// $Id$ // Copied to cpp wrapper file... //%module joms %module(directors="1") joms %{ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //#include "RasterEngine.h" #if 0 #include #include /** * A stash area embedded in each allocation to hold java handles */ struct Jalloc { jbyteArray jba; jobject ref; }; static JavaVM *cached_jvm = 0; static OpenThreads::Mutex mPrivateMutex; JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL JNI_OnLoad(JavaVM *jvm, void *reserved) { // OpenThreads::ScopedLock lock(mPrivateMutex); cached_jvm = jvm; return JNI_VERSION_1_2; } JNIEXPORT void JNICALL JNI_OnUnLoad(JavaVM *jvm, void *reserved) { std::cout << "JNIEXPORT void JNICALL JNI_OnUnLoad(JavaVM *jvm, void *reserved)" << std::endl; // OpenThreads::ScopedLock lock(mPrivateMutex); cached_jvm = 0; } static JNIEnv * JNU_GetEnv() { OpenThreads::ScopedLock lock(mPrivateMutex); JNIEnv *env = 0; if(!cached_jvm) return env; jint rc = cached_jvm->GetEnv((void **)&env, JNI_VERSION_1_4); if (rc == JNI_EDETACHED) throw std::runtime_error("current thread not attached"); if (rc == JNI_EVERSION) throw std::runtime_error("jni version not supported"); return env; } void * operator new(size_t t) { // OpenThreads::ScopedLock lock(mPrivateMutex); if (cached_jvm != 0) { JNIEnv *env = JNU_GetEnv(); jbyteArray jba = env->NewByteArray(t + sizeof(Jalloc)); if (env->ExceptionOccurred()) throw std::bad_alloc(); void *jbuffer = static_cast(env->GetByteArrayElements(jba, 0)); if (env->ExceptionOccurred()) throw std::bad_alloc(); Jalloc *pJalloc = static_cast(jbuffer); pJalloc->jba = jba; /* Assign a global reference so byte array will persist until delete'ed */ pJalloc->ref = env->NewGlobalRef(jba); if (env->ExceptionOccurred()) { throw std::bad_alloc(); } return static_cast(static_cast(jbuffer) + sizeof(Jalloc)); } else { /* JNI_OnLoad not called, use malloc and mark as special */ Jalloc *pJalloc = static_cast(malloc(t + sizeof(Jalloc))); if (!pJalloc) throw std::bad_alloc(); pJalloc->ref = 0; return static_cast( static_cast(static_cast(pJalloc)) + sizeof(Jalloc)); } } void operator delete(void *v) { // OpenThreads::ScopedLock lock(mPrivateMutex); void *buffer = static_cast( static_cast(v) - sizeof(Jalloc)); Jalloc *pJalloc = static_cast(buffer); if (pJalloc->ref) { JNIEnv *env = JNU_GetEnv(); env->DeleteGlobalRef(pJalloc->ref); env->ReleaseByteArrayElements(pJalloc->jba, static_cast(buffer), 0); } else { free(buffer); } } #endif // commented out the operator new and delete override for now %} // generate directors for all classes that have virtual methods //%feature("director") oms::SingleImageChain; %typemap(in) void * { /* %typemap(in) void * */ $1 = jenv->GetDirectBufferAddress($input); } /* These 3 typemaps tell SWIG what JNI and Java types to use */ %typemap(jni) void * "jobject" %typemap(jtype) void * "java.nio.ByteBuffer" %typemap(jstype) void * "java.nio.ByteBuffer" %typemap(javain) void * "$javainput" %typemap(javaout) void * { return $jnicall; } %include "std_map.i" %include "std_vector.i" %include "std_string.i" %include "typemaps.i" %include "arrays_java.i" // %include "std_iostream.i" //%rename (assignTo) oms::Irect::operator=; //%rename (printOut) operator<<; %rename (assignToGrect) ossimGrect::operator=; %rename (printConversionTool) ossimUnitConversionTool::operator<<; %include %include %include %include %include %include %include %include %include %include //%include %include "various.i" //%rename (assignToFloat64) oms::Float64::operator=; //%rename (printOut) operator<<; %apply char **STRING_ARRAY { char* argv[] }; %apply short[] {ossim_sint16 *}; %apply int[] {ossim_sint32 *}; %apply int[] {ossim_int32 *}; %apply int[] {int *}; %apply unsigned int[] {ossim_uint32 *}; %apply unsigned short[] {ossim_uint16 *}; %apply float[] {ossim_float32 *}; %apply double[] {ossim_float64 *}; %apply unsigned char[] { ossim_uint8 * } %apply char* BYTE { ossim_int8 * } %warnfilter(516) ossimIrect; %warnfilter(516) ossimGrect; %typemap(throws, throws="java.lang.Exception") ossimException { jclass excep = jenv->FindClass("java/lang/Exception"); if (excep) jenv->ThrowNew(excep, $1.what()); return $null; } template class ossimRefPtr { public: T* operator->(); bool valid() const; T* get(); }; %extend ossimRefPtr { public: void set(T* value) { self->operator=(value); } }; %newobject ossimObject::dup()const; %feature("abstract") ossimDataObject; class ossimObject : public ossimReferenced { public: virtual ~ossimObject(); /*! * Method to save the state of the object to a keyword list. * Return true if ok or false on error. */ virtual bool saveState(ossimKeywordlist& kwl, const char* prefix=0) const; /*! * Method to the load (recreate) the state of the object from a keyword * list. Return true if ok or false on error. */ virtual bool loadState(const ossimKeywordlist& kwl, const char* prefix=0); protected: ossimObject(); virtual ossimObject* dup()const; }; class ossimDatum { public: ossimDatum(const ossimString &code, const ossimString &name, const ossimEllipsoid* anEllipsoid, ossim_float64 sigmaX, ossim_float64 sigmaY, ossim_float64 sigmaZ, ossim_float64 westLongitude, ossim_float64 eastLongitude, ossim_float64 southLatitude, ossim_float64 northLatitude); virtual ossimGpt shift(const ossimGpt &aPt)const=0; //utility functions to shift to and from the standard coordinates. //Users should use the shift instead!!! // virtual ossimGpt shiftToWgs84(const ossimGpt &aPt)const = 0; virtual ossimGpt shiftFromWgs84(const ossimGpt &aPt)const = 0; virtual bool isTheSameAs(const ossimDatum *aDatum)const; virtual const ossimString& code()const; virtual const ossimString& name()const; virtual const ossimEllipsoid* ellipsoid()const; virtual ossim_float64 sigmaX()const; virtual ossim_float64 sigmaY()const; virtual ossim_float64 sigmaZ()const; virtual ossim_float64 westLongitude()const; virtual ossim_float64 eastLongitude()const; virtual ossim_float64 southLatitude()const; virtual ossim_float64 northLatitude()const; virtual ossim_float64 param1()const=0; virtual ossim_float64 param2()const=0; virtual ossim_float64 param3()const=0; virtual ossim_float64 param4()const=0; virtual ossim_float64 param5()const=0; virtual ossim_float64 param6()const=0; virtual ossim_float64 param7()const=0; virtual bool isInside(ossim_float64 latitude, ossim_float64 longitude)const; protected: ~ossimDatum(); }; class ossimPropertyInterface { public: virtual void setProperty(const ossimString& name, const ossimString& value); virtual void setProperty(ossimRefPtr