import org.grails.plugins.springsecurity.service.AuthenticateService import as AuthToken import as SCH /** * Actions over AuthUser object. */ class RegisterController { EmailerService emailerService AuthenticateService authenticateService def daoAuthenticationProvider def static allowedMethods = [save: 'POST', update: 'POST'] /** * User Registration Top page */ def index = { //if logon user. if (authenticateService.userDomain()) {"${authenticateService.userDomain()} user hit the register page") redirect(action: 'show') return } if ( { def person = new AuthUser() = params return [person: person] } redirect(uri: '/') } /** * User Information page for current user. */ def show = { //get user id from session's domain class. def user = authenticateService.userDomain() if (user) { render(view: 'show', model: [person: AuthUser.get(]) } else { redirect(action: 'index') } } /** * Edit page for current user. */ def edit = { def person def user = authenticateService.userDomain() if (user) { person = AuthUser.get( } if (!person) { flash.message = "[Illegal Access] User not found with id ${}" redirect(action: 'index') return } [person: person] } /** * update action for current user's edit page */ def update = { def person def user = authenticateService.userDomain() if (user) { person = AuthUser.get( } else { redirect(action: 'index') return } if (!person) { flash.message = "[Illegal Access] User not found with id ${}" redirect(action: 'index', id: return } //if user want to change password. leave passwd field blank, passwd will not change. if (params.passwd && params.passwd.length() > 0 && params.repasswd && params.repasswd.length() > 0) { if (params.passwd == params.repasswd) { person.passwd = authenticateService.passwordEncoder(params.passwd) } else { person.passwd = '' flash.message = 'The passwords you entered do not match.' render(view: 'edit', model: [person: person]) return } } person.userRealName = params.userRealName = if (params.emailShow) { person.emailShow = true } else { person.emailShow = false } if ( { redirect(action: 'show', id: } else { render(view: 'edit', model: [person: person]) } } /** * Person save action. */ def save = { if (authenticateService.userDomain() != null) {"${authenticateService.userDomain()} user hit the register page") redirect(action: 'show') return } def person = new AuthUser() = params def config = authenticateService.securityConfig def defaultRole = def role = Role.findByAuthority(defaultRole) if (!role) { person.passwd = '' flash.message = 'Default Role not found.' render(view: 'index', model: [person: person]) return } if (params.captcha.toUpperCase() != session.captcha) { person.passwd = '' flash.message = 'Access code did not match.' render(view: 'index', model: [person: person]) return } if (params.passwd != params.repasswd) { person.passwd = '' flash.message = 'The passwords you entered do not match.' render(view: 'index', model: [person: person]) return } def pass = authenticateService.passwordEncoder(params.passwd) person.passwd = pass person.enabled = true person.emailShow = true person.description = '' if ( { role.addToPeople(person) if ( { String emailContent = """You have signed up for an account at: ${request.scheme}://${request.serverName}:${request.serverPort}${request.contextPath} Here are the details of your account: ------------------------------------- LoginName: ${person.username} Email: ${} Full Name: ${person.userRealName} Password: ${params.passwd} """ def email = [ to: [], // 'to' expects a List, NOT a single email address subject: "[${request.contextPath}] Account Signed Up", text: emailContent // 'text' is the email body ] emailerService.sendEmails([email]) } true) def auth = new AuthToken(person.username, params.passwd) def authtoken = daoAuthenticationProvider.authenticate(auth) SCH.context.authentication = authtoken redirect(uri: '/') } else { person.passwd = '' render(view: 'index', model: [person: person]) } } }