retrieve( 'SELECT * FROM users WHERE user_id = ?' . ($allowDisabled?'':' AND disabled = 0'), $userId ); $user = null; if ($result->RecordCount() != 0) { $user = &$this->_returnUserFromRowWithData($result->GetRowAssoc(false)); } $result->Close(); unset($result); return $user; } /** * Retrieve a user by username. * @param $username string * @param $allowDisabled boolean * @return User */ function &getUserByUsername($username, $allowDisabled = true) { $result = &$this->retrieve( 'SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = ?' . ($allowDisabled?'':' AND disabled = 0'), $username ); $returner = null; if ($result->RecordCount() != 0) { $returner = &$this->_returnUserFromRowWithData($result->GetRowAssoc(false)); } $result->Close(); unset($result); return $returner; } /** * Retrieve a user by email address. * @param $email string * @param $allowDisabled boolean * @return User */ function &getUserByEmail($email, $allowDisabled = true) { $result = &$this->retrieve( 'SELECT * FROM users WHERE email = ?' . ($allowDisabled?'':' AND disabled = 0'), $email ); $returner = null; if ($result->RecordCount() != 0) { $returner = &$this->_returnUserFromRowWithData($result->GetRowAssoc(false)); } $result->Close(); unset($result); return $returner; } /** * Retrieve a user by username and (encrypted) password. * @param $username string * @param $password string encrypted password * @param $allowDisabled boolean * @return User */ function &getUserByCredentials($username, $password, $allowDisabled = true) { $result = &$this->retrieve( 'SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = ? AND password = ?' . ($allowDisabled?'':' AND disabled = 0'), array($username, $password) ); $returner = null; if ($result->RecordCount() != 0) { $returner = &$this->_returnUserFromRowWithData($result->GetRowAssoc(false)); } $result->Close(); unset($result); return $returner; } function &_returnUserFromRowWithData(&$row) { $user =& $this->_returnUserFromRow($row, false); $this->getDataObjectSettings('user_settings', 'user_id', $row['user_id'], $user); HookRegistry::call('UserDAO::_returnUserFromRowWithData', array(&$user, &$row)); return $user; } /** * Internal function to return a User object from a row. * @param $row array * @param $callHook boolean * @return User */ function &_returnUserFromRow(&$row, $callHook = true) { $user = &new User(); $user->setUserId($row['user_id']); $user->setUsername($row['username']); $user->setPassword($row['password']); $user->setSalutation($row['salutation']); $user->setFirstName($row['first_name']); $user->setMiddleName($row['middle_name']); $user->setInitials($row['initials']); $user->setLastName($row['last_name']); $user->setGender($row['gender']); $user->setAffiliation($row['affiliation']); $user->setEmail($row['email']); $user->setUrl($row['url']); $user->setPhone($row['phone']); $user->setFax($row['fax']); $user->setMailingAddress($row['mailing_address']); $user->setCountry($row['country']); $user->setTimeZone($row['time_zone']); $user->setLocales(isset($row['locales']) && !empty($row['locales']) ? explode(':', $row['locales']) : array()); $user->setDateLastEmail($this->datetimeFromDB($row['date_last_email'])); $user->setDateRegistered($this->datetimeFromDB($row['date_registered'])); $user->setDateValidated($this->datetimeFromDB($row['date_validated'])); $user->setDateLastLogin($this->datetimeFromDB($row['date_last_login'])); $user->setMustChangePassword($row['must_change_password']); $user->setDisabled($row['disabled']); $user->setDisabledReason($row['disabled_reason']); $user->setAuthId($row['auth_id']); if ($callHook) HookRegistry::call('UserDAO::_returnUserFromRow', array(&$user, &$row)); return $user; } /** * Insert a new user. * @param $user User */ function insertUser(&$user) { if ($user->getDateRegistered() == null) { $user->setDateRegistered(Core::getCurrentDate()); } if ($user->getDateLastLogin() == null) { $user->setDateLastLogin(Core::getCurrentDate()); } $this->update( sprintf('INSERT INTO users (username, password, salutation, first_name, middle_name, initials, last_name, gender, affiliation, email, url, phone, fax, mailing_address, country, time_zone, locales, date_last_email, date_registered, date_validated, date_last_login, must_change_password, disabled, disabled_reason, auth_id) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, %s, %s, %s, %s, ?, ?, ?, ?)', $this->datetimeToDB($user->getDateLastEmail()), $this->datetimeToDB($user->getDateRegistered()), $this->datetimeToDB($user->getDateValidated()), $this->datetimeToDB($user->getDateLastLogin())), array( $user->getUsername(), $user->getPassword(), $user->getSalutation(), $user->getFirstName(), $user->getMiddleName(), $user->getInitials(), $user->getLastName(), $user->getGender(), $user->getAffiliation(), $user->getEmail(), $user->getUrl(), $user->getPhone(), $user->getFax(), $user->getMailingAddress(), $user->getCountry(), $user->getTimeZone(), join(':', $user->getLocales()), $user->getMustChangePassword(), $user->getDisabled() ? 1 : 0, $user->getDisabledReason(), $user->getAuthId() ) ); $user->setUserId($this->getInsertUserId()); $this->updateLocaleFields($user); return $user->getUserId(); } function getLocaleFieldNames() { return array('biography', 'signature', 'interests'); } function updateLocaleFields(&$user) { $this->updateDataObjectSettings('user_settings', $user, array( 'user_id' => $user->getUserId() )); } /** * Update an existing user. * @param $user User */ function updateUser(&$user) { if ($user->getDateLastLogin() == null) { $user->setDateLastLogin(Core::getCurrentDate()); } $this->updateLocaleFields($user); return $this->update( sprintf('UPDATE users SET username = ?, password = ?, salutation = ?, first_name = ?, middle_name = ?, initials = ?, last_name = ?, gender = ?, affiliation = ?, email = ?, url = ?, phone = ?, fax = ?, mailing_address = ?, country = ?, time_zone = ?, locales = ?, date_last_email = %s, date_validated = %s, date_last_login = %s, must_change_password = ?, disabled = ?, disabled_reason = ?, auth_id = ? WHERE user_id = ?', $this->datetimeToDB($user->getDateLastEmail()), $this->datetimeToDB($user->getDateValidated()), $this->datetimeToDB($user->getDateLastLogin())), array( $user->getUsername(), $user->getPassword(), $user->getSalutation(), $user->getFirstName(), $user->getMiddleName(), $user->getInitials(), $user->getLastName(), $user->getGender(), $user->getAffiliation(), $user->getEmail(), $user->getUrl(), $user->getPhone(), $user->getFax(), $user->getMailingAddress(), $user->getCountry(), $user->getTimeZone(), join(':', $user->getLocales()), $user->getMustChangePassword(), $user->getDisabled()?1:0, $user->getDisabledReason(), $user->getAuthId(), $user->getUserId() ) ); } /** * Delete a user. * @param $user User */ function deleteUser(&$user) { return $this->deleteUserById($user->getUserId()); } /** * Delete a user by ID. * @param $userId int */ function deleteUserById($userId) { $this->update('DELETE FROM user_settings WHERE user_id = ?', $userId); return $this->update('DELETE FROM users WHERE user_id = ?', $userId); } /** * Retrieve a user's name. * @param int $userId * @param $allowDisabled boolean * @return string */ function getUserFullName($userId, $allowDisabled = true) { $result = &$this->retrieve( 'SELECT first_name, middle_name, last_name FROM users WHERE user_id = ?' . ($allowDisabled?'':' AND disabled = 0'), $userId ); if($result->RecordCount() == 0) { $returner = false; } else { $returner = $result->fields[0] . ' ' . (empty($result->fields[1]) ? '' : $result->fields[1] . ' ') . $result->fields[2]; } $result->Close(); unset($result); return $returner; } /** * Retrieve a user's email address. * @param int $userId * @param $allowDisabled boolean * @return string */ function getUserEmail($userId, $allowDisabled = true) { $result = &$this->retrieve( 'SELECT email FROM users WHERE user_id = ?' . ($allowDisabled?'':' AND disabled = 0'), $userId ); if($result->RecordCount() == 0) { $returner = false; } else { $returner = $result->fields[0]; } $result->Close(); unset($result); return $returner; } /** * Retrieve an array of users matching a particular field value. * @param $field string the field to match on * @param $match string "is" for exact match, otherwise assume "like" match * @param $value mixed the value to match * @param $allowDisabled boolean * @param $dbResultRange object The desired range of results to return * @return array matching Users */ function &getUsersByField($field = USER_FIELD_NONE, $match = null, $value = null, $allowDisabled = true, $dbResultRange = null) { $sql = 'SELECT * FROM users u'; switch ($field) { case USER_FIELD_USERID: $sql .