# File generated by kdevelop's qmake manager. # ------------------------------------------- # Subdir relative project main directory: ./src # Target is an application: qgis system ( echo "Creating Makefile...") include(platform.pro) SOURCES += main.cpp \ qgisapp.cpp \ qgisinterface.cpp \ qgsdatasource.cpp \ qgsmapcanvas.cpp \ qgsmaplayer.cpp \ qgsrasterlayer.cpp \ qgsshapefilelayer.cpp \ qgsrect.cpp \ qgspoint.cpp \ qgscoordinatetransform.cpp \ qgslegend.cpp \ qgslegenditem.cpp \ qgssymbol.cpp \ qgsmarkersymbol.cpp \ qgslinesymbol.cpp \ qgspolygonsymbol.cpp \ qgslayerproperties.cpp \ qgsidentifyresults.cpp \ qgsattributetable.cpp \ qgsattributetabledisplay.cpp \ qgsrenderer.cpp \ qgsrenderitem.cpp \ qgsprojectio.cpp \ qgisiface.cpp \ qgspluginmanager.cpp \ qgspluginitem.cpp HEADERS += qgisapp.h \ qgisinterface.h \ qgisappbase.ui.h \ qgsattributetablebase.ui.h \ qgsdatasource.h \ qgsmapcanvas.h \ qgsmaplayer.h \ qgsrasterlayer.h \ qgsshapefilelayer.h \ qgstable.h \ qgsrect.h \ qgspoint.h \ qgscoordinatetransform.h \ qgssymbol.h \ qgsmarkersymbol.h \ qgslinesymbol.h \ qgspolygonsymbol.h \ qgslegend.h \ qgslegenditem.h \ qgslayerproperties.h \ qgsidentifyresults.h \ qgsattributetable.h \ qgsattributetabledisplay.h \ qgsrenderer.h \ qgsrenderitem.h \ qgsprojectio.h \ qgisiface.h \ qgspluginmanager.h \ qgspluginitem.h \ qgsmaplayerinterface.h FORMS += qgisappbase.ui \ qgslegenditembase.ui \ qgsabout.ui \ qgslayerpropertiesbase.ui \ qgsidentifyresultsbase.ui \ qgsattributetablebase.ui \ qgspluginmanagerbase.ui \ qgsmessageviewer.ui TEMPLATE = app CONFIG += debug \ warn_on \ qt \ thread TARGET = qgis # GDAL/OGR system ( echo " Adding GDAL support" ) QMAKE_CFLAGS += $$GDAL_CFLAGS #message("Adding $$GDAL_CFLAGS to includes") INCLUDEPATH += $$GDAL_CFLAGS LIBS += $$GDAL_LIB # Postgres isEmpty( HAVE_PG ) { system ( echo " Skipping PostgreSQL support" ) } else { system( echo " Adding PostgreSQL support" ) LIBS += $$PG_LIB INCLUDEPATH += $$PG_INC DEFINES += POSTGRESQL HAVE_NAMESPACE_STD HAVE_CXX_STRING_HEADER DLLIMPORT="" SOURCES += qgsdatabaselayer.cpp \ qgsdbsourceselect.cpp \ qgsnewconnection.cpp HEADERS += qgsdbsourceselectbase.ui.h \ qgsdatabaselayer.h \ qgsdbsourceselect.h \ qgsnewconnection.h FORMS += qgsdbsourceselectbase.ui \ qgsnewconnectionbase.ui } # GRASS isEmpty( HAVE_GRASS ) { system ( echo " Skipping GRASS support" ) } else { system ( echo " Adding GRASS support" ) LIBS += $$GRASS_LIB INCLUDEPATH += $$GRASS_INC DEFINES += HAVE_GRASS SOURCES += qgsgrassvectorlayer.cpp \ qgsgrassselect.cpp \ qgsgrassrasterlayer.cpp \ qgsgrassrastermultilayer.cpp HEADERS += qgsgrassvectorlayer.h \ qgsgrassselect.h \ qgsgrassrasterlayer.h \ qgsgrassrastermultilayer.h FORMS += qgsgrassselectbase.ui } LANGUAGE = C++ system ( echo "Configuration complete - run make to build QGIS")