QgsProjectPropertiesBase 0 0 536 713 Project Properties true true 0 General Title and colors Project title Descriptive project name Default project title Selection color pbnSelectionColour Qt::Horizontal QSizePolicy::Expanding 40 20 100 0 Background color pbnCanvasColor Qt::Horizontal 40 20 100 0 Map units 11 11 11 11 Meters true Feet Decimal degrees Precision Automatically sets the number of decimal places in the mouse position display The number of decimal places that are used when displaying the mouse position is automatically set to be enough so that moving the mouse by one pixel gives a change in the position display Automatic true Sets the number of decimal places to use for the mouse position display Sets the number of decimal places to use for the mouse position display Manual The number of decimal places for the manual option The number of decimal places for the manual option 0 0 decimal places 0 0 Digitizing Enable topological editing Avoid intersections of new polygons Snapping options... Coordinate Reference System (CRS) 3 11 3 11 Enable 'on the fly' CRS transformation Qt::Horizontal QDialogButtonBox::Apply|QDialogButtonBox::Cancel|QDialogButtonBox::Help|QDialogButtonBox::NoButton|QDialogButtonBox::Ok QgsColorButton QToolButton
QgsProjectionSelector QWidget
titleEdit pbnSelectionColour pbnCanvasColor radMeters radFeet radDecimalDegrees radAutomatic radManual spinBoxDP mEnableTopologicalEditingCheckBox mAvoidIntersectionsCheckBox mSnappingOptionsPushButton cbxProjectionEnabled tabWidget buttonBox radManual clicked(bool) spinBoxDP setEnabled(bool) 229 280 416 286 radManual clicked(bool) textLabel3 setEnabled(bool) 240 281 583 290 radAutomatic clicked(bool) spinBoxDP setDisabled(bool) 100 290 395 285 radAutomatic clicked(bool) textLabel3 setDisabled(bool) 87 284 589 285