# Stephan Holl , 2010 # Makefile .SUFFIXES: .dvi .tex .jpg .eps .ps .fig .pdf .html .tif LATEX = xelatex PDFLATEX = xelatex MAKE = make APPENDIX = $(wildcard appendices/*.tex) INCLUDES = conventions.tex \ core_plugins.tex \ external_plugins.tex \ features_at_a_glance.tex \ foreword.tex \ getting_started.tex \ grass_integration.tex \ help_and_support.tex \ index.tex \ introduction.tex \ literature.tex \ other_core_plugins.tex \ plugins.tex \ plugins_coordinate_capture.tex \ plugins_decorations.tex \ plugins_delimited_text.tex \ plugins_dxf2shape_converter.tex \ plugins_evis.tex \ plugins_ftools.tex \ plugins_gdaltools.tex \ plugins_georeferencer.tex \ plugins_gps.tex \ plugins_interpolation.tex \ plugins_mapserver_export.tex \ plugins_ogr_converter.tex \ plugins_openstreetmap.tex \ plugins_oracle_raster.tex \ plugins_quick_print.tex \ plugins_raster_algebra.tex \ plugins_raster_terrain.tex \ plugins_table_manager.tex \ preamble.tex \ print_composer.tex \ qgis_style.tex \ title.tex \ toc.tex \ working_with_ogc.tex \ working_with_projections.tex \ working_with_raster.tex \ working_with_vector.tex TARGET = user_guide IMAGES = all: $(INCLUDES) $(APPENDIX) $(MAKE) $(TARGET).pdf %.eps: %.jpg convert jpg:$*.jpg eps:$*.eps %.eps: %.fig fig2dev -L ps -p dummy_arg -z A4 $*.fig > $*.ps %.dvi: %.tex $(LATEX) $*.tex && $(LATEX) $*.tex %.ps: %.dvi dvips -R0 -o $*.ps $*.dvi %.pdf: %.tex $(INCLUDES) $(APPENDIX) $(PDFLATEX) $*.tex $*.pdf && bibtex $(TARGET) && makeindex -cl -o $(TARGET).ind $(TARGET).idx && $(PDFLATEX) $*.tex $*.pdf && $(PDFLATEX) $*.tex $*.pdf # To add bibliography you need manually run at the moment # pdflatex user_guide.tex # bibtex user_guide # makeindex -cl -o user_guide.ind user_guide.idx # pdflatex user_guide.tex # pdflatex user_guide.tex %.tif: %.pdf gs -sDEVICE=tiffg3 -sPapersize=a4 -dNOPAUSE -q -sOutputFile=$*.tif $*.pdf -c quit clean: rm -f *.log *.lox *.lof *.toa *.lot *.toc *.aux *.out *.bbl *.blg *.ps WARNINGS cleanall: rm -f *.log *.ilg *.idx *.ind *.lox *.lof *.toa *.lot *.toc *.aux *.out *.bbl *.blg *.ps *.dvi *.pdf WARNINGS