SET(CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_MAJOR "1") SET(CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_MINOR "6") SET(CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_PATCH "0") SET(COMPLETE_VERSION ${CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_MAJOR}.${CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_MINOR}.${CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_PATCH}) SET(RELEASE_NAME "Trunk") SET(PROJECT_VERSION ${COMPLETE_VERSION}) PROJECT(qgis${PROJECT_VERSION}) # Note the version no is Mmmpp for Major/minor/patch, 0-padded, thus '10100' for 1.1.0 MATH(EXPR QGIS_VERSION_INT "${CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_MAJOR}*10000+${CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_MINOR}*100+${CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_PATCH}") MESSAGE(STATUS "Quantum GIS version: ${COMPLETE_VERSION} ${RELEASE_NAME} (${QGIS_VERSION_INT})") # TODO: # - install includes for libs # - nice output when configured # - rename *.ui files to have the same filename as their implementation # e.g. instead of blahblahbase.ui use blahblah.ui # because it's more common in Qt4 # Note on last point above by Tim Sutton - I prefer to have the base suffix # as it indicates the ui generated class will be a base class for the widget. ############################################################# # CMake settings # 2.6 required for QtWebkit CMAKE_MINIMUM_REQUIRED(VERSION 2.6) SET(CMAKE_COLOR_MAKEFILE ON) # set path to additional CMake modules SET(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH}) # in generated makefiles use relative paths so the project dir is moveable # Note commented out since it cause problems but it would be nice to resolve these and enable # # issue is caused by INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}) near the end of this file generating incorrect path #SET (CMAKE_USE_RELATIVE_PATHS ON) # it's possible to set PLUGINS_ALSO_BINARIES to TRUE # then some plugins that can run as standalone apps will be built # also as standalone apps SET (PLUGINS_ALSO_BINARIES FALSE) # try to configure and build GRASS plugin by default SET (WITH_GRASS TRUE CACHE BOOL "Determines whether GRASS plugin should be built") IF (WITH_GRASS) FIND_PACKAGE(GRASS) SET (GRASS_PREFIX ${GRASS_PREFIX} CACHE PATH "Path to GRASS base directory") ENDIF (WITH_GRASS) # try to configure and build POSTGRESQL support SET (WITH_POSTGRESQL TRUE CACHE BOOL "Determines whether POSTGRESQL support should be built") IF (WITH_POSTGRESQL) SET (POSTGRESQL_PREFIX "" CACHE PATH "Path to POSTGRESQL base directory") ENDIF (WITH_POSTGRESQL) SET (WITH_QWT TRUE CACHE BOOL "Determines whether QWT support should be included (currently used for GPS widget)") SET (WITH_SPATIALITE TRUE CACHE BOOL "Determines whether SPATIALITE support should be built") IF (WITH_SPATIALITE) SET (WITH_INTERNAL_SPATIALITE TRUE CACHE BOOL "Determines whether SPATIALITE support should be built internally") IF(WITH_INTERNAL_SPATIALITE) SET(SPATIALITE_INCLUDE_DIR ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/src/core/spatialite/headers) SET(HAVE_SPATIALITE TRUE) IF(WIN32 OR APPLE) FIND_PACKAGE(Iconv REQUIRED) ENDIF(WIN32 OR APPLE) ENDIF (WITH_INTERNAL_SPATIALITE) ENDIF (WITH_SPATIALITE) # try to configure and build python bindings by default SET (WITH_BINDINGS TRUE CACHE BOOL "Determines whether python bindings should be built") IF (WITH_BINDINGS) # By default bindings will be installed only to QGIS directory # Someone might want to install it to python site-packages directory # as otherwise user has to use PYTHONPATH environemnt variable to add # QGIS bindings to package search path SET (BINDINGS_GLOBAL_INSTALL FALSE CACHE BOOL "Install bindings to global python directory? (might need root)") ENDIF (WITH_BINDINGS) # Compile flag. Make it possible to turn it off. SET (PEDANTIC FALSE CACHE BOOL "Determines if we should compile in pedantic mode.") # whether unit tests should be build SET (ENABLE_TESTS FALSE CACHE BOOL "Build unit tests?") # hide this variable because building of python bindings might fail # if set to other directory than expected MARK_AS_ADVANCED(LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH) ############################################################# # check if lexer and parser are not missing # INCLUDE(Flex) FIND_FLEX() IF (NOT FLEX_EXECUTABLE) MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "Couldn't find Flex") ENDIF (NOT FLEX_EXECUTABLE) INCLUDE(Bison) FIND_BISON() IF (NOT BISON_EXECUTABLE) MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "Couldn't find Bison") ENDIF (NOT BISON_EXECUTABLE) ############################################################# # search for dependencies IF(NOT WIN32) INCLUDE(CheckFunctionExists) CHECK_FUNCTION_EXISTS(openpty OPENPTY_IN_LIBC) IF(NOT OPENPTY_IN_LIBC) SET(CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES util.h) SET(CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES util) CHECK_FUNCTION_EXISTS(openpty NEED_LIBUTIL) IF(NEED_LIBUTIL) SET(OPENPTY_LIBRARY util) ELSE(NEED_LIBUTIL) MESSAGE (SEND_ERROR "openpty not found!") ENDIF(NEED_LIBUTIL) ENDIF(NOT OPENPTY_IN_LIBC) ENDIF(NOT WIN32) # required FIND_PACKAGE(Proj) FIND_PACKAGE(Expat) # GPS importer plugin FIND_PACKAGE(GSL) # Georeferencer FIND_PACKAGE(GEOS) FIND_PACKAGE(GDAL) IF (NOT WITH_INTERNAL_SPATIALITE) FIND_PACKAGE(Sqlite3) IF (NOT SQLITE3_FOUND) MESSAGE (SEND_ERROR "sqlite3 dependency was not found (try compiling with internal spatialite)!") ENDIF (NOT SQLITE3_FOUND) ENDIF (NOT WITH_INTERNAL_SPATIALITE) # optional IF (WITH_POSTGRESQL) FIND_PACKAGE(Postgres) # PostgreSQL provider, SPIT plugin ENDIF (WITH_POSTGRESQL) IF (WITH_QWT) FIND_PACKAGE(QWT) ENDIF(WITH_QWT) IF (WITH_SPATIALITE AND NOT WITH_INTERNAL_SPATIALITE) FIND_PACKAGE(SPATIALITE) ENDIF (WITH_SPATIALITE AND NOT WITH_INTERNAL_SPATIALITE) IF (NOT PROJ_FOUND OR NOT GEOS_FOUND OR NOT GDAL_FOUND) MESSAGE (SEND_ERROR "Some dependencies were not found!") ENDIF (NOT PROJ_FOUND OR NOT GEOS_FOUND OR NOT GDAL_FOUND) IF (POSTGRES_FOUND) # following variable is used in qgsconfig.h SET (HAVE_POSTGRESQL TRUE) ENDIF (POSTGRES_FOUND) IF (SPATIALITE_FOUND) # following variable is used in qgsconfig.h SET (HAVE_SPATIALITE TRUE) ENDIF (SPATIALITE_FOUND) ############################################################# # search for Qt4 SET(QT_MIN_VERSION 4.4.0) FIND_PACKAGE(Qt4 ${QT_MIN_VERSION} REQUIRED) SET(QT_USE_QTXML 1) SET(QT_USE_QTNETWORK 1) SET(QT_USE_QTSVG 1) SET(QT_USE_QTSQL 1) SET(QT_USE_QTWEBKIT 1) IF (NOT QT_QTXML_FOUND OR NOT QT_QTNETWORK_FOUND OR NOT QT_QTSVG_FOUND OR NOT QT_QTSQL_FOUND OR NOT QT_QTWEBKIT_FOUND) MESSAGE(SEND_ERROR "Some Qt4 modules haven't been found!") ENDIF () IF (ENABLE_TESTS) SET( QT_USE_QTTEST TRUE ) ENABLE_TESTING() ENDIF (ENABLE_TESTS) INCLUDE( ${QT_USE_FILE} ) # Disable automatic conversion from QString to ASCII 8-bit strings (char *) # (Keeps code compatible with Qt/Mac/64bit) ADD_DEFINITIONS(-DQT_NO_CAST_TO_ASCII) FIND_PROGRAM(QT_LRELEASE_EXECUTABLE NAMES lrelease PATHS ${QT_BINARY_DIR} NO_DEFAULT_PATH ) ############################################################# # enable warnings IF (PEDANTIC) MESSAGE (STATUS "Pedantic compiler settings enabled") IF(MSVC) ADD_DEFINITIONS( /W4 ) # disable warnings ADD_DEFINITIONS( /wd4100 ) # unused formal parameters ADD_DEFINITIONS( /wd4127 ) # constant conditional expressions (used in Qt template classes) ADD_DEFINITIONS( /wd4510 ) # default constructor could not be generated (sqlite3_index_info, QMap) ADD_DEFINITIONS( /wd4512 ) # assignment operator could not