property); virtual ossimRefPtr getProperty(const ossimString& name)const; virtual void getPropertyNames(std::vector& propertyNames)const; void getPropertyList(std::vector >& propertyList)const; void setProperties(std::vector >& propertyList); protected: ossimPropertyInterface(); }; %extend ossimPropertyInterface { public: void setProperty(const std::string& name, const std::string& value) { self->setProperty(ossimString(name), ossimString(value)); } } class ossimConnectableObject : public ossimObject { protected: ossimConnectableObject(); public: virtual void setProperty(ossimRefPtr property); virtual ossimRefPtr getProperty(const ossimString& name)const; virtual void getPropertyNames(std::vector& propertyNames)const; void getPropertyList(std::vector >& propertyList)const; void setProperties(std::vector >& propertyList); virtual ossim_int32 connectMyInputTo(ossimConnectableObject* inputObject, bool makeOutputConnection=true, bool createEventFlag=true); virtual ossim_int32 connectMyInputTo(ossim_int32 inputIndex, ossimConnectableObject* inputObject, bool makeOutputConnection=true, bool createEventFlag=true); virtual bool connectMyInputTo(ossimConnectableObject::ConnectableObjectList& inputList, bool makeOutputConnection=true, bool createEventFlag = true); virtual void disconnectAllInputs(); virtual ossim_uint32 getNumberOfInputs()const { return (ossim_uint32)theInputObjectList.size(); } virtual ossim_uint32 getNumberOfOutputs()const { return (ossim_uint32)theOutputObjectList.size(); } ossimConnectableObject* getInput(ossim_uint32 index=0); // const ossimConnectableObject* getInput(ossim_uint32 index=0)const; ossimConnectableObject* getOutput(ossim_uint32 index=0); // const ossimConnectableObject* getOutput(ossim_uint32 index=0)const; virtual void setNumberOfInputs(ossim_int32 numberOfInputs); virtual bool getInputListIsFixedFlag()const; virtual bool getOutputListIsFixedFlag()const; virtual void setNumberOfOutputs(ossim_int32 numberOfInputs); }; %extend ossimConnectableObject { public: virtual ossimPropertyInterface* getPropertyInterface() { return (ossimPropertyInterface*)self; } ossim_int32 addInput(ossimConnectableObject* input) { return self->connectMyInputTo(input); } }; class ossimSource : public ossimConnectableObject { public: //virtual void initialize(); protected: ossimSource(); }; class ossimString { public: ossimString(); ossimString(const char*); }; %extend ossimString { public: std::string toString() { // return self->c_str(); return self->string(); } }; class ossimFilename : public ossimString { public: ossimFilename(const char* src); }; %extend ossimFilename { public: ossimFilename(const std::string& value) :ossimString(value) {} }; class ossimIpt { public: ossimIpt(ossim_int32 anX, ossim_int32 aY); ossim_int32 x; ossim_int32 y; }; class ossimIrect { public: ossimIrect(); ossimIrect(ossimIpt ul_corner, ossimIpt lr_corner, ossimCoordSysOrientMode mode=OSSIM_LEFT_HANDED); ossimIrect(ossim_int32 ul_corner_x, ossim_int32 ul_corner_y, ossim_int32 lr_corner_x, ossim_int32 lr_corner_y, ossimCoordSysOrientMode mode=OSSIM_LEFT_HANDED); ossimIrect(const ossimDrect& rect); ossimIpt ul() const; ossimIpt ur() const; ossimIpt lr() const; ossimIpt ll() const; ossimIrect clipToRect(const ossimIrect& rect)const; inline ossimIpt midPoint()const; ossimIrect combine(const ossimIrect& rect)const; ossim_uint32 width() const; ossim_uint32 height() const; }; %extend ossimIrect { public: void setOriginWidthHeight(ossim_int32 x, ossim_int32 y, ossim_uint32 w, ossim_uint32 h) { *self = ossimIrect(x,y, x+w-1, y+h-1); } ossim_uint32 getWidth()const { return self->width(); } ossim_uint32 getHeight()const { return self->height(); } ossimIpt getMidPoint()const { return self->midPoint(); } void print() { std::cout << *self << std::endl; } }; class ossimDpt { public: ossimDpt(double anX, double aY); ossimDpt(const ossimIpt& pt); bool hasNans()const; bool isNan()const; double x; double y; }; class ossimDrect { public: ossimDrect(); ossimDrect(ossimDpt ul_corner, ossimDpt lr_corner, ossimCoordSysOrientMode mode=OSSIM_LEFT_HANDED); ossimDrect(const double& ul_corner_x, const double& ul_corner_y, const double& lr_corner_x, const double& lr_corner_y, ossimCoordSysOrientMode mode=OSSIM_LEFT_HANDED); ossimDpt ul() const; ossimDpt ur() const; ossimDpt lr() const; ossimDpt ll() const; ossim_float64 width() const; ossim_float64 height() const; ossimDrect clipToRect(const ossimDrect& rect)const; ossimDrect combine(const ossimDrect& rect)const; inline ossimDpt midPoint()const; }; %extend ossimDrect { public: void setOriginWidthHeight(double x, double y, double w, double h) { *self = ossimDrect(x,y, x+w-1,y+h-1); } double getWidth()const { return self->width(); } double getHeight()const { return self->height(); } ossimDpt getMidPoint()const { return self->midPoint(); } void print() { std::cout << *self << std::endl; } }; class ossimGrect { public: ossimGrect(); /** * Copies the passed in rectangle to this * object. */ ossimGrect(const ossimGrect& rect); /** * WIll take two ground points and fill the * bounding rect appropriately. */ ossimGrect(const ossimGpt& ul, const ossimGpt& lr); /** * Takes the upper left and lower right ground * points */ ossimGrect(double ulLat, double ulLon, double lrLat, double lrLon); ossimGrect(double ulLat, double ulLon, double lrLat, double lrLon, ossimDatum* datum); ossimGrect(const ossimGpt& point, double latSpacingInDegrees, double lonSpacingInDegrees); ossimGrect(std::vector& points); ossimGrect(const ossimGpt& p1, const ossimGpt& p2, const ossimGpt& p3, const ossimGpt& p4); const ossimGrect& operator=(const ossimGrect& rect); ossimGpt midPoint()const; /** * Returns the height of a rectangle. */ ossim_float64 height() const; /** * Returns the width of a rectangle. */ ossim_float64 width() const; const ossimGpt& ul()const; const ossimGpt& ur()const; const ossimGpt& ll()const; const ossimGpt& lr()const; void makeNan(); bool isLonLatNan()const; bool hasNans()const; bool isNan()const; /*! * Returns true if "this" rectangle is contained completely within the * input rectangle "rect". */ bool completely_within(const ossimGrect& rect) const; /*! * Returns true if any portion of an input rectangle "rect" intersects * "this" rectangle. */ bool intersects(const ossimGrect& rect) const; ossimGrect clipToRect(const ossimGrect& rect)const; ossimGrect combine(const ossimGrect& rect)const; /** * METHOD: pointWithin(ossimGpt) * * @param gpt Point to test for