { $conference = &$conferenceDao->getConference($schedConf->getConferenceId()); } // Send reminders for simulated 31st day of short month $this->sendSchedConfReminders($schedConf, $conference, $curDate); unset($schedConf); } } // If it is the first day of March, simulate 29th and 30th days for February // or just the 30th day in a leap year. if (($todayDate['day'] == 1) && ($todayDate['month'] == 3)) { $curDate['day'] = 30; $curDate['month'] = 2; $curDate['year'] = $todayDate['year']; $schedConfs = &$schedConfDao->getEnabledSchedConfs(); while (!$schedConfs->eof()) { $schedConf = &$schedConfs->next(); if(!$conference || $schedConf->getConferenceId() != $conference->getConferenceId()) { $conference = &$conferenceDao->getConference($schedConf->getConferenceId()); } // Send reminders for simulated 30th day of February $this->sendSchedConfReminders($schedConf, $conference, $curDate); unset($schedConf); } // Check if it's a leap year if (date("L", mktime(0,0,0,0,0,$curDate['year'])) != '1') { $curDate['day'] = 29; $schedConfs = &$schedConfDao->getEnabledSchedConfs(); while (!$schedConfs->eof()) { $schedConf = &$schedConfs->next(); if(!$conference || $schedConf->getConferenceId() != $conference->getConferenceId()) { $conference = &$conferenceDao->getConference($schedConf->getConferenceId()); } // Send reminders for simulated 29th day of February $this->sendSchedConfReminders($schedConf, $conference, $curDate); unset($schedConf); } } } } } ?>