import org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.GrailsClassUtils as GCU import org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.SessionFactoryUtils import org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.SessionHolder import includeTargets << grailsScript("Bootstrap") includeTargets << grailsScript("Init") includeTargets << grailsScript("Package") grailsHome ="environment.GRAILS_HOME" target(main: "The description of the script goes here!") { depends(checkVersion, configureProxy, packageApp, classpath) runScript() } setDefaultTarget(main) target(runScript: "Main implementation that executes the specified script after starting up the application environment") { parseArguments() if ( argsMap["params"].size() == 0 ) { event("StatusError", ["Required script name parameter is missing"]) System.exit 1 } compile() //classLoader = new URLClassLoader([classesDir.toURL()] as URL[], rootLoader) //Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(classLoader) loadApp() configureApp() configureHibernateSession() scriptFile = argsMap["params"].getAt(0) // remove our script name from the params so when we call the script it's not in there argsMap["params"].remove(scriptFile) //executeScript(scriptFile, classLoader, argsMap) executeScript(scriptFile, grailsApp.classLoader, argsMap) } def configureHibernateSession() { // without this you'll get a lazy initialization exception when using a many-to-many relationship def sessionFactory = appCtx.getBean("sessionFactory") def session = SessionFactoryUtils.getSession(sessionFactory, true) TransactionSynchronizationManager.bindResource(sessionFactory, new SessionHolder(session)) } def executeScript(scriptFile, classLoader, argsMap) { File script = new File(scriptFile) if ( script.exists() ) { def shell = new GroovyShell(classLoader, new Binding(ctx: appCtx, grailsApplication: grailsApp, argsMap: argsMap, args: args)) shell.evaluate(script.text) } else { event("StatusError", ["Designated script doesn't exist: $scriptFile"]) } } //// this argument parsing target was submitted as a patch to grails and is availble in Init.groovy as of 1.0.3 //// see // //argsMap = [params: []] // //target(parseArguments: "Parse the arguments passed on the command line") { // args?.tokenize().each { token -> // def nameValueSwitch = token =~ "--?(.*)=(.*)" // if (nameValueSwitch.matches()) { // this token is a name/value pair (ex: --foo=bar or -z=qux) // argsMap[nameValueSwitch[0][1]] = nameValueSwitch[0][2] // } else { // def nameOnlySwitch = token =~ "--?(.*)" // if (nameOnlySwitch.matches()) { // this token is just a switch (ex: -force or --help) // argsMap[nameOnlySwitch[0][1]] = true // } else { // single item tokens, append in order to an array of params // argsMap["params"] << token // } // } // } // event("StatusUpdate", ["Done parsing arguments: $argsMap"]) //}