withinness. * * @return true if argument is inside of horizontal rectangle * * @note Height is not considered and there is no datum shift applied if * gpt is of a different datum than this datum. */ bool pointWithin(const ossimGpt& gpt) const; //inline below ossimGrect stretchToEvenBoundary(double latSpacingInDegrees, double lonSpacingInDegrees)const; void computeEvenTiles(std::vector& result, double latSpacingInDegrees, double lonSpacingInDegrees, bool clipToGeographicBounds = true)const; private: ossimGpt theUlCorner; ossimGpt theUrCorner; ossimGpt theLrCorner; ossimGpt theLlCorner; }; class ossimKeywordlist { public: ossimKeywordlist(char delimiter = DEFAULT_DELIMITER); ossimKeywordlist(const std::map& keywordMap); ossimKeywordlist(const char* file, char delimiter = DEFAULT_DELIMITER, bool ignoreBinaryChars = false); ossimKeywordlist(const ossimFilename& fileName, char delimiter = DEFAULT_DELIMITER, bool ignoreBinaryChars = false); /*! * Reads file and adds keywords to the KeywordMap. * Returns true if file was parsed, false on error. */ bool addFile(const char* file); /*! * Reads file and adds keywords to the KeywordMap. * Returns true if file was parsed, false on error. */ bool addFile(const ossimFilename& file); // Methods to add keywords to list. void add(const char* key, const char* value, bool overwrite = true); void add(const char* prefix, const char* key, const char* value, bool overwrite = true); const char* find(const char* key) const; const char* find(const char* prefix, const char* key) const; void remove(const char * key); void remove(const char* prefix, const char * key); void clear(); /** * Methods to dump the ossimKeywordlist to a file on disk. * @return true on success, false on error. */ bool write(const char* file) const; }; %extend ossimKeywordlist { public: std::string toString() { return self->toString().string(); // return self->toString(); } }; class ossimGpt { public: ossimGpt(); /*! * Constructor. The values are assumed to be in DEGREES. */ ossimGpt(double lat, double lon); ossimGpt(double lat, double lon, double hgt); ossimGpt(double lat, double lon, double hgt, const ossimDatum* datum); ossimGpt(const ossimGpt& src); /*! * Will convert the radian measure to degrees. */ double latd() const; /*! * Will convert the radian measure to degrees. */ double lond() ; ossimDpt metersPerDegree() const; double height() const; void makeNan(); bool isNan()const; bool hasNans()const; bool isLatNan()const; bool isLonNan()const; bool isHgtNan()const; double distanceTo(const ossimGpt& arg_gpt) const; }; %extend ossimGpt { public: void setLatd(double value) { self->latd(value); } void setLond(double value) { self->lond(value); } double getLatd() { return self->latd(); } double getLond() { return self->lond(); } double getHeight() { return self->height(); } void setHeight(double value) { self->height(value); } void assign(const ossimGpt& pt) { *self = pt; } }; class ossimEcefPoint { public: ossimEcefPoint(); ossimEcefPoint(const ossimEcefPoint& copy_this); ossimEcefPoint(const ossimGpt& convert_this); ossimEcefPoint(const double& x, const double& y, const double& z); double x() const; double y() const; double z() const; }; %extend ossimEcefPoint { public: void setX(double x) { self->x() = x; } double getX() { return self->x(); } void setY(double y) { self->y() = y; } double getY() { return self->y(); } void setZ(double z) { self->z() = z; } double getZ() { return self->z(); } void assign(const ossimGpt& gpt) { *self = ossimEcefPoint(gpt); } void assign(const ossimEcefPoint& src) { *self = src; } } %newobject ossimObjectFactory::createObject(const ossimString& typeName)const; %newobject ossimObjectFactory::createObject(const ossimKeywordlist& kwl, const char* prefix)const; %template( ossimPropertyRefPtr ) ossimRefPtr; %template( ossimConnectableObjectRefPtr ) ossimRefPtr; %template( ossimObjectRefPtr ) ossimRefPtr; class ossimObjectFactory : public ossimObject { public: /*! * Creates an object given a type name. */ virtual ossimObject* createObject(const ossimString& typeName)const=0; /*! * Creates and object given a keyword list. */ virtual ossimObject* createObject(const ossimKeywordlist& kwl, const char* prefix=0)const=0; /*! * This should return the type name of all objects in all factories. * This is the name used to construct the objects dynamially and this * name must be unique. */ virtual void getTypeNameList(std::vector& typeList)const=0; protected: ossimObjectFactory(); }; class ossimInit { public: static ossimInit* instance(); void initialize( int argc, char *argv[]); protected: ossimInit(); }; class ossimPreferences { public: static ossimPreferences* instance(); bool loadPreferences(const ossimFilename& pathname); const char* findPreference(const char* key) const; void addPreference(const char* key, const char* value); ossimFilename getPreferencesFilename() const; protected: ossimPreferences(); }; %feature("abstract") ossimDataObject; class ossimDataObject : public ossimObject { public: ossimDataObject(ossimSource* source=0, ossimDataObjectStatus status=OSSIM_STATUS_UNKNOWN); virtual void initialize()=0; virtual void setDataObjectStatus(ossimDataObjectStatus status) const; virtual ossimDataObjectStatus getDataObjectStatus() const; }; %feature("abstract") ossimRectilinearDataObject; class ossimRectilinearDataObject : public ossimDataObject { public: // ossimRectilinearDataObject(const ossimRectilinearDataObject& rhs); virtual ossimScalarType getScalarType() const; //protected: // ossimRectilinearDataObject(); }; /******************************************************* OSSIM IMAGING ***********************************************/ %template( ossimIgenRefPtr ) ossimRefPtr; class ossimIgen : public ossimReferenced { public: ossimIgen(); virtual void initialize(const ossimKeywordlist& kwl) throw(ossimException); virtual void outputProduct() throw(ossimException); }; class ossimImageData : public ossimRectilinearDataObject { public: ossimImageData(const ossimImageData &rhs); virtual ossim_uint32 getHeight()const; virtual ossim_uint32 getWidth()const; virtual ossimIrect getImageRectangle() const; virtual void getWidthHeight(ossim_uint32& w, ossim_uint32& h); virtual void setWidth(ossim_uint32 width); virtual void setHeight(ossim_uint32 height); virtual void setWidthHeight(ossim_uint32 w, ossim_uint32 h); virtual void setImageRectangleAndBands(const ossimIrect& rect, ossim_uint32 numberOfBands); virtual void setImageRectangle(const ossimIrect& rect); virtual void