import groovy.xml.StreamingMarkupBuilder import joms.oms.DataInfo /** * @author sbortman * */ public class WMSCapabilities { public static final String version = "1.1.1" public static final String DOCTYPE = """ ]> """ def getCapabilitiesFormats = [ "application/vnd.ogc.wms_xml" ] def getMapFormats = [ "image/png", "image/gif", "image/jpeg", "image/tiff", "image/nitf", "image/jp2", "image/vnd.wap.wbmp", "image/svg+xml" ] def getFeatureInfoFormats = [ "text/plain", "application/vnd.ogc.gml" ] def describeLayerFormats = [ "text/xml" ] def getLegendGraphicFormats = [ "image/png", "image/gif", "image/jpeg", "image/vnd.wap.wbmp" ] def getStylesFormats = [ "text/xml" ] def exceptionFormats = [ "application/vnd.ogc.se_xml", "application/vnd.ogc.se_inimage", "application/vnd.ogc.se_blank" ] def map public WMSCapabilities(def layers, def serviceAddress) { println layers map = new MapObject( name: "OMAR", title: "Imagery from OMAR", srs: "EPSG:4326", minX: -180, minY: -90, maxX: 180, maxY: 90, getCapabilitiesURL: "${serviceAddress}?layers=${layers?.join(',')}&", getMapURL: serviceAddress ) layers.each { layer -> def rasterEntry = RasterEntry.get(layer) if ( rasterEntry ) { def entryId = rasterEntry.entryId def srs = "EPSG:4326"//rasterEntry?.groundGeom?.srs def bounds = rasterEntry?.groundGeom?.bounds def file = rasterEntry?.mainFile map.layers << new LayerObject( name:, title:, description: "The absolute path to this file is ${} and its entry id is ${entryId}", srs: srs, minX: bounds.minLon, minY: bounds.minLat, maxX: bounds.maxLon, maxY: bounds.maxLat ) } } } def getCapabilities() { def builder = new StreamingMarkupBuilder() builder.encoding = "UTF-8" def capabilities = { mkp.xmlDeclaration() mkp.yieldUnescaped(DOCTYPE) WMT_MS_Capabilities(version: version) { Service() { Name() Title() Abstract() KeywordList() { map?.keywords?.each {keyword -> Keyword(keyword) } } OnlineResource( "xmlns:xlink": "", "xlink:href": "" ) ContactInformation() { ContactPersonPrimary() { ContactPerson() ContactOrganization() } ContactAddress() { AddressType() Address() City() StateOrProvince() PostCode() Country() } } Fees() AccessConstraints() } Capability() { Request() { GetCapabilities() { getCapabilitiesFormats.each {format -> Format(format) } DCPType() { HTTP() { Get() { OnlineResource( "xmlns:xlink": "", "xlink:href": map.getCapabilitiesURL ) } Post { OnlineResource( "xmlns:xlink": "", "xlink:href": map.getCapabilitiesURL ) } } } } GetMap() { getMapFormats.each {format -> Format(format) } DCPType() { HTTP() { Get() { OnlineResource( "xmlns:xlink": "", "xlink:href": map.getMapURL ) } Post { OnlineResource( "xmlns:xlink": "", "xlink:href": map.getMapURL ) } } } } GetFeatureInfo() { getFeatureInfoFormats.each {format -> Format(format) } DCPType() { HTTP() { Get() { OnlineResource( "xmlns:xlink": "", "xlink:href": "" ) } Post { OnlineResource( "xmlns:xlink": "", "xlink:href": "" ) } } } } DescribeLayer() { describeLayerFormats.each {format -> Format(format) } DCPType() { HTTP() { Get() { OnlineResource( "xmlns:xlink": "", "xlink:href": "" ) } Post { OnlineResource( "xmlns:xlink": "", "xlink:href": "" ) } } } } GetLegendGraphic() { getLegendGraphicFormats.each {format -> Format(format) } DCPType() { HTTP() { Get() { OnlineResource( "xmlns:xlink": "", "xlink:href": "" ) } Post { OnlineResource( "xmlns:xlink": "", "xlink:href": "" ) } } } } GetStyles() { getStylesFormats.each {format -> Format(format) } DCPType() { HTTP() { Get() { OnlineResource( "xmlns:xlink": "", "xlink:href": "" ) } Post { OnlineResource( "xmlns:xlink": "", "xlink:href": "" ) } } } } } Exception() { exceptionFormats.each {format -> Format(format) } } UserDefinedSymbolization() Layer() { Name(map?.name) Title(map?.title) SRS(map?.srs) LatLonBoundingBox(minx: "${map?.minX}", miny: "${map?.minY}", maxx: "${map?.maxX}", maxy: "${map?.maxY}") BoundingBox(SRS: "${map?.srs}", minx: "${map?.minX}", miny: "${map?.minY}", maxx: "${map?.maxX}", maxy: "${map?.maxY}") map?.layers?.each {layer -> Layer() { Name(layer?.name) Title(layer?.title) Abstract(layer?.description) SRS(layer?.srs) LatLonBoundingBox(minx: "${layer?.minX}", miny: "${layer?.minY}", maxx: "${layer?.maxX}", maxy: "${layer?.maxY}") BoundingBox(SRS: "${layer?.srs}", minx: "${layer?.minX}", miny: "${layer?.minY}", maxx: "${layer?.maxX}", maxy: "${layer?.maxY}") } } } } } } def writer = new StringWriter() writer << builder.bind(capabilities) return writer.buffer } /** * @param args */ public static void main(def args) { def layers = new File("/data/bmng").listFiles().collect {it.absolutePath} println layers WMSCapabilities wms = new WMSCapabilities(layers, "http://localhost/ServiceTest/ogc/wms") def writer = new File("test.xml") def xml = wms.getCapabilities() //println xml writer.write(xml as String) } }