Create a New Spatialite Layer

You can use this dialog to create a new Spatialite database and/or an empty Spatialite layer for editing. See below for an explanation of the dialog inputs.


Choose the database from the drop-down list. This list is created from your saved Spatialite connections. If you don't have a saved connection or want to create a new database, click on the button () to the right of the drop-down.

Layer name

Enter a name for the layer you want to create. The name should be one word. You can use underscores in the name if you like.

Geometry column

Enter a name for the geometry column or accept the default.


Choose the type of layer you want to create.


Enter the EPSG number for the spatial reference id (SRID). By default the SRID for WGS 84 is filled in for you. Click on button to change the coordinate reference system of the layer if needed. The SRID must exist within the spatial_ref_sys in your Spatialite database. You can search for the SRID using partial matches on both name and SRID.

Create an Autoincrementing Primary Key

Clicking this checkbox will add a primary key to the new layer. This key field will be autoincrementing, meaning you don't have to enter a value for it when adding features to the attribute table of the layer.

New attribute

Add the desired attributes by clicking on the button after you have specified a name and type for the attribute. Only real, integer, and string attributes are supported.
Width and precision are irrelevant in a Spatialite database so you do not have to specify these.

Attributes list

In this section you can see the list of attributes. To delete one of them, click on it and choose button.

Click on to create the layer and close the dialog. Clicking also creates the layer, but keeps the dialog open, thereby allowing you to create more similar layers. will close the layer without further changes.