import groovy.sql.Sql "env") grailsHome ="environment.GRAILS_HOME" def loadConfig() { def dataSourceFile = "${basedir}/grails-app/conf/DataSource.groovy" as File def applicationPropertiesFile = "${basedir}/" as File def configSlurper = new ConfigSlurper(grailsEnv) def applicationProperties = new Properties() applicationProperties.load(applicationPropertiesFile.newReader()) configSlurper.binding = [appVersion: applicationProperties['app.version'] ?: ''] def config = configSlurper.parse(dataSourceFile.toURL()) return config } target(main: "Add a Geometry column to a table") { //def config = new ConfigSlurper(grailsEnv).parse(new File("${basedir}/grails-app/conf/DataSource.groovy").toURL()) def config = loadConfig() /* println "${config.dataSource.driverClassName}" println "${config.dataSource.username}" println "${config.dataSource.password}" println "${config.dataSource.url}" */ Ant.input(addProperty: "", message: "Please enter the table name:") def tableName ="" Ant.input(addProperty: "", message: "Please enter the column name:") def columnName ="" Ant.input(addProperty: "", message: "Please enter the srid:", defaultvalue: "4326") def srid ="".toInteger() def typeNames = [ "POINT", "MULTIPOINT", "LINESTRING", "MULTILINESTRING", "POLYGON", "MULTIPOLYGON", "CIRCULARSTRING", "COMPOUNDCURVE", "MULTICURVE", "CURVEPOLYGON", "MULTISURFACE", "GEOMETRY", "GEOMETRYCOLLECTION", "POINTM", "MULTIPOINTM", "LINESTRINGM", "MULTILINESTRINGM", "POLYGONM", "MULTIPOLYGONM", "CIRCULARSTRINGM", "COMPOUNDCURVEM", "MULTICURVEM", "CURVEPOLYGONM", "MULTISURFACEM", "GEOMETRYCOLLECTIONM" ].sort() def typeMap = [:] typeNames.eachWithIndex {name, index -> typeMap[index + 1] = name } def typeMessage = "Please enter the geometry type:\n\n" typeMap.each {k, v -> typeMessage += "\t${k}: ${v}\n" } typeMessage += "\n" Ant.input( addProperty: "", message: typeMessage, validargs: typeMap.keySet().sort().join(",") ) def typeIndex ="" as Integer def typeName = typeNames[typeIndex - 1] Ant.input( addProperty: "dimension.num", message: "Please enter the number of dimensions:", validargs: ["2", "3"].join(","), defaultvalue: "2" ) def dimenions ="dimension.num".toInteger() String[] sqlStmts = [ "ALTER TABLE ${tableName} DROP COLUMN ${columnName};" as String, "SELECT AddGeometryColumn( '${tableName}', '${columnName}', ${srid}, '${typeName}', ${dimenions} );" as String, "CREATE INDEX ${tableName}_${columnName}_idx ON ${tableName} USING GIST ( ${columnName} GIST_GEOMETRY_OPS );" as String, "VACUUM ANALYZE ${tableName} ( ${columnName} );" as String ] def sql = Sql.newInstance( config.dataSource.url, config.dataSource.username, config.dataSource.password, config.dataSource.driverClassName ) sqlStmts.each {sqlText -> try { sql.execute(sqlText) } catch (Exception e) { println sqlText println e.message } } sql.close() } setDefaultTarget(main)