QgsInterpolationDialogBase 0 0 538 733 0 0 Interpolation plugin 0 0 Input Vector layers: 0 0 Interpolation attribute: mInterpolationAttributeComboBox 0 0 Use z-Coordinate for interpolation Add Remove Vector layer Attribute Type 0 0 Output Interpolation method mInterpolationMethodComboBox ... :/options.png:/options.png Number of columns mNumberOfColumnsSpinBox 10000000 Number of rows mNumberOfRowsSpinBox 10000000 Cellsize X: 999999.000000000000000 Cellsize Y: 999999.000000000000000 X Min: X Max: Y Min: Y Max: Qt::Horizontal 298 20 Set to current extent Output file mOutputFileLineEdit ... Qt::Horizontal QDialogButtonBox::Cancel|QDialogButtonBox::Ok mInterpolationMethodComboBox mConfigureInterpolationButton mNumberOfColumnsSpinBox mNumberOfRowsSpinBox mOutputFileLineEdit mOutputFileButton buttonBox buttonBox accepted() QgsInterpolationDialogBase accept() 257 362 157 274 buttonBox rejected() QgsInterpolationDialogBase reject() 325 362 286 274