# makefile to convert figures into eps format for the book # Comments from Michel Wurtz: # You will notice that the list given is the list of targets. "all" just # refer to this list. The most important rule is the next rule, that give # the generic rule for transforming a .fig into a .eps file. Note the use # of % (define the couple target:source) and the use of # $< (source postfix, here .fig) and $@ (target postfix, here .eps) # with .eps extension: # JPG=qgis_icon_new_verylarge.eps\ # nextfile.eps PNG=analysis.eps\ calcgeom.eps\ centroids.eps\ checkgeometry.eps\ clip.eps\ conversion.eps\ datamanagement.eps\ define.eps\ dissolve.eps\ dynamicbuffer.eps\ erase.eps\ extractnodes.eps\ fieldstats.eps\ ftoolslogo2.eps\ ftoolslogo.eps\ geoprocessing.eps\ help.eps\ intersectlines.eps\ intersect.eps\ joinattr.eps\ listunique.eps\ meancoords.eps\ multiconvex.eps\ multitosingle.eps\ nearestneigh.eps\ pointdistance.eps\ pointpoly.eps\ polystolines.eps\ project.eps\ random.eps\ randompoints.eps\ regularpoints.eps\ remove.eps\ sampling.eps\ selectlocation.eps\ selectsubset.eps\ simplify.eps\ singletomulti.eps\ spatialjoin.eps\ sumlines.eps\ symdiff.eps\ union.eps\ vectorgrid.eps\ vectorsplit.eps\ ##### TARGETS ##### all: $(PNG) $(JPG) if [ ! -d ../finalpix/ ]; then mkdir ../finalpix; fi #do not use move (mv): # cp *.eps ../finalpix/ cp *.png ../finalpix/ #$(EPS): %.eps: %.fig # fig2dev -L eps $< > $@ #$(FIGPNG): %.png: %.fig # fig2dev -L png -m 2 $< > $@ $(PNG): %.eps: %.png # Workaround for PDF #convert -geometry 300x -depth 1 $< $@ # convert $< $@ $(JPG): %.eps: %.jpg # Workaround for PDF #convert -geometry 300x -depth 1 $< $@ # convert $< $@ clean: rm -f *.bak *~ *.pdf $(PNG) $(JPG)