QgsNewHttpConnectionBase 0 0 619 259 Create a New WMS connection true 9 6 Connection Information Qt::Vertical 0 6 Name txtName URL txtUrl Proxy Host txtProxyHost Proxy Port txtProxyPort Proxy User txtProxyUser Proxy Password txtProxyPass 7 0 1 0 Your user name for the HTTP proxy (optional) 7 0 1 0 Password for your HTTP proxy (optional) QLineEdit::Password 0 0 Name of the new connection HTTP address of the Web Map Server Name of your HTTP proxy (optional) 7 0 1 0 Port number of your HTTP proxy (optional) 5 0 6 OK true true Cancel true true Help F1 true Qt::Vertical QSizePolicy::Expanding 0 20 qPixmapFromMimeSource Q3GroupBox
txtName txtUrl txtProxyHost txtProxyPort txtProxyUser txtProxyPass btnOk btnCancel btnHelp