= ' WHERE u.user_id = ?'; $var = $value; break; case USER_FIELD_USERNAME: $sql .= ' WHERE LOWER(u.username) ' . ($match == 'is' ? '=' : 'LIKE') . ' LOWER(?)'; $var = $match == 'is' ? $value : "%$value%"; break; case USER_FIELD_INITIAL: $sql .= ' WHERE LOWER(u.last_name) LIKE LOWER(?)'; $var = "$value%"; break; case USER_FIELD_INTERESTS: $sql .= ', user_settings us WHERE us.user_id = u.user_id AND u.setting_name = \'interests\' AND LOWER(us.setting_value) ' . ($match == 'is' ? '=' : 'LIKE') . ' LOWER(?)'; $var = $match == 'is' ? $value : "%$value%"; break; case USER_FIELD_EMAIL: $sql .= ' WHERE LOWER( ' . ($match == 'is' ? '=' : 'LIKE') . ' LOWER(?)'; $var = $match == 'is' ? $value : "%$value%"; break; case USER_FIELD_URL: $sql .= ' WHERE LOWER(u.url) ' . ($match == 'is' ? '=' : 'LIKE') . ' LOWER(?)'; $var = $match == 'is' ? $value : "%$value%"; break; case USER_FIELD_FIRSTNAME: $sql .= ' WHERE LOWER(u.first_name) ' . ($match == 'is' ? '=' : 'LIKE') . ' LOWER(?)'; $var = $match == 'is' ? $value : "%$value%"; break; case USER_FIELD_LASTNAME: $sql .= ' WHERE LOWER(u.last_name) ' . ($match == 'is' ? '=' : 'LIKE') . ' LOWER(?)'; $var = $match == 'is' ? $value : "%$value%"; break; } $orderSql = ' ORDER BY u.last_name, u.first_name'; // FIXME Add "sort field" parameter? if ($field != USER_FIELD_NONE) $result = &$this->retrieveRange($sql . ($allowDisabled?'':' AND u.disabled = 0') . $orderSql, $var, $dbResultRange); else $result = &$this->retrieveRange($sql . ($allowDisabled?'':' WHERE u.disabled = 0') . $orderSql, false, $dbResultRange); $returner = &new DAOResultFactory($result, $this, '_returnUserFromRowWithData'); return $returner; } /** * Check if a user exists with the specified user ID. * @param $userId int * @param $allowDisabled boolean * @return boolean */ function userExistsById($userId, $allowDisabled = true) { $result = &$this->retrieve( 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users WHERE user_id = ?' . ($allowDisabled?'':' AND disabled = 0'), $userId ); $returner = isset($result->fields[0]) && $result->fields[0] != 0 ? true : false; $result->Close(); unset($result); return $returner; } /** * Check if a user exists with the specified username. * @param $username string * @param $userId int optional, ignore matches with this user ID * @param $allowDisabled boolean * @return boolean */ function userExistsByUsername($username, $userId = null, $allowDisabled = true) { $result = &$this->retrieve( 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users WHERE username = ?' . (isset($userId) ? ' AND user_id != ?' : '') . ($allowDisabled?'':' AND disabled = 0'), isset($userId) ? array($username, $userId) : $username ); $returner = isset($result->fields[0]) && $result->fields[0] == 1 ? true : false; $result->Close(); unset($result); return $returner; } /** * Check if a user exists with the specified email address. * @param $email string * @param $userId int optional, ignore matches with this user ID * @param $allowDisabled boolean * @return boolean */ function userExistsByEmail($email, $userId = null, $allowDisabled = true) { $result = &$this->retrieve( 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users WHERE email = ?' . (isset($userId) ? ' AND user_id != ?' : '') . ($allowDisabled?'':' AND disabled = 0'), isset($userId) ? array($email, $userId) : $email ); $returner = isset($result->fields[0]) && $result->fields[0] == 1 ? true : false; $result->Close(); unset($result); return $returner; } /** * Get the ID of the last inserted user. * @return int */ function getInsertUserId() { return $this->getInsertId('users', 'user_id'); } } ?>