project(ossimplugins) MESSAGE("**********************Setting up ossimplugins********************") IF(NOT APPLE) cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.6) ELSE(NOT APPLE) cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8) ENDIF(NOT APPLE) include(OssimVersion) include(OssimCommonVariables) include(OssimUtilities) ############################### OVERRIDE THE DEFAULTS TO APPEND THE PLUGIN INFORMATION################### OPTION(OSSIM_INSTALL_PLUGINS_WITH_VERSION "Set to ON to build OSSIM's plugins to install with a version prefix like ossim-/plugins. Use OFF to not add a version and make it ossim/plugins." OFF) OPTION(BUILD_OSSIM_PLUGIN "Set to ON to build OSSIM's core plugins that depend only on ossim. Use OFF to skip this plugin." ON) OPTION(BUILD_OSSIMCONTRIB_PLUGIN "Set to ON to build OSSIM's contrib plugin. Use OFF to skip this plugin." OFF) OPTION(BUILD_OSSIMCSM_PLUGIN "Set to ON to build OSSIM's csm plugin. Use OFF to skip this plugin." ON) OPTION(BUILD_OSSIMGDAL_PLUGIN "Set to ON to build OSSIM's gdal plugin. Use OFF to skip this plugin." OFF) OPTION(BUILD_OSSIMGEOPDF_PLUGIN "Set to ON to build OSSIM's geopdf plugin. Use OFF to skip this plugin." OFF) OPTION(BUILD_OSSIMKAKADU_PLUGIN "Set to ON to build OSSIM's kakadu plugin. Use OFF to skip this plugin." OFF) OPTION(BUILD_OSSIMLIBRAW_PLUGIN "Set to ON to build OSSIM's lib raw plugin that is an interface to draw plugin. Use OFF to skip this plugin." ON) OPTION(BUILD_OSSIMMRSID_PLUGIN "Set to ON to build OSSIM's mrsid plugin. Use OFF to skip this plugin." OFF) OPTION(BUILD_OSSIMNDF_PLUGIN "Set to ON to build OSSIM's ndf plugin. Use OFF to skip this plugin." OFF) OPTION(BUILD_OSSIMNUI_PLUGIN "Set to ON to build OSSIM's nui plugin. Use OFF to skip this plugin." OFF) OPTION(BUILD_OSSIMPNG_PLUGIN "Set to ON to build OSSIM's png plugin. Use OFF to skip this plugin." OFF) OPTION(BUILD_OSSIMREGISTRATION_PLUGIN "Set to ON to build OSSIM's registration plugin. Use OFF to skip this plugin." OFF) find_package(OpenThreads) find_package(ossim) IF(OSSIM_INSTALL_PLUGINS_WITH_VERSION) SET(INSTALL_RUNTIME_DIR "lib/ossim-${OSSIM_VERSION}/plugins") SET(INSTALL_LIBRARY_DIR "lib/ossim-${OSSIM_VERSION}/plugins") ELSE() SET(INSTALL_RUNTIME_DIR "lib/ossim/plugins") SET(INSTALL_LIBRARY_DIR "lib/ossim/plugins") ENDIF() INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}) INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(${OSSIM_INCLUDE_DIR}) INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(${OPENTHREADS_INCLUDE_DIR}) SET(BUILD_OSSIM_FRAMEWORKS "OFF") SET(OSSIM_USER_DEFINED_DYNAMIC_OR_STATIC "SHARED") if(BUILD_OSSIM_PLUGIN) SUBDIRS(ossim) ENDIF(BUILD_OSSIM_PLUGIN) IF(BUILD_OSSIMCONTRIB_PLUGIN) MESSAGE(WARNING "BUILD_OSSIMCONTRIB_PLUGIN: We have not created a CMakeList.txt for the contrib plugin yet.") ENDIF(BUILD_OSSIMCONTRIB_PLUGIN) if(BUILD_OSSIMCSM_PLUGIN) SUBDIRS(csm) ENDiF(BUILD_OSSIMCSM_PLUGIN) if(BUILD_OSSIMGDAL_PLUGIN) SUBDIRS(gdal) ENDIF(BUILD_OSSIMGDAL_PLUGIN) if(BUILD_OSSIMGEOPDF_PLUGIN) SUBDIRS(geopdf) ENDIF(BUILD_OSSIMGEOPDF_PLUGIN) if(BUILD_OSSIMKAKADU_PLUGIN) SUBDIRS(kakadu) ENDIF(BUILD_OSSIMKAKADU_PLUGIN) IF(BUILD_OSSIMLIBRAW_PLUGIN) SUBDIRS(libraw) ENDIF(BUILD_OSSIMLIBRAW_PLUGIN) IF(BUILD_OSSIMMRSID_PLUGIN) SUBDIRS(mrsid) ENDIF(BUILD_OSSIMMRSID_PLUGIN) IF(BUILD_OSSIMNDF_PLUGIN) SUBDIRS(ndf) ENDIF(BUILD_OSSIMNDF_PLUGIN) if(BUILD_OSSIMPNG_PLUGIN) SUBDIRS(png) ENDIF(BUILD_OSSIMPNG_PLUGIN) if(BUILD_OSSIMREGISTRATION_PLUGIN) SUBDIRS(registration) ENDIF(BUILD_OSSIMREGISTRATION_PLUGIN) IF(OSSIM_BUILD_ADDITIONAL_PLUGIN_DIRECTORIES) FOREACH(it IN LISTS OSSIM_BUILD_ADDITIONAL_PLUGIN_DIRECTORIES) SUBDIRS(${it}) ENDFOREACH(it) ELSE(OSSIM_BUILD_ADDITIONAL_PLUGIN_DIRECTORIES) SET(OSSIM_BUILD_ADDITIONAL_PLUGIN_DIRECTORIES "" CACHE PATH "Specify full paths separated by ; to additional plugins you wish to include into the ossim build framework" FORCE) ENDIF() MESSAGE( STATUS "BUILD_OSSIM_PLUGIN = ${BUILD_OSSIM_PLUGIN}" ) MESSAGE( STATUS "BUILD_OSSIMCONTRIB_PLUGIN = ${BUILD_OSSIMCONTRIB_PLUGIN}" ) MESSAGE( STATUS "BUILD_OSSIMCSM_PLUGIN = ${BUILD_OSSIMCSM_PLUGIN}" ) MESSAGE( STATUS "BUILD_OSSIMGDAL_PLUGIN = ${BUILD_OSSIMGDAL_PLUGIN}" ) MESSAGE( STATUS "BUILD_OSSIMGEOPDF_PLUGIN = ${BUILD_OSSIMGEOPDF_PLUGIN}" ) MESSAGE( STATUS "BUILD_OSSIMKAKADU_PLUGIN = ${BUILD_OSSIMKAKADU_PLUGIN}" ) MESSAGE( STATUS "BUILD_OSSIMLIBRAW_PLUGIN = ${BUILD_OSSIMLIBRAW_PLUGIN}" ) MESSAGE( STATUS "BUILD_OSSIMMRSID_PLUGIN = ${BUILD_OSSIMMRSID_PLUGIN}" ) MESSAGE( STATUS "BUILD_OSSIMNDF_PLUGIN = ${BUILD_OSSIMNDF_PLUGIN}" ) MESSAGE( STATUS "BUILD_OSSIMNUI_PLUGIN = ${BUILD_OSSIMNUI_PLUGIN}" ) MESSAGE( STATUS "BUILD_OSSIMPNG_PLUGIN = ${BUILD_OSSIMPNG_PLUGIN}" ) MESSAGE( STATUS "BUILD_OSSIMREGISTRATION_PLUGIN = ${BUILD_OSSIMREGISTRATION_PLUGIN}" ) MESSAGE( STATUS "OPENTHREADS_LIBRARY = ${OPENTHREADS_LIBRARY}" ) MESSAGE( STATUS "OPENTHREADS_INCLUDE = ${OPENTHREADS_INCLUDE_DIR}" ) MESSAGE( STATUS "OSSIM_LIBRARY = ${OSSIM_LIBRARY}" ) MESSAGE( STATUS "OSSIM_INCLUDE = ${OSSIM_INCLUDE_DIR}" ) MESSAGE( STATUS "OSSIM_INSTALL_PLUGINS_WITH_VERSION = ${OSSIM_INSTALL_PLUGINS_WITH_VERSION}" ) OSSIM_ADD_COMMON_MAKE_UNINSTALL()