setOrigin(const ossimIpt& origin); virtual ossim_float64 getMinNormalizedPix() const; virtual ossimString getScalarTypeAsString()const; virtual ossim_uint32 getNumberOfBands() const; virtual void setNumberOfBands(ossim_uint32 bands, bool reallocate=false); /** * Will return the pixel at location position. Note it will first get * the passed in position relative to the origin or upper left * corner of this tile and then return the result. */ virtual ossim_float64 getPix(const ossimIpt& position, ossim_uint32 band=0) const; /** * Will return the pixel at offset and band number. */ virtual ossim_float64 getPix(ossim_uint32 offset, ossim_uint32 band = 0) const; void fill(ossim_uint32 band, ossim_float64 value); void fill(ossim_float64 value); bool isNull(ossim_uint32 offset)const; bool isNull(ossim_uint32 offset, ossim_uint32 band)const; void setNull(ossim_uint32 offset); void setNull(ossim_uint32 offset, ossim_uint32 band); bool isNull(const ossimIpt& pt)const; void setNull(const ossimIpt& pt); bool isNull(const ossimIpt& pt, ossim_uint32 band)const; void setNull(const ossimIpt& pt, ossim_uint32 band); virtual bool isValidBand(ossim_uint32 band) const; virtual ossimDataObjectStatus validate() const; virtual ossimRefPtr newNormalizedFloat()const; virtual void getNormalizedFloat(ossim_uint32 offset, ossim_uint32 bandNumber, ossim_float32& result)const; virtual void setNormalizedFloat(ossim_uint32 offset, ossim_uint32 bandNumber, ossim_float32 input); virtual void convertToNormalizedFloat(ossimImageData* result)const; virtual ossimImageData* newNormalizedDouble()const; virtual void convertToNormalizedDouble(ossimImageData* result)const; virtual void unnormalizeInput(ossimImageData* normalizedInput); virtual ossim_float64 computeAverageBandValue( ossim_uint32 bandNumber = 0) const; virtual ossim_float64 computeMeanSquaredError( ossim_float64 meanValue, ossim_uint32 bandNumber = 0) const; virtual const void* getBuf() const; virtual ossim_uint32 getSize() const; virtual ossim_uint32 getSizePerBand()const; virtual ossim_uint32 getSizePerBandInBytes() const; virtual ossim_uint32 getSizeInBytes() const; virtual void makeBlank(); virtual void initialize(); virtual void unloadTile(void* dest, const ossimIrect& dest_rect, ossimInterleaveType il_type) const; virtual void unloadTile(void* dest, const ossimIrect& dest_rect, const ossimIrect& clip_rect, ossimInterleaveType il_type) const; protected: ossimImageData(); }; %extend ossimImageData { public: void copyToBuffer(ossim_int8* destinationBuffer, int bandIdx) { memcpy(destinationBuffer, self->getBuf(bandIdx), self->getSizePerBandInBytes()); } void copyToBuffer(ossim_uint8* destinationBuffer, int bandIdx) { memcpy(destinationBuffer, self->getBuf(bandIdx), self->getSizePerBandInBytes()); } void copyToBufferS16(ossim_sint16* destinationBuffer, int bandIdx) { memcpy(destinationBuffer, self->getBuf(bandIdx), self->getSizePerBandInBytes()); } void copyToBufferU16(ossim_uint16* destinationBuffer, int bandIdx) { memcpy(destinationBuffer, self->getBuf(bandIdx), self->getSizePerBandInBytes()); } void copyToBufferf32(ossim_float32* destinationBuffer, int bandIdx) { memcpy(destinationBuffer, self->getBuf(bandIdx), self->getSizePerBandInBytes()); } void copyToBufferf64(ossim_float64* destinationBuffer, int bandIdx) { memcpy(destinationBuffer, self->getBuf(bandIdx), self->getSizePerBandInBytes()); } }; %template( ossimImageDataRefPtr ) ossimRefPtr< ossimImageData >; %newobject ossimImageDataFactory::create(ossimSource* owner, ossimScalarType scalar, ossim_uint32 bands = 1)const; %newobject ossimImageDataFactory::create(ossimSource* owner, ossimScalarType scalar, ossim_uint32 bands, ossim_uint32 width, ossim_uint32 height)const; %newobject ossimImageDataFactory::create( ossimSource* owner, ossim_uint32 bands, ossimImageSource* inputSource)const; %newobject ossimImageDataFactory::create( ossimSource* owner, ossimImageSource* inputSource)const; class ossimImageDataFactory { public: public: virtual ~ossimImageDataFactory(); static ossimImageDataFactory* instance(); virtual ossimRefPtr create(ossimSource* owner, ossimScalarType scalar, ossim_uint32 bands = 1)const; virtual ossimRefPtr create(ossimSource* owner, ossimScalarType scalar, ossim_uint32 bands, ossim_uint32 width, ossim_uint32 height)const; virtual ossimRefPtr create( ossimSource* owner, ossim_uint32 bands, ossimImageSource* inputSource)const; virtual ossimRefPtr create( ossimSource* owner, ossimImageSource* inputSource)const; protected: ossimImageDataFactory(); // hide ossimImageDataFactory(const ossimImageDataFactory&){}//hide }; class ossimImageSource : public ossimSource { public: ossimImageSource(ossimObject* owner = 0); ossimImageSource(ossimObject* owner, ossim_uint32 inputListSize, ossim_uint32 outputListSize, bool inputListIsFixedFlag=true, bool outputListIsFixedFlag=true); virtual ~ossimImageSource(); /** * @return from origin out to tile_width-1, and tile_height-1. */ virtual ossimRefPtr getTile(const ossimIpt& origin, ossim_uint32 resLevel=0); /** * @return the requested region of interest */ virtual ossimRefPtr getTile(const ossimIrect& rect, ossim_uint32 resLevel=0); /** * Will return the decimation factor for the given resolution * level. the decimation is the scale from Resolution 0 or full * res. Usually this is a power of 2 decimation where * the decimation result is 1.0/2^resoltion. */ virtual void getDecimationFactor(ossim_uint32 resLevel, ossimDpt& result)const; /** * Will return an array of all decimations for each resolution level. */ virtual void getDecimationFactors(std::vector& decimations) const; /** * Will return the number of resolution levels. Note: resolution * level 0 is included in the return count. */ virtual ossim_uint32 getNumberOfDecimationLevels() const; virtual ossim_uint32 getNumberOfInputBands() const = 0; /** * Returns the number of bands in a tile returned from this TileSource. */ virtual ossim_uint32 getNumberOfOutputBands() const; /** * Initializes bandList to the zero based order of output bands. */ virtual void getOutputBandList(std::vector& bandList) const; /** * This will be used to query the output pixel type of the tile source. * Please ignore the argument. It will soon be removed. */ virtual ossimScalarType getOutputScalarType() const; /** * Returns the default processing tile width */ virtual ossim_uint32 getTileWidth() const; /** * Returns the default processing tile height */ virtual ossim_uint32 getTileHeight() const; /** * Each