magicQuotes = get_magic_quotes_runtime(); set_magic_quotes_runtime(0); } /** * Parse an XML file using the specified handler. * If no handler has been specified, XMLParserDOMHandler is used by default, returning a tree structure representing the document. * @param $file string full path to the XML file * @return object actual return type depends on the handler */ function &parse($file) { $parser = &$this->createParser(); if (!isset($this->handler)) { // Use default handler for parsing $handler =& new XMLParserDOMHandler(); $this->setHandler($handler); } xml_set_object($parser, $this->handler); xml_set_element_handler($parser, "startElement", "endElement"); xml_set_character_data_handler($parser, "characterData"); import('file.FileWrapper'); $wrapper = &FileWrapper::wrapper($file); while (is_object($newWrapper = $wrapper->open())) if (is_object($newWrapper)) { // Handle redirects unset($wrapper); $wrapper =& $newWrapper; unset ($newWrapper); } if (!$wrapper) { $result = false; return $result; } while ($data = $wrapper->read()) { if (!xml_parse($parser, $data, $wrapper->eof())) { echo xml_error_string(xml_get_error_code($parser)); $this->destroyParser($parser); $result = false; $wrapper->close(); return $result; } } $wrapper->close(); $this->destroyParser($parser); $result = &$this->handler->getResult(); return $result; } /** * Set the handler to use for parse(...). * @param $handler XMLParserHandler */ function setHandler(&$handler) { $this->handler =& $handler; } /** * Parse an XML file using xml_parse_into_struct and return data in an array. * This is best suited for XML documents with fairly simple structure. * @param $file string full path to the XML file * @param $tagsToMatch array optional, if set tags not in the array will be skipped * @return array a struct of the form ($TAG => array('attributes' => array( ... ), 'value' => $VALUE), ... ) */ function &parseStruct($file, $tagsToMatch = array()) { $parser = &$this->createParser(); import('file.FileWrapper'); $wrapper = &FileWrapper::wrapper($file); $fileContents = $wrapper->contents(); if (!$fileContents) { $result = false; return $result; } xml_parse_into_struct($parser, $fileContents, $values, $tags); $this->destroyParser($parser); // Clean up data struct, removing undesired tags if necessary foreach ($tags as $key => $indices) { if (!empty($tagsToMatch) && !in_array($key, $tagsToMatch)) { continue; } $data[$key] = array(); foreach ($indices as $index) { if (!isset($values[$index]['type']) || ($values[$index]['type'] != 'open' && $values[$index]['type'] != 'complete')) { continue; } $data[$key][] = array( 'attributes' => isset($values[$index]['attributes']) ? $values[$index]['attributes'] : array(), 'value' => isset($values[$index]['value']) ? trim($values[$index]['value']) : '' ); } } return $data; } /** * Initialize a new XML parser. * @return resource */ function &createParser() { $parser = xml_parser_create(XML_PARSER_SOURCE_ENCODING); xml_parser_set_option($parser, XML_OPTION_TARGET_ENCODING, XML_PARSER_TARGET_ENCODING); xml_parser_set_option($parser, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, false); return $parser; } /** * Destroy XML parser. * @param $parser resource */ function destroyParser(&$parser) { xml_parser_free($parser); unset($parser); } /** * Perform required clean up for this object. */ function destroy() { // Set magic_quotes_runtime back to original setting set_magic_quotes_runtime($this->magicQuotes); unset($this); } } /** * Interface for handler class used by XMLParser. * All XML parser handler classes must implement these methods. */ class XMLParserHandler { /** * Callback function to act as the start element handler. */ function startElement(&$parser, $tag, $attributes) { } /** * Callback function to act as the end element handler. */ function endElement(&$parser, $tag) { } /** * Callback function to act as the character data handler. */ function characterData(&$parser, $data) { } /** * Returns a resulting data structure representing the parsed content. * The format of this object is specific to the handler. * @return mixed */ function &getResult() { // Default: Return null (must be by ref). $nullVar = null; return $nullVar; } } ?>