be generated (sqlite3_index_info) ADD_DEFINITIONS( /wd4610 ) # user defined constructor required (sqlite3_index_info) ADD_DEFINITIONS( /wd4706 ) # assignment within conditional expression (pal) ELSE (MSVC) ADD_DEFINITIONS( -Wall -Wno-long-long -Wformat-security -Wno-strict-aliasing ) # Qt produces lots of warnings with strict aliasing (as of Qt 4.4.0 & GCC 4.3) # ADD_DEFINITIONS( -fstrict-aliasing -Wstrict-aliasing=1 ) ENDIF (MSVC) ENDIF (PEDANTIC) IF (CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE MATCHES Debug OR CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE MATCHES RelWithDebInfo) MESSAGE (STATUS "Debug output enabled") ADD_DEFINITIONS(-DQGISDEBUG=1) ENDIF (CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE MATCHES Debug OR CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE MATCHES RelWithDebInfo) ############################################################# # platform specific stuff IF (WIN32) SET (DEFAULT_LIB_SUBDIR lib) SET (DEFAULT_LIBEXEC_SUBDIR .) SET (DEFAULT_DATA_SUBDIR .) SET (DEFAULT_PLUGIN_SUBDIR plugins) SET (DEFAULT_INCLUDE_SUBDIR include) IF (MSVC) SET (DEFAULT_BIN_SUBDIR bin) # put all the build products into a single directory # under build (doesnt affect install target) to make for # easier debugging. #tell msvc compiler to use main instead of winmain as the #application entry point #SET(QT_USE_QTMAIN TRUE) # Turn on defines for non standard maths stuff ADD_DEFINITIONS(-D_USE_MATH_DEFINES) # Turn off deprecation warnings ADD_DEFINITIONS(-D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS) ADD_DEFINITIONS(-D_CRT_NONSTDC_NO_WARNINGS) IF (CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE MATCHES Debug OR CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE MATCHES RelWithDebInfo) MESSAGE (STATUS "Generating browse files") ADD_DEFINITIONS( /FR ) ENDIF (CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE MATCHES Debug OR CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE MATCHES RelWithDebInfo) IF (INSTALL_DEPS) INSTALL(DIRECTORY ${INSTALL_DEPS} DESTINATION .) ENDIF (INSTALL_DEPS) ELSE(MSVC) SET (DEFAULT_BIN_SUBDIR .) ENDIF(MSVC) ELSE (WIN32) IF (APPLE) # for Mac OS X, everything is put inside an application bundle SET (CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${PROJECT_NAME}.app/Contents/MacOS) # path for library references SET (CMAKE_INSTALL_NAME_DIR @executable_path/lib) #this will define ${APP_SERVICES_LIBRARY} FIND_LIBRARY(APP_SERVICES_LIBRARY ApplicationServices ) ENDIF (APPLE) # common for MAC and UNIX SET (DEFAULT_BIN_SUBDIR bin) SET (DEFAULT_LIB_SUBDIR lib${LIB_SUFFIX}) SET (DEFAULT_DATA_SUBDIR share/qgis) SET (DEFAULT_LIBEXEC_SUBDIR lib${LIB_SUFFIX}/qgis) SET (DEFAULT_PLUGIN_SUBDIR lib${LIB_SUFFIX}/qgis/plugins) SET (DEFAULT_INCLUDE_SUBDIR include/qgis) ENDIF (WIN32) #assume we have excaped compiler directives #eventually we want to change this to new #since we don't need to jump through so many #hoops to escape compiler directives then IF(COMMAND cmake_policy) cmake_policy(SET CMP0003 NEW) cmake_policy(SET CMP0005 OLD) ENDIF(COMMAND cmake_policy) IF (WIN32) # expect that classes are being imported # Note: MSVC doesn't like when the macros are quotes # and MSYS doesn't like them unqouted (bacause of braces) IF (MSVC) ADD_DEFINITIONS("-DCORE_EXPORT=__declspec(dllimport)") ADD_DEFINITIONS("-DGUI_EXPORT=__declspec(dllimport)") ADD_DEFINITIONS("-DPYTHON_EXPORT=__declspec(dllimport)") ADD_DEFINITIONS("-DANALYSIS_EXPORT=__declspec(dllimport)") ELSE (MSVC) ADD_DEFINITIONS("\"-DCORE_EXPORT=__declspec(dllimport)\"") ADD_DEFINITIONS("\"-DGUI_EXPORT=__declspec(dllimport)\"") ADD_DEFINITIONS("\"-DPYTHON_EXPORT=__declspec(dllimport)\"") ADD_DEFINITIONS("\"-DANALYSIS_EXPORT=__declspec(dllimport)\"") ENDIF (MSVC) ELSE (WIN32) # other compilers don't