This application allows one to construct a mosaic from an input file list. The mosaic application can take a keywordlist or specifiy all the input files on the command line: Below you will see an example of a keyword list and without a keyword list. I. USING THE KEYWORD LIST TO GENERATE A MOSAIC EXAMPLE KEYWORDLIST START: file1.filename: /data/aa4/drb/ossim_regression_test/emerge/utm_geotiff/17184_20001208_tile1.tif file2.filename: /data/aa4/drb/ossim_regression_test/emerge/utm_geotiff/17184_20001208_tile2.tif file3.filename: /data/aa4/drb/ossim_regression_test/emerge/utm_geotiff/17184_20001208_tile3.tif // : // : // fileN: // currently this option has been tested // with ossimTiffWriter and ossimJpegWriter // writer.type: ossimTiffWriter // writer.filename: // Currently, the mosaic application supports // SIMPLE mosaics (ie. no blending algorithms) // FEATHER mosaic or // BLEND mosaic.type: SIMPLE // product type and projection information // is optional. It will use the first images // geometry information instead. // the type is the class name. Go into the projections/map_projections directory // product.type: // product.meters_per_pixel_y: // product.meters_per_pixel_x: // product.central_meridian: // product.origin_latitude: // // product.std_parallel_1: // product.std_parallel_2: // product.scale_factor: // product.false_easting: // product.false_northing: EXAMPLE KEYWORDLIST END then execute: mosaic -k -o Note: the is an filename with the above options the is the output file the mosaic is written to. Note: I only support geotiff write now. II. USING NO KEYWORDLIST TO GENERATE A MOSAIC EXAMPLE OF MOSAICING COMMAND LINE WITHOUT KEYWORDLIST mosaic -m -o -i .... Note: 1. can be 1) SIMPLE, 2) BLEND, 3) FEATHER 2. the list of files you wish to mosaic must be last. Notice you don't have the ability to change projections like you did with the keyword list. The default output projection is the first image in the list that is a map projection. III TIPS AND TRICKS 1) How can I use mosaic application to quickly mosaic a number of images in a given directory without hand typing the images in. Under unix based systems we can capture the output of one program and feed it as input into another: Go to the directory that has all the images you wish to mosaic and then issue the following: mosaic -o ./output.tif -i `ls *.tif` this will feed all images with a .tif extnesion into the mosaic app and output a geotif file called output.tif. 2) What if the files are in separate directories mosaic -o ./output.tif -i `find . -name "*.tif"` will scan all subdirectories and feed the output as input to the mosaic application.