#################################################################### # Qmake project file for QGIS plugin # This file is used by qmake to generate the Makefiles for building # the QGIS copyright plugin on Windows # $Id$ #################################################################### TEMPLATE = app # config for standalone mode CONFIG += qt rtti thread release #CONFIG += qt rtti thread debug console # for icon file under windows # see http://www.qiliang.net/qt/appicon.html#1 RC_FILE = omguistandalone.rc DEFINES+=_WINDOWS DEFINES+=CORE_DLL_IMPORT #inc path for standalone app: INCLUDEPATH += . INCLUDEPATH += $(GDAL)\include INCLUDEPATH += $(OM_HOME)\src\inc INCLUDEPATH += $(OM_HOME)\src\inc\serialization INCLUDEPATH += $(OM_HOME)\console #libs for standalone mode LIBS += $(GDAL)\lib\gdal_i.lib DESTDIR = c:\dev\cpp\qgis_win32\win_build contains( CONFIG, debug ) { LIBS += $(OM_HOME)\lib\debug\libopenmodeller.lib TARGET = omgui_debug } else { LIBS += $(OM_HOME)\lib\libopenmodeller.lib TARGET = omgui } #used by both plugin and exe HEADERS += list.hh \ occurrences_file.hh \ openmodellergui.h \ openmodellerguibase.ui.h \ omguimain.h \ omguimainbase.ui.h \ imagewriter.h \ layerselector.h \ request_file.hh INTERFACES += openmodellerguibase.ui omguimainbase.ui layerselectorbase.ui SOURCES += main.cpp \ list.cpp \ occurrences_file.cpp \ openmodellergui.cpp \ omguimain.cpp \ imagewriter.cpp \ layerselector.cpp \ request_file.cpp # ------------------------------------------- # check for GDAL include and lib files # ------------------------------------------- !exists( $$(GDAL)\include\gdal.h ) { message( "Could not find GDAL include files." ) message( "Check whether the GDAL environment variable is set correctly. ") message( "Current value: GDAL=$$(GDAL)" ) error ( "GDAL include files are missing." ) } !exists( $$(GDAL)\lib\gdal_i.lib ) { message( "Could not find GDAL library file." ) message( "Check whether the GDAL environment variable is set correctly. ") message( "Current value: GDAL=$$(GDAL)" ) error ( "GDAL library file is missing." ) } # ------------------------------------------- # check for OM include and lib files # ------------------------------------------- !exists( $$(OM_HOME)\src\inc\om_control.hh ) { message( "Could not find OpenModeller include files." ) message( "Check whether the OM_HOME env. variable is set correctly. ") message( "Current value: OM_HOME=$$(OM_HOME)" ) error ( "OpenModeller include files are missing." ) } !exists( $$(OM_HOME)\lib\libopenmodeller.lib ) { message( "Could not find OpenModeller library file." ) message( "Check whether the OM_HOME env. variable is set correctly. ") message( "Current value: OM_HOME=$$(OM_HOME)" ) error ( "OpenModeller library file is missing." ) } # -------------------------------------------