use that MSVC construct ADD_DEFINITIONS(-DCORE_EXPORT=) ADD_DEFINITIONS(-DGUI_EXPORT=) ADD_DEFINITIONS(-DPYTHON_EXPORT=) ADD_DEFINITIONS(-DANALYSIS_EXPORT=) ENDIF (WIN32) ############################################################# # user-changeable settings which can be used to customize # layout of QGIS installation # (default values are platform-specific) SET (QGIS_BIN_SUBDIR ${DEFAULT_BIN_SUBDIR} CACHE STRING "Subdirectory where executables will be installed") SET (QGIS_LIB_SUBDIR ${DEFAULT_LIB_SUBDIR} CACHE STRING "Subdirectory where libraries will be installed") SET (QGIS_LIBEXEC_SUBDIR ${DEFAULT_LIBEXEC_SUBDIR} CACHE STRING "Subdirectory where private executables will be installed") SET (QGIS_DATA_SUBDIR ${DEFAULT_DATA_SUBDIR} CACHE STRING "Subdirectory where QGIS data will be installed") SET (QGIS_PLUGIN_SUBDIR ${DEFAULT_PLUGIN_SUBDIR} CACHE STRING "Subdirectory where plugins will be installed") SET (QGIS_INCLUDE_SUBDIR ${DEFAULT_INCLUDE_SUBDIR} CACHE STRING "Subdirectory where header files will be installed") # mark *_SUBDIR variables as advanced as this is not something # that an average user would use MARK_AS_ADVANCED (QGIS_BIN_SUBDIR QGIS_LIB_SUBDIR QGIS_LIBEXEC_SUBDIR QGIS_DATA_SUBDIR QGIS_PLUGIN_SUBDIR QGIS_INCLUDE_SUBDIR) # full paths for the installation SET (QGIS_BIN_DIR ${QGIS_BIN_SUBDIR}) SET (QGIS_LIB_DIR ${QGIS_LIB_SUBDIR}) SET (QGIS_LIBEXEC_DIR ${QGIS_LIBEXEC_SUBDIR}) SET (QGIS_DATA_DIR ${QGIS_DATA_SUBDIR}) SET (QGIS_PLUGIN_DIR ${QGIS_PLUGIN_SUBDIR}) SET (QGIS_INCLUDE_DIR ${QGIS_INCLUDE_SUBDIR}) # manual page - makes sense only on unix systems IF (UNIX) SET (DEFAULT_MANUAL_SUBDIR man) SET (QGIS_MANUAL_SUBDIR ${DEFAULT_MANUAL_SUBDIR} CACHE STRING "Subdirectory where manual files will be installed") MARK_AS_ADVANCED (QGIS_MANUAL_SUBDIR) SET (QGIS_MANUAL_DIR ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${QGIS_MANUAL_SUBDIR}) ENDIF (UNIX) ############################################################# # Python bindings IF (WITH_BINDINGS) # python support: check for interpreter, sip, pyqt4 FIND_PACKAGE(PythonInterp REQUIRED) FIND_PACKAGE(PythonLibrary REQUIRED) FIND_PACKAGE(SIP REQUIRED) FIND_PACKAGE(PyQt4 REQUIRED) INCLUDE(PythonMacros) INCLUDE(SIPMacros) INCLUDE(PyQt4Macros) # setup SIP variables separate_arguments(PYQT4_SIP_FLAGS) # convert space separated values to a list set(SIP_INCLUDES ${PYQT4_SIP_DIR} ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/python) set(SIP_CONCAT_PARTS 4) set(SIP_EXTRA_OPTIONS ${PYQT4_SIP_FLAGS}) IF (NOT BINDINGS_GLOBAL_INSTALL) set(PYTHON_SITE_PACKAGES_DIR ${QGIS_DATA_DIR}/python) ENDIF (NOT BINDINGS_GLOBAL_INSTALL) ENDIF (WITH_BINDINGS) ############################################################# # create qgsconfig.h CONFIGURE_FILE(${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake_templates/ ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/qgsconfig.h) INSTALL(FILES ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/qgsconfig.h DESTINATION ${QGIS_INCLUDE_DIR}) INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}) # Added by Jef to prevent python core and gui libs linking to other qgisCore and qgisGui libs # that may be in the same install prefix LINK_DIRECTORIES(${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/src/core ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/src/gui) ############################################################# # create qgssvnversion.h FIND_FILE(SVN_MARKER entries PATHS ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/.svn) IF (SVN_MARKER) # See if we have svn installed FIND_PROGRAM(SVNVERSION svnversion PATHS c:/cygwin/bin) IF(SVNVERSION) IF(MSVC) ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND( OUTPUT ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/qgssvnversion.h COMMAND for /f