import org.springframework.beans.factory.InitializingBean import org.grails.plugins.springsecurity.service.AuthenticateService //import grails.converters.* class VideoDataSetController implements InitializingBean { public static final List tagHeaderList = [] public static final List tagNameList = [] def baseWMS def dataWMS def index = { redirect(action: list, params: params) } AuthenticateService authenticateService def videoDataSetSearchService // the delete, save and update actions only accept POST requests def static allowedMethods = [delete: 'POST', save: 'POST', update: 'POST'] def list = { if ( !params.max ) params.max = 10 def videoDataSetList = null if ( params.repositoryId ) { def repository = Repository.get(params.repositoryId) videoDataSetList = VideoDataSet.createCriteria().list(params) { eq("repository", repository) } } else { videoDataSetList = VideoDataSet.createCriteria().list(params) {} } [videoDataSetList: videoDataSetList] /* withFormat { html { [ videoDataSetList: videoDataSetList ] } xml { render videoDataSetList as XML } json { render videoDataSetList as JSON } } */ } def show = { def videoDataSet = VideoDataSet.get( if ( !videoDataSet ) { flash.message = "VideoDataSet not found with id ${}" redirect(action: list) } else { return [videoDataSet: videoDataSet] } } def delete = { def videoDataSet = VideoDataSet.get( if ( videoDataSet ) { videoDataSet.delete() flash.message = "VideoDataSet ${} deleted" redirect(action: list) } else { flash.message = "VideoDataSet not found with id ${}" redirect(action: list) } } def edit = { def videoDataSet = VideoDataSet.get( if ( !videoDataSet ) { flash.message = "VideoDataSet not found with id ${}" redirect(action: list) } else { return [videoDataSet: videoDataSet] } } def update = { def videoDataSet = VideoDataSet.get( if ( videoDataSet ) { = params if ( !videoDataSet.hasErrors() && ) { flash.message = "VideoDataSet ${} updated" redirect(action: show, id: } else { render(view: 'edit', model: [videoDataSet: videoDataSet]) } } else { flash.message = "VideoDataSet not found with id ${}" redirect(action: edit, id: } } def create = { def videoDataSet = new VideoDataSet() = params return ['videoDataSet': videoDataSet] } def save = { def videoDataSet = new VideoDataSet(params) if ( !videoDataSet.hasErrors() && ) { flash.message = "VideoDataSet ${} created" redirect(action: show, id: } else { render(view: 'create', model: [videoDataSet: videoDataSet]) } } def search = { println "=== search start ===" if ( !params.max ) { params.max = 10; } println "\nparams: ${params?.sort { it.key }}" def queryParams = initVideoDataSetQuery(params) println "\nqueryParams: ${queryParams?.toMap()?.sort { it.key } }" if ( request.method == 'POST' ) { if ( !params.max || !(params.max =~ /\d+$/) || (params.max as Integer) > 100 ) { params.max = 10 } params.order = 'desc' params.sort = 'startDate' //println "queryParams: ${queryParams}" def user = authenticateService.principal().username def starttime = System.currentTimeMillis() def videoDataSets = videoDataSetSearchService.runQuery(queryParams, params) def endtime = System.currentTimeMillis() def logData = [ TYPE: "video_search", START: new Date(starttime), END: new Date(endtime), ELAPSE_TIME_MILLIS: endtime - starttime, USER: user, PARAMS: params ] println logData println "=== search end ===" chain(action: "results", model: [videoDataSets: videoDataSets], params: params) } else { println "=== search end ===" return [queryParams: queryParams, baseWMS: baseWMS, dataWMS: dataWMS] } } private def initVideoDataSetQuery(Map params) { def queryParams = new VideoDataSetQuery() bindData(queryParams, params) initializeDate(queryParams, "startDate", params) initializeDate(queryParams, "endDate", params) return queryParams } private def initializeDate(VideoDataSetQuery queryParams, String dateField, Map params) { def dateFormats = [ "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss" ] if ( queryParams."${dateField}" == null && params."${dateField}" != null && params."${dateField}" != "struct" && params."${dateField}" != "" ) { dateFormats.each {dateFormat -> try { queryParams."${dateField}" = Date.parse(dateFormat, params.startDate) } catch (Exception e) { println "Cannot parse ${dateField}: ${params."${dateField}"} using ${dateFormat}" } } } } def results = { println "=== results start ===" def starttime = System.currentTimeMillis() if ( !params.max || !(params.max =~ /\d+$/) || (params.max as Integer) > 100 ) { params.max = 10 } def videoDataSets = null def queryParams = initVideoDataSetQuery(params) if ( chainModel ) { videoDataSets = chainModel.videoDataSets } else { videoDataSets = videoDataSetSearchService.runQuery(queryParams, params) def endtime = System.currentTimeMillis() def user = authenticateService.principal()?.username def logData = [ TYPE: "video_search", START: new Date(starttime), END: new Date(endtime), ELAPSE_TIME_MILLIS: endtime - starttime, USER: user, PARAMS: params ] println "\nparams: ${params?.sort { it.key }}" println "\nqueryParams: ${queryParams?.toMap()?.sort { it.key } }" println logData } println "=== results end ===" render(view: 'results', model: [ videoDataSets: videoDataSets, tagNameList: tagNameList, tagHeaderList: tagHeaderList, queryParams: queryParams ]) } public void afterPropertiesSet() { baseWMS = grailsApplication.config.wms.base dataWMS = } }