The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

Team Call 2013-08-23

Last saved by Ian Edwards on August 25, 2013

Attendees: addy, jo, jeremy, matt, rollo, suchith, abi,claire,barry,ian
Apologies: Barend, Antony

Outstanding action points from last week are in italics below

Numbers as of 23/8
Delegates: 130 icebreaker /632 thurs / 632 gala /633 fri / 635 sat
Map Gallery: 37 (30) submissions

Update on Promo Items (Jo):

Booklet Update (Abi):
Final proof on basecamp - deadline for printers a week today
Action - EVERYONE - look at the booklet asap

Lanyards (Abi):
proof on basecamp - deadline for printers a week today
Barry will test how the clip will work - Jo arranging sample
trouble getting the session title on, but could get the URI on, but will have to chat to Barry about this

Volunteers (Abi):

What's happening about soundtracks, videos, etc.? Anything?

Logistics / Venue / Marquee (Jeremy, Barry)
Current request to Field & Lawn for marquee fixtures & fittings - awaiting confirmation, estimated mid-next week (due to holidays & people being out on site)
  • Carpet colour - dark green
  • Sockets - we need 26 doubles (13 along each long side of marquee) or 52 singles plus the extra power on the stage. [25th Aug: Layout shows 23 doubles (or 46 singles) + stage power]
  • Chairs 100
  • Tressle tables 10-12 (depends on how many chairs per table) [25th Aug: 17 tables, 100 chairs]
  • Stage should be approx 10m x 3m x 1m high
  • Projector screen approx 4m x 2m high (please advise nearest size available)
  • Projector either hung from ridge or lighting gantry with VGA cable run to the side of the stage (please leave some slack)
  • Quote for the PA including the possibility of some extra speakers half way down the marquee
  • Confirmation of the latest date for ordering heating/ventilation

Rooms - open issues:

Sunday workshops  

  • Deliveries can be sent to the Nottingham Geospatial Building (if arriving before 14th) & will be held in our stores. 
  • When arranging a delivery, it's worth checking with Suchith or Jeremy who to direct the package to. Usual admin people who can accept deliveries are Lukasz Bonenberg, Sean Ince or Alison Mellor.

Side meetings:

- OL3 sprint: assigned to Humanities A3 on Wednesday. Need to confirm any additional requirements, particularly 'net access
- MetOffice private telecon, Humanities A1 on Wednesday 11-1: allocated, need to confirm outgoing UK line.
- OGC Board meeting in Humanities A1 on Thursday: need to book porters to arrange room; need to book catering; confirm that telephony sorted; make sure white board pens available.
- Conference phone booked at least for Weds/Thurs (17/18) but to confirm
Projectors, screens etc.: any updates? Addy, Suchith Addy to supply 1, Suchith to try and get at least one. Plus AGI have 2. JM to speak to venue about this.
De Vere invoice:  status of payment? Claire, will be paid or has been paid. CG to chase.
Signage (Antony) - meeting on tuesday to finalise this
  • Banners ordered - one for gallery, one for GeoCamp

  • Popups (6) and aero flags (4) ordered

  • Other items (eg for front of reg desk and plinth) to be ordered
  • Directional arrows and small signs to be printed/laminated by us

  • All will be delivered to Lukasz Bonenberg at NGI

t-shirts (Rollo)

  • ordered and paid for! Awaiting art work


  • Any issues? No Issues!
  • Nerds need accommodation - a room each for Thursday night - I've asked Claire to arrange a room in the hotel if possible [BSR]
  • Need to confirm that we can meet Chris Conway's PA requirements (see posting under Gala Night) Should be ok, but needs checked JM to check what Field and Lawn come back with.
  • Addy to email Claire to book room for Mike Parker
  • Reminder to sign up for the dog track if you want it. JM to check numbers.


  • Workshops - open issue is to check that (hopefully) everyone is planning to run from Live DVD and not off local login. Will need to get temporary user account requests in asap for participants at any workshop needing a login - particularly awkward for the free workshops?  (There's at least one workshop that wants to use a self-contained package of Windows executables. Still to confirm that this will work).  Matt looking at a few of the issues and checking with the workshop organisers about their expectations. Matt has a spreadsheet that has the details, will share this through GoogleDocs. Not too horrendous. Then hit IS in 1 go rather than drip-drip. Last minute temp logins.
  • Any changes to prog will not be in the booklet, they will be on the erratum board.

Sponsors banners

we have to be careful about allowing some sponsors to put up lots of banners. SF is coordinating this

Weekly mailings (to be sent by? Note comments from SF below)

  • - AGI discount option for FOSS4G delegates to GeoCom - text to be supplied by AGI for inclusion into email

    1. Mention code sprites (Openlayers 3 on Wednesday and whatever is going on sunday) forward to Abi

    2. AGI discount for FOSS4G (Chris tasked to draft something) Chris to forward Abi

    3. Sponsor x-over and sponsor opportunities still there for geocomm (make sure we are clear about the timing of these things - direct them to barrys overview page)
    4. Android App - barry to do a webpage that will point to the app. 
  • Sponsors
  • AOB
  • Next meeting 23/8 (Steven away) Someone may want to send an email, but please please please copy the delegates email addresses into the Bcc field!!  If you really really need SF, txt him. But only as a last resort.
  • Addy and Jo to catch up with each other about the icebreaker quiz. This will be shared on Google docs. If you want to take part, dont cheat.
  • OSGeo booth - no action. IE to take discussion forward on list but to be explicit that all of us will be too busy during event to run a stand. [25th Aug: Sent to discuss, board and foss4g2103 lists]


Rollo Home on August 21, 2013:

Created ahead of next call on Friday - added item for weekly mailing list to be discussed.

