# Find Expat # ~~~~~~~~~~ # Copyright (c) 2007, Martin Dobias # Redistribution and use is allowed according to the terms of the BSD license. # For details see the accompanying COPYING-CMAKE-SCRIPTS file. # # CMake module to search for Expat library # (library for parsing XML files) # # If it's found it sets EXPAT_FOUND to TRUE # and following variables are set: # EXPAT_INCLUDE_DIR # EXPAT_LIBRARY # FIND_PATH and FIND_LIBRARY normally search standard locations # before the specified paths. To search non-standard paths first, # FIND_* is invoked first with specified paths and NO_DEFAULT_PATH # and then again with no specified paths to search the default # locations. When an earlier FIND_* succeeds, subsequent FIND_*s # searching for the same item do nothing. FIND_PATH(EXPAT_INCLUDE_DIR expat.h "$ENV{LIB_DIR}/include/" "$ENV{LIB_DIR}/include/expat" c:/msys/local/include NO_DEFAULT_PATH ) FIND_PATH(EXPAT_INCLUDE_DIR expat.h) #libexpat needed for msvc version FIND_LIBRARY(EXPAT_LIBRARY NAMES expat libexpat PATHS "$ENV{LIB_DIR}/lib" c:/msys/local/lib NO_DEFAULT_PATH ) FIND_LIBRARY(EXPAT_LIBRARY NAMES expat libexpat) IF (EXPAT_INCLUDE_DIR AND EXPAT_LIBRARY) SET(EXPAT_FOUND TRUE) ENDIF (EXPAT_INCLUDE_DIR AND EXPAT_LIBRARY) IF (EXPAT_FOUND) IF (NOT EXPAT_FIND_QUIETLY) MESSAGE(STATUS "Found Expat: ${EXPAT_LIBRARY}") ENDIF (NOT EXPAT_FIND_QUIETLY) ELSE (EXPAT_FOUND) IF (EXPAT_FIND_REQUIRED) MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "Could not find Expat") ELSE (EXPAT_FIND_REQUIRED) IF (NOT EXPAT_FIND_QUIETLY) MESSAGE(STATUS "Could not find Expat") ENDIF (NOT EXPAT_FIND_QUIETLY) ENDIF (EXPAT_FIND_REQUIRED) ENDIF (EXPAT_FOUND)