<%-- Created by IntelliJ IDEA. User: dlucas Date: Nov 16, 2010 Time: 8:09:29 PM To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates. --%> Video List var globalActiveIndex=${videoDataSetListCurrentTab} function updateSession(event) { var link = "${createLink(action: sessionAction, controller: sessionController)}"; var activeIndex = tabView.get('activeIndex').toString(); if(activeIndex != globalActiveIndex) { globalActiveIndex = activeIndex.toString(); new Ajax.Request(link+"?"+"videoDataSetListCurrentTab="+activeIndex, {method: 'post'}); } };

Video List

No results found.
Thumbnail Min Lon Min Lat Max Lon Max Lat
Show Frame ${videoDataSet.id?.encodeAsHTML()} ${videoDataSet.width?.encodeAsHTML()} ${videoDataSet.height?.encodeAsHTML()} ${bounds?.minLon?.encodeAsHTML()} ${bounds?.minLat?.encodeAsHTML()} ${bounds?.maxLon?.encodeAsHTML()} ${bounds?.maxLat?.encodeAsHTML()}
Thumbnail Filename
Show Frame ${videoDataSet.id?.encodeAsHTML()} ${videoDataSet.mainFile?.name?.encodeAsHTML()}
var bottomHeight = 66; if(${videoDataSetList.totalCount} == 0) { bottomHeight = 46; } function updateOffset() { var max = document.getElementById("max").value; var pages = Math.ceil(${videoDataSetList.totalCount ?: 0} / max); if(document.getElementById("pageOffset").value >= 1 && document.getElementById("pageOffset").value <= pages) { document.getElementById("offset").value = (document.getElementById("pageOffset").value - 1) * document.getElementById("max").value; document.paginateForm.submit(); } else { alert("Input must be between 1 and " + pages + "."); } }