QgsFieldCalculatorBase 0 0 624 686 Field calculator Update existing field Only update selected features New field Output field name mOutputFieldNameLineEdit Output field type mOutputFieldTypeComboBox Output field width mOuputFieldWidthSpinBox Output field precision mOutputFieldPrecisionSpinBox Fields Values Sample All Operators + * sqrt sin tan acos ( - / ^ cos asin atan ) to real to int to string length area rownum || Field calculator expression mExpressionTextEdit Qt::Horizontal QDialogButtonBox::Cancel|QDialogButtonBox::Ok mUpdateExistingFieldCheckBox mExistingFieldComboBox mOnlyUpdateSelectedCheckBox mOutputFieldNameLineEdit mOutputFieldTypeComboBox mOuputFieldWidthSpinBox mOutputFieldPrecisionSpinBox mFieldsListWidget mValueListWidget mSamplePushButton mAllPushButton mPlusPushButton mMultiplyPushButton mSqrtButton mSinButton mTanButton mACosButton mOpenBracketPushButton mMinusPushButton mDividePushButton mExpButton mCosButton mASinButton mATanButton mCloseBracketPushButton mToRealButton mToIntButton mToStringButton mLengthButton mAreaButton mRowNumButton mExpressionTextEdit mButtonBox mButtonBox accepted() QgsFieldCalculatorBase accept() 321 676 157 274 mButtonBox rejected() QgsFieldCalculatorBase reject() 321 676 286 274