The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

SoTM Meeting

Posted by Mark Iliffe on April 1, 2013

On Saturday I met with Henk Hoff (OSMF President), Floris Looijesteijn (OSMF SoTM Lead) and the SoTM Birmingham LOC. It became very apparent early on that they're planning to operate this year's SoTM on a shoestring budget (around £60-70 conference fee + accommodation).

With regards to a 'Map Session' it's interesting to them however they are still working on getting a call for papers out. Something I will follow up on. They are very keen to use our sponsors to garner more sponsorship, especially the OS. Thoughts and implications of this?


Rollo Home on April 2, 2013:

In regard to the Map Session, that's good to know. I was under the impression that they were already putting things in place. As they're clearly not, then we can progress and invite them to join in where we can accommodate it. Thanks.