isConnected()) { if (Config::getVar('database', 'debug')) { $dbconn = &$conn->getDBConn(); fatalError('Database connection failed: ' . $dbconn->errorMsg()); } else { fatalError('Database connection failed!'); } } } } if (!function_exists('file_get_contents')) { // For PHP < 4.3.0 function file_get_contents($file) { return join('', file($file)); } } /** * Wrapper around die() to pretty-print an error message with an optional stack trace. */ function fatalError($reason) { // Because this method may be called when checking the value of the show_stacktrace // configuration string, we need to ensure that we don't get stuck in an infinite loop. static $isErrorCondition = null; static $showStackTrace = false; if ($isErrorCondition === null) { $isErrorCondition = true; $showStackTrace = Config::getVar('debug', 'show_stacktrace'); $isErrorCondition = false; } echo "


"; if ($showStackTrace && checkPhpVersion('4.3.0')) { echo "

Stack Trace:

\n"; $trace = debug_backtrace(); // Remove the call to fatalError from the call trace. array_shift($trace); // Back-trace pretty-printer adapted from the following URL: // // Thanks to diz at ysagoon dot com // FIXME: Is there any way to localize this when the localization // functions may have caused the failure in the first place? foreach ($trace as $bt) { $args = ''; if (isset($bt['args'])) foreach ($bt['args'] as $a) { if (!empty($args)) { $args .= ', '; } switch (gettype($a)) { case 'integer': case 'double': $args .= $a; break; case 'string': $a = htmlspecialchars(substr($a, 0, 64)).((strlen($a) > 64) ? '...' : ''); $args .= "\"$a\""; break; case 'array': $args .= 'Array('.count($a).')'; break; case 'object': $args .= 'Object('.get_class($a).')'; break; case 'resource': $args .= 'Resource('.strstr($a, '#').')'; break; case 'boolean': $args .= $a ? 'True' : 'False'; break; case 'NULL': $args .= 'Null'; break; default: $args .= 'Unknown'; } } $class = isset($bt['class'])?$bt['class']:''; $type = isset($bt['type'])?$bt['type']:''; $function = isset($bt['function'])?$bt['function']:''; $file = isset($bt['file'])?$bt['file']:'(unknown)'; $line = isset($bt['line'])?$bt['line']:'(unknown)'; echo "File: {$file} line {$line}
\n"; echo "Function: {$class}{$type}{$function}($args)
\n"; echo "
\n"; } } error_log("OCS: $reason"); die(); } /** * Check to see if the server meets a minimum version requirement for PHP. * @param $version Name of version (see version_compare documentation) * @return boolean */ function checkPhpVersion($version) { return (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, $version) !== -1); } ?>