usebackq %%a in "(`\"${SVNVERSION}\"`)" do echo \#define QGSSVNVERSION \"%%a\" >${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/qgssvnversion.h MAIN_DEPENDENCY ${SVN_MARKER} WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} ) ELSE(MSVC) ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND( OUTPUT ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/qgssvnversion.h COMMAND echo \\\#define QGSSVNVERSION \\\"`${SVNVERSION}`\\\" >${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/qgssvnversion.h MAIN_DEPENDENCY ${SVN_MARKER} WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} ) ENDIF(MSVC) ELSE(SVNVERSION) MESSAGE(STATUS "svnversion not found - version will be unknown") FILE(WRITE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/qgssvnversion.h "#define QGSSVNVERSION \"unknown\"") ENDIF (SVNVERSION) ELSE (SVN_MARKER) FILE(WRITE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/qgssvnversion.h "#define QGSSVNVERSION \"exported\"") ENDIF (SVN_MARKER) ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET(svnversion ALL DEPENDS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/qgssvnversion.h) ############################################################# # process subdirs SUBDIRS(src doc images resources i18n) IF (WITH_BINDINGS) SUBDIRS (python) ENDIF (WITH_BINDINGS) IF (ENABLE_TESTS) #create a variable to specify where our test data is #so that unit tests can use TEST_DATA_DIR to locate #the test data. See CMakeLists in test dirs for more info SET (TEST_DATA_DIR "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/tests/testdata") SUBDIRS(tests) ENDIF (ENABLE_TESTS) ############################################################# # install stuff INSTALL (FILES AUTHORS CONTRIBUTORS SPONSORS DONORS TRANSLATORS INSTALL CODING DESTINATION ${QGIS_DATA_DIR}/doc) # manual page - makes sense only on unix systems IF (UNIX) INSTALL (FILES qgis.1 qgis_help.1 DESTINATION ${QGIS_MANUAL_DIR}/man1) ENDIF (UNIX) ############################################################# # Uninstall stuff see: CONFIGURE_FILE( "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake_templates/" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/cmake_uninstall.cmake" IMMEDIATE @ONLY) ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET(uninstall "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" -P "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/cmake_uninstall.cmake") ############################################################# # Enable packaging INCLUDE(InstallRequiredSystemLibraries) SET(CPACK_PACKAGE_DESCRIPTION_SUMMARY "Quantum GIS") SET(CPACK_PACKAGE_VENDOR "Open Source Geospatial Foundation") SET(CPACK_PACKAGE_DESCRIPTION_FILE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/README") SET(CPACK_RESOURCE_FILE_LICENSE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/COPYING") SET(CPACK_PACKAGE_INSTALL_DIRECTORY "Quantum GIS ${COMPLETE_VERSION}") IF(WIN32 AND NOT UNIX) # There is a bug in NSI that does not handle full unix paths properly. Make # sure there is at least one set of four (4) backslashes. SET(CPACK_PACKAGE_ICON "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/win_build\\\\sidebar.bmp") SET(CPACK_NSIS_INSTALLED_ICON_NAME "\\\\qgis.exe") SET(CPACK_NSIS_DISPLAY_NAME "${CPACK_PACKAGE_INSTALL_DIRECTORY} Quantum GIS") SET(CPACK_NSIS_HELP_LINK "http:\\\\\\\\") SET(CPACK_NSIS_URL_INFO_ABOUT "http:\\\\\\\\") SET(CPACK_NSIS_CONTACT "") SET(CPACK_NSIS_MODIFY_PATH ON) # SET(CPACK_NSIS_EXTRA_INSTALL_COMMANDS " !include \\\"${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}\\\\win_build\\\\extra.nsh\\\"") ELSE(WIN32 AND NOT UNIX) #SET(CPACK_STRIP_FILES "Quantum GIS") #SET(CPACK_SOURCE_STRIP_FILES "") ENDIF(WIN32 AND NOT UNIX) SET(CPACK_PACKAGE_EXECUTABLES "qgis" "QGIS") INCLUDE(CPack)