/** * Role Controller. */ class RoleController { // the delete, save and update actions only accept POST requests def static allowedMethods = [delete: 'POST', save: 'POST', update: 'POST'] def index = { redirect(action: list, params: params) } def list = { if (!params.max) { params.max = 10 } [authorityList: Role.list(params)] } def show = { [authority: Role.get(params.id)] } def delete = { def authority = Role.get(params.id) if (!authority) { flash.message = "Role not found with id ${params.id}" redirect(action: list) return } String oldRole = authority.authority def rms = Requestmap.findAllByConfigAttributeLike('%' + oldRole + '%') rms.each { it.configAttribute = it.configAttribute.replace(oldRole, '') it.validate() } authority.delete() flash.message = "Role ${params.id} deleted." redirect(action: list) } def edit = { def authority = Role.get(params.id) if (!authority) { flash.message = "Role not found with id ${params.id}" redirect(action: list) return } [authority: authority] } /** * Authority update action. When updating an existing authority instance, the requestmaps which contain * them should also be updated. */ def update = { def authority = Role.get(params.id) if (!authority) { flash.message = "Role not found with id ${params.id}" redirect(action: edit, id: params.id) return } String oldRole = authority.authority authority.properties = params String role = params.authority authority.authority = 'ROLE_' + role.toUpperCase() String newRole = authority.authority def rms = Requestmap.findAllByConfigAttributeLike('%' + oldRole + '%') rms.each { it.configAttribute = it.configAttribute.replace(oldRole, newRole) it.validate() } if (authority.save()) { redirect(action: show, id: authority.id) } else { render(view: 'edit', model: [authority: authority]) } } def create = { def authority = new Role() authority.authority = '' authority.properties = params [authority: authority] } /** * Authority save action. */ def save = { def authority = new Role() String au = params.authority authority.properties = params //here translate user's input to the required format authority.authority = 'ROLE_' + au.toUpperCase() if (authority.save()) { redirect(action: show, id: authority.id) } else { render(view: 'create', model: [authority: authority]) } } }