band has a null pixel associated with it. The null pixel * represents an invalid value. */ virtual double getNullPixelValue(ossim_uint32 band=0)const; /** * Returns the min pixel of the band. */ virtual double getMinPixelValue(ossim_uint32 band=0)const; /** * Returns the max pixel of the band. */ virtual double getMaxPixelValue(ossim_uint32 band=0)const; /** * This will return the bounding rect of the source. We can have several * sources which are in a chain to modify the bounding image rect. * lets say you are next to an image handler then it will return the * bounding rect for that image. If you are at the right side of a * resampler then you will get a bounding rect along the image view plane. * This is going to be a very import method for both image writers, * mosaics or anything that needs to operate only within the bounds of an * image. */ virtual ossimIrect getBoundingRect(ossim_uint32 resLevel=0) const; /** * Method to save the state of an object to a keyword list. * Return true if ok or false on error. */ virtual bool saveState(ossimKeywordlist& kwl, const char* prefix=0)const; /** * Method to the load (recreate) the state of an object from a keyword * list. Return true if ok or false on error. */ virtual bool loadState(const ossimKeywordlist& kwl, const char* prefix=0); /** * ordering specifies how the vertices should be arranged. * valid image vertices is basically the tightly fit convex hull * of the image. Usually an image has NULL values and are * internally not upright rectangular. This can cause * problems some spatial filters. * * The default implementation is to return the bounding rect. */ virtual void getValidImageVertices(std::vector& validVertices, ossimVertexOrdering ordering=OSSIM_CLOCKWISE_ORDER, ossim_uint32 resLevel=0)const; virtual ossimRefPtr getImageGeometry(); /** * the default is to find the first input source that is of * type ossimImageSourceInterface and return its input geometry. */ // virtual bool getImageGeometry(ossimKeywordlist& kwl, // const char* prefix=0); /** * Default method to call input's setImageGeometry. */ virtual void setImageGeometry(ossimImageGeometry* geom); virtual void initialize(); protected: ossimImageSource (const ossimImageSource& rhs); const ossimImageSource& operator= (const ossimImageSource&); }; %template( ossimImageSourceRefPtr ) ossimRefPtr< ossimImageSource >; %feature("notabstract") ossimImageChain; class ossimImageChain : public ossimImageSource { public: ossimImageChain(); virtual ossimConnectableObject* getConnectableObject(ossim_uint32 index); virtual ossim_int32 indexOf(ossimConnectableObject* obj)const; bool replace(ossimConnectableObject* newObj, ossimConnectableObject* oldObj); protected: }; class ossimImageHandler : public ossimImageSource { public: virtual bool isOpen()const=0; virtual ossim_uint32 getCurrentEntry()const; virtual ossim_uint32 getNumberOfEntries () const; virtual ossim_uint32 getNumberOfReducedResSets() const; virtual bool setCurrentEntry (ossim_uint32 entryIdx); virtual void close() = 0; /** * Pure virtual open. Derived classes must implement. * * @return Returns true on success, false on error. * * @note This method relies on the data member ossimImageData::theImageFile * being set. Callers should do a "setFilename" prior to calling this * method or use the ossimImageHandler::open that takes a file name and an * entry index. */ virtual bool open() = 0; /** * Opens the image file. * * @param imageFile File to open. * * @param entryIndex * @return true on success, false on error. */ virtual bool open(const ossimFilename& imageFile, ossim_uint32 entryIndex); virtual bool open(const ossimFilename& imageFile); virtual bool hasOverviews() const; virtual bool openOverview(); virtual bool openOverview(const ossimFilename& overview_file); virtual void closeOverview(); virtual ossimFilename createDefaultOverviewFilename() const; virtual ossimFilename createDefaultGeometryFilename() const; virtual ossimFilename createDefaultMetadataFilename() const; virtual ossimFilename createDefaultHistogramFilename() const; virtual ossimFilename createDefaultValidVerticesFilename() const; virtual bool openValidVertices(const ossimFilename& vertices_file); virtual bool openValidVertices(); protected: ossimImageHandler(); }; %newobject ossimImageHandlerRegistry::open(const ossimFilename& fileName)const; %newobject ossimImageHandlerRegistry::open(const std::string& filename)const; class ossimImageHandlerRegistry : public ossimObjectFactory { public: static ossimImageHandlerRegistry* instance(); ossimImageHandler* open(const ossimFilename& fileName)const; protected: ossimImageHandlerRegistry(); }; %extend ossimImageHandlerRegistry { ossimImageHandler* open(const std::string& filename)const { return self->open(ossimFilename(filename)); } virtual void getSupportedExtensions(std::vector& extensionList)const { ossimImageHandlerFactoryBase::UniqueList list; self->getSupportedExtensions(list); extensionList.clear(); for ( int i = 0, max = list.size(); i < max; i++) { extensionList.push_back(list[i]); } }; } %newobject ossimImageSourceFactoryBase::createImageSource(const ossimString& name)const; %newobject ossimImageSourceFactoryBase::createImageSource(const ossimKeywordlist& kwl, const char* prefix=0)const; %newobject ossimImageSourceFactoryBase::createImageSource(const std::string& filename)const; %nodefaultctor ossimImageSourceFactoryBase; class ossimImageSourceFactoryBase : public ossimObjectFactory { public: /*! * Convenient conversion method. Gurantees an ossimImageSource is returned. Returns * NULL otherwise */ virtual ossimImageSource* createImageSource(const ossimString& name)const; virtual ossimImageSource* createImageSource(const ossimKeywordlist& kwl, const char* prefix=0)const; }; %extend ossimImageSourceFactoryBase { public: virtual ossimImageSource* createImageSource(const std::string& name)const { return self->createImageSource(ossimString(name)); } } class ossimImageSourceFactoryRegistry : public ossimImageSourceFactoryBase { public: static ossimImageSourceFactoryRegistry* instance(); protected: ossimImageSourceFactoryRegistry(); }; class ossimOutputSource : public ossimSource { public: ossimOutputSource(ossimObject* owner=0); virtual bool isOpen()const = 0; virtual bool open()=0; }; class ossimImageWriter : public ossimOutputSource { public: ossimImageWriter(ossimObject* owner=NULL); }; class ossimImageFileWriter : public ossimImageWriter { public: ossimImageFileWriter(const ossimFilename& filename = ossimFilename(), ossimImageSource* inputSource=0, ossimObject* owner=0); // virtual ~ossimImageFileWriter(); virtual void getImageTypeList(std::vector& imageTypeList)const=0; virtual bool hasImageType(const ossimString& imageType) const; virtual void setTileSize(const ossimIpt& tileSize); virtual void initialize(); virtual bool execute(); virtual void setOutputImageType(ossim_int32 type); virtual void setOutputImageType(const ossimString& type); virtual ossim_int32 getOutputImageType() const; virtual ossimString getOutputImageTypeString() const; virtual void setAreaOfInterest(const ossimIrect& inputRect); virtual void setOutputName(const ossimString& outputName); virtual void setFilename(const ossimFilename& file); virtual const ossimFilename& getFilename()const; virtual bool getWriteImageFlag() const; virtual bool getWriteHistogramFlag() const; virtual bool getWriteOverviewFlag() const; virtual bool getScaleToEightBitFlag() const; virtual bool getWriteEnviHeaderFlag() const; virtual bool getWriteErsHeaderFlag() const; virtual bool getWriteExternalGeometryFlag() const; virtual bool getWriteFgdcFlag() const; virtual bool getWriteJpegWorldFileFlag() const; virtual bool getWriteReadmeFlag() const; virtual bool getWriteTiffWorldFileFlag() const; virtual void setWriteImageFlag(bool flag); virtual void setWriteOverviewFlag(bool flag); virtual void setWriteHistogramFlag(bool flag); virtual void setScaleToEightBitFlag(bool flag); virtual void setWriteEnviHeaderFlag(bool flag); virtual void setWriteErsHeaderFlag(bool flag); virtual void setWriteExternalGeometryFlag(bool flag); virtual void setWriteFgdcFlag(bool flag); virtual void setWriteJpegWorldFile(bool flag); virtual void setWriteReadme(bool flag); virtual void setWriteTiffWorldFile(bool flag); virtual ossim_uint16 getOverviewCompressType() const; virtual ossim_int32 getOverviewJpegCompressQuality() const; virtual void setOverviewCompressType(ossim_uint16 type); virtual void setOverviewJpegCompressQuality(ossim_int32 quality); virtual bool saveState(ossimKeywordlist& kwl, const char* prefix=0)const; virtual bool loadState(const ossimKeywordlist& kwl, const char* prefix=0); }; %newobject ossimImageWriterFactoryRegistry::createWriterFromExtension(const ossimString& fileExtension)const; %newobject ossimImageWriterFactoryRegistry::createWriter(const ossimKeywordlist &kwl, const char *prefix=0)const; %newobject ossimImageWriterFactoryRegistry::createWriter(const ossimString& typeName)const; %newobject ossimImageWriterFactoryRegistry:: createWriterFromFilename(const std::string& file)const; %newobject ossimImageWriterFactoryRegistry::createWriter(const std::string& typeName)const; class ossimImageWriterFactoryRegistry : public ossimObjectFactory { public: static ossimImageWriterFactoryRegistry* instance(); ossimImageFileWriter *createWriterFromExtension(const ossimString& fileExtension)const; ossimImageFileWriter *createWriter(const ossimKeywordlist &kwl, const char *prefix=0)const; ossimImageFileWriter* createWriter(const ossimString& typeName)const; /** * getTypeNameList. This should return the class type of the object being * used to perform the writting. */ virtual void getTypeNameList(std::vector& typeList)const; /** * getImageTypeList. This is the actual image type name. So for * example, ossimTiffWriter has several image types. Some of these * include TIFF_TILED, TIFF_TILED_BAND_SEPARATE ... etc. * The ossimGdalWriter * may include GDAL_IMAGINE_HFA, GDAL_RGB_NITF, GDAL_JPEG20000, ... etc * A writer should be able to be instantiated by this name as well as a * class name */ virtual void getImageTypeList(std::vector& imageTypeList)const; protected: ossimImageWriterFactoryRegistry(); ossimImageWriterFactoryRegistry(const ossimImageWriterFactoryRegistry&); void operator=(const ossimImageWriterFactoryRegistry&); }; %extend ossimImageWriterFactoryRegistry { public: ossimImageFileWriter* createWriterFromFilename(const std::string& file) { ossimFilename temp(file); ossimImageFileWriter* result = self->createWriterFromExtension(temp.ext()); if(result) { result->setFilename(ossimFilename(file)); } return result; } ossimImageFileWriter* createWriter(const std::string& typeName)const { return ossimImageWriterFactoryRegistry::instance()->createWriter(ossimString(typeName)); } } %feature("notabstract") ossimMemoryImageSource; class OSSIM_DLL ossimMemoryImageSource : public ossimImageSource { public: ossimMemoryImageSource(); void setImage(ossimRefPtr image); void setImage(ossimScalarType scalarType, ossim_uint32 numberOfBands, ossim_uint32 width, ossim_uint32 height); void setRect(ossim_uint32 ulx, ossim_uint32 uly, ossim_uint32 width, ossim_uint32 height); }; /******************************************* PROJECTION INTERFACES ************************************************/ %newobject ossimProjection::dup()const; class ossimProjection : public ossimObject { public: virtual ~ossimProjection() {} virtual ossimObject *dup()const=0; /*! * METHOD: origin() * Returns projection's ground point origin. That is the GP corresponding * to line=0, sample=0. */ virtual ossimGpt origin()const=0; /*! * METHODS: forward(), reverse() * OBSOLETE -- provided for existing GUI code only. Bogus return value. */ virtual ossimDpt forward(const ossimGpt &wp) const; //inline below virtual ossimGpt inverse(const ossimDpt &pp) const; //inline below /*! * METHOD: worldToLineSample() * Performs the forward projection from ground point to line, sample. */ virtual void worldToLineSample(const ossimGpt& worldPoint, ossimDpt& lineSampPt) const = 0; /*! * METHOD: lineSampleToWorld() * Performs the inverse projection from line, sample to ground (world): */ virtual void lineSampleToWorld(const ossimDpt& lineSampPt, ossimGpt& worldPt) const = 0; /*! * METHOD: lineSampleHeightToWorld * This is the pure virtual that projects the image point to the given * elevation above ellipsoid, thereby bypassing reference to a DEM. Useful * for projections that are sensitive to elevation (such as sensor models). */ virtual void lineSampleHeightToWorld(const ossimDpt& lineSampPt, const double& heightAboveEllipsoid, ossimGpt& worldPt) const = 0; virtual void getRoundTripError(const ossimDpt& imagePoint, ossimDpt& errorResult)const; virtual void getRoundTripError(const ossimGpt& groundPoint, ossimDpt& errorResult)const; virtual void getGroundClipPoints(ossimGeoPolygon& gpts)const; /*! * METHODS: saveState, loadState * Fulfills ossimObject base-class pure virtuals. */ virtual