/**This class contains the information for graduate symbol rendering*/ class QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer : QgsRenderer { %TypeHeaderCode #include %End public: QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer(QGis::VectorType type); QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer(const QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer& other); virtual ~QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer(); /**Adds a new item \param sy a pointer to the QgsSymbol to be inserted. It has to be created using the new operator and is automatically destroyed when 'removeItems' is called or when this object is destroyed*/ void addSymbol(QgsSymbol* sy /Transfer/); /**Returns the number of the classification field*/ int classificationField() const; /**Removes all symbols*/ void removeSymbols(); /** Determines if a feature will be rendered or not @param f a pointer to the feature to determine if rendering will happen*/ bool willRenderFeature(QgsFeature *f); /**Renders an OGRFeature \param p a painter (usually the one from the current map canvas) \param f a pointer to a feature to render \param t the transform object containing the information how to transform the map coordinates to screen coordinates*/ void renderFeature(QPainter* p, QgsFeature& f, QImage* img, bool selected, double widthScale = 1.0, double rasterScaleFactor = 1.0); /**Sets the number of the classicifation field \param field the number of the field to classify*/ void setClassificationField(int field); /**Reads the renderer configuration from an XML file @param rnode the DOM node to read @param vl the vector layer which will be associated with the renderer*/ virtual void readXML(const QDomNode& rnode, QgsVectorLayer& vl); /**Writes the contents of the renderer to a configuration file @ return true in case of success*/ virtual bool writeXML( QDomNode & layer_node, QDomDocument & document ) const; /** Returns true*/ bool needsAttributes() const; /**Returns a list with the index to the classification field*/ QList classificationAttributes() const; /**Returns the renderers name*/ QString name() const; /**Returns the symbols of the items*/ const QList symbols() const; /**Returns a copy of the renderer (a deep copy on the heap)*/ QgsRenderer* clone() const /Factory/; };