Jeremy Morley on August 23, 2013:

Oh, sorry, missed this Rollo!  I presume that those of us who are available will gather for a call at 2pm.  I'll copy the meeting details in here as usual.

Barry Rowlingson on August 23, 2013:

Will be there.

Jeremy Morley on August 23, 2013:

Usual details -

Details of login for people who manage to get lost in webex (and that is a very very easy place to get lost): 

1. Go to… 
2. If requested, enter your name and email address. 
3. If a password is required, enter the meeting password: met5724foss4g 
4. Click "Join".  

You may have to search for the conference if it doesn't appear - select unlisted meetings from the right hand side menu, enter the meeting number 848 738 248. Then fill in your details and the pw = met5724foss4g and you are in! 

Easy peasy really, don't you love webex? But thanks to Ian E and the Met Office for making it available

To view in other time zones or languages, please click the link:… 

To join the audio conference only 
To receive a call back, provide your phone number when you join the meeting, or call the number below and enter the access code. 
UK - Toll: +44-20-310-64804 
Global call-in numbers:… 

Access code:848 738 248 

Jo Cook on August 23, 2013:

I'm around too- can update on promo items orders

Suchith Anand on August 23, 2013:

I will be there but need to leave by 3  to take my son for his eyetest.

Rollo Home on August 23, 2013:

Let's keep it to 1hr.

Jeremy Morley on August 23, 2013:

Just completing a seemingly endless travel booking - I'll be on asap!

Ian Edwards on August 25, 2013:

GeoCamp equipment order (example layout attached) -
- 100 chairs
- 17 tables
- 23 double sockets
- stage power

Note the suggested use two power areas within the marquee floor area (only two locations - set up as clusters)

Ian Edwards on August 25, 2013:

p.s. Square or rectangular tables please - in case we need to join tables together

Mark Iliffe on August 25, 2013:

I thought we were going for round tables for Cabaret style tables (we
discussed it on the team call two weeks ago) ???. In any case, there are
more important things to worry about the type of tables and chairs!

Claire Gilmour on August 25, 2013:

Is this layout ok to be sent to Hawthorns who are providing the electrics now?

Ian Edwards on August 25, 2013:

Claire - I'm happy with it unless anyone wants to suggest changes.
Mark - it's not my preference, I'm just passing on the message and trying to sign off all the items that I've been told are important. This one was raised on conf call with Jeremy back in June by our event manager who was insistent at the time. If you'd prefer me to feedback to her that round is more appropriate for the rest of the event then let me know. Or I can put the two of you in touch to discuss.

Jeremy Morley on August 25, 2013:

Look, I'm on the end of a piece of string from an airport hotel with some analysis and a presentation to finish for tomorrow afternoon. It still feels like there are two parallel sets of conversations going on about all this.

My understanding was definitely that we were going for square/rectangular tables for their reconfigurability.

I see the annotations in the minutes/agenda above relating to different specifications (more tables, etc.). That's all very well but ignores the fact that the non-bold stuff is what F&L have gone away to quote on, and they'd need another round with their suppliers to change the quote. Why do we need the different specification? Who added these notes, please?

Hawthorns: I still have no idea how they relate to F&L and whether there are, as it seems, two parallel conversations going on about electrics, or whether this is being coordinated. Can we please hold off talking to Hawthorns until Kate is back after the bank holiday and we understand who we should be talking to?

Mark: in fact, this stuff is important now. With less than a month to go we do need to finalise this level of detail this week, I'd say.


Claire Gilmour on August 25, 2013:

Re Hawthorns - we have already signed up to use them.  At the start of the process we had a tel con with F&L and Hawthorns so everyone knew what was happening.

Lets see what Kate says when she is back next week.

Suchith Anand on August 30, 2013:

Hi all, i wont be able to attend today's  meeting as i will be travelling back from ICC 2013 at that time .

Ian Edwards on August 30, 2013:

Any news on the Hallward Library access issue and booting from USB?

Matt Walker on August 30, 2013:

I also will not be able to make today's call.

There has been a lot of activity on workshops recently mainly around Jo and I contacting workshop organisers to ensure we understand their technical requirements. The majority are using OSGeo-Live DVD / USB or a customised version base on OSGeo-Live. There are a handful that require further discussion which is ongoing.

I've updated the presenter info with general workshop facilities info:

I posted a reminder about code sprints to the discuss and foss4g lists last night. 

@Jeremy / @Jo it would be good if we could have a brief call at the start of next week to catch-up and discuss any outstanding issues on tech requirements. How about Monday afternoon?

Antony Scott on August 30, 2013:

Sorry, I can't make the call this pm either. Update on venue signage (see also Google doc