bool saveState(ossimKeywordlist& kwl, const char* prefix=0)const; virtual bool loadState(const ossimKeywordlist& kwl, const char* prefix=0); /*! * ACCESS METHODS: */ virtual ossimDpt getMetersPerPixel() const=0; /** * @brief Pure virtual method to query if projection is affected by * elevation. * @return true if affected, false if not. */ virtual bool isAffectedByElevation() const=0; protected: ossimProjection(); }; %template( ossimProjectionRefPtr ) ossimRefPtr; %template( ossimImageGeometryPtr ) ossimRefPtr; %extend ossimProjection { public: bool changeOrigin(const ossimGpt& origin, bool adjustTiePointsToOriginFlag=true) { bool result = false; ossimMapProjection* mapProj = dynamic_cast(self); if(mapProj) { mapProj->setOrigin(origin); if(adjustTiePointsToOriginFlag) { mapProj->setUlTiePoints(origin); } result = true; } return result; } bool changeGsd(const double& gsd, const ossimUnitType& unitType) { bool result = false; ossimMapProjection* mapProj = dynamic_cast(self); if(mapProj) { ossimUnitConversionTool tool(gsd, unitType); ossimDpt mpp(tool.getMeters(), tool.getMeters()); mapProj->setMetersPerPixel(mpp); result = true; } return result; } }; %newobject ossimImageGeometry::dup()const; class ossimImageGeometry : public ossimObject { public: //! Default constructor defaults to unity transform with no projection. ossimImageGeometry(); ~ossimImageGeometry(); //! Constructs with projection and transform objects available for referencing. Either pointer //! can be NULL -- the associated mapping would be identity. ossimImageGeometry(ossim2dTo2dTransform* transform, ossimProjection* projection); //! rnToRn is a utility method that takes a rn resolution image point and maps it to the another //! rn resolution image point. //! //! @param inRnPt Is a point in resolution n. //! @param inResolutionLevel Is the resolution of the point inRnPt. //! @param outResolutionLevel Is the resolution of the point outRnPt. //! @param outRnPt Is the result of the transform. //! void rnToRn(const ossimDpt& inRnPt, ossim_uint32 inResolutionLevel, ossim_uint32 outResolutionLevel,ossimDpt& outRnPt) const; //! rnToFull is a utility method that takes a rn resolution image point and maps it to the full //! image point. //! //! @param rnPt Is a point in resolution n. //! @param resolutionLevel Is the resolution of the point rnPt. a value of 0 is the local image //! @param fullPt Is the result of the transform //! void rnToFull(const ossimDpt& rnPt, ossim_uint32 resolutionLevel, ossimDpt& fullPt) const; //! rnToWorld is a utility method that takes a rn resolution image point and maps it to the //! world point. //! //! @param rnPt Is a point in resolution n. //! @param resolutionLevel Is the resolution of the point rnPt. a value of 0 is the local image //! @param wpt Is the result of the transform //! void rnToWorld(const ossimDpt& rnPt, ossim_uint32 resolutionLevel, ossimGpt& wpt); //! worldToRn is a utility method that takes a world point allows one to transform all the way back to //! an rn point. //! //! @param wpt Ground point. //! @param resolutionLevel Is the resolution of the point rnPt. a value of 0 is the local image //! @param rnPt Is the resoltion point. //! void worldToRn(const ossimGpt& wpt, ossim_uint32 resolutionLevel, ossimDpt& rnPt); //! Exposes the 3D projection from image to world coordinates. The caller should verify that //! a valid projection exists before calling this method. Returns TRUE if a valid ground point //! is available in the ground_pt argument. This method depends on the existence of elevation //! information. If no DEM is available, the results will be incorrect or inaccurate. bool localToWorld(const ossimDpt& local_pt, ossimGpt& world_pt) const; //! Exposes the 3D world-to-local image coordinate reverse projection. The caller should verify //! that a valid projection exists before calling this method. Returns TRUE if a valid image //! point is available in the local_pt argument. bool worldToLocal(const ossimGpt& world_pt, ossimDpt& local_pt) const; //! Sets the transform to be used for local-to-full-image coordinate transformation void setTransform(ossim2dTo2dTransform* transform); //! Sets the projection to be used for local-to-world coordinate transformation void setProjection(ossimProjection* projection); //! Access methods for transform (may be NULL pointer). const ossim2dTo2dTransform* getTransform() const; //ossim2dTo2dTransform* getTransform(); //! Access methods for projection (may be NULL pointer). const ossimProjection* getProjection() const ; //ossimProjection* getProjection(); //! Returns TRUE if valid projection defined bool hasProjection() const; //! Returns TRUE if valid transform defined bool hasTransform() const; //! Returns TRUE if this geometry is sensitive to elevation bool isAffectedByElevation() const; //! Returns the GSD associated with this image in the active projection. Note that this only //! makes sense if there is a projection associated with the image. Returns NaNs if no //! projection defined. ossimDpt getMetersPerPixel() const; //! Prints contents to output stream. std::ostream& print(std::ostream& out) const; //! Returns the decimation factor from R0 for the resolution level specified. For r_index=0, the //! decimation factor is by definition 1.0. For the non-discrete case, r_index=1 returns a //! decimation of 0.5. If the vector of discrete decimation factors (m_decimationFactors) is //! empty, the factor will be computed as f=1/2^n ossimDpt decimationFactor(ossim_uint32 r_index) const; /** * @brief Method to get the decimation factor for a given resolution * level. * * If the array of decimations is not initialized by owner, the default is: * r_index=0 is by definition 1.0. * r_index=n Where n is some level the factor will be computed as f=1/2^n. * * @param resLevel Reduced resolution set for requested decimation. * * @param result ossimDpt to initialize with requested decimation. */ void decimationFactor(ossim_uint32 r_index, ossimDpt& result) const; /** * @brief Gets array of all decimation levels. * @param decimations Array to initialiaze. */ void decimationFactors(std::vector& decimations) const; //! Sets the decimation scheme to a discrete list of decimation factors. void setDiscreteDecimation(const std::vector& decimation_list) { m_decimationFactors = decimation_list; } //! @return The number of decimation factors ossim_uint32 getNumberOfDecimations()const; //! Creates a new instance of ossimImageGeometry with the