# Standard includes and utils to compile into all tests. SET (util_SRCS ../core/qgsrenderchecker.cpp) ##################################################### # Don't forget to include output directory, otherwise # the UI file won't be wrapped! INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../core #for render checker class ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../../../src/gui ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../../../src/core ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../../../src/core/raster ${QT_INCLUDE_DIR} ${GDAL_INCLUDE_DIR} ${PROJ_INCLUDE_DIR} ${GEOS_INCLUDE_DIR} ) ############################################################# # Compiler defines # expect that classes are being IMPORTED for the tests IF (WIN32) # expect that classes are being imported # Note: MSVC doesn't like when the macros are quotes # and MSYS doesn't like them unqouted (bacause of braces) IF (MSVC) ADD_DEFINITIONS("-DCORE_EXPORT=__declspec(dllimport)") #ADD_DEFINITIONS("-DPLUGIN_EXPORT=__declspec(dllimport)") #next needed for qgis gui includes ADD_DEFINITIONS("-DGUI_EXPORT=__declspec(dllimport)") ELSE (MSVC) ADD_DEFINITIONS("-UCORE_EXPORT \"-DCORE_EXPORT=__declspec(dllimport)\"") #ADD_DEFINITIONS("\"-DPLUGIN_EXPORT=__declspec(dllimport)\"") #next needed for qgis gui includes ADD_DEFINITIONS("-UGUI_EXPORT \"-DGUI_EXPORT=__declspec(dllimport)\"") ENDIF (MSVC) ENDIF (WIN32) # This define is used for tests that need to locate the test # data under tests/testdata in the qgis source tree. # the TEST_DATA_DIR variable is set in the top level CMakeLists.txt ADD_DEFINITIONS(-DTEST_DATA_DIR="\\"${TEST_DATA_DIR}\\"") ADD_DEFINITIONS(-DINSTALL_PREFIX="\\"${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}\\"") ############################################################# # libraries # because of htonl IF (WIN32) SET(PLATFORM_LIBRARIES wsock32) ENDIF (WIN32) # Since the tests are not actually installed, but rather # run directly from the build/src/tests dir we need to # ensure the omg libs can be found. IF (APPLE) # For Mac OS X, the executable must be at the root of the bundle's executable folder SET (CMAKE_INSTALL_NAME_DIR @executable_path/../../../src/gui) ENDIF (APPLE) #note for tests we should not include the moc of our #qtests in the executable file list as the moc is #directly included in the sources #and should not be compiled twice. Trying to include #them in will cause an error at build time ############################################################# # Tests: # # QgsQuickPrint test # SET(qgis_quickprinttest_SRCS testqgsquickprint.cpp ${util_SRCS}) SET(qgis_quickprinttest_MOC_CPPS testqgsquickprint.cpp) QT4_WRAP_CPP(qgis_quickprinttest_MOC_SRCS ${qgis_quickprinttest_MOC_CPPS}) ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET(qgis_quickprinttestmoc ALL DEPENDS ${qgis_quickprinttest_MOC_SRCS}) ADD_EXECUTABLE(qgis_quickprinttest ${qgis_quickprinttest_SRCS}) ADD_DEPENDENCIES(qgis_quickprinttest qgis_quickprinttestmoc) TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(qgis_quickprinttest ${QT_LIBRARIES} qgis_core qgis_gui) SET_TARGET_PROPERTIES(qgis_quickprinttest PROPERTIES INSTALL_RPATH ${QGIS_LIB_DIR} INSTALL_RPATH_USE_LINK_PATH true) IF (APPLE) # For Mac OS X, the executable must be at the root of the bundle's executable folder INSTALL(TARGETS qgis_quickprinttest RUNTIME DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}) ADD_TEST(qgis_quickprinttest ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/qgis_quickprinttest) ELSE (APPLE) INSTALL(TARGETS qgis_quickprinttest RUNTIME DESTINATION ${QGIS_BIN_DIR}) ADD_TEST(qgis_quickprinttest ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/bin/qgis_quickprinttest) ENDIF (APPLE)