QgsSpitBase 0 0 695 520 0 0 SPIT - Shapefile to PostGIS Import Tool true 9 6 Qt::Horizontal QDialogButtonBox::Cancel|QDialogButtonBox::Help|QDialogButtonBox::Ok PostgreSQL connections 200 0 Connect to PostGIS Connect to PostGIS Connect Create a new PostGIS connection Create a new PostGIS connection New Edit the current PostGIS connection Edit the current PostGIS connection Edit Remove the current PostGIS connection Remove the current PostGIS connection Remove Import options and shapefile list Geometry column name txtGeomName Set the geometry column name to the default value Set the geometry column name to the default value Use default geometry column name SRID spinSrid -1 1000000000 -1 Set the SRID to the default value Set the SRID to the default value Use default SRID Primary key column name txtPrimaryKeyName Global schema cmbSchema 200 24 false QAbstractItemView::MultiSelection QAbstractItemView::SelectRows Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Add a shapefile to the list of files to be imported Add a shapefile to the list of files to be imported Add Remove the selected shapefile from the import list Remove the selected shapefile from the import list Remove Remove all the shapefiles from the import list Remove all the shapefiles from the import list Remove All cmbConnections btnConnect btnNew btnEdit btnRemove txtGeomName chkUseDefaultGeom spinSrid chkUseDefaultSrid txtPrimaryKeyName cmbSchema tblShapefiles btnAddFile btnRemoveFile btnRemoveAll buttonBox