Dialog Qt::NonModal 0 0 373 435 Generate Random Points true 0 0 Input Boundary Layer false Minimum distance between points false Sample Size 9 75 true Unstratified Sampling Design (Entire layer) Use this number of points true true 1 9999 9 75 true Stratified Sampling Design (Individual polygons) Use this number of points false 1 9999 Use this density of points false 4 0.000100000000000 0.000100000000000 0.000100000000000 Use value from input field false 0 0 Output Shapefile true Browse 24 Qt::AlignCenter true Qt::Horizontal QDialogButtonBox::Close|QDialogButtonBox::Ok buttonBox_2 accepted() Dialog accept() 133 408 215 290 buttonBox_2 rejected() Dialog close() 59 408 132 239 rdoUnstratified toggled(bool) spnUnstratified setEnabled(bool) 102 161 218 164 rdoStratified toggled(bool) spnStratified setEnabled(bool) 101 219 247 223 rdoField toggled(bool) cmbField setEnabled(bool) 150 280 219 281 chkMinimum toggled(bool) spnMinimum setEnabled(bool) 172 74 260 80 rdoDensity toggled(bool) spnDensity setEnabled(bool) 96 251 221 254