import org.springframework.beans.factory.InitializingBean import org.grails.plugins.springsecurity.service.AuthenticateService class RasterSearchController implements InitializingBean { def grailsApplication def baseWMS def dataWMS def authenticateService def rasterEntrySearchService public static final List tagHeaderList = [ "File Type", "Class Name", "Mission", "Country", "Target Id", "Sensor", "Image Id" ] public static final List tagNameList = [ "file_type", "class_name", "mission", "country", "targetid", "sensor", "imageid" ] static defaultAction = 'search' def search = { //println params def queryParams = new RasterEntryQuery() bindData(queryParams, params) if ( request.method == 'POST' ) { if ( !params.max ) { params.max = 10 } def user = authenticateService.principal().username def starttime = System.currentTimeMillis() def rasterEntries = rasterEntrySearchService.runQuery(queryParams, params) // This was the old way // def metadataTags = null // // if ( rasterEntries ) // { // metadataTags = MetadataTag.createCriteria().list { // inList("rasterEntry", rasterEntries) // } // } // // def tags = metadataTags?.groupBy { it.rasterEntry } def endtime = System.currentTimeMillis() def logData = [ TYPE: "raster_search", START: new Date(starttime), END: new Date(endtime), ELAPSE_TIME_MILLIS: endtime - starttime, USER: user, PARAMS: params ] println logData chain(action: "results", model: [rasterEntries: rasterEntries /*, tags: tags*/], params: params) } else { println queryParams?.toMap() return [queryParams: queryParams, baseWMS: baseWMS, dataWMS: dataWMS] } } def results = { def starttime = System.currentTimeMillis() if ( !params.max ) { params.max = 10 } def rasterEntries = null def tags = null def queryParams = new RasterEntryQuery() bindData(queryParams, params) if ( chainModel ) { rasterEntries = chainModel.rasterEntries tags = chainModel.tags } else { rasterEntries = rasterEntrySearchService.runQuery(queryParams, params) // This was the old way // def metadataTags = MetadataTag.createCriteria().list { // inList("rasterEntry", rasterEntries) // } // // tags = metadataTags?.groupBy { it.rasterEntry } def endtime = System.currentTimeMillis() def user = authenticateService.principal()?.username def logData = [ TYPE: "raster_search", START: new Date(starttime), END: new Date(endtime), ELAPSE_TIME_MILLIS: endtime - starttime, USER: user, PARAMS: params ] println logData } render(view: 'results', model: [ rasterEntries: rasterEntries, //tags: tags, tagNameList: tagNameList, tagHeaderList: tagHeaderList, queryParams: queryParams ]) } public void afterPropertiesSet() { baseWMS = grailsApplication.config.wms.base dataWMS = } }