import groovy.sql.Sql import import import import import import def outputHelp() { println """ REQUIRED ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES OMARDB identify the postgres database name holding the omar tables. Version number might be different for your distribution but it will be of the form omardb--prod. In this example we will use version 1.8.12: OMARDB=omardb-1.8.12-prod POSTGRES_USER identify the postgres user name that has modifcation priviledges. Example: POSTGRES_USER=postgres POSTGRES_PASSWORD identify the posgres user password POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres OMAR_URL identify the OMAR URL. If running local: OMAR_URL=http://localhost/omar PID_FILE idientify the location where you want this script's process ID written to. The user must have write priviledges to the PID_FILE location. PID_FILE=/var/run/omar/ OMAR_THUMBNAIL_CACHE Specifies the location where OMAR keeps its thumbnail cahce directory. Typical locaiton is /data/omar/omar-cache OPTIONAL ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES LOG_FILE identify where the log file is written. If blank then to standard output. POST_COMMAND_LINE defaults to using java code for posting. This value can be YES or NO. if YES then it will use curl command line application to post to the server. POST_COMMAND_LINE=NO removeRaster examples: To remove all files that start with the path /data/foo we can run the command removeRaster /data/foo% where the % is a wild card To remove the index of all files that contain the sub string 2012-05-10 then run the command: removeRaster %2012-05-10% """ } if(parent.scriptArgs[0] == "--help") { outputHelp() return 0 } sql = parent.newSqlConnection() def runningCheck = parent.postRunning() if(runningCheck != "OMAR_RUNNING") { println "OMAR NOT RUNNING!" return 1; } def removeRasterFiles() { def query; if(parent.scriptArgs.size()) { query = "SELECT name FROM raster_file WHERE " parent.scriptArgs.size().times{idx-> query += "name LIKE '${parent.scriptArgs[idx]}' " if(idx != parent.scriptArgs.size()-1) { query += " OR " } } query+=";" } else { query = """ SELECT name from raster_file; """ } def dir = new File(parent.env.OMAR_THUMBNAIL_CACHE) try{ this.sql?.eachRow(query) { row -> def file = new File( def result = parent.postDataManager(file, "removeRaster"); parent.outputLog (result) } } catch(def e){ // will log this into a log file parent.outputLog(e); } } def synchronizeThumbnails() { def dir = new File(parent.env.OMAR_THUMBNAIL_CACHE) dir.traverse( type:FileType.FILES, nameFilter:~/.*jpg/ ) { file-> def filenameOnly =; def splitDash = filenameOnly.split("-"); try{ def row = this.sql?.firstRow("SELECT id FROM raster_entry where id=${splitDash[0] as Integer}"); if(!row) { parent.outputLog ("Removing file: " + file) file.delete(); } } catch(def e) { parent.outputLog (e) } }; } removeRasterFiles() synchronizeThumbnails() sql?.close();