/** Catalogue of point symbols */ class QgsMarkerCatalogue : QObject /NoDefaultCtors/ { %TypeHeaderCode #include %End public: //! Destructor ~QgsMarkerCatalogue(); //! Access to canonical QgsMarkerCatalogue instance static QgsMarkerCatalogue *instance(); /**List of available markers*/ QStringList list(); /** Returns pixmap of the marker * \param fullName full name, e.g. hard:circle, svg:/home/usr1/marker1.svg */ QImage imageMarker (QString fullName, int size, QPen pen, QBrush brush, double opacity ); /** Returns qpicture of the marker * \param fullName full name, e.g. hard:circle, svg:/home/usr1/marker1.svg */ QPicture pictureMarker (QString fullName, int size, QPen pen, QBrush brush, double opacity ); /** Returns a pixmap given a file name of a svg marker * NOTE: this method needs to be public static for QgsMarkerDialog::visualizeMarkers */ static void svgMarker (QPainter * thepPainter, QString name, int size ); public slots: // reload the symbols // added in 1.2 void refreshList(); signals: // symbols were reloaded // added in 1.2 void markersRefreshed(); };