same transform and projection. //! Overrides base-class version requiring loadState() and saveState() (not implemented yet) virtual ossimObject* dup() const; //! Attempts to initialize a transform and a projection given the KWL. Returns TRUE if no //! error encountered. virtual bool loadState(const ossimKeywordlist& kwl, const char* prefix=0); //! Saves the transform (if any) and projection (if any) states to the KWL. virtual bool saveState(ossimKeywordlist& kwl, const char* prefix=0) const; }; %newobject ossimProjectionFactoryRegistry::createProjection(const ossimFilename& filename, ossim_uint32 entryIdx)const; %newobject ossimProjectionFactoryRegistry::createProjection(const ossimString& name)const; %newobject ossimProjectionFactoryRegistry::createProjection(const ossimKeywordlist& kwl, const char* prefix=0)const; class ossimProjectionFactoryRegistry : public ossimObjectFactory { public: static ossimProjectionFactoryRegistry* instance(); ossimProjection* createProjection(const ossimFilename& filename, ossim_uint32 entryIdx)const; ossimProjection* createProjection(const ossimString& name)const; ossimProjection* createProjection(const ossimKeywordlist& kwl, const char* prefix=0)const; protected: ossimProjectionFactoryRegistry(); }; class ossimImageViewTransform { public: virtual bool isIdentity()const=0; virtual void imageToView(const ossimDpt& imagePoint, ossimDpt& viewPoint)const; virtual void viewToImage(const ossimDpt& viewPoint, ossimDpt& imagePoint)const; ossimDpt imageToView(const ossimDpt& imagePoint)const; ossimDpt viewToImage(const ossimDpt& viewPoint)const; }; class ossimColumnVector3d { public: ossimColumnVector3d(double x, double y, double z=0); }; class ossimPointObservation { public: ossimPointObservation(); ossimPointObservation(const ossimString& anID); ossimPointObservation(const ossimGpt& aPt, const ossimString& anID, const ossimColumnVector3d& latLonHgtSigmas); void reset(); void addMeasurement(const double& x, const double& y, const std::string& imgFile, const ossimDpt& measSigma = ossimDpt(1.0,1.0)); void addMeasurement(const ossimDpt& meas, const ossimFilename& imgFile, const ossimDpt& measSigma = ossimDpt(1.0,1.0)); ossimDpt getMeasurement(const int index); void setGroundPoint(const ossimGpt& mPt); void setGroundPoint(const double& lat, const double& lon, const double& hgt); void setGroundSigmas(const double& latSig, const double& lonSig, const double& hgtSig); void setID(const std::string& anID); }; class ossimImageViewAffineTransform : public ossimImageViewTransform { public: ossimImageViewAffineTransform(double rotateDegrees = 0, double scaleXValue = 1, double scaleYValue = 1, double translateXValue = 0, double translateYValue = 0, double pivotXValue = 0, double pivotYValue = 0); virtual bool isIdentity()const; virtual bool isValid()const; /*! * Translate in the x and y direction. */ virtual void translate(double deltaX, double deltaY); /*! * Translate in the x direction. */ virtual void translateX(double deltaX); /*! * Translate in the Y direction. */ virtual void translateY(double deltaY); /*! * Translate the origin for rotation in the x and y direction. */ virtual void pivot(double originX, double originY); /*! * Translate the origin for rotation in the x direction. */ virtual void pivotX(double originX); /*! * Translate the origin for rotation in the y direction. */ virtual void pivotY(double originY); /*! * will allow you to specify a scale * for both the x and y direction. */ virtual void scale(double x, double y); /*! * will alow you to specify a scale * along the X direction. */ virtual void scaleX(double x); /*! * Will allow you to scale along the Y * direction. */ virtual void scaleY(double y); /*! * Will apply a rotation */ virtual void rotate(double degrees); }; namespace std { %template(StringVector) vector; %template(UintVector) vector; %template(ossimGptVector) vector; %template(ossimStringVector) vector; %template(ossimDptVector) vector; %template(ossimKeywordlistVector) vector; %template(ossimPropertyRefPtrVector) vector >; %template(ossimConnectableObjectVector) vector >; } // Used for java class generation. // %ignore oms::ImageData::ImageData(void* imageData=0); %ignore oms::ImageData::getOssimImageData() const; %ignore oms::ImageData::setOssimImageData(void *); %ignore oms::ImageData::getBandBuffer(int) const; %ignore oms::Source::getNativePointer()const; %ignore oms::Projection::getNativePointer()const; %ignore oms::ImageData::copyOssimImageDataBandToBuffer(ossim_uint8*, int); // definition for data info return by reference %apply int *OUTPUT { int *w, int *h }; %include %include %include %include %include %include %include %include %include %include %include %include %include %include %include %include %include %include %include %include %include //--- // Begin std::map // Used by oms::Chipper::initialize that takes a std::map // Must be before: %include //--- %typemap(jstype) std::map& "java.util.Map" %typemap(javain,pre=" MapType temp$javainput = $javaclassname.convertMap($javainput);",pgcppname="temp$javainput") std::map& "$javaclassname.getCPtr(temp$javainput)" %typemap(javacode) std::map %{ static $javaclassname convertMap(java.util.Map in) { $javaclassname out = new $javaclassname(); for (java.util.Map.Entry entry : in.entrySet()) { out.set(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } return out; } %} %template(MapType) std::map; // End: std::map %include %newobject oms::Util::newEightBitImageSpaceThumbnailChain(ossimImageSource* inputSource, int xRes, int yRes, const std::string& histogramFile, const std::string& stretchType); %include %include /* %typemap(javaimports) InputStream %{ import java.io.InputStream; %} %typemap(javabase) InputStream "InputStream"; %javaexception ( "java.io.IOException" ) close { try { $action } catch ( ... ) { jclass clazz = jenv->FindClass( "java/io/IOException" ); jenv->ThrowNew( clazz, "An I/O Exception has occurred" ); return $null; } } %javaexception ( "java.io.IOException" ) read { try { $action } catch ( ... ) { jclass clazz = jenv->FindClass( "java/io/IOException" ); jenv->ThrowNew( clazz, "An I/O Exception has occurred" ); return $null; } } */ //%include /* class InputStream { public: InputStream(); int read(); void close(); }; */ %pragma(java) jniclasscode=%{ static { try { System.loadLibrary("joms"); } catch (UnsatisfiedLinkError e) { System.err.println("Native code library failed to load. \n" + e); //System.exit(1); } } %} //%include //%include "RasterEngine.h"