QgsOptionsBase 0 0 554 434 QGIS Options true 9 6 &Appearance 9 6 &Splash screen 9 6 Hide splash screen at startup &Icon Theme 9 6 <b>Note: </b>Theme changes take effect the next time QGIS is started Qt::AlignVCenter 0 5 0 0 Theme cmbTheme false Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Default Map Appearance (Overridden by project properties) 9 6 Background Color: pbnCanvasColor 10 22 Selection Color: pbnSelectionColour Appearance 9 6 Capitalise layer name Qt::Vertical 20 40 &Rendering 9 6 Qt::Vertical 20 40 Anti-aliasing 9 6 Make lines appear less jagged at the expense of some drawing performance Initial Visibility 9 6 By default new la&yers added to the map should be displayed &Update during drawing 9 6 features Map display will be updated (drawn) after this many features have been read from the data source 1000000 1000 Update display after reading spinBoxUpdateThreshold (Set to 0 to not update the display until all features have been read) &Selection && Measuring 9 6 Qt::Vertical 20 40 Measure tool 9 6 Ellipsoid for distance calculations: cmbEllipsoid Search radius 9 6 <html> <b>Note:</b> Specify the value in thousandths. The search radius is calculated as:<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;<i>(Map View Width) * ( Value/1000.0)</i> <br> By default QGIS uses a value of 5. Increase the value if you have trouble identifying features without zooming in very close. </html> true 100 1 Search Radius for Identifying Features spinBoxIdentifyValue Pro&jection 9 6 Qt::Vertical 51 31 Select Global Default ... When layer is loaded that has no projection information 9 6 Prompt for projection. Project wide default projection will be used. Global default projection displa&yed below will be used. Help &Browser 9 6 Qt::Vertical 20 40 <b>Note:</b> The browser must be in your PATH or you can specify the full path above true 21 21 ... true epiphany firefox mozilla-firefox galeon konqueror mozilla opera Open help documents with cmbBrowser 0 6 Qt::Horizontal QSizePolicy::Expanding 20 20 &Ok Alt+O true true &Cancel true tabWidget btnFindBrowser cbxHideSplash cmbTheme pbnSelectionColour pbnCanvasColor spinBoxUpdateThreshold chkAddedVisibility chkAntiAliasing spinBoxIdentifyValue cmbEllipsoid radPromptForProjection radUseProjectProjection radUseGlobalProjection txtGlobalWKT pbnSelectProjection cmbBrowser buttonOk buttonCancel