import import import import joms.oms.ossimImageHandlerRegistry import joms.oms.Init import joms.oms.StringVector import joms.oms.DataInfo import joms.oms.ImageStager import java.util.concurrent.Executors import groovy.sql.Sql import java.util.concurrent.Callable import import org.joda.time.DateTime import org.joda.time.DateTimeZone def outputHelp() { println """ REQUIRED ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES OMARDB identify the postgres database name holding the omar tables. Version number might be different for your distribution but it will be of the form omardb--prod. In this example we will use version 1.8.12: OMARDB=omardb-1.8.12-prod POSTGRES_USER identify the postgres user name that has modifcation priviledges. Example: POSTGRES_USER=postgres POSTGRES_PASSWORD identify the posgres user password POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres OMAR_URL identify the OMAR URL. If running local: OMAR_URL=http://localhost/omar PID_FILE idientify the location where you want this script's process ID written to. The user must have write priviledges to the PID_FILE location. PID_FILE=/var/run/omar/ NTHREADS controls the number of threads used for the staging process. NTHREADS=4 OPTIONAL ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES LOG_FILE identify where the log file is written. If blank then to standard output. OVERVIEW_OPTIONS specifies the overview options. example: OVERVIEW_OPTIONS="--compression-type JPEG --compression-quality 75" HISTOGRAM_OPTIONS specifies the histogram option to use. exmaples: HISTOGRAM_OPTIONS="--create-histogram-fast" HISTOGRAM_OPTIONS="--create-histogram" POST_COMMAND_LINE defaults to using java code for posting. This value can be YES or NO. if YES then it will use curl command line application to post to the server. POST_COMMAND_LINE=NO STAGE_FILE_FILTER Is a comma separated list of extensions without the dot. Examples: stage only nitf files: STAGE_FILE_FILTER="nitf,ntf" if blank all files that OSSIM core engine used by OMAR will be staged into the system. It is recommended that you use a filter for only data that you want staged. Staging examples: To stage files in a directory called /data/foo we can run the command stageRaster.groovy /data/foo To stage files in a multiple directories called /data/foo /data/foo2 we can run the command stageRaster.groovy /data/foo /data/foo2 """ } if(!parent.scriptArgs.size() ||parent.scriptArgs[0] == "--help") { outputHelp() return 0 } def outputPid() { def pidString = (ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean().getName() as String); def pid = pidString?.find(/\d+/) (parent.env.PID_FILE as File).withWriter() { it << pid } pid } def timeStamp() { new DateTime(DateTimeZone.UTC) } def calculateDisplayTimeString(timeDelta) { def timeValue = timeDelta /1000.0 def timeUnits = "s" if(timeValue >= 60) { timeValue /= 60; timeUnits = "m" if(timeValue >= 60) { timeValue /=60 timeUnits = "h" if(timeValue >= 24) { timeValue/=24; timeUnits = "d" } } } "${timeValue}${timeUnits}" } def outputLog(value) { if(parent.env.LOG_FILE) { (parent.env.LOG_FILE as File).withWriterAppend(){it << "${value}\n"} } else { println value; } } def getFileFilterExtList(){ def extList = [] if(parent.env.STAGE_FILE_FILTER) { extList = new String(parent.env.STAGE_FILE_FILTER).split(",") } else { def supportedExtensions = new joms.oms.StringVector() joms.oms.ossimImageHandlerRegistry.instance().getSupportedExtensions(supportedExtensions); supportedExtensions.size().times{extList << supportedExtensions.get(it)} supportedExtensions.delete() supportedExtensions=null } extList } def getFileFilterExtListAsRegEx(){ def extList = getFileFilterExtList() def regExpression =".*(" def count = 0; extList.each{it-> if(count) regExpression +="|${it}" else regExpression += "${it}" } regExpression } def parallelStagerPid = outputPid(); Init.instance().initialize(); sql = parent.newSqlConnection() if(!sql) { return 1 } extList = getFileFilterExtList() nThreads = parent.env.NTHREADS?:4 threadPool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(nThreads); futures = [] def stageAndAddClosure ={file-> def imageStager = new ImageStager(); if( { def commandLine = ""; def noExt = FilenameUtils.removeExtension(file.toString()); if(!imageStager.hasOverviews()) { commandLine = "ossim-img2rr ${parent.env.OVERVIEW_OPTIONS}"; if(!imageStager.hasHistograms()) { commandLine += " ${parent.env.HISTOGRAM_OPTIONS}" } commandLine += " ${file.absolutePath}" } else if(!imageStager.hasHistograms()) { commandLine = "ossim-create-histo ${parent.env.HISTOGRAM_OPTIONS} ${file.absolutePath}"; } imageStager?.delete(); imageStager = null def exitCode = 0 if(commandLine) { def process = commandLine.execute() process.consumeProcessOutput() exitCode = process.waitFor() } if(!exitCode) { outputLog("${timeStamp()}: " + parent.postDataManager(file, "addRaster")) //println "${new DateTime(DateTimeZone.UTC)}: " + postDataManager(parent.env.OMAR_URL, file, "addRaster"); } } imageStager?.delete(); imageStager = null } def options = [ type: FileType.FILES, preDir: { dir -> def status = FileVisitResult.CONTINUE if("toc" in extList) { def atoc = new File(dir, "a.toc") def row = sql?.firstRow("SELECT name FROM raster_file where name = ${atoc.toString()}") if ( atoc.exists() &&!row) { //closure(atoc) if(this.threadPool) { this.futures << this.threadPool.submit({-> stageAndAddClosure atoc } as Callable); } status = FileVisitResult.SKIP_SUBTREE } } return status }, //nameFilter: parent.env.STAGE_FILE_FILTER filter: { file -> def ext = FilenameUtils.getExtension( return ((ext in extList)&&(ext!="til")) } ] def startTime = System.currentTimeMillis() outputLog("parallelStager id ${parallelStagerPid} started: ${timeStamp()}" ) if(parent.scriptArgs.size()) { // grab dirs // def dirList = [] parent.scriptArgs.size().times{ dirList << new File(parent.scriptArgs[it]) } //def count = 0; dirList.each{dir-> dir.traverse( options){file-> def row = sql?.firstRow("SELECT name FROM raster_file where name = ${file.toString()}") if(!row) { futures << threadPool.submit({-> stageAndAddClosure file } as Callable); } } } // make sure the list is called futures.each{it.get()} threadPool.shutdown(); } sql.close(); def stopTime = System.currentTimeMillis() def multiplier = 1/(1000*60) outputLog("parallelStager id ${parallelStagerPid} ended: ${timeStamp()} and took ${calculateDisplayTimeString(stopTime - startTime)}" )